Originally Posted by iggy
It really could just be that people are what you claim to be: an independent voter and carefully chose some Republicans while dismissing others as absolute cranks who are now pulling shit like this to prove those voters correct in their judgement. Pound sand, hater...

Except that you've consistently demonstrated yourself to be a liar.
And what are "reasonable" Republicans to you? Establishment Republicans who won't change anything? RINO Republicans, who cross the aisle to vote and enable the Democrats to pass insane leftist legislation, to hire another 87,000 IRS agents, while de-funding the U.S. southern border?

You never define what policy makes Republicans what you label "cranks". Patriots who defend and preserve our country? Who gave us the best economy in over 50 years in the Trump years, the lowest inflation, the greatest surge in economic growth, secured our borders from illegals and criminals? The first growth in real wages in over 40 years? Kept us out of new wars in Iran, Korea, and Ukraine? Made us energy independent for the first time in over 70 years?
Yeah, wow, what a bunch of cranks.

Clearly you're the malicious hater, who slings profanity and insults in every post.

In the linked topic above...
"More Voter Fraud by Democrats" topic
...I was reminded what a lying spiteful hate-filled troll you've consistently been, for over 11 years and counting. Again, I'm glad I only have to deal with you online, and I'm not part of your family or co-workers or Christian students you openly boast about abusing your teaching position to vindictively harass. The incredible irony, that you would accuse me of "hate". You are consumed with hate. And you must bring misery to everyone in your inner circle.

Pound THAT, dipshit.