
8 years of Obama, W. Bush never criticized him.

W. Bush comes out of the woodwork to attack Trump during Trump's 4 years.

Likewise, Romney comes out of nowhere to attack Trump all through his presidency, after he BEGS Trump to campaign for him. And then as soon as Romney wins election, he maliciously attacks Trump at every opportunity. Likewise Paul Ryan. Likewise John Boehner. Their loyalty is to the corrupt bipartisan system that enriches them, not to the Republican party.

Also, W. Bush is close friends with the Clintons, all together in a bipartisan fleecing of American taxpayers by the corrupt elite of both parties. The two-party system is to a large degree actually one party, controlled by campaign finance, and attacks anyone who threatens the corrupt system that enriches them, Trump in particular. The Bidens, the Pelosis, the Bushes, the Clintons, the Kerry family, the Feinsteins, on down. That's all this shows.

If you want further details, read OBAMANOMICS by Timothy Carney, or CULTURE OF CORRUPTION by Michelle Malkin, of CLINTON CASH by Peter Schweizer, among others.

They would destroy the Republican party, or the country itself, to keep the system going that enriches them.