
I just heard Harris Faulkner refer to Biden's quote about "Jim Eagle", and while I got the gist of it way back when Biden first said it, I thought I'd look it up.


During a press conference on Thursday (March 25th), President Biden was asked his opinions on new Republican voting legislation.
The legislation proposes to tighten voting restrictions on mail-balloting and more in future elections in order to curb voting access, which could, in turn, hinder the Democrat’s control of Congress during the 2022 midterm elections.

In response to the new legislation, Biden said:
“I’m convinced that we’ll be able to stop this, because it is the most pernicious thing, this makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle.”
Biden’s bizarre quote has confused a lot of people who assumed that Jim Crow and Jim Eagle were two people. However, this isn’t the case.

Jim Eagle isn’t actually a real person. Joe Biden made up the name as a play on words, using different bird species to get his point across.
A crow is a small bird, whereas an eagle is far bigger and more dangerous.

What Biden was trying to say is that what the Republicans are trying to do with their voting legislation is huge, and far worse than that of the pre-Civil Rights Jim Crow era.