
Jesse Waters, 11-2-2022, interrupted by Joe Biden live speech -Biden's "No, seriously, Republicans are a threat to Democracy" speech

( I had previously linked a 30-minute video with Watters' commentary before and after, but Youtube conveniently deleted material unfavorable to the Democrat party they support.
Here is the full 21-minute speech by Biden without commentary, in another Youtube link. Note how Biden blames an illegal immigrant from Canada, who is a known far-left BLM supporter, who is a homeless drug abuser with a series of prior arrests, who is CLEARLY not a Republican, but implies that rhetoric of "extreme mega-MAGA Republicans" somehow implausibly motivated this guy, Paul Pelosi's attacker. )

Tucker Carlson, 11-2-2022, on the same Biden speech, and also Biden's attempt to interfere with and help rig the Brazil presidential election, involving his CIA director's visit to Brazil, Youtube censorship and deletion of any Brazilian voter's comments questioning the election, and the rigged Brazil election as a precursor to a similar Biden administration authoritarian [further] power grab in the United States.
And also planning to send national security advisor Jake Sullivan to Brazil, to make further threats to Bolsanaro if he challenges the clearly rigged Brazil election.
While Bolshevik president Lula licks his lips, in anticipation of arresting and imprisoning Bolsanaro and his officials and supporters.
As does Chinese president Xi Xijnping.

Or maybe you'd prefer to read it in the original text, in George Orwell's 1984.