

It's in 2 parts.
The first lists the 10 highest grossing of all time.

Highest-grossing films as of 2020 adjusted for inflation[31][Inf]

1..... Gone with the Wind ........$3,724,000,000...... 1939
2 .......Avatar ............................$3,273,000,000...... 2009
3........Titanic........................... . $3,096,000,000 ..... 1997
4 .......Star Wars........................$3,059,000,000.......1977
5........Avengers: Endgame .....$2,811,000,000.........2019
6........The Sound of Music........$2,562,000,000 ..... 1965
7........E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial..$2,501,000,000.......1982
8.......The Ten Commandments..$2,368,000,000......1956
9 ......Doctor Zhivago.................$2,244,000,000.......1965
10....Star Wars:Force Awakens..$2,213,000,000.......2015

Then a second section lists the highest grossing each year throughout film history, beginning with Birth of a Nation in 1915.

I was a bit surprised, beginning with Frankensein in 1931 and King Kong in 1933, I've seen virtually all of them. I even watched part of Birth of a Nation awhile back, but it's overly long and difficult to watch, a silent film, and the product of another era. Shortly before Olivia De Havilland died a few years ago, she said it was frustrating to be one of the last representatives of an era that people don't even understand anymore. But many of these films transcend cultural differences of being from another era, and are still as fresh and powerful as they were when created, almost a century ago. Frankenstein, From Russia With Love, Doctor Zhivago, and Raiders of the Lost Ark, all prime examples, to name just a few.

You might not agree with all the most popular films year by year, but they're mostly highly recommended movies, and a good sampling of the eras in which they were created.

Harlan Ellison once said that period movies, such as Gone With the Wind, are more representative of the era in which they were created, than of the era they portray.

An interesting year by year snapshot of 100 years of history.