Toomey nailed it. Followed up fairly quickly with Masters losing Arizona. Dems now need one to GOP's two with Laxalt's lead down to a few hundred. Lindsay Graham was right about Trump all those years ago. Cut out the cancer.
Another delayed vote count, followed by a Republican loss, that was previously anticipated to be a Republican win. The technique is for Democrats to secretly count all the ballots, see how far ahead the Republican is, and manufacture enough fake Democrat ballots to fabricate a narrow Democrat win.
Isn't it interesting how every time the Democrat-controlled elections center prolongs the election for days or weeks, the Democrats always manage after lengthy delay and plotting, to pull "found ballots" out of a magic hat, and "narrowly win" an election.
Martha McSally vs Kirsten Sinema, for example. McSally was winning, and after a long dragged out delay in counting, big surprrise, suddenly she lost.
How Al Franken mysteriously came from behind after days of ballot counting , his Republican opponent was winning, when magic votes were discovered and made him a senator.
There was an attempt to do this in TWO Democrat controlled election centers during the 2018 election of Ron Desantis, where Democrat elections supervisors in two separate counties tried to rig the election for his Democrat opponent Andrew Gillum. Desantis won by about 10,000 votes.
And Democrats are constantly scheming in Florida to manufacture ways to depress Republican votes.