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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
When you make false statements like no officers were seriously injured on Jan 6 and call an officer that obviously was a pos you are worse than shameless. You call Fanone a pos because he was dragged through the crowd. He was stunned, beaten and suffered a heart attack. Because he’s willing to talk about what he went through that makes him your enemy. Right wing extremists are no different than other extremists. The one thing that is different is how much the right is willing to support it’s extremists. An officer you can see being savagely beaten and suffers a heart attack gets called a pos while those that partook in the riot are treated like victims. That’s where your party is at these days. I won’t forget how dangerous it is to democracy.

I'm not saying no officers were injured. I'm saying Democrats, and the 4 officers serving that narrative, are exaggerating way beyond what actually happened, with a clear partisan agenda.

Sure, some officers had some minor injuries, and it was stressful for a few officers who held back the worst of the clashes. But in the video we've all seen, there was a mob that was held back by about 15 officers, and the officers ultimately were able push the protesters out of the building after about 30 minutes. The testimony makes clear these officers are Democrat agents who did not just give a neutral account of what happened to them, but are Democrat zealots who gave an overplayed dramatic account of what happened, CLEARLY to conform to the Democrat narrative of an "insurrection" and "terrorists", and added a lot of details.
They DON'T know for certain that the people who attacked them were Trump supporters, but the officers testified as if they did.
They DON'T acknowledge that their own department's advance intelligence identified (from social media posts and planning) a threat of false-flag BLM/Antifa leftists PRETENDING to be Trump supporters, that ALL Capitol police were alerted to be on the lookout for.
They DON'T acknowledge the presence of John Earle Sullivan (a k a "Jayden X" in his videos) where there were at least 15 or 20 of them, who bragged ON VIDEO they were going to create a violent disturbance, smash things, and blame it on Trump supporters.
That John Earle Sullivan and his group were present at the very worst moment of Jan 6th when Ashli Babbit was shot, that his BLM/Antifa group incited the police with fear that they were in danger, and caught video of Ashli Babbitt being shot by a Capitol police detective, ALL CAUGHT IN THEIR OWN VIDEOS, FROM TWO ANGLES, and that they, also caught on video, were the ones stoking both sides to go at each other.
You ignore that, M E M, because you're lying, and you want to front a Democrat-Bolshevik false narrative of what actually happened that day, despite the evidence in front of you.

That of about 600 protesters who set foot inside the Capitol that day, over 90% were only charged with "trespassing" , leaving only about 60 who were involved in violence or smashing windows.
That "at least 20" of that 60 are "un-indicted co-conspirators" (i.e., FBI agent provocateurs, who were the ACTUAL planners and inciters of violence, who tried to trick "PEACEFUL and patriotic" Trump supporters into violence, to smear the entire movement. FBI agents who clearly despise Trump supporters and worked to slander them, in the same mode as James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Preter Strzok, Lisa Page and "vive le resistance" lawyer Kevin Clinesmith. The entire top floor of the FBI, who likewise spent YEARS framing Trump and members of his administration. At least 20 agents on Jan 6th, trying to frame Trump supporters.

Add to that a further 15 or 20 "Trump supporters" who were from John Earl Sullivan's BLM/Antifa group, who OPENLY BOASTED ON VIDEO they were going to create mayhem and get Trump supporters blamed for it.

And when you combine those two groups of false-flag operators, you get a majority of those who did the violence on Jan 6th, if not ALL of them. And then a few minor ACTUAL Trump supporters, like the guy who stole Pelosi's podium, and Richard Barnett who said others pushed him into Pelosi's office as part of the crowd, then blocked the door so he couldn't leave, and then tricked him by suggesting he pose for some souvenir photos with his feet propped up on a desk. See the link I posted above with an interview of his lawyer. This guy, for whatever minor misdemeanors, is not guilty of any violence. Likewise the podium guy. The horned MAGA "Shaman" likewise only entered the building and posed for a few photos, and is guilty of no crimes beyond trespassing, and yet has been in fedral prison for the last 8 monthss. FOR WHAT?

You keep suggesting that this Jan 6th riot is such a great terrible unprecedented event, while you turn a blind eye to the Democrat/BLM/Antifa destruction in 275 cities nationwide in the wake of George Floyd's death, thousands of businesses looted and burned to the ground, whole city blocks in multiple cities, billions in property damage, at which 25 people were killed, including several police officers, over 2,000 police were injured, some of them with permanent injuries, including from lasers deliberately pointed in their faces for hours by BLM/Antifa, that resulted in permanent blindness , just because they did their jobs and protected federal buildings.
BLM/Antifa did ACTUAL insurrection in cities nationwide, tried to burn federal officers alive while they protected federal buildings, tried to burn New York police officers alive with a Molotov cocktail in their squad car (as I cited above).
During the George Floyd riots in 2020, the Soros-funded BLM/Antifa Left acted as a siege army against Trump's White House in massive organized waves of attacks, using power-saws to cut down the iron perimeter fence in a hail of sparks, and injured 50 Secret Service agents, and were close enough to over-running the White House that secret service evacuated President Trump to a safe location. THAT is an insurrection, by a siege army.

Two years ago inside the Capitol, the Left made an assault on the building during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, that exceeded the damage done to the building on January 6th. They similarly invaded the building and were pushed back by police. But hey, that was rioting by forces of the Democrat/Left, and so that was ignored by the leftist-adoring liberal media.
Last time I checked, "THOUSANDS" is more than the 60 charged with violence during the Jan 6th riots.
And of those "THOUSANDS", I'm confident that none of those were undercover FBI agents PRETENDING to be liberal protesters, trying to frame the Left, as compared to the FBI and BLM/Antifa actors during the Trump protests. Again I remind you, the presence of "at least 20 un-indicted co-conspirators (i.e., FBI undercover agents provocateur) is according to the FBI's own incident reports. At least 20 of them were undercover FBI agents, trying to stoke and frame Trump supporters.
With an additional 15 or 20 BLM/Antifa from John Earle Sullivan's group. AGAIN: a MAJORITY of the bad actors, if not all of them, were false-flag people trying to frame or provoke Trump supporters. By the FBI's own reports.

And yet you lie and lie, and uplift these 4 cops who are clearly Democrat more than they are cops, just because they feed your lying narrative. Fanone is proven to not be a blue collar regular guy as he pretends to be. Another , Harry Dunn, is proven by his own social media posts and photos to be a Black Lives Matter supporter who posted photos of himself at a BLM rally, and ranted BLM rhetoric. Likewise the other 2 cops, whose posts reveal them to be rabidly anti-Trump and zealously Democrat. Their comments in the hearings, their comments on social media, CLEARLY manifest them to be Democrat zealots with an agenda, long before they ever showed up for work on Jan 6th, long before they ever testiffied. All 4 are revealed to be guys who hated Trump long before Jan 6th, and were eager participants in shaping the deceitfully crafted Democrat narrative.

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Originally Posted by iggy

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
No one is fucking reading this.

You American hating clown show of stupid.

Right back at you, dipshit.
Thank you for proving me right again. You're just a malicious piece of garbage, who has no facts or point. Just impotently throwing insults at someone (me) that you can't debate on the facts, so like the six-year old you are, you just impotently hurl insults.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I'm not saying no officers were injured. I'm saying I hate America because America rejected my beloved Donald.

We know.

Last edited by iggy; 2021-09-23 6:16 AM.
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WB you’re still lying when you try to ridiculously assert no officers were seriously injured. When you lie you just prove Iggy is right in not bothering to argue. Why bother when it’s clear it doesn’t matter? You can see Fanone being beaten, he was tasered 4 times at the base of the skull. And it was because he was doing his job and that got in the way of trumpers. I know who the pos truly are.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I'm not saying no officers were injured. I'm saying I hate America because America rejected my beloved Donald.

We know.

Thank you for proving me right again. You're just a malicious piece of garbage, who has no facts or point. Just impotently throwing insults at someone (me). That you can't debate on the facts, so like the six-year old you are, you just impotently hurl insults. And make up fake quotes to script me to say things I never said. You're a liar, and you prove it every time you post.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
WB you’re still lying when you try to ridiculously assert no officers were seriously injured. When you lie you just prove Iggy is right in not bothering to argue. Why bother when it’s clear it doesn’t matter? You can see Fanone being beaten, he was tasered 4 times at the base of the skull. And it was because he was doing his job and that got in the way of trumpers. I know who the pos truly are.

Like I said, IN ANY riot, there are officers injured. But they were not seriously injured. Officer Brian Sicknick and other officers were hanging out talking and joking inside the Capitol after the 3 hours or so of intermittent rioting they contained and pushed out. Your side exaggerates this minor tiff on Jan 6th in the Capitol to be far more than it was.
OVER 90% of "insurrectionists" were only charged with trespassing.
Only about 60 were charged with anything related to rioting, violence, smashing glass, stealing a podium, taking Pelosi's letters, or peeing on a desk.
YOU lie.
YOU exaggerate.
And I have exposed your lies with the truth over and over.
ZERO protesters were charged by the FBI or any other law enforcement with "insurrection". It doesn't exist. YOU are lying in fronting that narrative.
ZERO guns were confiscated by FBI or any other police on Jan 6th, either in the Capitol building, or anywhere on the Washington Square grounds that day. What you are saying is a lie, an EXPOSED lie, it didn't happen.

You posture in a huge hissy fit about 20 officers who were injured on Jan 6th, but you cannot prove they were even injured by Trump supporters. As I've said repeatedly, according to the FBI's own investigation reports of that day, "AT LEAST 20" un-indicted co-conspirators (i.e., undercover FBI agents) were involved in if not orchestrating the violence,in an attempt TO FRAME Trump supporters for the violence, what little violence that occurred.

And further, as evidenced by their own videos that day posted on Facebook, Twiiter, Instagram and other social media, John Earle Sullivan and his BLM/Antifa group (posting videos as "Jayden X", and interviewed on CNN as well) are all shown in their videos openly gloating on Jan 6th that they were dressed as Trump supporters TO FRAME Trump supporters for their own destruction, and to hopefully trick actual Trump supporters to follow them into destruction.

So again, the overwhelming majority of the 50 or 60 violent protesters, if not ALL of them, were from these two groups conspiring TO FRAME Trump supporters, NOT Trump supporters themselves. It's all a set-up. And you are willingly fronting and promoting their lie.

Add to that how you simultaneously ignore the riots in the wake of the George Floyd drug overdose that was misrepresented as a police killing, where hundreds of thousands of BLM, Antifa and others of the Democrat left looted and burned at least 275 cities, burning to the ground whole blocks of cities, turning them into war zones, that today remain burned to the ground. Hundreds of businesses destroyed, tens of thousands of jobs permanently lost. At least 25 people killed, and two police officers killed. Not injured, M E M, two officers KILLED.
Those officers you have no concern for, because they don't fit your lying narrative. Along with over 2,000 police injured nationwide in those riots. Along with a siege on the White House that by far exceeded the alleged "storming" of the Capitol, so close to over-running the White House that Secret Service evacuated President Trump to a more secure location. 50 Secret Service agents were injured in that ACTUAL siege. As compared to 20 in the Capitol clash on Jan 6th. You only care about the police who serve your distorted liberal propaganda narrative, not about the THOUSANDS injured by Democrat/Leftists, who ACTUALLY DO hate the cops, unlike Trump supporters who universally respect the police. It is Democrats, and Democrat leaders, who relentlessly talk about defunding the police, abolishing the police, and attack to police with AR-15's and Molotov cocktails.

And Ashli Babbitt, for no logical reason, was not just injured, but was murdered by a Capitol police officer Lt. Michael Byrd who has a record of reckless behavior, who for corrupt partisan/political reasons is not even investigated or held accountable.
Those are the facts your lying narrative tries to cover up, M E M.

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Tucker Carlson’s Take on Michael Byrd Getting Away With the Murder of Ashli Babbitt

More from Fox News

  • In 2019, Byrd left his Glock 22 pistol inside a bathroom at the Capitol Visitor’s Center and was later found during a routine security sweep of the premises. The Capitol police said an investigation would occur and “the appropriate actions will be taken in accordance with the Department’s official policies and procedures.” Byrd was back on the job a few days after the incident and allegedly told colleagues he would “be treated differently” because of his rank.

Apparently that extends to murder as well.

Progs have some pretty selective ideas about riots.

While a Capitol cop gets away with murder, Burn Loot Murder lasted 7 months with 23 people s­hot dead, 700 police officers injured, and over 150 federal buildings damaged. Antifa’s rampage has resulted in damage comparable to Hurricane Sally. Combined casualties from both groups of thugs numbered 926 as of July 2020. Anarchists took over blocks of city neighborhoods in Seattle and Portland. They’re still at it. They commit arson, assault, murder, and vandalize. They’ve destroyed businesses, livelihoods, police stations, and courthouses. Very few have been arrested and charged. No one in the Dem party or liberal media calls it insurrection or demands justice.

When Prog radicals stormed into the Hart Senate building and the state capitols of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Georgia, none of them were shot. When left-wing protesters tried to break down the door to the SCOTUS while Bret Kavanaugh was sworn in, no one was shot. Sandy Cortez led a group of protesters that stormed Pelosi’s office in 2018 for hours until Capitol Hill Police arrested 51 of the protesters for unlawful entry and protest; a stunt that was praised by the media. No one was shot.

Black men shooting unarmed white women have different criteria. When the narrative suits them, “leftists” transform into apologists for police murder.

There’s a two-tiered system of justice in America. One for Dems and one for everyone else.

A lot of useful links at the sourced website version.

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Getting tasered 4 times at the base of the skull triggering a heart attack is something reasonable people can agree is a serious injury WB. I’m not going to confuse you or Tucker as being reasonable.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I'm not saying no officers were injured. I'm saying I hate America because America rejected my beloved Donald.

We know.

Thank you for proving me right again. You're just a malicious piece of garbage, who has no facts or point. Just impotently throwing insults at someone (me). That you can't debate on the facts, so like the six-year old you are, you just impotently hurl insults. And make up fake quotes to script me to say things I never said. You're a liar, and you prove it every time you post.

You have no facts. You have "alternative facts" and taking them seriously led to your guys attacking cops at the Capitol during a step in the process of the peaceful transfer of power because you lost, are a bunch of fucking children, and can't handle the world changing in ways that fucking make you feel diminished. Fuck off. You aren't fucking welcome to the grown-up table anymore, you fuck hole.

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That FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism Jill Sanborn, in Senate hearings testimony, said that NOT A SINGLE FIREARM was found and confiscated anywhere in Washington square on January 6th , IS A FACT. That immediately proves false the "storming of the Capitol/insurrection" false narrative.

That the FBI's own reports from their January 6th investigations show there are "at least 20" un-indicted co-conspirators (i.e., FBI undercover agents and agents provocateur) who were the real leaders and orchestrators of the violence that day, IS A FACT.

That Thomas Caldwell, of Oath Keepers, unknowingly shared a hotel room with an un-indicted co-conspirator (i.e., FBI agent provocateur), who gave Caldwell a battle plan for January 6th that Caldwell didn't follow, but was still charged with, IS A FACT. Out of a nationwide Oath Keepers organization of an estimated 60,000 members, only "up to 30" attended the event on Jan 6th, IS A FACT. That only 3 were indicted, is a fact, probably all set up by the FBI.

The same kind of set-up as the Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot, where 3 of the 5 involved were FBI agent/informants, including the one who proposed the kidnapping, and the one driving the van. If the entire crime is masterminded by the FBI, and the FBI only duped them into joining their plan, who is actually guilty of the crime?

The same kind of entrapment as was used against Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, George Pappadapoulos, Michael Caputo, on and on.
And similar politically motivated FBI entrapments and convictions extending back 20 years or more to Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) who was defeated in an election by a fraudulent FBI investigation, a conviction that was overturned, but losing his Senate seat to a Democrat was a smashing success for the FBI.

Or a similar case with Karl Rove's aide Scooter Libby, who was similarly railroaded into a plea deal in a perjury trap (sound familiar?) for a crime he didn't commit, with the threat he'd serve a much longer sentence if he didn't take the deal. ( Sound familiar?!?)
Much later, assistant state secretary Richard Armitage admitted it was him, not Libby, who inadvertantly revealed the breadcrumbs that reporter Robert Novak followed to learn and expose that Joe Wilson's wife was Valerie Plame, who by no fault of Libby was outed as a CIA agent. Even when Armitage revealed that he was the source, Libby remained in prison, until he was pardoned by George W. Bush.
Again, the political/Democrat weaponization of the FBI to jail political opponents, just to create a narrative and diminish popular support of a Republican president. FACT.

That over 90% of the 600 or so who entered the Capitol building on Jan 6 2021 were guilty of only trespassing, and that many were invited in with doors held open for them, and rows of cops letting them enter (all evidenced in videos posted all over the internet and conservative news, who will actually show them) IS A FACT.

That of the up to 60 who were actually charged with violence or lesser smashing of windows or theft of a podium, or putting their feet up on a desk, or stealing some of Pelosi's letters.
And of that 60, at least 20 were un-indicted co-conspirators (FBI agents) according to the FBI's own investigation reports.
And another 20 or so are John Earle Sullivan's BLM/Antifa group, who openly boasted in their posted videos they were wearing MAGA clothing and only pretending to be Trump supporters to get Trump supporters blamed for THEIR violence and vandalism, and/or dupe them into committing violence with them, IS A FACT, easily confirmed by their own videos, posted all over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. And interviewed lovingly on CNN and the other Orwell/Newspeak liberal media.
That a majority of the rioters were agents of either FBI or BLM/Antifa trying to frame them, and not actual Trump supporters, IS A FACT.

That the "FIVE people KILLED by white racist Trump supporters" was proven to be completely false, IS A FACT.

That "officer Brian Sicknick was KILLED by a white racist Trump supporter" was proven completely false, IS A FACT. That Sicknick died of a stroke and the New York Times, Washington DC coroner's office, and Capitol Police leadership all conspired to keep that false narrative alive for 6 months, IS A FACT.
That Brian Sicknick actually died of a stroke unrelated to rioting, IS A FACT.
That Sicknick's brother told reporters on January 8th that Brian Sicknick died of a stroke, and the Capitol leadership and liberal media hid it and continued to sell the "officer KILLED" narrative for another 6 months, IS A FACT.

And there is absolutely nothing you can say to disprove these facts. They have been widely reported. Suppressed and selectively omitted by the mainsteam liberal media, and far-Left social media giants, but reported, sourced, linked and proven many times over, regardless.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I'm not saying no officers were injured. I'm saying I hate America because America rejected my beloved Donald.

We know.

Thank you for proving me right again. You're just a malicious piece of garbage, who has no facts or point. Just impotently throwing insults at someone (me). That you can't debate on the facts, so like the six-year old you are, you just impotently hurl insults. And make up fake quotes to script me to say things I never said. You're a liar, and you prove it every time you post.

You have no facts. You have "alternative facts" and taking them seriously led to your guys attacking cops at the Capitol during a step in the process of the peaceful transfer of power because you lost, are a bunch of fucking children, and can't handle the world changing in ways that fucking make you feel diminished. Fuck off. You aren't fucking welcome to the grown-up table anymore, you fuck hole.

Saved to demonstrate your consistent infantile knee-jerk leap into namecalling and profanity, when you clearly don't have the facts on your side, and your pure apoplectic vindictiveness has completely blocked out any attempt on your part to present a logical argument.

You're a pinhead. A spiteful vindictive pinhead, but a pinhead nonetheless.

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Whatever you need to keep justifying your deep desire for a crusade to save you from the easily wearied, entitled lumpenbourgeoisie existence that has provided for you so well you simply have nothing better to do but tear it down in your quixotic quest to "save" it. You are a terribly unserious person and I will treat your unseriousness with all the flippancy it deserves.

Last edited by iggy; 2021-10-09 8:27 AM.
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Originally Posted by iggy
Whatever you need to keep justifying your deep desire for a crusade to save you from the easily wearied, entitled lumpenbourgeoisie existence that has provided for you so well you simply have nothing better to do but tear it down in your quixotic quest to "save" it. You are a terribly unserious person and I will treat your unseriousness with all the flippancy it deserves.

Spoken like the deceitful Marxist academic you are, who hides his true motives and agenda, but occasionally reveals his true marxist allegiences with terms like lumpenbourgeoisie.

Although from your vocabulary, I find it hard to believe you're an actual academic, more likely an academic wannabe who in truth sweeps floors at a junior college. That's as close to an actual classroom as an angry wackjob like you should ever get.

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I did in couple of minutes what takes you hours because you hyperventilate like the pussy afraid of truth that you are.

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Originally Posted by iggy
I did in couple of minutes what takes you hours because you hyperventilate like the pussy afraid of truth that you are.

I guess that's your way of evading that I have the facts on my side, facts you refuse to acknowledge.
See my above posts.

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You cite other true believers as "irrefutable facts," you fucking cultist! You're typical cult behavior and can't even see how sad you are that even G-Man and Pariah couldn't keep the facade of any of this being serious up any longer. You're a bored upper middle aged white guy desperate for some meaning and taking it out on the United States like a devious shitlord of fucking stupid. Get help.

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Originally Posted by iggy
You cite other true believers as "irrefutable facts," you fucking cultist! You're typical cult behavior and can't even see how sad you are that even G-Man and Pariah couldn't keep the facade of any of this being serious up any longer. You're a bored upper middle aged white guy desperate for some meaning and taking it out on the United States like a devious shitlord of fucking stupid. Get help.

I'm pretty confident that the 97% Democrat-donating FBI , who drafted the investigative reports I cited, are not Trump supporters.

All the other facts I cited are mostly reported by the 93% Trump-hating liberal media as well. Who are also reluctant to disclose facts that are favorable to Trump or his supporters. And yet... that is where the facts I cited come from. "Five People Killed by Racist Trump Supporters" is acknowledged to have been a complete lie. Likewise "Brian Sicknick KILLED by Racist Trump supporters". Likewise the "insurrection/seige" narrative that they kept alive against the facts for 6 months. Even the New York Times that created the narative has retracted it.
Are the New York Times "true believers" in Trump, you fucking liar?

You're such a dipshit. You are either lying to me or to yourself that you actually believe the liberal media narrative regarding the January 6th riots, the Covid-19 narrative that locks down whole states in opposition to the actual science, or the narrative that Biden won the Nov 3 2000 election. There is so much evidence to the contrary on each of these issues that you have to be a delusional zealot to believe the mainstream liberal narrative, and selectively omit the known facts to continue to believe them.

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Dude, we get it. You don't understand how real news functions. Shut the fuck up and deprogram, you fucking cultist.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Dude, we get it. You don't understand how real news functions. Shut the fuck up and deprogram, you fucking cultist.

My cited and sourced facts, vs. your baseless insults and profanity-laden lashing out, because you can't intellectually or factually defend what you're saying.
You have no clue to how blind to the true facts you are.

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You believe bullshit just as bullshit as the bullshit you whine about on the left. That's why you are totally unable to see any of this in anything other than your apocalyptic us/them binary, you fucking cultist.

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Originally Posted by iggy
You believe bullshit just as bullshit as the bullshit you whine about on the left. That's why you are totally unable to see any of this in anything other than your apocalyptic us/them binary, you fucking cultist.

Thank you for proving me right again.

You have no facts, so you just hyperventilate with insults.
I have no need to add anything, you further degrade your own credibility just by posting.

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