Originally Posted by iggy
I know you are but what am I is fucking stupid and childish way to go about things, cultist.

All I did was expose your childish insults and pure troll antagonism. I know you have no interest in truth or factual debate at this point.
But I consistently cite sourced facts that PROVE what I'm saying.

My facts are FACTS, cited by some of the most acclaimed journalists of the last 4 decades, who left the propaganda liberal networks after decades of acclaim there, because these networks no longer have journalistic ethics or permitted them to report those facts.

The sources you cite as "news" are now Democrat/Left propaganda networks, and only because they agree with your angry liberal progressive ideas do you accept what sources like CNN, The New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, MSNBC, etc have to say. No matter how many times they have been proven wrong, forced to retract stories, had to fire reporters and producers for egregious obscene levels of partisanship. (see again Sharyl Attkisson's list of media bias examples above).

The liberal media openly admit their bias and commitment to prop up Democrats and destroy Republicans.

Multiple high-level CNN staffers have been caught on camera admitting that CNN is a propaganda network (as exposed by Project Veritas).

CNN excoriated on their own network a few days ago by Bari Weiss, who quit New York Times before appearing, because of the one-sided liberal fanaticism and toxic work environment for her at N Y Times, as someone who is left of center but still struggled to objectively cover both sides of the stories she covered.

You deify shit, you worship garbage, as if it were actual "news", instead of the Bolshevik propaganda it has become. I watched CNN since the 1980's till about 2009, and despite its liberal bias up to then, there was still mostly plenty of solid journalism.
But now they are just shameless propagandists. Likewise most of the media. They have chosen sides, joined the Democrat-Bolshevik revolution to overthrow the U.S. and establish leftist one-party authoritarian rule, and have abandoned any pretense of objectivity. And schmucks like you verbally abuse myself and others for not drinking the Kool-Aid. And you, zombie-like, loyal zealot drone that you are, continue to believe what is OBVIOUSLY untrue. Again: watch the Sharyl Attkisson video, and her quoted examples. The liberal media openly boast about their partisanship. And you still hold up their lies as gospel truth.
And incredibly, verbally abuse me for not drinking the Kool-Aid along with you.