What happened to Mussolini, where he was lynched and his body mutilated and whacked at like a pinata, and then hung in a public square, was something Hitler observed and didn't want to happen to him. That's why he committed suicide, and instructed his subordinates to burn his and Evan Braun's bodies, so they couldn't be defaced, even if dead already, in a similar spectacle. I'm surprised after both were burned there was enough intact to identify Hitler's body by medical and dental records.
Hitler wouldn't have lived much longer anyway, in several filmed appearances he his hands shook with evident advanced Parkinson's disease. He also ripped his body up with stimulants to keep him going, and depressants to make him sleep. Partly explaining his erratic behavior and paranoia.
I read a book by one historian that detailed all the pivotal moments where Hitler could have played his cards differently and won the war. In each case after the war's official beginning, his own decisions over the more calculated strategies of his generals, went badly for him (slowing the advance at Dunkirk, not seizing the Suez canal and closing off the Mediterranean, delay of the Russian offensive so that it went into winter where the Russians had all the advantages, stubborn refusal to allow a tactical retreat at Stalingrade, another all-out frontal assault at the battle of Kursk that the enemy was ready for and anticipated, etc.)
Hitler in the early pre-World War II years exploited weaknesses and attacked vulnerable points with minimal use of forces. But after the war officially began, Hitler turned to all-out frontal assaults that wasted men and resources. Hitler could have befriended similarly anti-semitic Syria and Iran, and had oil sources outside the range of allied bombing, and also had so much of Russia's border exposed to German invasion from all sides that he could have forced Russia to surrender without a war ever being fought. Instead he went the unwise frontal assault route.
Hitler also had digestive problems his whole life, that he was medically treated for, and was prone to horrible acid farts.
His secret weapon!