Originally Posted by iggy
Twitter Files are a total yawner unless you let your predilection for conspiracy theories run wild with the insinuation of nefariousness with which Taibbi, Weiss, and company layer these releases. I mean, JfC, we created an entire radio station during WWII to thwart Nazi propaganda and ramped it up to eleven during the Cold War to push our view of things through the Iron Curtain. Now, I'm supposed to be shook by the fact they created some fake Twitter accounts targeting Islamic states with which we don't get along? Okay...


Not being in Europe or other overseas territories, I've never actually listened to VOA.
But in multiple documentaries I've seen, whether in Warsaw Pact nations, Russia itself, Cuba or other communist nations, VOA made an effort to not just be propaganda, and instead to report the news as accurately as possible, even when the news was not favorable to the U.S., so their message would be reliable and believable.

And people from all these nations I've seen interviewed said that VOA was a lifeline for them because of that.
A broadcast they trusted to be the truth, and not just a counter-narrative.

For you to say the things you do, Iggy, how much do you hate your own country?

Some recommended reading :

[Linked Image from i.pinimg.com]

You seem so eager to believe the absolute worst about your country, without even facts, just vicious baseless assumptions. This book, among many by D'Souza, provides a good amount of facts, of how demonstrably exceptional and virtuous our country truly is, compared to many others. Deconstructing the leftist myths you seem so eager to believe.

And also... :

[Linked Image from images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com]

Michael J. Flynn wrote this in 2002, in the wake of 9-11, at which time many on the Left were saying the U.S. deserved the attack, and even muslim university students openly discussing how Al Qaida could have better implemented a more effective and devastating attack. On issues of environmentalism, global warming, Japanese internment, women and minority rights, U.S. military power internationally, and other issues, Flynn present the arguments of the Left, and demonstrates how they are untrue, and what the true facts are.

In the book (published in 2002) Flynn defines a clear separation between
(1) the greater mass of Democrat liberals, and
(2) the smaller core of communist/socialist America-hating leftists.
But since the book was written, the center mainstream of the Democrat party has veered further and further Left, to the point that there is no longer a separation. The current Democrat leadership fully embraces socialism (if not outright communism), suppression of any free speech they don't like, violence toward Trump supporters or any other dissenters they don't like, such as Tulsi Gabbard, Kirsten Sinema, Joe Manchin, and several liberal college professors they've beaten up.
Not to mention violently shutting down any conservative speaker at just about any college in the U.S. They hate police, they hate our military. They think the U.S. (thanks to leftist professors teaching historically inaccurate "1619 Project" propaganda ) is an unfair racist country, built on a racist past, that does not even deserve to exist,.
And so they eagerly embrace destruction of our Constitutional republic, and replacing it with a "more fair" socialist/ Marxist state. And their political policy for decades, particularly the last 2 years, is calculated to weaken and destroy the United States, to bring about that revolutionary socialist / Marxist / Bolshevik / Globalist change.

[Linked Image from images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com]

Also instructive in how this hijacking of the U.S. began is the book THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz and Richard Poe. It began with the McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform bill, that took away the traditional big-money backers of the Democrat party after 2004, and allowed Soros' mass web of activist groups to seize power over the Democrat party, pushing them more crazy left every 2 years since then. The then-head of Soros-funded group MoveOn.org e-mailed after 2004 to comrades saying "We bought the Democratic party. We own it."

"Campaign finance reform" was a ruse, for Soros to financially take over the Democrat party.
And John McCain is (or was) a Republican who received financial support and traded favors with George Soros.

But here I am trying to discuss facts and reason with a guy who has identified himself as a North Carolina junior college professor, who has a pathological hatred of Christians and has openly boasted about discriminating against his students. Who has unreservedly endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement. And among many other apoplectic profanity-laden rants about how much he hates Republicans, who you never seem to feel offer a better solution, no matter how anti-American and outright Bolshevik the Democrats consistently are.
I won't hold my breath expecting you to suddenly have an enlightened epiphany of how conservatives offer a path to saving the country from "Democrat socialism" at this point.