Originally Posted by iggy
Ooh...look! More screeds defending a delusional asshole that said he was bad at losing and his big fucking example of being bad at losing by undermining democracy and sending his gaggle of morons to disrupt his being certified a fucking loser! How totally fucking Wondy.

::rolls eyes::

Just keep denying that Nov 2020 was Trumpism's highwater mark. It will make the fall all that more enjoyable when I rub it in your face.

You're such a worthless piece of excrement, Iggy.

2 points:

1) Beyond attacking me with vulgar insults, you have absolutely nothing to say. You in no way identify your own political beliefs, or make clear any alternative political solutions. You're a liar who has pretended in the past to have supported Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan, and yet you slander the Trump wing of the Republican party that so effectively for 4 years fulfilled that Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul agenda of national sovereignty, America-first, paleo-conservative agenda, that Trump achieved more than any other president of the last 100 years except maybe FDR or Teddy Roosevelt. All you have is insults, and miles-deep hypocrisy.

2) You ignore the sourced evidence I've offered in multiple posts and topics detailing election fraud, and that's not even a complete list.
You ignore my points about the incredible damage the Biden administration is doing to the country:
* in criminal illegal immigration, the risk to U.S. citizens from the 6,000-plus Covid-infected illegals and criminals pouring into our country daily,
* the TRILLIONS (in just 6 months!!) in wasteful spending that threatens to collapse the dollar,
* the former U.S. energy-independence Trump created in his 4 years for the first time in over 70 years, and the almost immediate fuel dependency on foreign nations Biden has created.
* And the dangers Biden has created from Russia and China, that didn't exist before Jan 20 2021.

All you can say in response is Fuck you, fuck your mother, you're a moron, you're a poopy-face, asshole, screed, fucking loser, etc, etc. BLA BLA BLA.

You're a joke, Iggy, I've presented sourced facts you can't answer, and so ignore. All you can offer in response is children's playground insults.