Here's Wanker Boy quoting me as a saying that anything anyone posts that contradicts what he says is just written off as "propaganda" and "LIBERAL MEDIA" so, yeah, I'm just going to fuck with him because he won't actually try to engage with anything that threatens his world view like the little wanker pussy that he is.
You're right. I am a delusional wanker pussy that won't extend the same good will to other sources that I insist be given to all of mine.
Seriously, this is why I will fuck with you until you quit posting at this board. You are everything you say you hate about others, you delusional piece of shit.
Dream on, you worthless spiteful piece of shit.
You have absolutely no basis for your venom and slanders, and you have such a lack of facts that you have to MAKE UP QUOTES and script me, to have anything resembling an argument.
You're a troll piece of shit with absolutely nothing logical or factual to say, just pure illogical hate, that you direct at me to vent the displaced rage for your own miserable pathetic life.
Get psychiatric care. Seriously.