Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
[Linked Image from srnnews.com]


The Chinese Foreign Ministry gushed over President Joe Biden’s inauguration on Thursday, although its river of praise read more like a backhanded parting shot at the departing Trump administration than any deep appreciation for the new one.

As Reuters pointed out, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying made a point of including a new propaganda phrase adapted by the Chinese Communist Party from a line in Biden’s inaugural speech and repeated by Chinese state media: “I believe if both countries put in the effort, the kind angels can triumph over evil forces.”
The line is a play on Biden saying, “Through struggle, sacrifice, and setbacks, our better angels have always prevailed.” Biden was, in turn, quoting Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural address.

“In the past years, the Trump administration, especially Pompeo, has laid too many mines that need to be removed, burned too many bridges that need to be rebuilt, damaged too many roads that need to be repaired,” Hua said on Thursday, referring to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
“President Biden also mentioned in his inauguration speech that Americans have much to heal, much to restore. This is exactly what China-U.S. relations need,” she said.

Apparently, that need for healing and restoration is not urgent enough for China to drop the petty-revenge sanctions it imposed on departing Trump officials during the Biden inauguration ceremony.
Even the Biden team thought those sanctions were a bit much, denouncing them as “unproductive and cynical,” but Hua insisted they were appropriate and would remain in force.
“China’s decision to impose sanctions on these U.S. individuals is a legitimate and necessary response to their erroneous behaviors that severely violated China’s sovereignty, security and development interests on China-related issues. It fully demonstrates the Chinese government’s determination to safeguard national interests,” she said.
“I must stress that in the past few years, out of selfish political agenda and bias and hatred against China, some anti-China politicians in the United States planned, worked on and made a lot of crazy moves that severely interfered in China’s internal affairs, undermined China’s interests, hurt the Chinese people’s sentiments, and damaged China-U.S. relations. China has pointed out multiple times that these anti-China politicians will pay for their crazy acts,” she added.

Those "selfish" and " erroneous behaviors" were, y'know, eliminating annual trade deficits of over 500 billion a year to something resembling proportionate and equal mutual trade, putting pressure on China to stop its cyber-theft estimated at about 600 billion a year, targeting every U.S. large company and every federal branch of government hit by Chinese cyber-hacking,. AndChinese aggression toward its neighbors in and around the South China sea. And its attempted crushing human rights violations in Hong Kong, and increasingly telegraphing they plan to do the same to Taiwan. And imprisonment, slave labor, forced sterilization, torture and genocide of Uyghurs in Xinxiang province, estimated to be about 1 to 3 million incarcerated. And the same treatment of those in occupied Tibet.

You know. "selfish" stuff like that. Stuff Biden will roll over and play dead over, and allow the Chinese to run wild.

Still true.

Biden is more clearly a corrupt Benedict Arnold sellout to China than he was 21 months ago.
Every self-incriminating e-mail on Hunter Biden's laptop has turned out to be verified and absolutely true.
And the 51 intelligence officials who signed a letter alleging it was "Russian disinformation" have turned out to be proven liars and Democrat partisans.

The Biden family are known to have pocketed at least $31 million dollars in Chinese Communist Party cash, that has resulted in decision after decision that has weakened the U.S., and strengthened China. And overturned every Trump-era policy to protect the U.S. from Chinese military, economic, or technological aggression toward the U.S.