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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It’s a fact Pfizer was conducting human trials on the vaccine over a month before the orange turd announced Operation Warp Speed. That isn’t spin but a matter of public record. You go the Orwellian route here as usual when the facts are contrary to Trump revisionism.

It's a fact that Fauci and other leaders of both the CDC and these pharmaceutical companies said producing a vaccine in a year or less was a virtual impossibility (they estimated 2 to 3 years, at best), and clearly it was Trump's pressure on them that made it happen. It;s a fact that Trump, months in advance of the vaccine's availability (a week after the Nov 3 2020 election, with clear delay for political reasons, to not bolster Trump), arranged in advance the vaccine's production and distribution, in partnership between the CDC, private-sector pharmaceutical companies, and the U.S. military to expedite mass availability of the vaccine nationwide as soon as possible. And that all these logistics were put in place well before Biden was inaugurated on Jan 20th. That Biden himself received his two vaccines on Dec 21st and Jan 12th. You nitpick about a minor detail of the massive effort, attempting to steal credit from Trump, to try and give that credit to someone else, ANYONE else. It was Trump who pushed the urgency, no one else. Pharmaceutical companies and CDC and NIH resisted that urgency.

Without Trump as president, we would have been Italy, France and Spain, who suffered enormous unnecessary Covid-death casualties, and had to "triage" overwhelmed medical resources. Because of Trump, the U.S. was spared from that.

Trump saved us from that, both with his initial bans on travel from China and Europe, and in expediting creation and distribution of the vaccine. With incompetent Biden as president, even if the vaccine had been invented in the same timeframe, he would not have had the foresight to organize its rapid distribution, and the vaccine would not have been available for another 6 months or a year. I again refer you to Biden chief of staff Ron Klain's admission of their utter helplessness during the Swine Flu pandemic. You're seeing similar examples of thie incometence in the skyrocketing price of gas, the extension of money to workers preventing them from going to work EVEN AFTER the Covid-19 crisis has passed, giving billions to Iran that were immediately used to fire roughly 5,000 missiles into Israel and sparking another war, and the record waves of illegals overwhelming our border. On every front, Biden's incompetence is on full display.

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You making hypothetical claims as fact is about as factual as your previous untrue claim that “Trump created the vaccine”. Trump’s “leadership” on the pandemic made Joe Biden President by over 7 million votes plus an electoral landslide (using Trump definition when he lost the popular vote the first time but won electorally).

Fair play!
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You making hypothetical claims as fact is about as factual as your previous untrue claim that “Trump created the vaccine”. Trump’s “leadership” on the pandemic made Joe Biden President by over 7 million votes plus an electoral landslide (using Trump definition when he lost the popular vote the first time but won electorally).

What Ron Klain said on video is fact.
That Obama and Biden (and Klain) were completely unprepared and unable to do anything to fight Swine Flu or push for a vaccine, is a fact.

That Trump pushed for a vaccine, even overcoming the doubts and incompetence of his own CDC (who infected their own lab, delaying by many months creation of a Covid-19 test kit, that when they finally were honest with Trump, Trump went to the private sector to have THEM create a test kit, something Trump could have done sooner if Fauci and Redfield had informed him sooner). That Trump projected a vaccine in 1 year and by pushing got it done in 9 months, that Trump set up manufacturing and distribution of the vaccine even before the vaccine was created, ARE ALL FACTS.

The fact that every audit test of Dominion voting systems in multiple states has demonstrated those machines consistently block out Republican votes and register about 3% or more of Trump votes as Biden votes, IS A FACT.
And as more audits are done, they further support and confirm these facts.

Col. Phil Waldron, an expert in cyber warfare and retired, a computer security expert and consultant, along with many other cyber fraud experts, corporate fraud experts, IT company owners, campaign volunteers, scientists, statisticians, mathematics and probability experts, ALL think Biden's win against Trump followed irregular and impossible mathematical patterns, and that consistently across every state and county 3% of votes were flipped from Trump to Biden. That it was Trump who got 80 million votes, before the vote was rigged. The Antrim County audit repeatedly showed that, as did another audit this week in Pennsylvania.
That up to 10:30 PM on election night, Trump was winning in all the 7 contested states in a landslide. Then the vote counting was stopped, and improbably, almost every vote after went to Biden.
In Atlanta and Detroit the vote-rigging by Democrat campaign workers that resulted in an improbable spike in votes for Biden was VIDEOTAPED !
Judges who have ruled in multiple states to go ahead with audits, and not ruled it unlawful, or baseless "conspiracy theory" (as is the Democrat lying narrative) are a fact.

Those are the facts. Facts suppressed by the FBI and DOJ who refuse to investigate, an FBI who instead intimidates witnesses of election fraud, facts suppressed by Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media, facts suppressed by the mainstream "Biden 2020!!" media, facts suppressed by Democrat officials like Hobbs and the Maricopa County election committee (with the help of corrupt RINO election board members), suppressed facts, but still the facts nonetheless. It's getting harder for your side to suppress the truth. Once Arizona's election audit exposes the level of fraud there, the pressure will be on for all other contested states to do similar audits, and it's already begun in Atlanta and elsewhere.
If the Democrats were not so guilty of election fraud, they would not be fighting like hell to prevent election audits. That's what the votes are legally stored for 2 years to allow for!

Name another election where it took WEEKS to even give the vote-count after a presidential election. I'm 58, and every other election I've seen, the vote totals were complete by 6AM the next morning.
Never has the vote-counting been stopped in any state overnight, let alone SIMULTANEOUSLY STOPPED IN SEVEN STATES!
Even North Carolina, that always had a clear margin for Trump, took EIGHT DAYS to post their complete count of the votes. I think obviously, so Democrat officials could keep it in reserve if further votes and another state needed to be rigged in favor of Biden.
Intimidation of vote observers in all 7 states, clear malice and injection of fraudulent ballots in all 7 states. Illegal immigrant voters, double-voters, under-age voters, people voting in 2 states, people voting under fake names with fake addresses, tens of thousands of dead people voting in multiple states, every kind of election fraud imaginable. And votes that would have been thrown out in previous elections, fraudulent votes that exceeded Biden's "victory margin" by 8 to 40 times in each contested state.

I still find Peter Navarro's written report to be the easiest to read and to present the overwhelming evidence in a format where you can absorb it at your own pace:

In addition to many other reports I've posted here from OAN, and many more I haven't.

Plus the state congressional and senate hearings in each state I've previously linked.
Plus Mike Lindell's "Absolute Proof" and other specials, that are more an overview and an introduction to the mountain of evidence that has come out since Nov 3rd. All available and newsworthy, but scrubbed from the mainstream media and social media. It doesn't fit their narrative.

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You are batshit insane!

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Originally Posted by WB

Originally Posted by iggy
Pointless insults, pure emotion and vindictiveness.
panic aahhh panic aahhh

You have nothing to contribute. Just your usual pettiness and personal attacks.

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You won't listen to anything unless it comes from places like OAN and the My Pillow Guy. Why would I fucking bother?

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Originally Posted by iggy
You won't listen to anything unless it comes from places like OAN and the My Pillow Guy. Why would I fucking bother?

You're such a fucking liar. As my cited links here going back almost 20 years demonstrate, I've quoted the Washington Times, Washington Post, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, and when they occasionally report the truth, New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, and even CNN or Vox, among many others.

Many of the stories on OAN cite facts previously reported by CNN, Washington Post, Politico and other liberal media, and cite how (with the specific example of Dominion voting machines and election fraud) as recently as Dec 2019 reported the actual facts of easily hack-able voting machines, but now pretend that evidence doesn't exist, and that it's just "conspiracy theory" to cite that evidence, that THEY THEMSELVES reported. They, and you, deny their own previously reported FACTS.

You have no point, Iggy, you're just a shithead troll here to antagonize, with no actual point beyond that. You're still a jerk, just like always.

After 10 years of you posting here, I still have no idea what your politics are, what you stand for or believe in. For 10 years here, you stand for nothing, you just troll on others with endless personal insults.
And lately you've deposited yourself up my rectal cavity, for reasons that have to do with your own psychological dysfunction and apoplectic need to vent your rage on someone, me, an anonymous online user, rather than anything I've said.

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You just went insane about liberal media over the use of fucking Gallup so shut your fucking piehole, you dick.

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Originally Posted by iggy
You just went insane about liberal media over the use of fucking Gallup so shut your fucking piehole, you dick.

Your usual factless profanity and insults.

I cited multiple sources and links that detail liberal media bias that extends back at least 50 years.

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
Called it!

There's nothing to call, troll dipshit, it's just a fact.

Media Research Center, "Media Bias 101", citing 50 years of quantifiable liberal media bias

For 50 years, given the categories of "very conservative", "conservative", "neutral", "liberal" or "very liberal", reporters have SELF-IDENTIFIED as "liberal" or "very liberal" consistently at a ratio of 80%, for over 50 years. And even higher since Obam's 2008 campaign, where they abandoned all pretense of objectivity, and became openly liberal/Democrat activists. Becoming even less objective and openly activist in the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011 or so, some of whom reporters were fired for their open bias.

See the book BIAS by Bernard Goldberg, a 30-year self-identified liberal journalist for CBS, who was ostracized from CBS for simply writing a Wall Street Journal editorial opening up the mere question of liberal bias.

See the book LEFT TURN by Tim Groseclose where he also quantifies liberal bias in the media, and despite that he was a tenured college professor when he wrote the book, he too was ostracized and harassed to the point that he left the university (academic bias being if anything worse than liberal media bias.)
Groseclose wrote that the Washington D.C. based liberal media voted in 2008 for Obama at an incredible ratio of 93%, which he points out is a more dense ratio than even the most leftist/Democrat regions of the country in the Boston, MA region, and the Berkeley, CA regions of the country.

And then there's the Harvard study that shows the media reaching 93% anti-Trump coverage:!

And here's Greg Gutfeld iciting in the last month the selective coverage ignoring Biden's failures, and obsessing over Liz Cheney's removal from leadership in the Republican party (i.e., "hey, look at this shiny object over here!" rather than reporting nagative facts about Biden), giving 5 times as much coverage to Liz Cheney's removal, rather than the suicidal destruction of the Untied States on multiple fronts resulting from Biden's policies, such as:
- Biden's resultant catastrophic inflation;
- Biden wastefully subsidizing millions of workers that is stalling the economic recovery with only 250,000 new jobs rather than the expected 1,000,000 new jobs;
- 6 trillion in new debt pushed for by Biden;
- and 171,000-plus illegals and criminals a month flooding across our borders and being secretly moved by Biden untracked and undisclosed to local authorities to every city in America. And the tens of thousands of rapes, murders, deaths, drug trafficking, human trafficking and other crimes, against both illegals and aagainst U.S citizenss that enables.

Press is ok with being unethical if they think they're right = Gutfeld, May 22 2021

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China was preparing for a Third World War with biological weapons - including coronavirus - SIX years ago, according to dossier produced by the People's Liberation Army in 2015 and uncovered by the US State Department (DailyMail)

Chinese scientists have been preparing for a Third World War fought with biological and genetic weapons including coronavirus for the last six years, according to a document obtained by US investigators.
The bombshell paper, accessed by the US State Department, insists they will be 'the core weapon for victory' in such a conflict, even outlining the perfect conditions to release a bioweapon, and documenting the impact it would have on 'the enemy's medical system'.

This latest evidence that Beijing considered the military potential of SARS coronaviruses from as early as 2015 has also raised fresh fears over the cause of Covid-19, with some officials still believing the virus could have escaped from a Chinese lab.
The dossier by People's Liberation Army scientists and health officials, details of which were reported in The Australian, examined the manipulation of diseases to make weapons 'in a way never seen before'.
Senior government figures say it 'raises major concerns' over the intentions of those close to Chinese President Xi Jinping amid growing fears about the country's lack of regulation over its activity in laboratories.

The authors of the document insist that a third world war 'will be biological', unlike the first two wars which were described as chemical and nuclear respectively.
Referencing research which suggested the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan forced them to surrender, and bringing about the end of WWII, they claim bioweapons will be 'the core weapon for victory' in a third world war.

The document also outlines the ideal conditions to release a bioweapon and cause maximum damage.
The scientists say such attacks should not be carried out in the middle of a clear day, as intense sunlight can damage the pathogens, while rain or snow can affect the aerosol particles.

Instead, it should be released at night, or at dawn, dusk, or under cloudy weather, with 'a stable wind that the aerosol can float into the target area'.
Meanwhile, the research also notes thatsuch an attack would result in a surge of patients requiring hospital treatment, which then 'could cause the enemy's medical system to collapse'.

Other concerns include China's 'Gain of Function' research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology - near where the first Covid outbreak was discovered - at which virologists are creating new viruses said to be more transmissible and more lethal.
MP Tom Tugendhat, chairman of the foreign affairs committee, said: 'This document raises major concerns about the ambitions of some of those who advise the top party leadership. Even under the tightest controls these weapons are dangerous.'

Chemical weapons expert Hamish de Bretton-Gordon said: 'China has thwarted all attempts to regulate and police its laboratories where such experimentation may have taken place.'
The revelation from the book What Really Happened in Wuhan was reported yesterday.

The document, New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons, says: 'Following developments in other scientific fields, there have been major advances in the delivery of biological agents.
'For example, the new-found ability to freeze-dry micro-organisms has made it possible to store biological agents and aerosolise them during attacks.'

It has 18 authors who were working at 'high-risk' labs, analysts say.
Australian Strategic Policy ­Institute executive director Peter Jennings also raised concerns over China's biological research into coronaviruses potentially being weaponised in future.

'There is no clear distinction for research capability because whether it's used offensively or defensively is not a decision these scientists would take,' he said.
'If you are building skills ostensibly to protect your military from a biological attack, you're at the same time giving your military a capacity to use these weapons ­offensively. You can't separate the two.'

Intelligence agencies suspect Covid-19 may be the result of an inadvertent Wuhan lab leak. But as yet there is no evidence to suggest it was intentionally released.
Only this week, Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro appeared to strongly criticise China by accusing it of creating Covid to spark a chemical 'warfare.'

The comments were made during a press conference on Wednesday as the hardline leader sought to further distance himself from the growing attacks over his domestic handling of a pandemic that has produced the second-highest death toll in the world.
'It's a new virus. Nobody knows whether it was born in a laboratory or because a human ate some animal they shouldn't have,' Bolsonaro said.

'But it is there. The military knows what chemical, bacteriological and radiological warfare. Are we not facing a new war? Which country has grown its GDP the most? I will not tell you.'
While Bolsonaro did not name China in his speech, data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development showed that China was the only G20 member whose GDP showed a growth during the pandemic in 2020, expanding by 2.3%.

And the World Health Organization chief said as recently as March that all theories on the origins of Covid-19 remained open after reading the WHO-China study – despite the claim the report dismissed the notion that the virus escaped from a lab as 'extremely unlikely'.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said all of the hypotheses are 'on the table' and require further investigation after reading the report from the international experts' mission to Wuhan.
But his comments came just hours after it emerged the report dismissed the lab leak theory and said the transmission of the virus from bats to humans through another animal is the most likely scenario.

The report's release was repeatedly delayed, raising questions about whether the Chinese side was trying to skew the conclusions to prevent blame for the pandemic falling on China.

Critics including ex-President Trump have accused the WHO of parroting Chinese propaganda on the virus since the outbreak was first announced to the world.
The comments by Dr Tedros came after New York Republican Representative Lee Zeldin slammed China for 'covering up to the world the pandemic's origins', while the WHO 'has played along time and time again'.

Meanwhile, Dr Anthony Fauci, President Biden's chief medical adviser, revealed he has 'concerns' over the WHO's controversial fact-finding mission.
Repeated delays in the report's release raised questions about whether the Chinese side was trying to skew its conclusions.

'We've got real concerns about the methodology and the process that went into that report, including the fact that the government in Beijing apparently helped to write it,' U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a recent CNN interview.
China rejected that criticism and accused the US of 'exerting political pressure' on the fact-finding mission experts.

'The US has been speaking out on the report. By doing this, isn't the U.S. trying to exert political pressure on the members of the WHO expert group?' asked Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian.

Scientists studying bat diseases at China's maximum-security laboratory in Wuhan were engaged in a massive project to investigate animal viruses alongside leading military officials – despite their denials of any such links.

Documents obtained by The Mail on Sunday reveal that a nationwide scheme, directed by a leading state body, was launched nine years ago to discover new viruses and detect the 'dark matter' of biology involved in spreading diseases.

One leading Chinese scientist, who published the first genetic sequence of the Covid-19 virus in January last year, found 143 new diseases in the first three years of the project alone.
The fact that such a virus-detection project is led by both civilian and military scientists appears to confirm incendiary claims from the United States alleging collaboration between the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and the country's 2.1 million-strong armed forces.

The scheme's five team leaders include Shi Zhengli, the WIV virologist nicknamed 'Bat Woman' for her trips to find samples in caves, and Cao Wuchun, a senior army officer and government adviser on bioterrorism.

Prof Shi denied the US allegations last month, saying: 'I don't know of any military work at the WIV. That info is incorrect.'

Yet Colonel Cao is listed on project reports as a researcher from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences of the People's Liberation Army, works closely with other military scientists and is director of the Military Biosafety Expert Committee.
Cao, an epidemiologist who studied at Cambridge University, even sits on the Wuhan Institute of Virology's advisory board. He was second-in-command of the military team sent into the city under Major General Chen Wei, the country's top biodefence expert, to respond to the new virus and develop a vaccine.

The US State Department also raised concerns over risky 'gain of function' experiments to manipulate coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab and suggested researchers fell sick with Covid-like symptoms weeks before the outbreak emerged more widely in the Chinese city.
Last month, Britain, the US and 12 other countries criticised Beijing for refusing to share key data and samples after a joint World Health Organisation and Chinese study into the pandemic's origins dismissed a lab leak as 'extremely unlikely'.

Filippa Lentzos, a biosecurity expert at King's College London, said the latest disclosures fitted 'the pattern of inconsistencies' coming from Beijing.

'They are still not being transparent with us,' she said. 'We have no hard data on the pandemic origins, whether it was a natural spill-over from animals or some kind of accidental research-related leak, yet we're unable to get straight answers and that simply does not inspire confidence.'

[ MUCH more at link ]

I often see things reported in the British press, that are selectively ignored by media in the U.S., that apparently doesn't fit their narrative.

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A leading voice in Communist China has advised Beijing to bomb Australia and bring “disaster” should Canberra support US military action.

Australia is the one nation outside the U.S. that vigorously pushed China to fully disclose records about the outbreak of Covid-19 in China, before it spread tot he rest of the world. Which China and the China-subservient WHO have not done, and have strongly resisted.
China has for about a year cut off a lot of wine and other Australian products they previously purchased, to punish and intimidate Australia for even raising the subject.

That's in addition to recent threats by China to Nepal, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Phillipines, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Biden: "China is not an enemy, they're a rival. Helping China grow is helping ourselves." -May 2, 2019
Biden: "China is going to eat our lunch?!? . C'mon Man! They're not bad folks, folks..." - May 7, 2019

Lou Dobbs with Fred Fleitz, in factual correction of that complacency - May 2, 2019

Even 2 years ago, pre-Covid-19 pandemic, we knew China was a threat, and that Biden was on the take and completely compromised regarding China.

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15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

Trump was really licking China’s balls there! And our trade deficit got larger.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

Trump was really licking China’s balls there! And our trade deficit got larger.

And rather than deal with the articles and issues I raised, M E M just goes right back into anti-Trump spin propaganda. As I said the last dozen times you fronted this narrative, Trump was exerting diplomacy with China during the worst months of the crisis, where we were completely dependent on China for PPE, rubbing alcohol, and over 90% of our prescription drugs, that China had openly threatened to cut off supplies and engulf the U.S. in "a mighty sea of coronavirus".

You dig to selectively find 15 times Trump made diplomatic friendly remarks to China, while Trump gave them nothing, there are hundreds of speeches and press conferences where Trump railed on China as a threat, and rightly blamed them for deliberately unleashing the virus they could have contained, but willfully let flights out of China that spread it to every nation on earth.

And Joe Biden (as Hunter Biden's laptop confirms) is the most treasonous and compromised president who ever held the White House. Hunter Biden (as revealed just yesterday by Judicial Watch) took over 400 flights on Air Force Two into China. It's well known that China gave Hunter $1.5 billion in Chinese funds to invest, despite Hunter being a crack-smoking drug addict, with a second addiction to strippers and hookers, that no one would want to hire, except to have leverage over a then vice president and future president. Hunter Biden is due for a payout of 10% of the profit on that investment, an estimated $200 million dollars, not to even mention the millions he grifted from a Burisma oil company board position he had in Ukraine, and another $3.5 million paid to him by the Moscow mayor's wife (a close personal friend of Vladimir Putin). "Russia collusion", anyone?

You try to smear Trump for a few frivolous diplomatic remarks he made to China during a crisis, and not only ignore his overwhelming criticism of China, but you ALSO ignore the incredible corruption of your own party. Hillary Clinton and the DNC were also part of that $2 million given directly to Russian state intelligence officials, in assembling the salacious and unreliable "Russia Dossier" through the Pekins-Coie law firm, Fusion GPS, and disgraced agent Christopher Steele.

Through selective deception, you try to portray Trump as a treasonous criminal.
But on examination, the evidence clearly proves it is the entire Democrat leadership who TRULY ARE the treasonous criminals, not just suggested or implied, but PROVEN, with overwhelming evidence. And if the FBI and DOJ were not 97% compromised as well by Democrat-Bolsheviks, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, their staffs, and even quite a bit of the leadership of the FBI and DOJ, would be prosecuted and put in jail.

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No need to try to smear Trump. All I need to do is quote him and remind you that the trade deficit soared under Trump. It’s good to have grown ups back in power again after Trump’s failure. My guess is Biden will get us back to competing with China again in alternative energy and have smaller trade deficits than Trump had. And you will hate Biden for it all the more.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
No need to try to smear Trump. All I need to do is quote him and remind you that the trade deficit soared under Trump. It’s good to have grown ups back in power again after Trump’s failure. My guess is Biden will get us back to competing with China again in alternative energy and have smaller trade deficits than Trump had. And you will hate Biden for it all the more.

I've already argued at least 100 times how your arguments are disinformation, easily disproven by the actual facts.

Your Biden administration "grown ups" are committing national suicide on every front.

In just 4 months, gas that was under $2 dollars is now approaching 4 dollars, as a DIRECT result of Biden's insane policy. Biden is scrapping U.S. and Canada pipelines, and enabling a Russian pipeline that will enrich Russia and allow them to wage war again.

Same thing with Biden giving billions to Iran and the Palestinians. We're seeing it explode already, into Biden-funded islamic terrorism.

Likewise Biden's weakness emboldening China, so that China is now running wild against Hong Kong, Taiwan, Nepal, India, the Philippines and Australia, in China's new eagerness for war.

Likewise the collapsing U.S. economy, destroying the recovery that Trump had positioned the nation for. Biden unnecessarily subsidizing workers, so they won't go back to work until September, for no logical reason. Biden has laid out 6 trillion in new spending in just his first 100 days. And wants to spend 7 trillion more. Collapse of the dollar and hyperinflation.

6,000 illegal immigrants pouring across the border every day. 171,000 in March. 178,000 in April. And each of those months, Border Patrol estimates another 42,000 who got away completely unprocessed: drug cartel members, human traffickers, gang members, murderers, rapists, drunk drivers, terrorists, to prey on Americans. To overwhelm police, schools, welfare programs, and take jobs from millions of unemployed Americans who desperately need new jobs, post-pandemic.

Biden is destroying this country on every front. While you give undue praise to our corrupt Manchurian Candidate president, that Biden clearly hasn't earned.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

A leading voice in Communist China has advised Beijing to bomb Australia and bring “disaster” should Canberra support US military action.

Australia is the one nation outside the U.S. that vigorously pushed China to fully disclose records about the outbreak of Covid-19 in China, before it spread tot he rest of the world. Which China and the China-subservient WHO have not done, and have strongly resisted.
China has for about a year cut off a lot of wine and other Australian products they previously purchased, to punish and intimidate Australia for even raising the subject.

That's in addition to recent threats by China to Nepal, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Phillipines, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Biden: "China is not an enemy, they're a rival. Helping China grow is helping ourselves." -May 2, 2019
Biden: "China is going to eat our lunch?!? . C'mon Man! They're not bad folks, folks..." - May 7, 2019

Lou Dobbs with Fred Fleitz, in factual correction of that complacency - May 2, 2019

Even 2 years ago, pre-Covid-19 pandemic, we knew China was a threat, and that Biden was on the take and completely compromised regarding China.

Yeah, there's some palpable tension between Australia and China now. Our ham-fisted leader Scott Morrison said around a year ago there should be a "weapons inspector" type investigation into the origins of the virus. Xi unsurprisingly took offence. Xi is a complete megalomaniac, a modern Hitler, but our Prime Minister should have chosen his words more wisely. There has been a UN inspection team go into Wuhan, so it was possible to frame the idea without suggesting Xi was on par with Saddam Hussein. I think he's much worse than Saddam Hussein, but diplomatic language from our Prime Minister would have helped.

Suddenly, and as a consequence, Australian meat exports, fishing exports, coal exports, wine exports, barley and other grain exports were hammered by China with fake allegations of health issues in the produce, monster tariffs on the wine, over a hundred coal carriers sitting off the coats of China unable to unload, and so on. Chinese students are now being actively discouraged from attending Australian universities, which was a huge source of income to the tertiary sector.

Australia has now found other markets for its produce, and the only other thing for China to hit is iron ore. China won't do that. Australian iron ore is much better than other sources, and their construction industry would halt if that happened - goodbye urbanisation. The iron ore price has doubled over the past few months, and mining royalties from China fill the Australian government's coffers.

China has now run out of targets within the Australian economy to smack, and that has made Australia much more assertive on issues such as Taiwan, the Uighur concentration camps, and Hong Kong. It plays out well with voters, too, many of whom are angry with China for harming small businesses and jobs. Unfortunately, it has also led to a rise in racism. Australia is very multicultural and there is a very large Asian community here. They've become targets for the shittier elements of our society. That of course is something China has made a fuss out of in its domestic media.

Australia has always backed the US in its wars, ranging from the Vietnam War, to the invasions of Iraq, to the 20 years in Afghanistan. Australia is only one of two American allies (the other being Japan) that gets access to top-of-the-line American weaponry (with the exception of Raptors). Also, we are a party to the ANZUS Treaty, in which an act of aggression against one is an act of aggression against all (the regional equivalent of the NATO Treaty). There would be very compelling reasons for Australia to join the US in backing Taiwan against a mainland invasion.

Now, i should note that I don't think a mainland invasion of Taiwan is likely. Setting aside US force projection, Taiwan isn't exactly defenceless. It has hypersonic missiles. The minute PLA infantry landed on the beaches, that's the minute hypersonic bombs are levelled at naval yards and air force bases.

Would China bomb Australia if Australia backed Taiwan and the US? Well, yes, probably. I can't see a scenario where a major city is bombed, but the US Marines have a base in Darwin which i guess is just as much of a target as the US military bases in Okinawa. The Australian Submarine Squadron's naval base is on an island about 50 kilometres from where I am right now so I guess that's a target for precision bombing. Pine Gap is a highly classified US surveillance installation in the middle of nowhere so that's probably a target. But do I think Sydney is going to get rained with laser guided missiles or intercontinental ballistic missiles? That would be a strike dictated by political considerations not military ones. Such an attack would drag the US into the fray because of the operation of the ANZUS Treaty.

Pimping my site, again.

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Originally Posted by First Amnongst Daves
There has been a UN inspection team go into Wuhan, so it was possible to frame the idea without suggesting Xi was on par with Saddam Hussein. I think he's much worse than Saddam Hussein, but diplomatic language from our Prime Minister would have helped.

No argument about the danger China under Xi brings, not just to Australia, but to the entire world. Xi's global domination plans by 2049, and Xi's recent open threats are stated, not implied.

Regarding a WHO inspection of Wuhan, and the notion that WHO have any interest in rooting out the origins of Covid-19 that would expose China, that is a complete joke. China completely owns the World Health Organization, so it's like asking the wolf to inspect what happened to the missing hen-house chickens. WHO can be counted on to downplay or completely ignore any Chinese wrongdoing.

BOTTOM LINE: China suspended all internal flights between the Wuhan region and the rest of China, while simultaneously allowing all flights out of Wuhan to every other nation on earth. Assuring that the Virus would spread to every nation, OUTSIDE of China. Further, the WHO lyingly certified that these flights out of China were "safe". As I recall, the first nations not to believe this and suspend flights from China were Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and the United States.

WHO has the exact same leadership they had before the Covid-19 pandemic began. Unless WHO are forced to re-structure and lose their China-subservient leadership, no vital new information will be found by WHO.
And terrifyingly, both WHO and China are positioned to do the same thing again with the next (perhaps deliberate and weaponized) outbreak of SARS, MERS, Avian/Bird Flu, Swine Flu or Covid-19.

There is much speculation among Gordon Chang, K.T. McFarland, Fred Fleitz, Jim Hanson and national security conservatives in the U.S. (certainly not among the China-paid-for and corrupt Biden administration and Democrat/Left or liberal media) that Covid-19 was a test run for a germ warfare attack on the U.S. and the rest of the world. That China is likely developing a lethal strain, and will develop it and immunize their own population before unleashing it on the rest of the world, so devastating that China will remain the only solvent government left on Earth, and therefore able to seize global dominance of what's left.

K.T. McFarland said that China is pursuing a three-branch undeclared war on the United States:

1) Germ warfare as I described above.

2) Chinese funding and promoting the Left's propaganda to politically divide and de-stabilize the U.S., by funding Black Lives Matter and Antifa, by promoting and feeding the talking points that the U.S. is an inherently and historically racist country since it's beginning (BLM propaganda, and the "1619 Project"), and further pushing of these talking points through its funding and CCP propaganda insert sections in U.S. newspapers and magazines that leftist media are all too eager to publish.
And China's funding of movies and television that promote divisive leftist ideology. And punishing any negative portrayal of China in movies and television (See the Wikipedia listing for the pressure and censorship around the 1995 Richard Gere movie Red Corner, or the 2012 re-make version of Red Dawn, or elements China leveraged to have removed from China portrayals in recent Disney movies.) And China''s web of Confucius institutes across U.S. universities promoting Chinese culture and propaganda. China using its power over these media outlets, as well and Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media, China's control of sports teams and athletes earning huge money in China (i.e., John Cena's recent grovelling apology, Lebron James' groveling apology) , and to socially divide and destroy the U.S. (and probably similarly Europe and Australia as well) from within.

3) China's support of Mexican cartels and drug trafficking into the U.S. and across the southern border, that takes increasingly more American lives every year. About 87,000 in the last year, and rising. Compare that with the Korean War (1950-1953) that took 54,000 American lives in 4 years. Or with the Vietnam war (1965-1975) that took 58,000 American lives in 10 years.

This is an all-but-declared unofficial war with the U.S., on multiple fronts.
And as you can plainly see, on Australia and the rest of the world.
China's aggression makes me think there is no more moderate statement by your Australian president that would have resulted in less of a backlash attack on Australia's economy and trade by China. China has already been eager to unleash intimidation and aggression against every nation in its region, including Japan, Taiwan, Nepal, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines. In addition to Australia. All this is emboldened by a weak Joe Biden, who is actually cutting U.S. military funding, while deficit-spending trillions in new spending on every social program.

There is a fourth branch where China is waging war on the U.S. and other nations, and that is through cyber-warfare and cyber-theft. As I mentioned in previous posts, China has hacked the computer systems of every large and medium sized company in the U.S., and has further hacked every federal, state, and local government agency in the U.S., and every branch of the U.S. military, and its defense contractors. They stole the design for China's most advanced fighter jet from the U.S.'s F-22 design. China doesn't spend money on research and development, they just steal the research from other countries.
Beyond national security considerations of these cyber-attacks, China further steals an estimated $500 to 600 billion in technology and research every year from the U.S.
And no doubt hundreds of billions more from other nations worldwide.

There is great concern that China (or Russia, or Iran, or North Korea) could cyber-hack into the U.S. national power grid and shut it down, causing 90% of the population to starve to death in a matter of weeks. And/or cause nuclear reactors nationwide to melt down. Trump as president was preventing Chinese components in our infrastructure that could allow this. But Manchurian candidate Biden in his first 100 days immediately reversed and compromised our national security on this front.

There's a lot more to respond to in your post, but I've already posted at length.

Political leaders in the U.S.(Republicans, anyway) have encouraged U.S. citizens to buy Australian wine and other products, to compensate what you guys have been shorted by China's boycott of Australian industry.

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Republicans quiet during Trump’ praise of China

Thank god that pos is out of power leaving these buttlickers back to holding China accountable and not dependent on the political whims of their orange master. I think the main thing here is China isn’t our friend and it wasn’t when Trump was praising them and hoping for them to help him win an election.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Republicans quiet during Trump’ praise of China

Thank god that pos is out of power leaving these buttlickers back to holding China accountable and not dependent on the political whims of their orange master. I think the main thing here is China isn’t our friend and it wasn’t when Trump was praising them and hoping for them to help him win an election.

I've already exposed the disinformation of this lying narrative. Trump (in mid-2020) attempted to keep China from cutting off all PPE and pharmaceutical drugs we depended on China for at the peak of the Covid-19 outbreak in the first few months. China produces over 90% of our medical supplies and pharmaceuticals.
What you and the liars who wrote that link ignore is that Trump diplomatically said a few friendly words to China that kept the medical supply lines going that we were dependent on in those months.
But you and the liars you linked ignore the hundreds of times Trump during that time and since has attacked China for deliberately allowing flights out of China to every nation on Earth. It is possible that China initially let loose this outbreak by accident in Wuhan, but figured since it was going to damage China economically, they deliberately let it spread to also damage their competitors across the rest of the world. Or it could have been a completely planned pandemic from the beginning, that just got loose faster than China wanted it to be, in a way that damaged China before set loose on the rest of the world.

Either way, you are serving China's talking points, by attempting to turn it into a narrative about Trump, that just serves to take the spotlight off China, where the blame and the heat belongs.

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Meanwhile, M E M, you ignore several months of exposure of Fauci and the CDC, that were funding "gain of function" research on lethal Coronavirus strains. Where someone above Fauci in 2014 decided this research was too dangerous to continue and cut off U.S. research and funds for it within the CDC.
So Fauci used $3.5 million of U.S CDC funds to covertly fund the same research in China, our greatest enemy doing bio-weapons reseach, in labs that were known even then to have even less safe laboratory research conditions.

So Fauci used CDC research funds, on "gain of function" Coronavirus research that was already considered back in 2014 by our government to be too dangerous to continue and had already had its funds cut off. And Fauci re-started that research clandestinely in the Wuhan bio-research lab, despite that U.S. funding for it HAD ALREADY BEEN CUT OFF, but Fauci continued that research through secret channels by cooking the books, and with funding he was not supposed to continue, that FUNDED AND CAUSED THE Covid-19 GLOBAL OUTBREAK !

And then Fauci led the misdirection for the last year, pushing the false narrative that the outbreak originated from a Wuhan "wet market", rather than originating from the Wuhan research lab that he, Anthony Fauci, no one else caused to develop this virulent strain.

This is the guy that Democrat leadership and the Newspeak liberal media hail as a genius and a vital source of information on the pandemic, despite how many times he has been wrong and contradicted himself. And now Fauci is revealed to be responsible for the pandemic itself, AND for the cover-up of the pandemic's origins, to hide his own guilt !

And incredibly, the human cattle who vote Democrat still have about 90% confidence in Fauci. (Republicans have about 10% confidence in Fauci.)
I agree with Sen. Rand Paul, Fauci should be fired TODAY, and he should be up on charges and awaiting trial in jail.
What is wrong with you Democrat lunatics? How stupid are you?!?

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This is rich coming from Trumpers. I remember that the CDC didn’t think masks were beneficial at the beginning of the pandemic but changed their guidelines as new evidence emerged. Fauci fell out of favor with Trump because he wasn’t willing to do what Trump wanted politically. Reread that fat fucks interviews with Woodward WB. I’m ready for some trials too.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
This is rich coming from Trumpers. I remember that the CDC didn’t think masks were beneficial at the beginning of the pandemic but changed their guidelines as new evidence emerged. Fauci fell out of favor with Trump because he wasn’t willing to do what Trump wanted politically. Reread that fat fucks interviews with Woodward WB. I’m ready for some trials too.

I didn't rush to respond to your post because I've already answered it about a dozen times in this topic alone.

Fauci fell out of favor because he was incompetent and repeatedly wrong, no other reason. And now we're learning (as I linked in posts above) that Fauci actually secretly arranged the funding of "gain of function" research in the Wuhan lab with federal funds, and then Fauci covered up his PERSONAL responsibility for the pandemic,. As revealed in Fauci's e-mail exchanges to other scientists and to Chinese officials, who thanked Fauci in their exchanged e-mails for covering up and slowing the investigation by saying it was "absurd" or "impossible" for Covid-19 to have originated from a Wuhan lab leak.
But a year later, the consensus of leading virologists worldwide is that IT WAS a Wuhan lab leak, and that the virus was artificially adapted to be more infectious to humans, no evidence has emerged of a gradual evolvement of a "zoonotic" adaptation from animals to humans. Quite the contrary, other leading scientists were telling Fauci in his e-mails in January 2020 (linked above) that in their professional scientific opinion the virus seemed to be a "function enhanced" laboratory creation, appearing too quickly to have occurred naturally.

But for some reason you seem immune to these facts, M E M.

The facts show that Fauci has been wrong over and over. That's not "Trump supporters" saying Fauci has been wrong, those are just the pure and simple reported facts.

Over and over, Fauci has advised or predicted or exaggerated or downplayed, and weeks or months later he has been shown to be wrong and the exact opposite has occurred. Where you berate President Trump for saying things, you ignore that Trump in the early months was repeating exactly what Fauci advised him at that exact point in time, whether it was Jan, Feb, March, April, May June, July, August of 2020. Where you attack Trump for being wrong, and ignore that Trump was repeating Fauci's advice, repeating the exact same things Fauci was simultaneously saying on CNN, FOX and other networks every night at the exact same time. You excoriate Trump for his remarks about the pandemic every month, while heaping praise on Fauci for saying THE EXACT SAME THINGS, and ignore that IT WAS FAUCI WHO WAS ADVISING TRUMP TO SAY THESE THINGS !

And when Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx and CDC director Redfield were repeatedly wrong and not doing the job, Trump finally brought in other advisors like Dr. Scott Atlas and others from the private sector. If Trump had followed Fauci's advice, MILLIONS more in the U.S. would be dead now. Because Fauci advised against suspending air travel from China, and later from Europe. But even Fauci now concedes that was the right thing to do, that allowed the nation's hospitals to prepare, and to minimize U.S. deaths.

Likewise, Fauci and Redfield screwed up the creation of a Covid-19 test kit, kept promising President Trump that the kit was just weeks away (that Trump repeated to the public, that Trump was vilified for, that Fauci and Redfield got a free pass on). And Trump finally went to the private sector and had them create a test kit, quickly, that Fauci and Redfield never delivered on.
It later turned out that the CDC had Covid-infected their test lab, so that they couldn't work on a test kit, and were too embarassed to tell anyone, even Trump. So the test kit they were promising "soon, soon!" was not even being developed in those months. These incompetents you praise, while blaming Trump. Trump had the good sense to stop listening to them and go to the private sector. If Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama had been president in 2020, millions more would be dead now.

It is the media and many verified sources, and even Chinese informants and defectors, who have confirmed different parts of these facts, not "Trump supporters" :

Anthony Fauci even fed the CNN lying narrative leading up to the 2020 election that it was "impossible" and "ridiculous" a Covid-19 vaccine could be created within a year.
In fact, because Trump pushed very hard, it was created in 9 months. Created In spite of Fauci, not because of.

And further, even if the vaccine had been created in 9 months under any other president, it still would not have been available for another year.
But Trump months before it was completed simultaneously organized and pre-paid for the manufature and nationwide distribution of the vaccine, so that incompetents Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Anthony Fauci could receive vaccination in Dec 2020.

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Always amazing when Trumpers talk about incompetence and being repeatedly wrong. Who do you think your kidding WB? I watched Trump mislead, politicize and downplay his way through a deadly pandemic. Fauci based his recommendations on what was known at the time. He wasn’t the one who gave Woodward interviews of how deadly he knew the pandemic was and than proceeded to hold super spreader events and try to open everything up before we had the vaccine available. Fauci is trying to serve the public while Trump as usual was only trying to serve himself. But you gush about the pos trump and say patently untrue things like “he created the vaccine “ so I don’t rush my disgusted response to you either. History will deservedly be unkind to Trump and those that enabled his incompetence. Even Stalin couldn’t rewrite history, you and the rest of Trump’s fan club will too.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Always amazing when Trumpers talk about incompetence and being repeatedly wrong. Who do you think your kidding WB? I watched Trump mislead, politicize and downplay his way through a deadly pandemic. Fauci based his recommendations on what was known at the time. He wasn’t the one who gave Woodward interviews of how deadly he knew the pandemic was and than proceeded to hold super spreader events and try to open everything up before we had the vaccine available. Fauci is trying to serve the public while Trump as usual was only trying to serve himself. But you gush about the pos trump and say patently untrue things like “he created the vaccine “ so I don’t rush my disgusted response to you either. History will deservedly be unkind to Trump and those that enabled his incompetence. Even Stalin couldn’t rewrite history, you and the rest of Trump’s fan club will too.

I watched the Democrat/Left and the zealot activist liberal media (that are inseparable partners of the Democrat/Left, with no interest in objectivity or giving Trump or any Republican favorable coverage in any circumstance) all collectively PORTRAY Trump as a liar and deceiver.

And I've also seen the Democrats and liberal media blatantly lie and cause destruction to our nation, for which you give your side a complete free pass.

Governor Andrew Cuomo, for example, who directly caused and then cynically covered up how his policies caused at least 15,000 elderly people to die in New York state, despite that Trump gave him incredible resources available to avoid that .

Or Anthony Fauci as I cited above, whose "gain of function" research (i.e., making viruses even more lethal, altering animal/bat viruses in a lab to be more adapted to infect and kill humans) was ordered ended in 2014 in CDC/NIH labs in the U.S., and he secretly revived and outsourced that research to labs in Wuhan, China, funding it by other names with NIH federal funds, and thus directly caused the Covid-19 pandemic. AND THEN ORCHESTRATED THE COVER-UP TO HIDE THE TRUE ORIGIN OF THE PANDEMIC, AND HIS DIRECT ROLE IN IT !!
Your idiot talking point rationalizations to protect Fauci don't hold a shred of truth to anyone familiar with the facts that I linked above. Fauci communicated in e-mail in January 2020 and in the months after that what he knew privately was exactly opposite of what he was publicly telling the media and government leaders. He knew all along that "gain of function" research created Covid-19, and that his own secretive funding of it was directly responsible.

Or how Kamala Harris and about a dozen of her campaign staff organized and donated funding for the legal fees to get the most violent BLM rioters out of jail, and stoked the racial division and riots, in Minneapolis and in cities nationwide. (KAMALA HARRIS: "They're going to keep up the pressure right up untill election day and after, they will not stop, and they SHOULDN'T stop." )

Or the flood off 6,000 illegals a day pouring over our southern border, and the lies that President Biden and VP Kamala Harriss tell every day to try and hide and gloss over it, and allow it to continue.

When your side calls Trump or anyone else a liar, they distort, exaggerate or completely make up the allegations against Trump or Republicans, in an effort to make him toxic politically, and to splinter off his support by this deceitful propaganda. But in truth Democrats are the actual liars that you give a free pass to, and the criminal things the Democrats ACTUALLY do, and are protected from exposure of by their fellow Democrats and the Orwellian Newspeak media, are PROVEABLY guilty of things a thousand times worse than what you just slander Trump and other Republicans to actually be guilty of.

I've cited the examples over and over, how CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post and Politico and so many others have alleged things about Trump and his supporters, and within days that lying Democrat narrative falls apart, over and over. And that same liberal media and Democrats hide and absolutely refuse to cover the exposed facts regarding.
Hillary Clinton, Lois Lerner, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bill Priestap, Kevin Clinesmith, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Christopher Steele, John Kerry, Susan Rice, John Brennan, James Clapper, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hunter Biden and other Democrat criminals should all be indicted and in jail a dozen times over, if there were not a corrupt cabal within our federal system to protect them, while weaponizing the same intelligence, law enforcement and IRS agencies against Republicans.

And in point of fact, it is your sside, THE DEMOCRATS, who openly admire marxists and Stalinists, and Maoists, in their authoritarian tactics to overthrow our Constitutional republic. I've quoted them ,many times. From Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Obama mentors William Ayers and Frank Marshall Davis, Wade Rathke, former Weather Underground member Jeff Jones (who wrote the Obamacare legislation), Obama's FCC diversity czar Mark Llloyd (saying Hugo Chavez's takeover of Venezuelan media was very effective, and a good model to follow) , Obama czar Ron Bloom( "We agree with Mao that capitalism is mostly a shaam, and that power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun"), Obama white House communications director Anita Dunn ("the two sources of wisdom I go to most, Mao Tse Tung and the Pope, not often mentioned together." )
And in the overtly Marxist written charters for Antifa and Black Lives Matter. The point being, at every level from top to bottom, your vicious Democrat Bolshevik party is deeply versed in Marxism. it is a joke and an obvious and vicious lie that you would accuse Trump, his supporters, or anyone else of being "Stalinist", what YOUR OWN PARTY is so clearly immersed in. Democratss are not only the Marxist/Maoist/Stalinist party, but also the party that clearly hates America and pushes to overthrow it. That again is clearly in the charters of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, that the Democrats are enthusiastic supporters of.

You're SUCH a fucking liar, M E M. What you say is blatantly untrue.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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This is from about a year ago, but it stood out for me as a personal story of the impact of the pandemic, on one particular New York doctor, who was at the center of the first responders at a hospital dealing with an onslaught of daily cases at the peak of the crisis:

Top NYC coronavirus doctor takes her own life

April 28, 2020

(BBC) A top New York City doctor who was on the front line of the US fight against coronavirus has taken her own life.
Dr Lorna Breen, who was medical director of the emergency department at New York-Presbyterian Allen Hospital in Manhattan, died of self-inflicted injuries on Sunday, police said.

The 49-year-old’s father, Dr Philip Breen, told the New York Times: “She tried to do her job and it killed her.”
New York accounts for 17,500 out of America’s coronavirus 56,000 deaths.
The elder Dr Breen said his daughter had had no history of mental illness. She died in Charlottesville, Virginia, where she had been staying with her family.

Lorna Breen herself had fallen ill with the coronavirus during the course of her work and returned to the job after about a week-and-a-half of recuperating, said her father.
The hospital had sent her home again, before her family “intervened” to bring her to Charlottesville, said her father.

He said that when they last spoke, his daughter had seemed “detached” and told him how Covid-19 patients were dying before they could even be removed from ambulances. Dozens of patients have succumbed to coronavirus at the 200-bed hospital in Manhattan.
“She was truly in the trenches on the front line,” her father told the Times.

“Make sure she’s praised as a hero. She’s a casualty just as much as anyone else who has died.”
According to the newspaper, Dr Lorna Breen was a devout Christian who was very close to her family. She was an avid skiier who also enjoyed salsa dancing. She volunteered once a week at a home for old people.

New York-Presbyterian Allen Hospital said in a statement: “Dr Breen is a hero who brought the highest ideals of medicine to the challenging front lines of the emergency department.”
In a press release confirming her death, the Charlottesville Police Department also described Dr Breen as a “hero”.

The police department said that after a call for help on 26 April, Dr Breen was taken to a local hospital for treatment “where she later succumbed to self-inflicted injuries”.
Police chief RaShall Brackney said in a statement: “Frontline healthcare professionals and first responders are not immune to the mental or physical effects of the current pandemic.

“On a daily basis,” she added, “these professionals operate under the most stressful of circumstances, and the coronavirus has introduced additional stressors.”
New York state has recorded almost a third of the country’s nearly one million confirmed Covid-19 cases.

On Monday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said random antibody tests indicated that a quarter of New York City (24.7%) – America’s most populous city with 8.3 million people – had been infected with coronavirus.


If you want to talk to someone about the issues raised in this piece, you can call the US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline on 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741.

You can call the UK Samaritans Helpline on 116 123 or visit

She seems to have been an exceptional person. It stands out for me, as a story that captures what it was like for her to deal with the crisis at its peak as a front line medical professional, and for the overwhelming multitude of Covid-infected patients who came to her for help. And clearly, it took a powerful toll on her, even as a very experienced medical professional.

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Serious question to Wondy: do you believe Lindell's claim that Trump will be president again on August 13th?

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Originally Posted by iggy
Serious question to Wondy: do you believe Lindell's claim that Trump will be president again on August 13th?

I honestly don't.

The Democrat partisans in FBI and DOJ and other federal agencies, and bipartisan Deep State (or at least Deep State intimidated) courts that let us down for the last 8 months, I think will continue to ignore the evidence and refuse to do the right thing.

The growing evidence that exists and is reported in conservative media, and even reported in other countries, might pressure the U S Supreme Court to hear the case eventually.
And as other conservative social media grows with sites like Parler, Gettr and so forth (or at least not conservative- censoring social media sites, sites that allow an actual 2-sided dialogue instead of a one-sided Leftist indoctrination ) grow as alternative media forums, where Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other giants can't block conservative factual information from being viewed and disscussed, will eventually pressure both the Democrats, timid Republican leaders, and even the lower courts and U S S C to eventually at least hear the case.
But my concern is, we're already 6 months into Biden's fraudulent presidency, and they only have to stonewall another 3 years or so, to run out the clock, so Biden and the Democrats get away with it.

Just as they did with the Obama/IRS/Lois Lerner abuses of the IRS to harass and intimidate Republican donors and political groups in the 2012 election.

Just as the 97% corrupt Democrat FBI and DOJ dragged their feet on the Benghazi scandal, on the Hillary Clinton e-mail/private server scandal, where the corrupt Democrat-loyalist FBI and DOJ deliberately sabotaged their cases and allowed Hillary and her aides to destroy tens of thousands of e-mails and files, bleach-bit computer hard drives, smash cel phones with e-mail and message evidence, and didn't even record Hillary Clinton during her deposition.
(Contrast this with the framing and malicious prosecution of Gen. Michael Flynn.)

Just as they knew from the beginning there was NO EVIDENCE, NONE against Donald Trump, and despite already having:
(1) a House intelligence investigation of Trump/Russia,
(2) a Senate investigation,
(3) a 9-month FBI counter-intelligence investigation where Peter Strzok texted from the very beginning in late 2016 to his extramarital lover Lisa Page that he was not enthusiastic about investigating because he already knew "There's no 'there' there." ...

Despite all this, deceitful FBI director James Comey leaked FBI documents that caused media pressure for
(4) a Mueller special investigation, formed in early 2017. And once again, despite it being clear in the first 3 weeks there was no case against Trump, the Mueller investigation (run by 17 vitriolically Democrat/Leftist activists and DNC donors, for a while including Strzok and Page) kept the investigation open for another 2 and 1/2 years, just to partisanly keep Trump mired in potential scandal through the 2018 mid-term election, to the Democrats' advantage.

Then when that scandal was killed by the Mueller report in July 2019, the Democrats created another scandal with a fake "whistleblower" in the National Security Council, that I think was an amalgam of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, and CIA Democrat operative Eric Ciaramella, in collaboration with completely discredited liar Rep. Adam Schiff 's office, whose staff actually drafted the "whistleblower report" with a team of lawyers, and actually recommended Vindman'ss attorney to represent him (another shady former CIA operative). On and on.

Democrat leaders, and their friends in the corrupted FBI, DOJ and CIA, dragged that Ukraine/whistleblower scandal on from August 2020 until the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Feb 2020. And yet the 97% Democrat-donating FBI / DOJ had Hunter Biden's laptop since Dec 2019, and despite that the Hunter Biden laptop's contents completely exonerated Trump and completely incriminated Joe Biden and son Hunter Biden, the FBI never disclosed the laptop's Biden-incriminating e-mails and photos, not even during Trump's impeachment in Jan-Feb 2020, exculpatory evidence that would have more easily exonerated Trump.
Not even released now, almost 2 years later.

So all these FBI, DOJ and the Mueller investigations unnecessarily dragged on for over 4 years, over Trump's entire term, and they still never prosecuted these corrupt agents, or revealed the hidden evidence, or exculpatory evidence, against all the people I mentioned above. They sabotaged the cases against Democrats, they maliciously prosecuted and manufactured cases against Trump officials, destroying the lives of even those they were not able to prosecute (just ask Michael Caputo and Jerome Corsi, to name two).
And they (Democrat operatives in FBI, DOJ , CIA, State Department, NSA and other branches) ran out the clock to prevent prosecution of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and other Obama officials. About 2 dozen FBI and DOJ officials were forced to resign, retire, or were fired, but none of them were prosecuted for the obscene abuses of power, falsified evidence and other fraudulent activity they were involved in.
None did a day in jail, despite abundant evidence against them.

So no, I don't have confidence the election will be overturned by August 2021 by the U S Supreme Court, or even by the end of Biden's term. There is about a decade of examples of weaponized / Deep State government preventing that in multiple cases, no matter how overwhelming the evidence.

and this:


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Props to the republican governor that says it’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated.

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The Democrat/Bolshevik Left is trying to scapegoat the governors of Texas and Florida in (yet another) Democrat false narrative, to cover the fact that the source of the rise in new Covid-19 cases is obviously from the over 6,000 illegals a day Biden is letting over-run our southern border. Many of those illegals questioned in Texas say their ultimate destination is Florida.

Another obvious fact that this rise in cases is caused by a surge of illegals, and not by the actions of scapegoated Florida and Texas governors, is that the rise in new cases is not the existing strain, but new strains of Alpha, Delta(from India) and a new Gamma variant. These are not a surge among U.S. citizens (who are now 70% vaccinated). These are a surge in even more virulent, but less deadly, variant new Covid strains from other countries, where vaccination is virtually non-existent. Mexico (the most vaccinated source country of illegalss) is about 20% vaccinated. Other major illegal groups come from countries like El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, that only have 1% to 2% vaccinated. And the packed trucks of illegals coming across the souther border are breeding pens for Covid-19.

The Democrats lie every which-way, but the true facts, and the deceitful lying narrative created to hide these facts, are obvious.

Without Trump, Dems and Media Dehumanize the Unvaccinated to Salvage 2022 Midterms

Further, Biden and the Democrats demonize "ignorant Trump supporters" as the ones not getting vaccinated. But in truth, the largest groups avoiding vaccination are 1) blacks (who vote 92% Democrat) and 2) hispanics (who vote 66% Democrat). So even the people who voted for Biden/Harris don't trust them regarding the Covid vaccine!
So they crete a false narrative that it's "white supremacist Trump supporters" who are the ones most resistant to vaccination, and easily disproven lie:

Very important, the over 6,000 illegals entering the country daily, and being flown Covid-virulent at taxpayer expense all over the country on planes and buses, infecting cities nationwide, only a fraction are ever tested for Covid, and even openly sick, are allowed to be processed, enter and travel throughout the U.S.
Even when offered the vaccine, 30% of illegals refuse it. Given the measures forced on U.S. citizens, a testing for Covid of illegals, and MANDATORY vaccination of illegals, should be required to enter the U.S.

So what you say, M E M (and your vicious Democrat-Bolshevik party, and the Democrat-Newspeak media) is blatantly untrue.
The easily sourced facts, vs. your lying narrative.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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And where would all this vaccine-hesitancy come from?

Daily Kos @ Daily Kos (on Twitter)
[Linked Image from]

Kamala Harris wouldn't trust a Trump vaccine, and neither should anyone else

More than anything during this pandemic Donald Trump has proved himself wholly devoid of what most of us expect as normal human decency. From lying about the threat of the virus itself, to complete...
-- 6:15 AM · Sep 6, 2020

The piece-of-shit Democrat party seeded all this distrust for months, generating nationwide fear of a vaccine.
And once they "won" (illegitimately) the election, they suddenly had to completely reverse themselves and attest to its safety.
Gee, why don't people believe them, not even their own voters? I can't imagine.

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I remember tuning in for the Covid briefings at first and gave up on them because of trump. I wouldn’t take his word alone either and that is the context you left out. Harris pointedly said it depended on credible sources on the vaccines and not his word alone.

“I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he’s talking about,”

I do get that for trumpers, he is the source they have faith in and its a pity that he hasn’t done much in trying to get the vaccine hesitant to take it. And I take no pleasure in seeing Florida as #1 for Covid and hope better republicans can be more effective with getting their base vaccinated.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I remember tuning in for the Covid briefings at first and gave up on them because of trump. I wouldn’t take his word alone either and that is the context you left out. Harris pointedly said it depended on credible sources on the vaccines and not his word alone.

“I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he’s talking about,”

I do get that for trumpers, he is the source they have faith in and its a pity that he hasn’t done much in trying to get the vaccine hesitant to take it. And I take no pleasure in seeing Florida as #1 for Covid and hope better republicans can be more effective with getting their base vaccinated.

That's because you're a Democrat/left partisan, who takes at face value whatever lying talking points your party feeds you, on any given day. You will NEVER give Trump, or any Republican, credit for having better ideas, better leadership, or better actions than the Bolshevik lunatics you support.

As I've said repeatedly: I voted for Trump in 2016 with hesitation, not sure what he could actually do as president. But in Trump's 4 years I grew to support him with great enthusiasm, because he did exactly as he promised, and far more.
He rebuilt our economy, brought factories and jobs back to the U.S. that his Democrat opponents said was fantasy, that Barack Obama said he would "have to wave a magic wand" to make happen.
But Trump did exactly that.
Trump built a southern border wall as promised.
He secured the border, as promised.
He re-built our military, as promised.
He provided THREE Covid-19 vaccines by November 2020, as promised.
He prevented a war with Iran, a push to war that Hillary Clinton or Biden would have followed deep state/neo-con advisors into.
Trump used sanctions to reign in China, Russia, North Korea and Iran, more effectively than any other president has ever used economic sanctions, exerting world-changing influence without a war or firing a shot. The most effective use of economic soft power of any president in our lifetime.

THIS is the guy you demonize and hate.

If you hate Trump, it is clearly based on irrational bias, not the facts. Those are the facts. He is the most effective president since at least FDR and Teddy Roosevelt. With quantifiably the best economy in 50 yeears, greater than even Reagan, and certaainly greater than Bill Clinton or Obama. He re-built this country in record time, despite corrupt opposition on every side, even with deep state attacks on him from his own FBI and DOJ, his own CIA and National Security Council.

I only regret that once Trump was close to weeding out all those deep state rats, that Trump didn't have another 4 years as president to achieve even more, with them now out of the way.

Biden and his puppetmasters are doing the exact opposite of protecting and strengthening the country. In less than 6 months they have destroyed border security, brought on another wave of nationwide Covid spread though the millions of illegal immigrants pouring in.
Biden has through weakness emboldened China, Russia, North Korea and Iran to do their worst.
Biden has destroyed U.S. energy independence, slashed and demoralized our military, and enacted a Stalinist purge of Republicans from federal and military positions.

I pray to God that this country can survive 4 years of Biden. The Trump "insurrectionists" are a manufactured phantom. that masks the real insurrection and overthrow of the U.S. by the Cultural Marxists in the Biden administration and wider Democrat party. These people are openly marxist, openly want to tear down our history and national monuments, openly are strong-arming for a one-party totalitarian system, and openly want to purge, humiliate and destroy anyone who disagrees with them.
Openly talk about wanting to put Trump supporters in Gulags.
Openly call for televised forced confessions from Trump administration officials (as in Soviet Russia or communist China).
Openly talk about wanting to take away Trump supporters' children and raise/indoctrinate them by wards of the cultural marxist state
Openly protested throughout 2020 (invoking to the French Revolution) carrying guillotines and effigy severed heads, what they would like to do to their opposition.
Openly talk about wanting to block Trump supporters from being able to keep their degrees or be able to find jobs.

Democrats even subject their own to this kind of purge, if they deviate from the talking points of the Democrat/Left.

Just ask decades-respected journalists like John Solomon, Sharyl Attkisson, and others, who despite decades of solid journalism and acclaim are suddenly blacklisted from the mainstream.
Ask former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson, who was similarly blacklisted when he published a book exposing the media-purged facts about Covid-19, and his book was for a while purged from availability on Amazon, until public pressure broke Amazon down into again selling it on their site.
Ask the former host of The Bachelor TV series, or any celebrity who endorsed Donald Trump.
Ask any Republican U.S. Senate or House member who supported challenging the electoral votes in the January 6th joint-session hearings, who have been threatened with severing of their election funding by multiple "woke" corporations, corporations who NO PROBLEM supported Democrats' 2000, 2004 and 2016 challenges of Republican victories, but portray a challenge of Biden's election integrity as an "attack on democracy".

Ask "My Pillow guy" Mike Lindell, who only supported an investigation of the election integrity and funded airing of that debate, had his product taken off the shelf in nationwide stores like Bed Bath and Beyond.

They wanted to take away Alan Dershowitz's law degree, the most respected and acclaimed lawyer in the country, professor emeritus at Harvard Law School, just for defending Trump in an impeachment trial.
They ACTUALLY DID take away mayor and U.S. attorney Rudy Giuliani's New York law license, although only temporarily.
They took Rep. Elise Stefanik's position on a law board at Harvard, for no reason other than spite, just because she supported the electoral challenge on Jan 6th. The same electoral challenge Democrats exerted in 2000, 2004 and 2016 against Republican presidents, and continued to undermine these presidents as "illegitimate" long after a full audit of the election integrity in each case was permitted by Republicans. But to even ask for an audit of election integrity in Nov 2020 was enough to purge her as allegedly "undermining democracy".

Acts of intimidation by the Democrat-Bolshevik party, one and all.

You blindly support your vicious party, and these purges.
Be careful what you wish for, M E M. You might get it. And when that actually happens, you won't like it.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
That's because you're a Democrat/left partisan, who takes at face value whatever lying talking points your party feeds you, on any given day.

Says right-wing nutjob without the slightest hint of irony... ::rolls eyes::

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
That's because you're a Democrat/left partisan, who takes at face value whatever lying talking points your party feeds you, on any given day.

Says right-wing nutjob without the slightest hint of irony... ::rolls eyes::

So you don't deny being a Democrat/lLeft partisan.

Finally, a grain of truth out of your lying mouth.

And I don't post talking points, I cite facts, sourced and linked.
Whereas you're clearly an indoctrinated zealot of the Left. Who lies and pretends to be something else. Dipshit.

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I don't need to deny anything because the point of discussion here is that you are in a right-wing cult. You are just trying to blow off dealing with the fact that you are just as ugly as you paint the left to be. Stay on topic. You are a delusional nutjob just like the Antifa kids you rail about. You just smash keyboard keys instead of windows, you mentally unwell ass.

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Originally Posted by iggy
I don't need to deny anything because the point of discussion here is that you are in a right-wing cult. You are just trying to blow off dealing with the fact that you are just as ugly as you paint the left to be. Stay on topic. You are a delusional nutjob just like the Antifa kids you rail about. You just smash keyboard keys instead of windows, you mentally unwell ass.

Standard Leftist operating procedure #2: Always attack, slander and put your opposition on the defensive and accuse them of things, never state or defend what YOU YOURSELF stand for on the Left. Because if the public knew what your real ideology and goals were they would never support you. LIE, pretend to be something you're not, and once political victory is achieved, only then advance your true cultural marxist agenda.

That's pure marxist strategy, going back to Gramsci and the Frankfurt School cultural marxists, and continued by Cloward/Piven strategy, by Saul Alinsky, and their disciples, the Clintons, the Obamas, Berni Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and AOC and her "squad".

I'm not "right wing cult", I'm a Reagan conservative, a Buchanan conservative, and a Trump conservative, that are clearly the same consistent ideology through over 40 years, not radicalized and pursuing an authoritarian one-party system like the Democrats have devolved into, even writing legislation (H.R. 1, S.B. 1) that makes clear exactly that intent. Even the "Make America Great Again" slogan makes clear makes clear it is the same consistent ideology over all that time. Whereas the Democrats are now openly marxist, and violently so.And it's not just the Antifa or BLM wing, it's the entire Democrat party. When Antifa/BLM were tearing down statues of Lincoln, Washington and Jefferson, NOT ONE Democrat objected to that or called for it to stop.
PELOSI: "I don't care about statues..."

PELOSI: “I Just Don’t Even Know Why There Aren’t Uprisings All Over The Country”

That makes pretty clear who the "cultists" are, Iggy. Including you. My side is just trying to reign in your insanity. Your consistent uncivility is just a visible identifier, and par for the course.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
People at This Very Forum from Around the World Have All Called Me Crazy at Some Point, but I Know They Are the Real Brainwashed: A Screed on Why I Can't Understand that Maybe It is Me and Not the World

By: Wonder Boy

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My sourced facts, Iggy, your unpersuasive insults.

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