And Tucker Carlson's show is currently the most watched program nightly on cable television, and has been for several years.
So obviously many others share my perspective of what is occurring. My "vitriol", if it even were that and not just the cited facts they truly are, is the majority opinion.
Breaking: Wondy would jump off a bridge if everyone else was doing it. Shocker, I know.

Popularity no more proves the truthfulness of something than it being unpopular. But, you face an even bigger problem. You call pretty much anything not right of FNC a part of the corrupt liberal media. Those outlets combined (including the networks) crush FNC viewership. Clearly, "liberal media" is more popular than...::channels inner George Carlin:: Tucker.
This, of course, leads to your other problem. Tucker's current viewership is around 3 million and in election years he may hit around five million. That's nowhere near the majority of people in the fucking United States. Assuming two voting age people per household and you still don't even have five percent of the voting age population.
Yes, it is a fact that Tucker leads the ratings in cable news...but that doesn't really mean that much. This is your problem. You make mountains out of molehills and construe facts to fit you narrative. This is why I will never engage you beyond giving you shit that matches your shit narrative...because you don't deal honestly and then accuse everyone else of doing that which you are guilty of. And, yes, you do it loaded to the teeth with vitriol toward those you assume to be able to value as evil. You do exactly what you promote as others you don't like doing with the quote in your sig line. So, please, take your bad faith interpretation of minor facts and go suck a fucking dick.
Oh, and lest I forget, Trump lost fair and square.
You are such a tantrum-throwing infant, Iggy. A malicious vindictive child.
It is a fact that all these people Tucker Carlson cited were arrested for their politics and not because they actually did anything wrong.
It is a fact that in many cases these Trump supporters were arrested and harassed without warrants. That FBI abusively humiliated Republicans they arrested for partisan reasons (such as Roger Stone and Peter Navarro, one in a midnight raid, using an overkill SWAT team, and FBI calling CNN to arrive 20 minutes before the show-arrest, over-aggressively brandishing more guns than were used by Seal Team 6 to assassinate Bin Ladin.
In Navarro's case ambushing him in a crowded airport, unnecessarily escorting a 70 year old man out in leg irons, and denying him the ability to call his lawyer for representation. Treatment they would NEVER give to Sussman, Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat defendant, who they would just call and ask them to surrender to the FBI office at an appointed time, and bring their lawyers.
It's a fact that Tucker Carlson has been the most watched show on cable for over 4 years. Not just among news channels, but of any show on cable.
It's a fact that Bill O'Reilly before him had the most watched show on cable for over 21 years before Carlson, until the radical Left attacked O'Reilly's sponsors and got them to abandon O'Reilly, till Fox News was forced to let him go and replace him with Tucker Carlson. That's what the Left does, they don't win arguments, they just find Bolshevik ways to silence their political opposition. They have tried to do the same to, Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham.
OAN was deceitfully de-platformed as well, for which they are suing Direct TV and parent company A T & T for the deceitful breach of contract that overnight de-platformed OAN unfairly. Direct TV first offered OAN an exclusive contract just when OAN was preparing to expand to coverage on other cable services, and then Direct TV abruptly cancelled the exclussive contract once OAN had no other outlet. They set OAN up and then pulled the plug. The lawsuit names a number of executives at both Direct TV and A T & T who orchestrated the takedown, individuals who have a long history over many years as Democrat partisan operatives. News consistently gets higher ratings than CNN and MSNBC combined. And CNN's blatant dishonesty, CONSISTENT dishonesty, has caused CNN to lose 90% of their viewership. Even liberals don't believe them anymore. CNN averages 400,000 viewers in any given hour. Out of a nation of over 330 million people.
And you try to discredit Fox news, but year after year Fox polls as the most trusted network. (although why am I defending Fox news? For all their good reporting, I've cited many things I dislike in their coverage, particularly a strange establishment-Republican anti-Trump bias, most obvious in their lapses in coverage over the 2020 election fraud, where they downplay and don't cover both sides, and the January 6th protests lying narrative and FBI and DOJ abuses Fox softpedals on, except for maybe Tucker Carlson and Hannity. And the latter two the radical Left tries to get taken off the air every day.)
Fox News gets the highest ratings of any network. You can nitpick and say the other [liberal] networks combined get more viewers, but Fox News requires a cable subscription to view. And that leaves many with their only news option being broadcast networks ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS or NPR.
I was a PBS viewer from 1981-2008, until a surge in liberal bias drove me to Fox News. And I still watched PBS, CNN and FOX on a nightly basis for several years in 2008-2010, until the liberal propaganda went unendurably beyond the pale.
And again, conservative media is only 20% of the market, so how could that limited availability ever eclipse the 80% of the liberal networks combined, especially where no conservative news is available as an alternative?
Regardless, there is FBN, Newsmax, OAN, the Washington Times, The Federalist, Revolver.News, Human Events, Daily Caller, Breitbart, and many others, that George Orwell's Google and Facebook do their best to snuff out, so that you can't even find them in a Google search or link without risk of being arbitrarily deleted as a user.
As laid out in OAN's 36-page court case... Direct TV and A T & T have clearly stated plans to similarly de-platform Fox News and Newsmax from any cable outlet as well. And the Biden administration has at least one appointee who worked for Soros groups, who in her leftist think tank writings and on social media has pushed for this de-platforming, and now is in government to push it along. So much for free speech and the first amendment. Just any opposition "insurrectionist" and a "threat to democracy" or "white supremacist" and you can silence them without having to bother with winning in a debate of ideas, or making logical arguments. When you can't win in a fair debate, just censor all dissenting thought.
But back to the FBI and DOJ....
What ever happened to that Anthony Weiner laptop with Hillary Clinton's classified e-mails and child porn?
What ever happened to Hunter Biden's laptop?
What ever happened to the paperwork for Hunter Biden's illegally purchased handgun crimes, and abundant evidence to prosecuting him for human trafficking, illegal bribes, treason with the Russian and Chinese governments (openly boasting in texts and e-mails and videos he was making big-money deals with the top Chinese spies),
And apparently traumatizing under-age sex with his under-age daughter (or was that Joe, or both?) , documented in his daughter's diary, that FBI seized when they arrested Project Veritas reporters, arrested for no good legal reason, other than to intimidate political opponents, seize incriminating evidence so it could never be prosecuted, and protect the Bidens and Democrat power.
There is a clearly different standard for how the FBI and DOJ handle Democrats, than they do Republicans.
It is a fact that the FBI is so compromised and partisan toward one side that
97% of all FBI and DOJ campaign donations went to Hillary Clinton .
It is a fact that the FBI deliberately sabotaged the Lois Lerner, Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton private e-mail server, and Russia collusion investigations, to let Hillary Clinton and other Democrats go free, VIOLATING FBI PROTOCOL to do so.
(For example, tricking Michael Flynn to be interviewed to set a perjury trap for him, then allowing Hillary Clinton to have a lawyer to represent her (Cheryl Mills) who is actually a co-conspirator with Hillary. An deliberately NOT recording the FBI interview of Hillary (again: VIOLATING FBI protocol) so that it could never be used to catch Hillary Clinton in a similar perjury trap.)
Likewise the IRS. is a fact that there are self-incriminating texts between Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bill Priestap, Kevin Clinesmith and others at the very top of the FBI, the entire top floor management, openly expressing their bias against Trump and the others they legally indicted, openly plotting to abuse their power to smear Trump and prevent him from ever becoming president .
("No. No he's not. We'll stop it." )
It is a fact that Kevin Clinesmith deliberately forged documents that would have proved Carter Page's cooperation with the CIA against Russia. But Clinesmith re-typed the documents to say the OPPOSITE of what they actually said.
That Clinesmith did the same thing FOUR TIMES, to obtain four separate FISA warrants every 3 months for a year, allowing the FBI to spy on and record Carter Page's phone calls, and through him spy on the entire Trump campaign, and through him spy on everyone in the campaign he communicated with, basically every person in the campaign, and then continued to surveil the Trump staff six months into his presidency. None of this is in the slightest dispute.
It is a fact that Clinesmith was convicted for this.
It is a fact that every survey of reporters for over 50 years shows a consistent 80% liberal bias. Reporters self-identify in poll after poll as "liberal" or "very liberal" at a ratio of at least 80%, consistently, for decades: among reporters based in Washington DC, that ratio goes up to 93% who supported Obama in 2008: higher ratio than in the populations of Boston, Massachusetts, or in Berkeley, California, the two most densely Democrat/liberal populations in the U.S.
But Washington DC based reporters --the people who selectively craft our national news-- have an even higher ratio of Democrat loyalty.
Gee, I wonder how that affects our news coverage?
Those are sourced facts, every one of those points.
But you are so filled with vindictive partisan liberal hate that you are utterly immune to the cited facts. You try to rationalize them away, you try to spitefully lash out at anyone offers you the facts that might break your brainwashing.
But they are facts. FACTS !
All you have in defense against them are petty insults and vindictiveness.
Check, and mate.