Originally Posted by Pariah
Down to the wire, too close to call.....

....Oh wait. No it isn't. Trump is drawing tremendously huge crowds every where he goes--even places he hasn't gone (see also: Beverly Hills)--and, predictably, the polls have once again gone from YUGELY favoring Democrats to evening out with, or leaning toward, Trump.

Lets cut to the meat of the matter and eliminate all equivocation in the process: the Democrats do not have hidden voters. They all operate in plain sight on account of their self proclaimed, protected status as "polite society". By that same token, Trump's voters are still vilified and targeted--even killed (see also: Jacob Gardner's "suicide")--when identified by hostile partizans and aggressive insurgents (see also: Antifa, BLM), and thus have a vested interest in remaining hidden even as Trump draws large crowds. Where there's smoke, there's fire...and if those rally sizes constitute smoke, what does that say about the fire?

Bearing this in mind, the polls lie. Obviously. They always have, being a tool of manipulating public perception rather than a means of conducting objective analysis. That being said, they've gone almost completely from serving the purpose of overestimating the cultural strength and prevalence of Democrats, as a means to chip away at conservative morale, to masking an inevitable massive fraud so as to cease the severe hemorrhage from the near fatal wounds that Trump has dealt the cabal (see also: the euphemistic "Deep State"). It's certainly not the first time or occasion that Democrats have cheated using voter fraud. More than likely they've used numerous permutations of the basic concept over the past 40 to 50 years in every single state to gaslight the populous with spurious perceptions that they're outnumbered by an "other" philosophy that's entirely alien to them and that they're a dying race of thinkers destined for death. But I'm all but certain that the lengths they've gone to over the past 6 to 12 months constitutes the single most massive fraud to which we will ever bear witness since they are necessarily going to have to break the 3% rule in an attempt to meet their goal of getting the dementia-plagued Biden (Harris) into office.

By "3%", I'm referring to the threshold that must be observed when playing the game of stacking dummy votes before it becomes noticeable. By comparison, the scale of the primaries is such that a given political party can get away with a rate of 10% fraudulent ballots or, at the very least, "counted" votes before hitting a barrier of explicit fraud (see also: Hillary and Biden stealing primaries in CA and IA). The threshold for a general is 3%, and they must surpass it. They will, of course, launch the same narrative of "look no further" with regards to voter fraud OR they will project blame on the opposition. But this is the first time that they've had to deal with someone who has a vested interest in exposing voter fraud--as opposed to establishment Republicans who've been complicit with Democrats in hiding it.

Bearing these two factors in mind, the center-left and/or dead heat polls that we are seeing assuredly allude to something beyond margin of error. More like, significant lead for Trump that they're desperate to hide. In actuality, they know people don't believe it, but since narratives must be steeped in the tone of something "official", they must forego the acknowledgement of the natural understanding of the individual (see also: common sense) and rely upon the open secret of deceit so that they might simply emphasize their own consistency to justify results that are inconsistent with apparent reality, and thus effectively broadcasting their strategy to their true believers (see also: MEM) via the dog whistle of outrageous claims and general incredulity given credence only by their own repetition and devotion to the current state of the Overton Window. The Zeitgeist is now squarely in the hands of the individual, and not the media.

PA has already stated that the state will not be called today in the interest of insuring 'every vote is accounted for'. NC will likely be in a similar situation. Democrats managed to take advantage of the liberal plant, Justice Roberts, who has allowed them to keep votes flowing into the states three days past the election. Trump will cry fowl--as well he should. As counties that were clearly turned red gradually metamorphasize to blue over a long enough timeline, the rules of the game will be clear cut to everyone. And that spark will risk a conflagration.

People here are probably already aware of the warnings of rioting, violence, and looting today--especially if Biden loses. This fact should be self-defeating to his ilk, but neigh. On the contrary, they've gone through great lengths to construct a mentally gymnastic high ground built up the persistent narrative that Trump is an underhanded, lying istaphobe to whom which any form of violence would be justified. As such, they have fabricated a reality in which they can wear the violence and viciousness of Biden's supporters and fellow travelers on their sleeve and still sit pretty atop their pile of sophistry ridden rhetoric and ad hominem laden shit. Conversely, any violence taken up by Trump supporters, whether offensive or defensive, in the coming days will be portrayed as insurrectionist terrorism. Only the left could some how get away with being so blatantly coercive, but still make a case for righteousness. And while this is going on, Hilldog has told Biden to "not concede defeat under any circumstances".

For those who don't already know at this point: everyone--and I mean EVERYONE--is now VERY well armed and on high alert. Antifa is gonna Antifa regardless of outcome. BLM is gonna BLM regardless of outcome. Such are the intimidation orders they've been receiving from OCONUS. Furthermore, mothers have bought firearms in record numbers on account of the riots. Militias are standing by, and still as geared up as they ever were. Trump has erected a fence around the White House and called in around 250 soldiers to guard the castle.

I'm hoping I'm wrong on this one and that Trump has a trick up his sleeve to mitigate or nullify the likely friction (to put it lightly) that will ensue today and over the course of the next month or so. But there's too many factors, too many actors, and too much on the line to assume anything other than shots fired.

Knowing full well the consequences of saying something with this much finality before the big game, I say it anyway: Trump will win in a landslide both in the popular vote and the electoral college. Any other reported result will, and should, be challenged.

Back to our original programming.

....What say the rest of you? Putting aside your preferences, which are pretty much well documented, who do you think will win and by how much?

I miss Pariah.


"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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