Nope, no evidence of cyber-attack threats in the recent past, none at all...
It's NOT AT ALL like China already steals about $600 billion a year from the U.S. through cyber-theft, and have advanced their military capability by stealing military technology from U.S. military contractors. China spends virtually zero on scientific research, they just steal the technology from the U.S. and other countries.
It's NOT AT ALL like Russia, China, Iran and others aren't actively seeking to hack into every large and medium size corporation in the U.S., and elsewhere worldwide, and into government websites as well, even into the U.S. military.
It's NOT AT ALL like these nations are trying to hack into our power grid, or have the potential to hack into nuclear power facilities, and make them melt down, as part of a war with the U.S., or as an advance preparation for an attack.
Yeah, that's just crazy.
A reminder of a simpler time when Wondy simped for America and conceived of Russia as aggressively antagonistic rather than sucking Russian propaganda cock about their defensive posture against US/NATO aggression.
A few points:
1) Once again, you display a weird obsession with me, and a pathological obsessive need to personally insult me. I guess I should be flattered, that you find my well-made points so threatening, that you hyperventilate with rage on me, in such a desperate attempt to discredit my views.
"Sucking Russian propaganda cock" and all that, whatever that is intended to even mean.
Once again, you say something that you believe to be some kind of epic verbal takedown, but you seem oblivious to the fact that it in truth makes you look like the vindictive unhinged jerk you actually are. And a vulgar offensive jerk, at that.
2) Beyond that, you throw around a lot of vague language, to the point you really say nothing clearly. Other than you don't like me, and are obsessed with me.
3) What does anything you said have to do with the topic Pariah raised with this topic in the first place?