And no citations for his “facts”. I hope police officers all over the country are taking in how trumpers like WB have turned on them if they get in the way of stealing an election.
Their TESTIMONY BEFORE CONGRESS is the facts. I have tremendous respect for police in general. These 5 punks who testified are Democrat agents, using their testimony to front a lying narrative. Officer Fanone is a proven fraud who comes from a rich family and was thrown out of severaal schools before becoming a police officer. He was not assigned to riot duty on Jan 6th, but just showed up, and as Tucker Carlson has cited (with a photo of him that day) Fanone didn't even look like a police officer, and wearing all black in a pseudo-looking police outfit, could have been mistaken for Antifa. Fanone, is the love-child of CNN, and has gotten more air-time than anyone since Michael Avenatti (that alone tells you a lot, about both Fanone and CNN), ONLY because he props up their lying narrative with a lot of non-factual incendiary rhetoric.
Likewise the other 4 officers who testified, in a House committee discussing Jan 6th events, where Rep. Jim Jordan (a committee member!) WAS NOT ALLOWED TO BE IN THE HEARING AND ASK QUESTIONS OF THE 4 OFFICERS. Only RINO sellouts Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were allowed to be part of their "bipartisan" Soviet-style politburo. They were there to give a performance, to sell a Democrat narrative, not to investigate or test the facts. Not to testify to actual facts. To sell a narrative. As Democrat partisans, not as police officers.
And the 4 officers were clearly Democrats, selling that narrative, in something far removed from an objective presentation of the facts on Jan 6th.
And all the other things I said are objectively true. The blocking deployment of 10,000 National guard troops Trump ordered for Jan 6th, with-held by Pelosi and the Democrat leadership that controls the Capitol police, by Capitol police leadership themselves, the lying narrative about Brian Sicknick dying of attack instead of a stroke (finally even admitted by the New York Times who created the "Sicknick killed" narrative, deliberately fronting a narrative that he was killed by Trump supporters, his manipulated autopsy and cause of death to support a political narrative, every last one of those things is absolutely objectively true, despite your attempt to say "WB hasn't presented any facts".
I absolutely have presented sourced and linked facts across multiple topics, to prove every one of those things.