One person whacking someone with a flagpole is not an "armed insurrection".
It is something that happens in a riot.

It is far less than what Antifa and Black Lives Matter did over the last year in over 275 cities nationwide.
What Antifa and BLM continue to do in cities nationwide EVERY DAY, and yet get a free pass for. Antifa and BLM do far more organized attacks on police and federal buildings and monuments, and on the White House in May 2020, and the BLM/Antifa attack on hundreds of the highest Republican officials as they left the 2020 Republican National Convention. All these Democrat/Leftist attacks far more fit the definition of an organized "armed insurrection", than the scattered bits of violence on Jan 6th that Democrats continue to distort and lie about.

And most of the actual violence on Jan 6th was committed by BLM/Antifa (John Earle Sullivan and his group), or 20 "un-indicted co-conspirators" who were FBI agents, who from these two separate and different organized conspiracies of deceit, committed violence on Jan 6th with the clear intent to frame Trump supporters for it.

The FBI initially arrested about 280 people from Jan 6th, 90% of whom were arrested for "trespassing" and "violating curfew", ***NOT*** for violent acts. But to support the lying Democrat narrative, these Trump-supporter trespassers are being held indefinitely in prison for non-violent charges, just to support that lying Democrat narrative.
While ACTUAL Antifa and BLM violent insurrectionists who tried to club or burn police and federal agents to death in cities nationwide, deliberately blinded police and federal agents with lasers, and with military tactics tried to storm multiple federal buildings, including Trump's White House, and other federal court buildings, were all set free without charges by the same 97% Democrat FBI .

And when that 280 arrests was not enough to continue their lying Jan 6th narrative, the FBI expanded its arrests to 400 Trump supporter trespassers.

And after Democrat-partisan apparatchik Merrick Garland was appointed as Attorney General, he lyingly alleged that "white supremacist insurrectionists" were the greatest threat to the U.S. (based on nothing) and again tried to expand the arrests of mere trespasser Trump supporters on Jan 6th to over 500 arrests, just to keep the lying "national threat" narrative alive.

That's all these arrests are, just a prop for a lying Democrat narrative. A narrative that is increasingly exposed and falling apart.