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It's difficult to find a Republican running in the 2022 mid-term election who hasn't over the last 4 weeks, several in the last week, not only closed the gap but surpassed their Democrat opponent in the current polls.!

Dr Oz vs. Fetterman in Pennsylvania
Hershell Walker vs. Rafael Warnock in Georgia
Kari Lake vs. Katie Hobbs in Arizona
All moving in the right direction for Republicans.

No doubt, the consistent bad decisions of Joe Biden (or perhaps more accurately, his of puppetmasters hidden in the shadows) is bringing down the entire Democrat ticket on every front.
To the point that absolutely NO ONE wants Biden to come to their state and campaign with them.
They always have a "scheduling conflict" that prevents them from meeting publicly with Biden. Wow, how about that !

So if you're a Democrat, what are the accomplishments you run on?

  • 1) The over 8 percent annual inflation? (inflation under Trump less than 2 years ago: 1.4%)

    2) Biden and the Democrat House and Senate doing everything in their power to crush the fossil fuel industry, for indoctirnated ideological reasons , causing gas prices for citizens to "necessarily skyrocket"?
    Gee, you'd almost think... this is not just a Joe Biden problem, but an across the board Democrat plan to destroy the energy industry, and with it the entire U.S. economy.

    3) Supply chain breakdowns? I just spoke to a neighbor a block away who has to replace central air in their condo, and for 9 months have not been able to get a replacement unit. They did makeshift improvisation, putting a smaller A/C unit in each room of their 2-bedroom apartment. At a time where the temperature outside averaged through the summer well over 90 degrees and very humid. When have these kind of supply chain problems occurred in the past? Never, not until President Biden. Not even during the worst period of Covid, under former President Trump. This all began AFTER the worst of the pandemic had passed, and almost the moment Biden took office, because of Biden Covid vaccine mandates, continued Covid cash paying people to stay home, disincentivizing a return of workers to their jobs, causing a shortage of dock workers in coastal ports, and California restrictions locking out independent truckers from being able to do their jobs and move supplies to retail stores.

    4) Biden and the Democrats kicking the southern border wide open to illegals and drugs? Over 4 million illegals in 2 years, and an additional 800,000 "got-aways", with absolutely no vetting to protect U.S. citizens from incoming murderers, rapists, pedophiles, gang members, drug traffickers, human traffickers, and other assorted criminals. No screening to protect the U.S. public from the diseases these illegals are bringing in. The primary purpose of a government is to protect the nation's citizens and its borders, the Biden administration protects EVERY FOREIGN NATIONAL BUT U.S. citizens.

    5) Biden and blue state governors' Covid mandates for a vaccine that neither prevents infection, nor prevents spread of the virus to other people? And has mostly just been a way to purge out conservatives and independents from government and private sector jobs, to replace them with obedient Democrat zealots, to consolidate Democrat power, in both the public and private sector.
    Most dangerous is what those mandates are doing in weakening our military, forcing at least 60,000 career soldiers to be discharged, because they question both the effectiveness and the safety of the Covid vaccines. People who have been career military families for generations. The brightest and the best trained. With no one to replace them. The military is far short of the new recruits needed to relace those pointlessly driven out.

    6) And simultaneously Biden is spending trillions on everything else, but in proportion to annual inflation, has not even given a rise in defense spending that stays even with inflation. Even as China is rapidly expanding its military, with clearly stated plans to replace the U.S. as the global superpower, and fight a war with the U.S. to seize Taiwan. And expanding their nuclear arsenal from 400 warheads, to 4,000.
    And Russia's aggression in Ukraine. And threatening nuclear war.
    And Iran moving toward nukes, and helping Russia in Ukraine.
    And North Korea, firing missiles over Japan.
    All making aggressive moves.

    7) the weaponization of the DOJ and FBI against the Democrats' political enemies, while simultaneously refusing to prosecute ACTUAL CRIMES in the U.S., particularly covering for Democrat crimes. But also refusing to prosecute their allies in Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and any number of murderers, rapists, violent criminals, who because they were not incarcerated, went on to kill more people. The lack of safety in Democrat controlled cities and states is causing many to vote Republican this year, some for the first time in 40 or 50 years, or ever.

In a nutshell, if it's bad for America, the Democrats are for it.
And even Democrat voters are beginning to see this for the first time.

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Biden rebukes 'mega MAGA trickle down' policies, rather than defend his failing economy

In other words, rather than discuss the many issues above where Biden has been destroying the country on every front for 2 years, he is throwing out empty partisan rhetoric and saying "Hey, look at this shiny object over here!"

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How Stupid Does Biden Think We Are? ‘Three Pinocchios’ For Deficit Distortion

How stupid do they think we are? That’s a question voters should keep in mind when they listen to politicians make claims.

A case in point is President Joe Biden, whose confidence in our stupidity was on display on October 21. Talking about the federal budget, he declared, “The deficit has come down both years I’ve been in office, and I’ve just signed legislation that will reduce it even more in the decades to come.”

There’s nobody better at playing numerical shell games than federal budget officials. Over the last four decades, there have been at least four deficit reduction acts, and innumerable presidential promises and legislative pledges to reduce red ink. Yet all the while, deficits have mostly increased, and the national debt has grown from $1 trillion in 1982 to more than $30 trillion today.

At the risk of drowning in numbers, let’s slog on. It’s true that the federal deficit has declined in the past two years, since its peak of $3.1 trillion in the calamitous Covid-19 year of 2020. And yet reductions from Covid emergency spending levels are better compared to reductions from another emergency, World War Two. In 1945, the year the war ended, the federal deficit stood at $47 billion. Two years later, it had fallen to $4 billion. That reduction wasn’t good economic management, it was peace.

In our time, budget experts not on the federal payroll have little patience with Biden’s claims. As the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget noted on October 21, “The effects of Covid relief ending explain the entirety of the decline in the deficit between 2021 and 2022.” A few moments later, Democratic macher Steve Rattner jibed, “We need long-term fiscal sustainability, not apples-to-oranges budget gimmicks.”

Indeed, on the deficit issue, Biden seems to have lost even The Washington Post.
Last month the newspaper headlined, “Biden’s unwarranted bragging about reducing the budget deficit.” Fact-checker Glenn Kessler concluded, “the data show the deficit picture has worsened under Biden.” The Post then awarded Biden “three Pinocchios,” a booby-prize that the newspaper reserves for statements that contain “significant factual error and/or obvious contradictions.”

Speaking of Pinocchios, we might consider Biden’s nose-growing record on a related concern, inflation. As every consumer can see, prices have spiked under Biden’s watch. To cite some more numbers, inflation has jumped from 1.4 percent when Biden took office to 8.2 percent now.

But of course, Biden has claims to make about that, too. Heralding the passage of the hilariously mis-named Inflation Reduction Act on July 28, he declared, “Experts . . . agree that this bill will reduce inflationary pressures on the economy.” Three months later, we can all see the credibility gap, which has left the Bidenites at the bottom of a truth-pit. So what can they say now? One is reminded of the quip from Chico Marx: ‘Well, who ya gonna believe—me or your own eyes?”

Of course, in a sneaky way, Biden is reducing the debt. Since inflation burns away the value of money, it also burns away the cost of a debt. With “thanks” to inflation, the Biden administration has chipped trillions off its real debt. Yes, that’s a ripoff of creditors, and yes, too, as interest rates rise, federal borrowing costs will rise, perhaps cancelling out the “benefit” of inflation.

So it’s no wonder that what Biden really wants to do change the subject entirely, away from his economic record. As he said on the 21st, the real enemy is “MAGA-mega trickle-down.” Translation: Don’t look at me, look for that Former Guy behind the tree. Will this rhetorical sleight of hand trick the voters and save Biden’s fellow Democrats in the upcoming elections? We’ll have to wait and see, even as leading indicators suggest it’s not to be.

James P. Pinkerton, a former White House domestic policy aide to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, has been a Fox News contributor since 1996.

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CPAC's ratings of Senate and House members, grouped from most conservative (100%) to most liberal (0%)

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Biden finds Fetterman to be 'impressive'


No one is impressed by either one of these guys.

Or by White House spokesperson "Sub-par" Jean-Pierre.

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[Linked Image from]

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Tucker Carlson, Oct 26 2022, Wednesday

Wow. Fetterman after his stroke can't even drive a car, or use a microwave.

Also, not disclosed in this clip, but reported elsewhere, Fetterman saw a doctor 5 years ago, who after examining him said Fetterman was at very high risk of a stroke, and though asked to come back, did not take prescribed medication, and did not see a doctor again for 5 years, until... he had a stroke a few months ago.
The cardiologist I saw interviewed about his condition said Fetterman should have been seeing a doctor EVERY WEEK, so visibly serious was his condition all that time. But Fetterman neither saw a doctor, not even took his prescribed medication. Aside from his obvious disability now as a result, that shows very poor judgement by Fetterman over that entire 5 years.

But if elected, Fetterman gives the Democrats an easily manipulated zombie, who Democrat handlers can manipulate to do whatever they want.
Just like Joe Biden.
Just like Dienne Feinstein.
And that's all they care about. I could envision that if Fetterman died in office, they would appoint his illegal immigrant ultra-leftist wife as his replacement. That's already been done in the case of several Democrat Senate and House members.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I'm a fucking psychopath.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy (fake scripted, because that's all Iggy's got)
I'm a fucking psychopath.


"Clintonesia" lol

"The Peoples' Republic of Soy" lol

It's a great comfort that outside of a few metropolitan centers in the U.S., the majority of the population retains its sanity, and an aversion to Democrat corruption and destructive policy. Even huge swaths of Democrat centers like New York, California, and Washington state, even in those states half or more congresional districts are Republican.

Comrade Biden gave another absurdly divisive speech from about 7PM to 7:30 tonight. In which he lyingly accused Republicans of doing everything his own Democrat-Bolshevik party is doing, and that Democrats have been doing for the last 25 years. And doing more subtlely since Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Truman, JFK, LBJ and Bill Clinton. Perhaps Truman is the only one to do it out of naivete and not malice (specifically regarding Truman, weakness toward communism that allowed the Soviets to obtain nuclear weapons, and allowed communists to infiltrate all levels of our federal government.)
Wilson deliberately misrepresented what our nation was founded to be, and was an overt racist who eliminated all the reforms to protect and integrate black America.
FDR, JFK, LBJ, Bill Clinton, Obama and Biden have all used the FBI and IRS to attack their political opponents.

But Obama and Biden have taken incredible new strides to make the IRS, CIA, DOJ, FBI, the military leadership and other federal agencies into subordinate weaponized agencies of the Democrat party, to overthrow our Constitutional republic, and create a permanent authoritarian Democrat "socialist" state. A Democrat authoritarian state indistinguishable from the Peoples' Republic of China. Who by the way, a lot of Democrats admire in its ideology and complete lack of tolerated dissent by its people. And many Democrats, like the Bidens, the Clintons, the Obamas, Bernie Sanders, A O-C, Elizabeth Warren, Sen Dianne Feinstein, and Rep. Eric Swallwell, are either ideological admirers of communist China, paid off by Chinese communist money to betray their country, or both.
Democrats: the party of marxism, socialism ("The goal of socialism is communism" --Vladimir Lenin), racial demagoguery, self-destructive energy policy puropsely calculated to destroy the United States, hyperinflation, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, violent crime, and ultimately... hating America.
Or more conscisely, the party of hate. The secret goal of Democrat policy is chaos, misery and destruction.

"It's important to have both a public policy and a private policy"
-Hillary Clinton, 2016 (expanding the next generation of the deceitful infiltration and deception tactics of Saul Alinsky)

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Jesse Waters, 11-2-2022, interrupted by Joe Biden live speech -Biden's "No, seriously, Republicans are a threat to Democracy" speech

( I had previously linked a 30-minute video with Watters' commentary before and after, but Youtube conveniently deleted material unfavorable to the Democrat party they support.
Here is the full 21-minute speech by Biden without commentary, in another Youtube link. Note how Biden blames an illegal immigrant from Canada, who is a known far-left BLM supporter, who is a homeless drug abuser with a series of prior arrests, who is CLEARLY not a Republican, but implies that rhetoric of "extreme mega-MAGA Republicans" somehow implausibly motivated this guy, Paul Pelosi's attacker. )

Tucker Carlson, 11-2-2022, on the same Biden speech, and also Biden's attempt to interfere with and help rig the Brazil presidential election, involving his CIA director's visit to Brazil, Youtube censorship and deletion of any Brazilian voter's comments questioning the election, and the rigged Brazil election as a precursor to a similar Biden administration authoritarian [further] power grab in the United States.
And also planning to send national security advisor Jake Sullivan to Brazil, to make further threats to Bolsanaro if he challenges the clearly rigged Brazil election.
While Bolshevik president Lula licks his lips, in anticipation of arresting and imprisoning Bolsanaro and his officials and supporters.
As does Chinese president Xi Xijnping.

Or maybe you'd prefer to read it in the original text, in George Orwell's 1984.

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Irony, that Joe Biden's speech is about the "threat of right-wing violence to our democracy", when it is demonstrably the Democrats who are the ones engaging in political intimidation, maliciously prosecuting and imprisoning Trump officials, and using heavily armed FBI agents in midnight raids on peaceful conservative pro-life activists in their homes, in a clear show of political intimidation.
And imprisoning 1,300 Trump supporters who peacefully protested at the Capitol on Jan 6 2021, imprisoned indefinitely without trial for no reason, while violent BLM and Antifa suspects are immediately released and not even prosecuted. Only 600 Trump supporters even went inside the Capitol that day, and of those only about 60 even committed violence or vandalism. And of those, 40 of the 60 are proven to be either undercover FBI agents or Antifa activists, all TRYING TO FRAME Trump supporters. That is all political intimidation by Democrats.

Republican candidate for New York governor Lee Zeldin was almost knifed to death on stage at a political rally a few months ago. Biden didn't mention that.
There was a second drive-by gang shooting right outside Lee Zeldin's home a few weeks ago, that could have killed Zeldin's twin teenage daughters, leaving bullet-holes in the house a few feet from where they were studying. President Biden never mentioned, or even made a phone call to express his sympathies to Zeldin, regarding either of these incidents.

And this incident yesterday, where Virginia's Republican Attorney General Jason Miyares had a bullet-hole fired through the 6th-floor window of his legal offices, a few days after he announced actions he was making to protect churches from leftist group intimidation protests, intimidation and violence. There have been dozens of churches nationwide fire-bombed and/or otherwise vandalized, in incidents nationwide on a par with Kristallnacht, and yet... not a single attempt by Biden's 97% Democrat-donating FBI and DOJ to investigate. And of course, no mention of it by President Biden.

There was another incident where North Carolina Republican candidate Pat Harrigan found bullet holes in his parents' home, just a few days after his Democrat opponent showed the Republican's own home in a campaign commercial (who has since pulled the ad). No mention of this, of course, by President Biden.

There are literally hundreds more incidents of attacks on Republican candidates, and on grass roots supporters of Republicans. That as I linked earlier occur on average one a day nationwide on Trump supporters, often just for things like wearing a MAGA hat. Average 1 attack a day nationwide on Republicans, for five years.

A supporter of Senator Marco Rubio knocking on doors for the candidate, HAD HIS JAW BROKEN by a Democrat who stalked and assaulted him in Hialeah, FL.

But hey, Republicans are the threat to democracy... rolleyes Right.

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Youtube comment, from the 21-minute Biden speech I linked above :
"We'll preserve, protect and defend our Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and Democrat."


Thanks Mr President, after I watched your speech I am more than ever determined to vote RED to protect our democracy.


This was ridiculous. And I can’t wait till next week.

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Tucker Carlson, 11-4-2022, Friday

Carlson opens with how NBC actually told the truth about the Paul Pelosi attack in his home story, and then oddly pulled the story, and not even retracted it, but just refuse to talk about it in any way, or even clarify why it was deleted in every video and text form, with a self-incriminatingly deceitful unwillingness to even discuss it.

But we all know why:
Biden and the Democrats seized on the false narrative that this homeless Canadian illegal immigrant, drug-addicted nudist, with weird sex outlets, possibly including incest, with clearly far-Left politics and a criminal history and mental issues, was used and painted by President Biden and the Democrat party as a pawn allegedly motivated "right wing mega-MAGA extremist rhetoric" to attack Paul Pelosi. And used by the Democrat party and liberal media as the contrived symbol of "extreme MAGA right wing rhetoric" that far beyond this one incident, allegedly manifests a widespread right wing extremist threat to the entire nation.

...That narrative clearly failed.
This David Depape character is clearly *NOT* a right-wing MAGA Republican, clearly was NOT motivated by right wing speech, this leftist guy would never listen to. But that was the narrative Biden and the Democrat Party and their lapdog servants in the liberal media were selling. And there seems to possibly be an even weirder gay sexual element that the San Francisco police and the media are trying to hide. So much that, the more is revealed about the Paul Pelosi attack with a hammer by Depape incident, the more embarassing and damaging it becomes to the Democrats, in the days right before the mid-term election. And equally embarassing and damaging to the mainstream liberal media who fully bought and promoted this "dangerous right wing attack and wider national threat" narrative.

Rather than admit they were wrong and tell the truth, they just deleted the story and clammed up about it, hoping no one would notice, literally days before the election. I'm willing to bet they will stay silent with no explanation until after Tuesday, to minimize the damage they have inflicted on themselves. And only after they can no longer further hurt the Democrats in the Tuesday election will they try to explain it away somehow.


Just the latest, in an endless stream of false narratives, often KNOWN to be false from the beginning, but kept alive by liberal media, many over 2 years after they have been PROVEN false :

  • * The Covid-19 lockdowns narrative.

    * The Covid-19 narrative of originating in a wet market (even after Fauci and Dascak's e-mail exchanges make clear they knew from the FIRST DAY that it was "gain of function" maanufactured in a lab, obviously the Wuhan lab they funded and managed.)

    * The false narratives about "social distancing", and (1) needing to wear a mask, (2) no, don't wear a mask, (3) no now you HAVE to wear a mask false narrative. That again, Fauci later admitted was a lie he told to deter people from using PPE, to save PPE for hospital use only. John Hopkins did a study I linked a year ago, that in 20 countries studied, wearing a cloth mask prevented spread in ZERO cases. And wearing an N-95 mask prevented spread in 0.3% of cases, virtually zero, no difference.
    I still see idiots in every store I shop wearing masks.

    * The false narrative that the mandatory vaccine both prevented Covid, and prevented the vaccinated from spreading the virus to others.
    Proven completely untrue.

    * The false narrative that the Nov 2020 election was not rigged.
    *AND* we're not even allowed to discuss it.
    The Democrats alleged the 2000, 2004, and 2016 elections were rigged, and during the presidencies of George W. Bush and Donald Trump, the entire 12 years of their combined presidencies, railed on them both as illegitimate presidents, tried to challenge the electoral vote count, just like Trump and other Republicans did in 2021 (with a lot less evidence and bicameral support of a challenge than Trump had in 2021 !).
    About 100 Democrat House and Senate members called Trump "illegitimate" and wouldn't even attend his Jan 2017 inauguration.
    But suddenly it's "undermining democracy" to even inquire or investigate Nov 2020, when Biden and the Democrats gained power.

    * The false narrative that there was no evidence of election fraud, when three DEMOCRAT senators, Ron Wyden, Elizabeth "Pocahantas" Warren, and Amy Klobuchar, ALL vocally made the case during Trump's four years that Dominion voting machines were easily hackable, and even contain a modem where they can be remotely accessed online, from anywhere in the world. These DEMOCRAT Senators made a lot of noise about how this imperiled our free elections, and pushed on the Senate floor for protective legislation (from 2017-2020).
    But as soon as Biden "won" in Nov 2020, they went silent, and even removed the pages from their websites that challenged election integrity, and the letters they jointly signed pushing for Senate investigation to protect election integrity.
    OH ! Our guy "won" with Dominion machines. Never mind.
    Even CNN ran news stories where they invited a few dozen hackers to a convention room full of Dominion machines, which they were all able to hack within minutes, not even having advance access to manuals or machines. But CNN is now selling that the Nov 2020 election was "perfect", and anyone who questions these previously exposed vulnerabilities is a "conspiracy theorist" and otherwise crazy.

    * The false narrative that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked and unavoidable. Russia for 30 years has warned that Ukraine membership in NATO was a "red line" that would not be tolerated, that they would go to war over. At the point that NATO membership was seriously being discussed under the new Biden administration, Russia began building up forces on the Ukraine border, for months.
    Then at a press conference in February, Biden was asked if Ukraine should be given NATO membership, and Biden idiotically said "Absolutely, we should fast-track that."
    A week later, Russia began its invasion.
    Russia has repeatedly called the Biden administration to negotiate peace, logically would agree to a withdrawal in exchange for an agreement that Ukraine not be given NATO membership, restoring the previous status quo. Peace could be negotiated, but the Biden administration will not return their calls. The official Orwellian Newspeak narrative is "Putin is evil, Putin is Hitler!" But the reality is, Russia and Ukraine are both stuck in a war of attrition with no end in sight, that they'd both like to get out of. And the Biden administration simply will not even discuss a negotiated solution. But the liberal media sells the narrative, "We have to stop the Russians, victory at any cost!"

    * The January 6th false narrative, of a nation-threatening "insurrection"on the Capitol, again disproven, but still being sold by Democrats and the liberal media.
    Out of over 100,000 protesters estimated by the DC police that day, there were only 600 who in any way went inside the Capitol building.
    Out of that 600, only about 60 in any way participated in violence, vandalism, or theft of property.
    And of that 60, by the FBI's own investigation reports, "at least 20" were undercover FBI agents (i.e., "un-undicted co-conspirators", FBI code for their own agents, in the written FBI reports.)

    * Jill Sanborn, assistant director of the FBI's counter-terrorism division, admitted to Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson when pressed that not one firearm was seized on Jan 6th by police. Another 20 protesters were John Earle Sullivan and his Antifa Salt Lake City group, who openly boasted in their videos that they were disguising themselves as Trump supporters to engage in vandalism and violence, with the stated intent, IN THEIR MULTIPLE VIDEOS ALL OVER THE INTERNET, to frame Trump supporters, or even get Trump supporters to follow them into committing bad acts.
    Revolver News and American Greatness have been reporting the true facts on this for 2 years, as George Orwell's mainstream media continues to front the same PROVEN false narrative.

    * The January 6th Committee false narrative, that Trump was somehow responsible for the Jan 6 rioting. Exaggerating events as a nation-threatening "insurrection", blaming Trump personally. But hiding all the evidence that Trump pressed for 20,000 National Guard troops to insure no unrest. And never explored by the "select committee" of Trump-haters, the fact that Sen Schumer, Rep. Pelosi, and the Washinton DC mayor Muriel Bowser, refused and suppressed the deployment of these troops that Trump ordered. And selectively omitted any witnesses defending Trump's actions that day, including Trump's Twitter texts where he admonished supporters around the Capitoll to "remain peaceful!"
    And in Trump's 70-minute speech that day, invoking his supporters to walk over to the Capitol (45 minutes away) and "PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support" for the Republican Senators and House members legally challenging the electoral vote count inside.

    * The "five people KILLED by white-supremacist Trump supporters" narrative.
    No one was killed by Trump supporters, no evidence they were "white supremacist", no evidence that officer Sicknick was killed.
    No evidence that Sicknick was bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher.
    No evidence that Sicknick was attacked with bear spray.
    Sicknick was laughing and joking with other officers at the Capitol Police station in the late evening, about 6 hours after the Capitol rioting when he collapsed. He was taken to the hospital and died on January 8th, almost 2 days later.
    Sicknick's brother on January 8th told reporters the coroner informed him his brother died of a stroke. And despite misleading weasel-wording by the media, the coroner's report says Sicknick died of a stroke, with no mention of bear spray or any other chemical found in Sicknick.

    * And now, the multiple attempted false narratives of the 80% liberal media, to try and help the Democrats win the mid-term election. Caught in their own false narrative, and still trying to sell it till election day. Or at least remain silent through Tuesday, to minimize their own damage to themselves.

Never before have I watched the news and been able to spot multiple false narratives being sold to the public, MULTIPLE false narratives in the same broadcast, night after night, as I have pretty much every day now for the last 2 years.

The Democrat cultists. How long will they keep drinking the Kool-aid?

Two years of false narratives, even as we have an open southern border with 5.5 million illegals pouring in (and another at least 800,000 "got-aways"), hyperinflation of gas, groceries and every other item, supply chain shortages, exploding crime, an expensive war in Ukraine that could expand into a nuclear conflict. North Korea firing missiles regularly over S. Korea and Japan. And China seeing weakness and taking moves toward invading Taiwan. Iran screaming forward toward obtaining nuclear weapons, and Biden insanely still trying to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal, with our two worst enemies, Russia and China, brokering the deal.
Fentanyl deaths that exceeded 107,000 dead Americans last year, almost the combined deaths of the Korean war (54,000), and Vietnam war (58,000), and will equal both those wars combined, every year, going forward. Especially with Biden dong absolutely nothing to secure the southern border. China's unofficial war on the United States. Fentanyl border seizures have increased tenfold since Biden became president, and that is only the portion that was seized. Absolutely no interest in securing the border or stopping Fentanyl deaths.

On every front, the Democrat-Bolshevik party has left us far worse than when Biden and the Democrats seized power in Jan 2021.
What does it take to snap Democrats out of their support for this nation-destroying party? Seriously, what in hell does it take?

There's still lunatics out there voting for John Fetterman, Stacy Abrams, Val Demmings, Mandela Barnes and Tim Ryan. Legislators who fully support Biden's nation-destroying policy, and want to implement EVEN MORE radical policy and spending.
How stupid are these people?
How much do they hate America?

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I'm a fucking psychopath and, if I ever act out on the violence I have toward these people in my gut, I hope people fixate on my love of (maybe) barely legal porn and the fact I say I voted for Nader in 2000 as explanations for the attack.

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Originally Posted by iggy
panic panic
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I'm a fucking psychopath and, if I ever act out on the violence I have toward these people in my gut, I hope people fixate on my love of (maybe) barely legal porn and the fact I say I voted for Nader in 2000 as explanations for the attack.
panic panic

Y'know, if you could form a literate sentence that halfway made sense, your paraphrased scripted insults might be halfway effective.
Maybe. But probably not.

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Trump rally, in Latrobe, PA Saturday, 11-5-2022

The second to last rally by Trump, before the mid-term election on Tuesday.
His last before the mid-term will be today (Sunday) in my home state of Florida.

After which I suspect in the next few weeks, if not next few days, he'll be announcing his candidacy for 2024.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall and watch Iggy's demented head explode when THAT happens.

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Trump rally, in Miami, FL, Sunday, 11-6-2022

I was surprised, Trump also did one more rally in Dayton, Ohio the next day.

Trump rally, in Dayton OH, 11-7-2022

While not even in office, Trump has arguably campaigned harder than anyone else for a Republican mid-term election victory.
The expectations are scaling down, but whatever gains Republicans make, it can certainly be attributed to Trump's efforts, without whose efforts, there would be a lot less Republican candidates elected.

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" A lot of people vote Democrat like a religion, no matter what."
--Man on the street opinion, on Jesse Watters, Nov 9 2022, Wednesday

"Satan could run for governor of New York and he'd win, if he were a Democrat."
--Man on the street opinion, same guy, Nov 9 2022

"If Democracy dies, it'll be the Democrats and the media that kill it."
---Woman on the street interview, same Jesse Watters segment, Nov 9 2022

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
" A lot of people vote Democrat like a religion, no matter what."
--Man on the street opinion, on Jesse Watters, Nov 9 2022, Wednesday

"Satan could run for governor of New York and he'd win, if he were a Democrat."
--Man on the street opinion, same guy, Nov 9 2022

"If Democracy dies, it'll be the Democrats and the media that kill it."
---Woman on the street interview, same Jesse Watters segment, Nov 9 2022

Levin listeners share host's inability to self-reflect. News at eleven.

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Biden's first press conference yesterday, after the 2022 mid-term election (result of election still undetermined) :
REPORTER: What will you do differnt in the next 2 years to gain the confidence of the American people?
PRESIDENT BIDEN: Nothing. The American people will support us when they see the full results of the policy we've been pursuing.

Stock market drops 900 points....

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
" A lot of people vote Democrat like a religion, no matter what."
--Man on the street opinion, on Jesse Watters, Nov 9 2022, Wednesday

"Satan could run for governor of New York and he'd win, if he were a Democrat."
--Man on the street opinion, same guy, Nov 9 2022

"If Democracy dies, it'll be the Democrats and the media that kill it."
---Woman on the street interview, same Jesse Watters segment, Nov 9 2022

Levin listeners share host's inability to self-reflect. News at eleven.

As I made clear, those comments aren't from Levin. They're man-on-the-street reactions to Biden's last minute mid-term propaganda, that people need to re-elect him to "protect democracy" from alleged violent right-wing extremist Republicans, that by the way, don't exist.

Meanwhile, Democrats have burned almost 600 cities in the George Floyd riots, attacked multiple Republicans, attacked Paul Pelosi (who despite clearly being a far-left hippie drug addict attacker, Biden manufactured the narrative that the attacker was motivated by extremist right-wing rhetoric. The BLM supporting homeless hippie drug addict. right).
It is Democrats who are tearing down, urinating on and burning statues of Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Lincoln, calling them racist, wanting to take their names off schools and other public biuildings, Democrats pushing America-hating critical race theory in schools and universities, and "1619 Project" fake history, that the United States is an evil racist nation that doesn't deserve to exist.
Democrats who have attacked multiple Republican House members, and almost killed House whip Steve Scalise.
Democrats who have attacked multiple other Republican candidates over the lest month, shot up their homes, shot bullets through the windows of where their children were sleeping.
Democrats have tried to kill U S Supreme Court justices, intimidated them outside their homes and work, threatening them with violence if they vote against abortion and other fa-left sacred issues. Democrats who have firebombed and vandalized dozens of pro-life centers and churches nationwide, in their own homegrown Kristallnacht.
Democrats who have weaponized DOJ, FBI and IRS against their political opposition, with surveillance, false arrests, malicious prosecution, and even imprisonment for some THEY KNOW are not guilty of the crimes alleged. Just to intimidate them, and intimidate any who share their political views and activism to protect their Constitutional rights and freedoms.
And ultimately, Democrats are trying to establish a permanent authoritarian one-party government in the U.S. By intimidation, by violence, occasionally by murder, and by abusing government power and Constitutional law. Because they want to abolish our Constitutional republic and replace it with an authoritarian cultural marxist state.

But hey, it's REPUBLICANS who are the threat to democracy right?
Certainly NOT the Democrats Bolsheviks.
Who are ACTUALLY DOING all the things they accuse Republicans of.
Who are ACTUALLY trying to create a Democrat authoriitarian one-party police state.
Who are ACTUALLY trying to slander our history and make the next generation hate our Constitutional republic, so the new generation will passively not defend our republic, and will welcome the Democrats' cultural marxist authoritarian utopia.
Yeah, it's certainly NOT the Democrats who are the ACTUAL threat to our democracy.

And Mark Levin is among those who gives the best overview of what the actual history is, that Democrats are trying to erase. I can see why you as a college professor aligned with the Left would want to slander and erase him.

The man on the street, even in New York City, obviously gets that.
Obviously you in your clueless Marxist academic-world Occupy Wall Street-worshipping leftist bubble, do not.

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Tucker Carlson, mid-term election results - Nov 9 2022, Wednesday

[ ****EDIT, Nov 11 2022: Since George Orwell's leftist piece-of-shit Youtube butchered/deleted it, here's the same Tucker Carlson broadcast elsewhere: ]

That the election results were compiled more quickly in the 1862 mid-term election, by candle-light and not electricity, amid a Civil War, faster than Democrat states can tally the election results today in 2022. That every election since the 2000 Bush vs. Gore election has become increasingly convoluted and difficult to determine a winner for. Which manifests a corrupt system, and an untrustworthy final result.

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Jesse Watters, results a day after mid-terms - Nov 9 2022, Wednesday

A nice concise overview of the results (so far), and a fiery exchange with Sen. Lindsey Graham, who offers an optimistic view of Republicans being the inevitable winners of the remaining Senate races, and Kari Lake's governor race in Arizona.

In Pennsylvania, Democrats voted for a glass of orange juice as their Senator, and they got it. Good luck with that.

While Republicans didn't get the gains of an expected "red wave" that didn't happen, they do seem to be making slight net gains in the House and Senate, and several governor races.

And in New York, in Ohio, in Florida, in Texas and others, Republicans took away seatss that have been in Democrat hands for many decades. In Texas, one that has been in Democrat hands since the 1870's !
So, not as high a wave as expected, but when the undecided races are finally called, perhaps something of a Republican wave after all.
With smaller margins, but Republican control of both the House and Senate is seen as very possible.

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Hannity, the day after mid-terms - Nov 9 2022, Wednesday

Hannity points out that
1) Democrats are now "voting blue, no matter who" explaining Fetterman's senate win in PA.
2) Republican and independent voters since 2020 have been fleeing states like New York, New Jersey, Michigan and Pennsylvania, moving to "free" states like Florida, Texas, Tennessee and South Dakota. Taking away the voters from those states who could flip blue states red, such as Lee Zeldin narrowly losing to Democrat NY governor Hochul.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Doofus
(Any excuse that keeps Trump's sycophants, like myself, from having to address the real problem.)

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by WB
(Any excuse that keeps Trump's sycophants, like myself, from having to address the real problem.)
panic panic

Made up fake quotes again. Because that's all you have.

I'm not a Trump sycophant. I'm a Trump skeptic, and then Trump won my confidence, based on his remarkable achievements as president, quantifiably the most accomplished president in over 50 years.


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He will lose even harder in 2024. He can't carry the independent vote. Back him and push the "radical Democratic Bolshevism" you claim to want to stop.


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Originally Posted by iggy
He will lose even harder in 2024. He can't carry the independent vote. Back him and push the "radical Democratic Bolshevism" you claim to want to stop.

Two years is a long time. Democrats have stated they will make no course correction, will continue to screw up our country, and drive the country into deep recession or depression, and continue to hyper-inflate the cost of food and gas and everything else that needs to be transported by plane or truck or ship, and either Trump, or maybe DeSantis or some other Republican will be the sought in 2024 as the alternative to the Democrats' pointless ideologically driven nation-destroying chaos.

You seem to have scorn for any Republican offered (as usual for the last 14 years you've posted on these boards, you only like Republicans who attack other Republicans).
So you support the Democrats' nation-destroying push toward one-party Bolshevism and economic collapse? Because that really is the only alternative. Dope-smoking independent candidates who don't even understand international events("What is Aleppo?"), and get at most 1% or 2% of the vote aren't going to change anything.

I don't understand why you're so hostile toward Trump and his supporters. A reformer and the first true alternative to the two-party system since Ronald Reagan. A guy who unquestionably oversaw the best economy in over 50 years, re-negotiated trade agreements with every nation in the U.S.'s favor, slashed business regulation, and brought industry back to the U.S. that everyone else said was impossible (Obama: "I guess he'll just wave his magiv wand." Well, Trump waved his wand, and the industry came back.
Who re-built our military.
Who avoided foreign wars in Iran and Korea that all his establishment advisors pushed him toward.
Who contained Russia, China, Korea, and Iran with a better use of soft power than any other president has, EVER.


Trump still polls with high support, higher than the sitting president.

And 51% is a majority, even in this left-leaning Harvard poll. It seems to me your belief that everyone shares your irrational Trump-hate, is not based on anything. The rest of the public sees Trump's resume of achievements, right there in front of you. Trump is not just promising to do it, he already achieved it, for 4 years. I voted Trump in 2016 because of his stated desire to do these things, but not confident he really could do them. But Trump showed us all that he could really do it.
The best economy in over 50 years.
No new wars.
1.4% inflation, vs. the over 8% now.
The greatest economic boom in over 50 years.

Seriously, what is the bug up your ass?

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No bug. I'm just keeping you enflamed with Trump Train passion so that, you know, you double down on a loser and take a giant leap closer to dying of exhaustion in a gulag. grin

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Originally Posted by iggy
No bug. I'm just keeping you enflamed with Trump Train passion so that, you know, you double down on a loser and take a giant leap closer to dying of exhaustion in a gulag. grin

Again: If you form coherent literate sentences, you might have better luck making a successful insult.
Maybe. But probably not.

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The man added trillions in new debt, created a cadre of backdoor tax increases with his tariffs, and undermined the principle free trade. What part of an agenda like that should I support?

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Toomey nailed it. Followed up fairly quickly with Masters losing Arizona. Dems now need one to GOP's two with Laxalt's lead down to a few hundred. Lindsay Graham was right about Trump all those years ago. Cut out the cancer.

Last edited by iggy; 2022-11-11 11:25 PM. Reason: Autocorrect
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Originally Posted by iggy
Toomey nailed it. Followed up fairly quickly with Masters losing Arizona. Dems now need one to GOP's two with Laxalt's lead down to a few hundred. Lindsay Graham was right about Trump all those years ago. Cut out the cancer.

Another delayed vote count, followed by a Republican loss, that was previously anticipated to be a Republican win. The technique is for Democrats to secretly count all the ballots, see how far ahead the Republican is, and manufacture enough fake Democrat ballots to fabricate a narrow Democrat win.

Isn't it interesting how every time the Democrat-controlled elections center prolongs the election for days or weeks, the Democrats always manage after lengthy delay and plotting, to pull "found ballots" out of a magic hat, and "narrowly win" an election.

Martha McSally vs Kirsten Sinema, for example. McSally was winning, and after a long dragged out delay in counting, big surprrise, suddenly she lost.

How Al Franken mysteriously came from behind after days of ballot counting , his Republican opponent was winning, when magic votes were discovered and made him a senator.

There was an attempt to do this in TWO Democrat controlled election centers during the 2018 election of Ron Desantis, where Democrat elections supervisors in two separate counties tried to rig the election for his Democrat opponent Andrew Gillum. Desantis won by about 10,000 votes.
And Democrats are constantly scheming in Florida to manufacture ways to depress Republican votes.

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Originally Posted by iggy
The man added trillions in new debt, created a cadre of backdoor tax increases with his tariffs, and undermined the principle free trade. What part of an agenda like that should I support?

That's the first I've heard that alleged.
Trump stimulated the greatest economic growth, across the board, in over 50 years.
The tarriffs were on imports from China, and the proceeds were given to U.S. farmers negatively impacted by preceding Chinese trade policy (Chinese policy intended to weaken Trump's political support). The farmers were elated by the subsidies given to them from the tariff revenue, and put them among Trump's greatest supporters, instead of turning them on Trump, as the Chinese intended.

I guess you would prefer the U.S. to be enslaved and dominated by a global hegemonic China.
The annual deficits under Trump were due to Democrats adding blackmail spending to budgets Trump proposed, or not passing them. For Trump to get $700 billion to rebuild our dangerously unprepared and underfunded military, after 8 years of destruction by Obama, Schumer and Pelosi extorted 900 billion in additional liberal spending, racking the total up that year to 1.6 trillion, that would have been far less if it were up to Trump. And the U.S. military was so weakened by 8 years of Obama negligence, that it was urgent for Trump to negotiate immediate funds to rebuild it.
And by the way, you seem to be ignoring the 5.5 trillion in nation-destroying deficit spending in less than 2 years by Biden/Schumer/Pelosi. And Democrats would have rammed through trillions more spending, if the Democrats fully had their way, blocked and reduced only by the dissenting Sen Manchin and Sen. Sinema.

Under Trump, wages were rising dramatically for everyone, for the first time in 40 years, but even proportionately higher for the middle class and poor. The lowest unemployment ever recorded for blacks, for hispanics, for people under 25, and the greatest jobs growth in 50 years for women. The greatest rise in black and hispanic home ownership. Facts you seem to ignore.

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Cool...we pay more so he can payoff farmers to support his tariffs. Fucking swell, guy! ::Eye roll::

And, I'll leave out how much he may have hurt the economy through the tariffs and the retaliatory efforts of other countries in response.

I understand you can only understand complexity if it feeds your delusions of being on the "right" side.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Cool...we pay more so he can payoff farmers to support his tariffs. Fucking swell, guy! ::Eye roll::

Actually, THE CHINESE pay more, which is then given in subsidies to farmers who would have gotten nothing because the Chinese stopped buying their product. A Democrat like Biden would have written off farmers and other American workers as collateral damage and done nothing to help them. But Trump moved, and quickly, to protect American farmers, as he protected all americans, when Chinese policy was implemented to hurt them.

Originally Posted by Iggy
And, I'll leave out how much he may have hurt the economy through the tariffs and the retaliatory efforts of other countries in response.

Because you can't. Where did you hear that, MSNBC. CNN? lol

Originally Posted by Iggy
panic panic I understand you can only understand complexity if it feeds your delusions of being on the "right" side.

You understand that I understand that we have an understanding that you can't even pull off a successful insult at this point. Is that from the Kamala Harris school of debate?

There's nothing extreme or delusional about my views, I still identify, and have consistently for 42 years, as a Reagan conservative. And that conservative point of view has been consistent through Rush Limbaugh, Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot, Ron Paul, the Tea Party, the Freedom Caucus and the Trump movement. Despite all attempts by you and others to slander these groups. Your hysteria in trying to malign the Right as something "extreme" is ironic, from a shithead like you who supports the Occupy Wall Street movement, and clearly is a Democrat-Bolshevik who has contempt for everything conservative.

Your unhinged hatred and contempt extends even to just-right-of-center Fox news, that you contemptuously scorn endlessly, as you hold leftist sources as gospel truth, like oh-so-journalistically respected Politico and CNN (whose bias has been exposed repeatedly, embarassing them to the point they had to fire many anchors and producers in the Trump years, because they DELIBERATELY got it wrong so badly that they HAD to fire them, to retain some semblance of objectivity.
But the reality is, every reporter at CNN is not only a Democrat who voted for Obama and Biden, but a fanatical activist Democrat who believes their holy mission is to damage the Republicans and prop up the Democrats at every turn, that in the last decade have become shameless propagandists for the Democrat party.
Yet you scorn Fox and any conservative source that actually still maintains objective standards, maintained regardless of their own personal politics. John Stossel, Sharyl Attkisson, Glenn Greenwald, Lara Logan, Lou Dobbs (at CNN for 40 years!), John Solomon, Bernard Goldberg, Glenn Kessler and others, all award-winning journalists, mostly self-identified liberals, have abandoned the mainstream liberal networks because of the skewed Democrat bias that frustrated them as serious objective reporters. But the corrupt networks they abandoned are the only real "news" to you, and the reporters with integrity are "right wing extremists" to you. So unhinged is your worldview.

And you're so "objective" and neutral you never have a negative word to say about BLM, Antifa, De-fund the police, and the various other nation-wrecking policies of the Democrats. As they tear down statues of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln. On their way to shredding the Constitution itself, in their open pursuit of a one-party authoritarian Democrat-Bolshevik state.
THESE are the defenders of democracy to you. These are the brownshirt revolutionary thugs of the Democrat party who endorses and never criticizes them, because their revolution is the Democrat party's revolution.
Monuments to our founders torn down and urinated on nationwide.
575 cities burned and looted by BLM and Antifa mobs, that by the way, V.P. Kamala Harris and other Democrat leqaders set up funds to bail out quickly so they could get out and do even more damage.
Intimidation protest vigils 24 hours a day outside the homes of Supreme Court justices, clear intimidation, that stoked at least one attempt to kill Brett Kavanaugh.
Republican candidates and elected officials attacked nationwide.
Dozens of pro-life centers and churches firebombed and vandalized nationwide, the Democrat/ Left's Kristaalnacht. All this.
But you ironically allege it is Republicans who "want a civil war" ?!?

Sharyl Attkisson, detailing examples of slanted journalism

One of us has delusions and an immunity to the truth. And that person is you. Shithead. Moron.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
::vapid harangue::

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Originally Posted by iggy
:Infantile screeching, because I can't dispute the facts WB presented:

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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So much coping...

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Originally Posted by iggy
So much coping...

translated, from the language the infants speak on Planet Iggy...

Originally Posted by Iggy
panic panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy-face. Fuck you, fuck your mother, asshat, doofus, etc., etc panic panic

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