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Donald Trump sent a letter to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger asking him to start "decertifying" the 2020 election, on Friday.

The letter, which was posted to Twitter by Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington, claims to have enclosed evidence of "large scale voter fraud" in Georgia.

Trump refers to 43,000 absentee ballots which he claimed violated the chain of custody rules.

"I would respectfully request that your department check this and, if true, along with many other claims of voter fraud and voter irregularities, start the prices of decertifying the election, or whatever the correct legal remedy is, and announce the true winner," the letter says.

Since losing the 2020 election, Donald Trump has repeated unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter and election fraud.

Joe Biden won the state of Georgia by a little over 12,000 votes out of nearly 5 million votes cast.

The state has undertaken recounts and audits, and each one has confirmed Joe Biden's win.

The Republican Raffensperger has previously said that "there is no doubt" that Biden won.

In his letter to Raffensperger, Trump said, "People do not understand why you and Governor Brian Kemp adamantly refuse to acknowledge the now proven facts."

None of the legal challenges to the 2020 election have been held up in court, and the Justice Department said it found no evidence of widespread fraud.


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Actually, the Arizona forensic election audit results will be announced on Friday, by the Arizona state senate. I saw one of the Senators interviewed, he said the result has been obstructed and delayed for months by an endless assault of harassment lawsuits by Democrat organizations, in an attempt to stop, shut down, silence, or delay the audit or announcement of its findings. He said for months, there has been at least one new lawsuit served every day. Your Democrat-Bolshevik party at work.

There are similar forensic audits moving forward in Georgia, in Pennsylvania, in Michigan, in Wisconsin. If only 3 of those 5 audits show election fraud (and they already have, outside an official forensic audit, in every state, multiple streams of Democrat election fraud, at 10 to 40 times Biden's margin of victory in every state) then Trump is the actual elected president.

And that doesn't even take into account that there was massive voting fraud in all 50 states, that at the very least altered the popular vote in all states, even in states where it did not change the outcome.

There is overwhelming evidence of Democrat election fraud in all 6 contested states, just waiting for a forensic election audit, and a court that is willing to review the evidence, and act on it


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I believe the phrase is: If you have nothing to hide, then what's your problem? Isn't that the phrase all the morons screaming about audits say?

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Ariz. audit report finds 49k questionable votes, pending attorney general probe

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:19 PM PT – Sunday, September 26, 2021
The audit of 2020 elections in Arizona found 49,000 votes raised questions of authenticity and legitimacy of election outcomes. According to the audit report, more than 23,000 votes came from people who no longer lived at the address where their mail-in ballot was sent.

In addition, 9,000 more mail-in ballots were received than sent out by the county, while another 5,000 voters potentially voted in several counties. State lawmakers said they would refer these findings for criminal prosecution.

“You’re looking at jail time, whether that’s a second degree misdemeanor, third degree misdemeanor. It doesn’t matter to me. As long as there is a penalty behind it and I would really love to see a fine,” expressed Rep. Mark Finchem (R-Ariz.). “If somebody knows that there’s a $10,000 fine for filling out that form or doing that thing that will interfere with somebody else’s election, somebody else’s election to be governed.”

Auditors also found election files were deleted several times after the election. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich says he’s now looking into the matter.

There's actually about 250,000 Maricopa County votes that are highly questionable and irregular, if not proven to have fraudulent intent. Such as people listing their addresses as a vacant lot, or dead people voting, or people who moved out of state years ago, but still voted with a mail-in ballot, and people who showed up at their voting location, and were told they had already voted and were not permitted to vote, or Maricopa County receiving back 9,000 more completed ballots than they printed and mailed out to voters! To name just a few of the ways that fraudulent votes were cast.
And up to 20 people listed as having voted from one residence, but when that residence was canvassed, the resident who answered said they're the only one who has lived there for years, and never heard of the 20 others who listed that residence as their home address.

But even at the smaller 49,000 most rancidly suspicious votes, that's roughly 5 times Biden's 10, 457 vote victory margin in Arizona. And if legally pursued, would easily overturn Arizona's electoral votes.

With similar forensic election audits being pursued in the other 5 contested states.

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Shut the fuck up and go away you delusional Nazi cunt! No one fucking likes you or your moronic alternative facts. Quit posting and get psychiatric help with deprogramming, you horrible fucking person.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Shut the fuck up and go away you delusional Nazi cunt! No one fucking likes you or your moronic alternative facts. Quit posting and get psychiatric help with deprogramming, you horrible fucking person.

translated from your factless infantile insults:

Originally Posted by Iggy
cry cry cry

In other words... you've got nothin'.

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What part of not debating a fucking moron high on propaganda do you not understand?

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Originally Posted by iggy
What part of not debating a fucking moron high on propaganda do you not understand?

Ah... you mean yourself. Dipshit.

I've cited verifiable facts that you can't contest, while you parrot clearly false narratives. And you try to hide your demonstrably uninformed views with empty bravado and insults.
Because you sure can't back them up with anything resembling the facts.

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You post alternative facts, you jackass. Hence no one giving a fuck with bothering to debate you anymore. You can't debate cultist bullshit because fucking cultists believe regardless of how amazingly stupid and full of shit it is. All you are ever going to get is this while you screed bullshit over several threads. Fuck you, asshole.

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Originally Posted by iggy
You post alternative facts, you jackass. Hence no one giving a fuck with bothering to debate you anymore. You can't debate cultist bullshit because fucking cultists believe regardless of how amazingly stupid and full of shit it is. All you are ever going to get is this while you screed bullshit over several threads. Fuck you, asshole.

The FBI's own reports are not "alternative facts", they confirm what I said.

FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism Jill Sanborn's testimony before the Senate, saying that NOT ONE firearm was found or confiscated in the Capitol building or anywhere in surrounding Washington Square, is not "alternative facts", and it confirms what I said, that there was no "insurrection", no "seige", no "storming", just some mild rioting that was easily contained. NO ONE was charged with "insurrection". Of the 600 protesters who in any way entered the Capitol, 90% were only charged with trespassing. Of the 60 who were charged with either vandalism of violence, "at least 20" were undercover un-indicted co-conspirator FBI agents provacateur trying to incite and frame Trump protesters into rioting they didn't want to commit.
An additional 20 of the mob were John Earle Sullivan's BLM/Antifa group, trying to frame protesters as well, openly boasting about it in dozens of videos.
So... if at least 40 of the 60 were trying to stoke Trump protesters into violence, who actually planned and is responsible for the violence?
ANSWER: The weaponized deep state Democrat-occupied FBI, and the BLM/Antifa Bolshevik Left. The facts, the video footage, the FBI's own reports, confirm that. NOT "alternative facts", just FACTS.

Calling me a "cultist" is a coward's way for you to evade that the facts are on my side. And as Sharyl Atkisson has cited an hour's worth of examples of, the liberal media you worship are the TRUE cultists, who absolutely refuse to report the facts, as they give one-sided pure propaganda coverage in support of the Democrats.
Likewise as Maria Bartiromo reports.
Likewise Lara Logan.
Likewise John Solomon.
Likewise Glenn Greenwald.
Likewise Ron Kessler.
All award-winning journalists, who had to leave the mainstream media so they could report the facts the liberal media refuses to report.

Most of these were and remain liberal journalists, who are disgusted with the abandoned ethics of the news organizations they formerly worked for and left, such as CNN, CBS, the New York Times and the Washington Post.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Doofus
Everyone who turns against us is part of a vast conspiracy that only myself and other true believers can see, but--seriously--I'm not in a cult

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I've proven a thousand times here with the facts why YOU are a cultist selling a lying narrative, Iggy.

A clip from King of the Hill doesn't disprove those facts.

It just further proves that you're an infant, without an intellectual leg to stand on. You are in denial of the facts right in front of you.
Facts acknowledged even by the 93% liberal anti-Trump media, that you pretend don't exist. Ride on, Don Quixote !

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This is about the Arizona audit, you cultist. He lost. They proved it. They just tried to throw you assclowns red meat because otherwise you call them traitors and threaten them with death like the Trump supporters on 1/6 did to Mike Pence.

You are in a fucking cult.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I've proven a thousand times here with the facts why YOU are a cultist selling a lying narrative, Iggy.

A clip from King of the Hill doesn't disprove those facts.

It just further proves that you're an infant, without an intellectual leg to stand on. You are in denial of the facts right in front of you.
Facts acknowledged even by the 93% liberal anti-Trump media, that you pretend don't exist. Ride on, Don Quixote !

Originally Posted by iggy
This is about the Arizona audit, you cultist. He lost. They proved it. They just tried to throw you assclowns red meat because otherwise you call them traitors and threaten them with death like the Trump supporters on 1/6 did to Mike Pence.

You are in a fucking cult.

So because you've been proven wrong on the other points, you're retreating back to the Maricopa County forensic election audit in Arizona. But what you say is another lie. 98% of their report was the at least 55,000 votes that were demonstably fraudulent and should not have been counted, and up to 250,000 that are irregular and highly questionable. If you recall, Biden allegedly "won" with 10,457 votes (after 2 weeks of manufacturing fake ballots to narrowly overcome Trump's lead). So the election audit ACTUALLY says that Trump won by roughly 5 times Biden's fake victory margin.

The liberal media evaded that, and focused on a tiny preliminary portion of the report, that when the fake ballots were re-counted without examination for their authenticity (fake voters, fake addresses, double-voters, dead voters, 23,000 people who moved out of state and were no longer qualified to vote but did, 9,000 more ballots returned than the state mailed out, etc) that yeah, when you re-count the fake votes that shouldn't have been counted the first time, you get approximately the same number. The report does say that.
But it overwhelmingly says that at least 55,000 of those votes should never have been counted in the first place, and that up to 250, 000 total should have been rejected. The Democrat-Bolshevik media deceives, and did not report the true facts. They manufactured a lying narrative, rather than reporting the true facts of the Maricopa audit results.
Just as they have on other Trump-related stories for the last 5 years. (See Sharyll Atkisson's long list of examples again.)

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Pretty sure they never said those were fraudulent and just pushed the narrative enough for you to read that into it without opening themselves up to a lawsuit. He lost, cultist. They just let you down easy.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Pretty sure they never said those were fraudulent and just pushed the narrative enough for you to read that into it without opening themselves up to a lawsuit. He lost, cultist. They just let you down easy.

The indoctrinated liberal cultist, calling me a cultist.

Irony, that. Your side has completely abandoned objectivity, journalistic standards and ethics, in pursuit of zealously selling a pro-Democrat narrative, and suppressing any facts that might diminish popular support of the Democrats. Absolute fact.
And weaponizing the FBI and DOJ against pro-Trump political dissent. To intimidate and silence the witnesses to election fraud. There are about 600 people who are charged with nothing more that "trespassing" who are being kept in federal prison and solitary confinement, for 10 months now and counting, who committed no crime, while actual violent criminals in BLM and Antifa are free and allowed to run wild. To intimidate and silence those who would support Trump, who voted for Trump, and voice opposition to an unfair and rigged election. A majority nationwide now think, based on suppressed evidence, that the election was rigged. Hundreds of voter workers who signed affidavits to the fraud they witnessed, fired from their jobs, and/or intimidated by the FBI to withdraw their statements.

It's pretty clear in the Arizona Maricopa County re-count that the criteria for counting those votes was not met, and the votes were counted anyway. Votes that would have been thrown out in any previous election. 55,000 that were blatantly fraudulent, and up to 250,000 that did not have signature matching done, and while perhaps not deliberately fraudulent, were not authenticated and should not have been counted.
And they referred the Maricopa forensic election audit evidence to the Arizona state attorney general as evidence for prosecution of election fraud.

In states nationwide, the same thing, massive numbers of illegitimate votes, snuck in through multiple streams of voter fraud. In many districts more votes than there are registered voters! Statistically impossible Democrat voter turnout. VIDEOTAPED election fraud in the hundreds of thousands in Atlanta and Detroit, at precisely the time that Biden suspiciously pulled ahead, with a statistically impossible 98% of the votes counted in that timeframe going to Biden.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
Pretty sure they never said those were fraudulent and just pushed the narrative enough for you to read that into it without opening themselves up to a lawsuit. He lost, cultist. They just let you down easy.

The indoctrinated liberal cultist, calling me a cultist.

Irony, that. Your side has completely abandoned objectivity, journalistic standards and ethics, in pursuit of zealously selling a pro-Democrat narrative, and suppressing any facts that might diminish popular support of the Democrats. Absolute fact.
And weaponizing the FBI and DOJ against pro-Trump political dissent. To intimidate and silence the witnesses to election fraud. There are about 600 people who are charged with nothing more that "trespassing" who are being kept in federal prison and solitary confinement, for 10 months now and counting, who committed no crime, while actual violent criminals in BLM and Antifa are free and allowed to run wild. To intimidate and silence those who would support Trump, who voted for Trump, and voice opposition to an unfair and rigged election. A majority nationwide now think, based on suppressed evidence, that the election was rigged. Hundreds of voter workers who signed affidavits to the fraud they witnessed, fired from their jobs, and/or intimidated by the FBI to withdraw their statements.

It's pretty clear in the Arizona Maricopa County re-count that the criteria for counting those votes was not met, and the votes were counted anyway. Votes that would have been thrown out in any previous election. 55,000 that were blatantly fraudulent, and up to 250,000 that did not have signature matching done, and while perhaps not deliberately fraudulent, were not authenticated and should not have been counted.
And they referred the Maricopa forensic election audit evidence to the Arizona state attorney general as evidence for prosecution of election fraud.

In states nationwide, the same thing, massive numbers of illegitimate votes, snuck in through multiple streams of voter fraud. In many districts more votes than there are registered voters! Statistically impossible Democrat voter turnout. VIDEOTAPED election fraud in the hundreds of thousands in Atlanta and Detroit, at precisely the time that Biden suspiciously pulled ahead, with a statistically impossible 98% of the votes counted in that timeframe going to Biden.

This entire post is why no one actually argues anything with you. The FBI didn't intimidate people to overthrow a president. He lost. Early votes weren't allowed to be counted until end of hours on election day. Orange Doofus told his people not to vote that way. Dems embraced it. Hence Orange Doofus's lead evaporating when they started counting those votes.

This is really common fucking sense things that you fail to get because you are a fucking cultist, you fucking cultist. You love Trump more than America, you asshat of awful. Stop. Get help.

Last edited by iggy; 2021-10-14 7:45 PM.
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From Breitbart:

Here is a breakdown of those 49,718 questionable votes:

23,344 mail-in ballots were counted from individuals who no longer lived at the address to which the mail-in ballot was sent. The audit called these “mail-in ballots voted from prior address” in the voter history phase. (critical impact)
9,041 more ballots returned by voters than received in the voter history phase. (high impact)
5,295 voters that potentially voted in multiple counties in the certified results phase. (high impact)
3,432 more ballots cast than the list of people who show as having cast a vote. The audit called this group of ballots “official results does not match who voted,” in the certified results phase. (medium impact)
2,592 more duplicates than original ballots in the ballot phase. (medium impact)
2,382 in person voters who had moved out of Maricopa County in the certified results phase. (medium impact)
2,081 voters moved out of state during 29 day preceding election in the voter history phase. (medium impact)
1,551 votes counted in excess of voters who voted in the certified results phase. (medium impact)
An additional 3,587 votes were in the “low impact” category across 14 findings.

If a ballot finding impacted more than 10,000 potential votes, its severity level was classified as critical. If a ballot finding impacted more than 5,000 potential votes, but less than 10,000 potential votes its severity level was classified as high. If a ballot finding impacted more than 1,500 potential votes, but less than 5,000 potential votes, its severity level was classified as medium. If a ballot finding impacted less than 1,500 potential votes, its severity level was classified as low.

A separate report, Pattern Recognition of Early Voting Ballot (EVP) Return Envelope Images for Signature Presence Detection, was prepared by EchoMail, and presented to the panel by its lead investigator, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. The findings of that report included the following:

Maricopa County allowed 9,589 more Early Vote Ballot return envelopes (EVBs) to move forward to the signature verification process than the audit determined were eligible.
Maricopa County counted 1,917,008 EVBs as eligible to move on to the signature verification process. The audit determined that only 1,907,419 EVBs should have been eligible to move on to the signature verification process. (Early voting ballots were contained within EVB return envelopes, which required a signature of the voter on the outside envelope prior to moving it forward to the signature verification process).
34,448 Early Vote Ballot return envelopes (EVBs) were duplicates, submitted by 17,126 individual voters, most of whom submitted two ballots, but some of whom submitted either three or four.
A third report on cybersecurity from a firm called CyFir, Digital Findings, was delivered by Ben Cotton. Key findings of that report included:

Maricopa County failed to perform basic OS Patch Management;
Maricopa County failed to update antivirus definitions;
Maricopa County failed to preserve security logs;
Maricopa County failed to establish and monitor host baseline; and,
Maricopa County failed to establish and monitor network communications baseline.
You can watch a recording of Friday’s Senate hearing on the audit report, as delivered by Doug Logan, president of Cyber Ninjas, the firm that led the investigation, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, and Ben Cotton, here.

In a statement released by the Save America PAC Friday morning, former President Trump praised the audit results as reported in a leaked early version of the report:
The Fake News is lying about the Arizona audit report! The leaked report conclusively shows there were enough fraudulent votes, mystery votes, and fake votes to change the outcome of the election 4 or 5 times over. The number includes 23,344 mail-in ballots, despite the person no longer living at that address. Phantom voters! The official canvass does not even match who voted, off by 11,592—more than the entire Presidential Election margin. Voters who voted in multiple counties totaled 10,342, and 2,382 ballots came from people who no longer lived in Maricopa County. There were also 2,592 “more duplicate ballots than original ballots.” Just those fraudulent ballots alone total 50,252, and is fraud many more times than the so-called margin of “victory,” which was only 10,457. In addition, election data appears to have been intentionally deleted, and ballot images were “corrupt or missing.” This is not even the whole state of Arizona, but only Maricopa County. It would only get worse!

Trump, as quoted at the end, sums it up precisely. There are more than enough illegitimate votes to overturn the Arizona election, 4 or 5 times over.

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Originally Posted by 12-year old unhinged Iggy
panic This entire post is why no one actually argues anything with you. The FBI didn't intimidate people to overthrow a president. He lost. Early votes weren't allowed to be counted until end of hours on election day. Orange Doofus told his people not to vote that way. Dems embraced it. Hence Orange Doofus's lead evaporating when they started counting those votes.

This is really common fucking sense things that you fail to get because you are a fucking cultist, you fucking cultist. You love Trump more than America, you asshat of awful. Stop. Get help. panic

Again, Iggy-the-cultist has the audacity to call me a cultist.
My sourced facts, your irrational namecalling and hyperventilating.

There are forensic experts cited in these and other investigations and testimony I've posted that show this isn't my opinion, but the opinion of military experts in information warfare, in cybersecurity, and people who for decades have cyber-audited corporations and government branches for a living.

Not my opinion or speculation. Their PROVEN forensic evidence.

The FBI absolutely did intimidate postal workers and election workers who came forward, who signed affidavits under penalty of perjury, of the absolute sureness that they were ordered to transport hundreds of thousands of illegal votes, that USPS managers ordered postal workers to put expired mail-in ballots in a special pile, so USPS supervisors could personally illegally back-date mail-in ballots with a fake date-stamp so they would be counted for Biden. Election volunteers who personally observed and testified in Michigan hearings that they personally observed massive duplication of scans, re-scanned dozens or hundreds of times to inflate votes for Biden. And testified in hearings and gave sworn affidavits to these facts.

And were interviewed by FBI agents who tried to intimidate them, make them withdraw their sworn statements. One postal worker videotaped the FBI agent intimidating him during the interview (thanks again to Project Veritas).

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That's a lot of fucking hearsay, you fascist scum of the earth. I hope a commie punches you in the face because you deserve it, but aren't worth the time for a decent human being to do what should be done.

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Originally Posted by iggy
:paanic:That's a lot of fucking hearsay, you fascist scum of the earth. I hope a commie punches you in the face because you deserve it, but aren't worth the time for a decent human being to do what should be done. :panic

Which is profanity and insult-laden way of saying... you've got nothin'.

Witnesses who have signed sworn affitdavits, well-known news sources, written final reports by the Maricopa election auditors who are very well credentialled, Project Veritas who in every video catches the criminals saying it on camera, and liberal media sources who are on the record (as cited and sourced by Sharyl Attkisson) saying they believe it's their holy mission to slant the news for the Democrats and destroy Trump by any deceitful means available to them.

But yeah, that's all just "hearsay", right?

You're such a dipshit. And a liar.

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Wonder Doofus explained in 1992:

Originally Posted by iggy
Here is a nice little tweet quoting from Francis Fukuyama nailing your ass years ago for what you are.

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Originally Posted by Iggy
cry panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, fascist, doofus, etc, etc. cry panic

Originally Posted by WB
My cited evidence, vs. your easily disproven lies. The sources I've cited are telling the facts.

The liberal media you guys cite have been proven to be liars over and over.
They OPENLY BOAST that factual journalism "is over-rated", and that their job is to prop up the Democrat narrative and slander Trump any way they can.

How many times do I have to beat you morons over the head with the facts:

Award-winning old-school journalist Sharyl Attkiisson, citing an hour of examples of anti-Trump/anti-Republican media bias

Your unhinged liberal cultism is put on display by the facts you ignore, even as you try to perpetuate another false narrative, that conservatives and other independent thinkers are "cultists" for rejecting the clearly false narrative and exhibiting critical thinking.
But you cling to liberal media lies, even after the ethics and credibility of your mainstream liberal sources have have been PROVEN discredited liars, dozens of times over.
And openly say they are proud to be liars, for your Deep State/Democrat cult.

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Tthis sums up EVERY POST of your so well:

Originally Posted by Iggy
cry panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, fascist, doofus, etc, etc. cry panic

Your posts are just pure antagonism with no meaningful content, because you're a miserable foul piece of shit, and everything you post is the equivalent of vandalism, with no further point worth responding to.

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