Originally Posted by Lothar of The Hill People
Trump may not have been chosen by your God but he was chosen by a majority of the American people and he may be chosen again.

The evidence continues to pile up that the Nov 2020 election was rigged in Joe Biden's favor, and that --not the actual votes of the American people-- is how Creepy Joe got elected.
The latest is the evidence emerging over the last few weeks, where FBI and intelligence officials labelled the actual facts of the Hunter Biden Laptop story, as initially reported by the New York Post, as "Russian disinformation" to be silenced and suppressed to keep Americans from reading it, in the weeks right before the Nov 2020 election. Suppressing at the lowest about 7 million votes for Trump, that would have decisively given the 2020 election to Trump

And that Democrat-Bolshevik officials in the FBI and wider intelligence field further threatened and coerced Facebook and Twitter to suppress the Hunter Biden "laptop from hell" revelations, under threat of federal retaliation against those companies if they didn't suppress it.
Mark Zuckerberg confirmed that in hearings a few weeks ago. FACT.

And now Elon Musk just 2 days ago has released internal e-mails between Twitter employees, FBI , and Biden campaign officials, clearly showing Twitter's eagerly doing the bidding of FBI's government orchestrated suppression of free speech in 2020. That FBI suppression and intimidation goes way beyond a private company and its employees suppressing information and conservative free speech. That is AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNMENT suppression of citizens' Constitutional free speech, and of suppressing Constitutional freedom of the press. And crosses a threshold, breaking federal laws. FACT.

But don't count on Comrade Commissar A G Merrick Garland to prosecute this. Only a new Republican-majority House investigation will pursue this, and likely the proven Democrat-zealot DOJ and FBI will just continue to sit on their hands regarding this until until at least 2025. Without a change to Republican control of the presidency, the Democrat-Bolsheviks will just sweep this under the rug.