
Tucker Carlson’s Take on Michael Byrd Getting Away With the Murder of Ashli Babbitt

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  • In 2019, Byrd left his Glock 22 pistol inside a bathroom at the Capitol Visitor’s Center and was later found during a routine security sweep of the premises. The Capitol police said an investigation would occur and “the appropriate actions will be taken in accordance with the Department’s official policies and procedures.” Byrd was back on the job a few days after the incident and allegedly told colleagues he would “be treated differently” because of his rank.

Apparently that extends to murder as well.

Progs have some pretty selective ideas about riots.

While a Capitol cop gets away with murder, Burn Loot Murder lasted 7 months with 23 people s­hot dead, 700 police officers injured, and over 150 federal buildings damaged. Antifa’s rampage has resulted in damage comparable to Hurricane Sally. Combined casualties from both groups of thugs numbered 926 as of July 2020. Anarchists took over blocks of city neighborhoods in Seattle and Portland. They’re still at it. They commit arson, assault, murder, and vandalize. They’ve destroyed businesses, livelihoods, police stations, and courthouses. Very few have been arrested and charged. No one in the Dem party or liberal media calls it insurrection or demands justice.

When Prog radicals stormed into the Hart Senate building and the state capitols of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Georgia, none of them were shot. When left-wing protesters tried to break down the door to the SCOTUS while Bret Kavanaugh was sworn in, no one was shot. Sandy Cortez led a group of protesters that stormed Pelosi’s office in 2018 for hours until Capitol Hill Police arrested 51 of the protesters for unlawful entry and protest; a stunt that was praised by the media. No one was shot.

Black men shooting unarmed white women have different criteria. When the narrative suits them, “leftists” transform into apologists for police murder.

There’s a two-tiered system of justice in America. One for Dems and one for everyone else.

A lot of useful links at the sourced website version.