It's a fact that 75 or 80% of the election workers in Maricopa county said they were not confident that the November midterm election count could be trusted to be accurate. Many of those election workers will be be deposed and give testimony on behalf of Kari Lake and her campaign.
"Cheating Democrats", indeed.
There is a consistent pattern across elections going back at least 20 years. And as detailed in a previous election fraud topic, millions of fraudulent votes in every election.
" More Voter Fraud by democrats" topic

Not to mention the now-confirmed stolen JFK election in 1960, specifically in the states of Illinois and Texas. And the Senate election of RFK, and while I'm less familiar with it, given that pattern, likely Ted Kennedy as well.

And I could have posted any number of links about Kari Lake challenging the election. I posted that link specifically because I knew any mention of God related to politics would make you (further) lose your mind, make you hiss and scream like Damian in The Omen. It's predictable, and fun to watch. You just can't help yourself.

As far as "cope", cope with what? Republicans won the House, despite Republican candidates being out-spent by Democrats 5 or 10 to 1.
As I said, Trump-supported candidates won 219 of the 240 Trump supported. I would call that an overwhelming ratio of victory.
And the withholding of funds by McConnell and McCarthy for Trump-supported candidates who narrowly lost and should have won, is also a victory of sorts, exposing the RINO anti-Republican wing within the Republican party, that voters are now very aware of. That McConnell and McCarthy withholding millions in GOP campaign funds are the exact reason Republicans didn't make even greater gains, that these two acted as de facto Democrats, sabotaging the Republican party from within, betraying their own voters.

RINOs that will be further purged from the party in 2024, when the Senate elections will be much more in the Republican favor.