Watching Fantone’s body cam from Jan 6 I think we both know who the true pos are.
"The true POS" are the ones trying to take what was clearly a riot (*NOT* "terrorists", *NOT* an "insurrection", *NOT* a "storming of the Capitol", *NOT* "Five people KILLED by white racist Trump Supporters") to twist it into an exaggerated or completely false narrative that benefits the Democrat-Bolshevik party. Officer Fanone is clearly using buzz words like "terrorists" to describe the rioters to conform to that lying Democrat narrative. He is a willing part of the Democrat narrative, and in this and multiple interviews I've seen of him, he is not an officer giving an objective deposition of what occurred, he is an ideological zealot who is completely on Team Democrat. Note also that there was no cross-examination of his or the other 3 officers' testimony. Only Bolshevik loyalists such as Rep. Liz Cheney (RINO-WY), and Rep. Adam Kinsinger (RINO-IL) were permitted to be in that House committee hearing. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), ACTUAL Republicans who would have asked hard but reasonable questions about the facts and challenged that lying narrative, who would have cited the evidence and objective facts, were not permitted by Pelosi to attend the hearings.
The FACTS of the January 6th protests: There were well over 100,000 Trump supporters in Washington Square on January 6th, and of those only about 600 of them went inside the Capitol that day. Of those, over 90% were only charged with "trespassing", and only 50 or 60 were charged with violent acts, vandalism, theft of Pelosi's speaking podium or her letters, or urinating on a desk. NOT "terrorism" or "insurrection". CLEARLY a few rioters who just got out of hand. Vastly exaggerated for political and authoritarian purposes by the Democrat Bolsheviks. And these four zealot police officers who are a deliberate part of that lying narrative. And as I've said repeatedly, by the FBI's own Jan 6 investigative reports, "at least 20" of the rioters were Ray Epps and other undercover FBI agents stoking violence, not actual Trump supporters. And another 20 were John Earle Sullivan and his Antiffa group, who openly boast in their internet videos they were not Trump supporters, but were in disguise as Trump supporters, to FRAME Trump supporters. How many of these were the ones who ACTUALLY clashed with Capitol police?
ABOUT THE ABOVE VIDEO AND OFFICER FANONE'S NARRATIVE VERSION OF WHAT HAPPENED: Except for the unjustified police shooting of Ashli Babbitt, the violent clash in the hallway officer Fanone gave testimony of was the most violent clash of the day. But regardless, no one, no officer was seriously injured or killed. He used Democrat-narrative buzz-words like "terrorists" to describe the clash with him and other police in that hallway. But that is *NOT* an objective reporting of the facts. The people clashing with police were not arrested and identified as Trump supporters, and as I've detailed even from the FBI's own investigative reports (as extensively covered by the previously linked Revolver website's investigation, and for over 2 monthss by Tucker Carlson almost nightly) the FBI's own reports identify "at least 20 un-indicted co-conspirators" [i.e., undercover FBI agents POSING as Trump supporters], as well as a separate group of 15 or 20 BLM/Antifa who videotaped themselves in Trump/MAGA clothing and hats PRETENDING to be Trump supporters, with the stated intent (ON VIDEO, posted all over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and CNN) openly bragging they were going to commit violence or vandalism and get Trump supporters blamed for it, and even try to trick Trump supporters into following them into violence.
So... if at least these two factions of NON-Trump supporters were there to commit violence and destruction, WITH THE SPECIFIC STATED PURPOSE to get Trump supporters blamed for it, who are "the true POS" and terrorists, M E M ?!? Clearly it is the false-flag Democrat/Left and Democrat-occupied FBI operators on Jan 6th, and the Democrat leaders, deceitful liberal media propagandists, and the Democrat-zealot police officers who hide behind a false veil of objectivity, but are in truth Democrat-agent propagandists themselves.
I would further state that (against Fanone's above lying narrative testimony) no one was killed by Trump supporters, no one was kidnapped. No one among Trump supporters used guns or grenades to seize or occupy territory and set up an occupied "free zone" that they declared was no longer part of the United States, as has occurred in Seattle and Washington DC by BLM/Antifa. No one was charged with "insurrection" by the FBI. No weapons were seized in the Capitol or anywhere in Washington Square that day. So what officer Fanone said in the above video (feeding the Democrat narrative) is an absolute lie. He wildly speculates that House and Senate members would be taken hostage or killed. Based on what? That NEVER happened. Fanone wildly speculates that he and other officers would have been killed. Based on what? That NEVER happened.
It's just narrative propaganda. And further, for the at least 4 minutes that others estimated officer Fanone was unconscious, they could have killed him with his own gun, or beaten him to death. BUT THEY DIDN'T. That NEVER happened. So it's a lying narrative. Likewise elsewhere in the Capitol building, many officers were overwhelmed, and many have stated that they weren't able to hold back crowds or secure the area. So if the true intent of the crowd was to take House and Senate members hostage, or kill them, or kill police officers, they certainly had the opportunity to do so unopposed. BUT THEY DIDN'T. That NEVER happened.
Fanone's account says that he was in danger of being severely beaten or killed or shot, but that other protesters came to his aid and protected him. I say the people who protected him were the ACTUAL Trump supporters, and the others were the false-flag ones there to start trouble and get Trump supporters blamed for it. I've shown multiple other videos where undercover FBI or Antifa smashed windows, and were identified as Antifa by the crowd, at which point ACTUAL Trump supporters stopped them and restrained them. The Trump supporters saved Fanone from further beating, then Fanone goes on TV interviews and sweepingly calls them all "terrorists", and in another interview called for them to be exterminated. Who's "the true POS"? You know who.
Further, you act like all 100,000-plus Trump supporters on Jan 6th are violent terrorists trying to overthrow the United States. Or really, you seem to be trying to smear that label on all 74.3 million Trump voters. That is a vicious lie. If there were only about 50 or 60 identified who were involved in Jan 6th violence or rioting, and at least 40 of them were either FBI or BLM/Antifa false-flag provocateurs, how can you continue to make those vicious assertions?
The violence on Jan 6th, what little there was of it, goes completely against the way Trump supporters or the preceding Tea Party protests have ever behaved at any other protests. So I'm of the informed opinion that the events smearing the Trump protesters were either mostly or completely manufactured by FBI and Antifa/BLM false-flag operators, with the exception of a handful of duped Trump supporters who to a lesser extent followed them in. But the planning of violence, and the main thrusts of protesters violently clashing with police, were orchestrated by FBI, or by John Earl Sullivan and his BLM/Antifa group, and possibly others not yet exposed. An undercover "un-indicted co-conspirator" shared a hotel room with the leader of Oath Keepers that day, and is the one who gave the Oath Keepers guy his battle plan.
Just as 3 of the 5 people involved in the plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer were all FBI agents, including the one who proposed the plan. So it would appear , in both examples, that the FBI is the greatest terrorist threat to our national security, not Trump supporters.
Democrats see this as their "Burning of the Reichstag" moment, that allows them to seize power and justify an authoritarian lockdown, to crush their Republican opposition and establish authoritarian one-party rule, by whatever deception. And both officer Michael Fanone, and yourself, are eager to prop up that lying Democrat narrative, to give your party absolute power, and demonize good people who overwhelmingly "PEACEFULLY and patriotically" voiced their support for Republican leaders who challenged an unjust election on Jan 6th.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.