Originally Posted by iggy
You post alternative facts, you jackass. Hence no one giving a fuck with bothering to debate you anymore. You can't debate cultist bullshit because fucking cultists believe regardless of how amazingly stupid and full of shit it is. All you are ever going to get is this while you screed bullshit over several threads. Fuck you, asshole.

The FBI's own reports are not "alternative facts", they confirm what I said.

FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism Jill Sanborn's testimony before the Senate, saying that NOT ONE firearm was found or confiscated in the Capitol building or anywhere in surrounding Washington Square, is not "alternative facts", and it confirms what I said, that there was no "insurrection", no "seige", no "storming", just some mild rioting that was easily contained. NO ONE was charged with "insurrection". Of the 600 protesters who in any way entered the Capitol, 90% were only charged with trespassing. Of the 60 who were charged with either vandalism of violence, "at least 20" were undercover un-indicted co-conspirator FBI agents provacateur trying to incite and frame Trump protesters into rioting they didn't want to commit.
An additional 20 of the mob were John Earle Sullivan's BLM/Antifa group, trying to frame protesters as well, openly boasting about it in dozens of videos.
So... if at least 40 of the 60 were trying to stoke Trump protesters into violence, who actually planned and is responsible for the violence?
ANSWER: The weaponized deep state Democrat-occupied FBI, and the BLM/Antifa Bolshevik Left. The facts, the video footage, the FBI's own reports, confirm that. NOT "alternative facts", just FACTS.

Calling me a "cultist" is a coward's way for you to evade that the facts are on my side. And as Sharyl Atkisson has cited an hour's worth of examples of, the liberal media you worship are the TRUE cultists, who absolutely refuse to report the facts, as they give one-sided pure propaganda coverage in support of the Democrats.
Likewise as Maria Bartiromo reports.
Likewise Lara Logan.
Likewise John Solomon.
Likewise Glenn Greenwald.
Likewise Ron Kessler.
All award-winning journalists, who had to leave the mainstream media so they could report the facts the liberal media refuses to report.

Most of these were and remain liberal journalists, who are disgusted with the abandoned ethics of the news organizations they formerly worked for and left, such as CNN, CBS, the New York Times and the Washington Post.