By Jon Greenberg • October 22, 2021
In the video, Carlson used other people, some of whom are charged in the riot, to bolster his argument. One person claimed that the Capitol police were simply letting everyone in the building in order to intentionally entrap them. But the film didn’t acknowledge that law enforcement were vastly outnumbered. One officer died the following day, and four more have died since by suicide.

GAH ! How can you possibly front these OBVIOUS lies as if they were truth ?!?
They imply, as if we were stupid, that officer Brian Sicknick died of injuries from the rioting. But as we've discussed literally hundreds of times, Sicknick was completely uninjured and was joking around at the police station hours later when he collapsed. And Sicknick's own brother on January 8th reported that his brother had died of a stroke, which the liberal media misrepresented to be death from "being bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher", and then when that was disproven, for several more months fronted the lie that Sicknick's stroke was from "a chemical sprayed on him", but hours of video footage proved that Sicknick was never struck or sprayed with anything that day. And even the New York Times that CREATED that narrative out of thin air finally retracted that lie.
But the assholes at PolitiFact are still fronting that lying narrative, in a carefully worded ambiguous suggestion that Sicknick died from riot injuries. And there is no evidence that any other officers who committed suicide did so in relation to Jan 6th events.

Only 600 went inside the Capitol on Jan 6th.
Of those, 90% were only guilty of "trespassing". Only 60 committed vandalism or other violence. And of those 60, "at least 20" (by the FBI's own reports) are "un-indicted co-conspirators" (FBI agents) and another 20 are John Earle Sullivan and his BLM/Antifa rioters, DISGUISED as Trump supporters, openly boasting ON VIDEO they were going to frame Trump supporters.

Politifact's deceitful propaganda is ANYTHING BUT a factual correction of Carlson's reports. Politifact repeatedly and deliberately misrepresents the facts to fit a liberal narrative, rather than presenting the actual facts.