https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Anthony_KraftI liked Kraft best for his 1970's/ early 1980's comics scripting:
Atlas/Seaboard Comics :
Demon Hunter #1 (1975)
DC :
Blackhawk #247–248 (1976)
Kamandi, The Last Boy on Earth #44–46 (1976)
Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter #11–12 (1976)
Secret Society of Super Villains #2–4 (1976)
Swamp Thing #24 (1976)
Tarzan #254 (1976)
World's Finest Comics #293, 295–300, 302–307 (1983–1984)
Marvel Comics :
Captain America #265–266, 271, 273–274 (1982)
Creatures on the Loose #33–37 (Man-Wolf) (1975)
Defenders #44–56, 58–68, 89 (1977–1980)
Giant-Size Dracula #4–5 (1975)
Haunt of Horror #5 (1975)
The Hulk #24 (1980)
Logan's Run #2–5 (1977)
Marvel Comics Super Special #4 (The Beatles Story) (1978)
Marvel Fanfare #4, 17 (1982–1984)
Marvel Premiere #45–46 (1978–1979) --conclusion of Man-Wolf story, from CREATURES ON THE LOOSE
Marvel Preview #12–14 (1977–1978)
Marvel Spotlight #33 (1977) --concluding Deathlok storyline, from
ASTONISHING TALES 25-28, 30-36Marvel Super Special #4 (The Beatles), #7 (Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band); #24 (The Dark Crystal) (1979–1983)
Marvel Super-Heroes vol. 2 #15 (1993)
Marvel Team-Up #109 (1981)
Marvel Two-in-One #41, 88–89, 94–95 (1978–1983)
Savage She-Hulk #2–25 (1980–1982)
The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #3 (1981)
Tales of the Zombie #8 (1974)
Tarzan #12, 15–21 (1978–1979)
Thor #253 (Tales of Asgard backup story) (1976)
What If...? #37 (1983)
Particularly his Marvel work.
His DEFENDERS issues.
His LOGAN'S RUN issues.
The Man-Wolf stories with George Perez in
CREATURES ON THE LOOSE 33-37, and concluded in
THE HULK magazine 24.
MARVEL COMICS SUPER SPECIAL 4 issue with the Beatles, (and an unpublished-in-the-U.S., only in an overseas French version of issue 7, also by Kraft and Perez, and something of a holy grail for its rarity).
His conclusion of the Moench-Buckler Deathlok story in
And a few stories he did for DC that I bought as they came out in KAMANDI 44-46 (right after Kirby's run ended), and
SWAMP THING 24 (the isue that concluded the 1970's run.)
This is to my knowledge the second comics industry death resulting from Covid-19.
Kraft was also the publisher of the long-running fan magazine
COMICS INTERVIEW, from 1983-1995.
Like Len Wein and Berni Wrightson in the recent past, and Steve Lightle, way too young to die.