Originally Posted by iggy
The man added trillions in new debt, created a cadre of backdoor tax increases with his tariffs, and undermined the principle free trade. What part of an agenda like that should I support?

That's the first I've heard that alleged.
Trump stimulated the greatest economic growth, across the board, in over 50 years.
The tarriffs were on imports from China, and the proceeds were given to U.S. farmers negatively impacted by preceding Chinese trade policy (Chinese policy intended to weaken Trump's political support). The farmers were elated by the subsidies given to them from the tariff revenue, and put them among Trump's greatest supporters, instead of turning them on Trump, as the Chinese intended.

I guess you would prefer the U.S. to be enslaved and dominated by a global hegemonic China.
The annual deficits under Trump were due to Democrats adding blackmail spending to budgets Trump proposed, or not passing them. For Trump to get $700 billion to rebuild our dangerously unprepared and underfunded military, after 8 years of destruction by Obama, Schumer and Pelosi extorted 900 billion in additional liberal spending, racking the total up that year to 1.6 trillion, that would have been far less if it were up to Trump. And the U.S. military was so weakened by 8 years of Obama negligence, that it was urgent for Trump to negotiate immediate funds to rebuild it.
And by the way, you seem to be ignoring the 5.5 trillion in nation-destroying deficit spending in less than 2 years by Biden/Schumer/Pelosi. And Democrats would have rammed through trillions more spending, if the Democrats fully had their way, blocked and reduced only by the dissenting Sen Manchin and Sen. Sinema.

Under Trump, wages were rising dramatically for everyone, for the first time in 40 years, but even proportionately higher for the middle class and poor. The lowest unemployment ever recorded for blacks, for hispanics, for people under 25, and the greatest jobs growth in 50 years for women. The greatest rise in black and hispanic home ownership. Facts you seem to ignore.