Just glad this is all getting exposed with possible criminal proceedings to follow. Trump lost and tried to stay in power by trying to get his own DOJ to just call it crooked even when they said he was full of shit. That happened WB. The difference between you and me is it actually would have mattered to me if there had been proof that stood up in court or if the recounts didn’t jibe with the election. To you it’s all about keeping your guy in power no matter what. You are the threat to our democracy.
Over 100,000 "peaceful and patriotic" protesters. Only about 600 of those protesters went inside the Capitol building, over 90% of them charged with only "trespassing". Maybe 50 who were either involved in clashing with police, or smashing windows, or theft of personal letters or Pelosi's speaking podium, or urinating on a desk. And of that 50 or so, by the FBI's own investigative reports, at least 20 of them were "un-indicted co-conspirators", or undercover FBI agents who actually planned the violence and tricked Trump supporters into following them. And of that 50, 10 or 20 of them were Black Lives Antifa/Black Lives Matter leader John Earle Sullivan's "Jayden X" 's group, who videotaped their own antics, disguised as Trump supporters, openly bragging on camera they intended to frame Trump supporters for their own violence and destruction, and to hopefully trick Trump supporters into following them.
So... of the 50 or so involved in "violence", it seems a majority of them, if not all of them, were groups conspiring to frame Trump supporters.
If you want to see an ACTUAL "insurrection", look at what Black Lives Matter and Antifa did during 2020, looting and burning over 275 cities nationwide. Businesses looted and burned to the ground, jobs destroyed forever. 25 people killed, including 5 officers. Over 2,000 police injured. An ACTUAL nationwide insurrection. Look at 5 miles of looted and burned businesses in your home city of Minneapolis alone. A war zone. Hundreds of businesses that will never come back.
The rioting in the Capitol on Jan 6th did no permanent damage, the joint session came right back in the same Capitol room 3 hours later, and voted to finalize the electoral votes for Biden. The rest is just lying narrative and massive exaggeration at best, to feed a lying Democrat narrative.