Originally Posted by iggy
That's an awful lot of salt there, Wonder Doofus. Lot more sense to blame Trump announcing big news on the 15th the fucking day before election day. Nothing energizes the left nor leaves a chunk of the right languid like Trump.

No, dipshit, blaming Trump is just liberal media, Democrat-Bolshevik and Establishment Republican narrative, to undermine Trump with lying propaganda, and cover up their own deception and corruption at the same time.
Trump endorsed about 240 candidates, and the overwhelming majority of them won. His political opponents in both the Democrat and Republican parties, and the media, focus on the few that lost.

The same corrupt Democrats, corrupt Republicans, and corrupt media, also hide that Mitch McConnell withheld millions in GOP funds from many Trump-backed candidates, who could have won, but narrowly lost, only because they were vastly out-spent 5 or 10 to one, and carpet-bombed with slanderous ads they couldn't even respond to because of withheld funds.

Falsely blaming Trump also hides that McCarthy sat on his hands and didn't campaign hard enough for House Republicans, campaigned only on what Biden and Democrats were doing wrong, and not on any clear or positive agenda McCarthy and House Republicans would do if voters elected them.

Falsely blaming Trump also helped to hide the suspicious outcomes of prolonged elections in corrupt Democrat-controlled regions. Tucker Carlson pointed out that when ballot-counting is prolonged for days or weeks, the Democrat candidates end up winning in 77% of those elections. Which is enormously in the Democrat favor. And THAT IS PRECISELY THE PURPOSE of prolonging the count, to "find batches" of votes until the Democrat "narrowly wins". If they were just "mistakes" and not Democrat election-rigging, the "errors" would end up approximately 50/50 in prolonged elections.
And just by the oddest coincidence, all the same suspect states that were rigging elections in 2020, are the same ones rigging elections in 2022 : Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia. And where the Democrats really control the table, in California.

As far as Trump announcing his candidacy last night, Trump can be relied on to do the unexpected, it knocks his opposition off-balance, and that even was true of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. Trump announced when he did after several days of news media discussing the failures of McConnell and McCarthy. This allowed him to contrast himself with the McConnell and McCarthy's exposed and well-documented failures. Trump announced the same day McCarthy narrowly reached the threshold of at least a 218-seat Republican House Majority. And it pleases me to no end to listen to you whine and cry about it.