Originally Posted by iggy
Trumptard loses to Murkoswski in Alaska. Palin falls to a Democrat in the House race. Wondy just has to sit there and cope.

Uh, Tshibaka finished AHEAD of Lisa Murkowski (and Murkowski only finished close because McConnell deceitfully spent $9 million in federal GOP funds to carpet-bomb Tshibaka in negative campaign ads, that Tshiba didn't have the campaign funding to even respond to). But Tshibaka won anyway. At least till the next runoff.
Murkowski is a Republican Senator who was heavily funded by McConnell (money that cost other Republicans more worthy, who narrowly lost because of McConnell), but Murkowski simultaneously was endorsing other Democrats !
And Murkowsky also votes with Democrats about 67% of the time over the last decade or so. The definition of a RINO. She was the lone GOP "no" vote for Kavanaugh's nomination.

Palin I really don't care about. She was an accomplished Alaska governor. But beyond that, she has been "Quayled" for 10 years as an idiot, that the public largely buys because of the prevalence of that media narrative. And honestly, I don't like her personal style. I welcome a better Republican candidate. Her "I'm not typical nuanced politician" schtick was fun for a while, but I honestly had my fill of it in 2008. As I said to a friend of mine on the subject: "She's an accomplished Alaska governor. She's not an idiot. But she SOUNDS LIKE an idiot when she talks in front of the cameras." Her rustic unpolished regular-gal persona was refreshing in the beginning. But at some point the public (and I) want an elected leader with the eloquence of an actual stateswoman.
And what the hell, Republicans have a House majority without her. Another seat would have been nice, but not necessary. Likewise several close districts in Florida.

It's incredible, over 2 weeks later, and the cheating Democrats have still not called a number of 2022 mid-term races. They especially delayed the ones that took Republicans across the 218 qnd 219 line for a majority. But they're still delaying multiple other races, likely to stuff the ballot boxes.
And both Kari Lake's campaign, and Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich are sharpening their claws for a legal challenge to the Arizona governor election, with plenty of evidence of irregularities and malfeasance.

Reagan biographer/historian Craig Shirley (on Chris Salcedo, Newsmax) also said there is such an abundance of errors that even Maricopa election officials have admitted (shown in video clips) they can't be certain of the result, about a 75% chance the final count is inaccurate. Shirley said the only real solution is to throw out the Nov 8th results, and have another Arizona election. And if that's true of the governor race, that's also true of the down-ballot races as well. Several other Republican candidates have not conceded.