Actually, the Arizona forensic election audit results will be announced on Friday, by the Arizona state senate. I saw one of the Senators interviewed, he said the result has been obstructed and delayed for months by an endless assault of harassment lawsuits by Democrat organizations, in an attempt to stop, shut down, silence, or delay the audit or announcement of its findings. He said for months, there has been at least one new lawsuit served every day. Your Democrat-Bolshevik party at work.
There are similar forensic audits moving forward in Georgia, in Pennsylvania, in Michigan, in Wisconsin. If only 3 of those 5 audits show election fraud (and they already have, outside an official forensic audit, in every state, multiple streams of Democrat election fraud, at 10 to 40 times Biden's margin of victory in every state) then Trump is the actual elected president.
And that doesn't even take into account that there was massive voting fraud in all 50 states, that at the very least altered the popular vote in all states, even in states where it did not change the outcome.
There is overwhelming evidence of Democrat election fraud in all 6 contested states, just waiting for a forensic election audit, and a court that is willing to review the evidence, and act on it