Awww...poor little fella doesn't have daddy G-man and Pariah-san to feed his insanity anymore. I've explained enough that the whole reason I am here is to set you off because one good reply to a screed of yours'

"But, Ron Paul?!?" And, his family is acting similarly dynastic in politics even as Rand drifts further from a lot of his dad's ideas. I do give Rand credit where it is due, however, and say as an example that he did expose the hell out of the false calls for policing reform on the left and extremism of "defund the police." Hell, they even abandoned McKesson for a reasonble "Eight Can't Wait" agenda because it wasn't abolishing the policing and prison systems.

But, no, I'm not an independent that can smell bullshit from either side from a mile away and generally observed the 2020 election as a sad moment in our country when we had to cart out a dementia patient that probably still thinks he's beholden to MBNA to beat a want-to-be petty tyrant that couldn't respond sanely to the pandemic and blew riding an economic wave unseen in decades to reelection. That's your jackass. I can, at least, say that they put Harris in a political death slot, so long as Biden remains conscious and breathing, by putting her into the VP slot so her word salads and unelectability stay front and center. That's something, I guess.