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I love how Musk is doing this in a steady drip of document dumps to multiple journalists. I think he's up to 6 releases now. Not all at once, so that it's over in one blast, and forgotten. But the multiple releases collectively reveall how massive, deliberate and malicious this actually is.

And he hasn''t even revealed all of what the FBI, DHS and CIA did in collaboration with Twitter !

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, for what the same intelligence agencies did in collaboration with Google, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and other tech and social media platforms in the 2020 election of Biden. AT LEAST since 2020, but on a less bold scale attempted in prior elections probably for at least the last 20 years, refining their authoritarian control.

The CIA and FBI have for decades developled techniques to rig elections and use psychological warfare to manipulate governments and topple regimes in nations throughout the world, to replace them with pro-America governments. Now that all these federal agencies have been fully politicized and taken over, purged and replaced by Democrat appointees since the Obama years and forward, they are unleashing the same tactics here in the U.S., to create a permanent authoritarian Democrat-Bolshevik one-party system.

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Hunter Biden laptop bombshell: Twitter invented reason to censor Post’s reporting (New York Post)

That is “f—ed.”

Twitter “just freelanced” its baseless decision to censor The Post’s bombshell Hunter Biden laptop scoop in the run up to the 2020 election — with top-level workers at the social media giant agreeing that controversial decision was “f–ked,” damning insider communications released by CEO Elon Musk Friday reveal.

The chaos and confusion behind closed doors at Twitter in the immediate aftermath of the October 2020 Hunter Biden expose show that a small group of top-level execs decided to label the Post’s story as “hacked material” without any evidence — behind the back of then-CEO and founder Jack Dorsey.

Musk tweeted a link to the account of independent journalist Matt Taibbi shortly after 6 p.m., who shed light on Twitter’s shady censorship decision by posting what appeared to be redacted emails between Twitter employees.
The decision to censor The Post’s story was made “at the highest levels of the company,” according to Taibbi, but without Dorsey’s involvement.

[plenty more at the link]

And that was just the opening salvo of of released internal e-mails at Twitter. It turns out Elon Musk fired all the right people.

And again, just the tip of the iceberg, for what FBI, DHS and other intelligence agencies were doing not just at Twitter, but also at Facebook, Google, Youtube, and throughout the tech field, social media, and mainstream liberal media.

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The Next Revolution, Steve Hilton, Sunday, Dec 11 2022

Tucker Carlson covered the same loading of intelligence agents in high executive positions ot tech and social media companies (segment starts at 31:00 )
Tucker Carlson, Dec 13 2022, Tuesday

The incestuous takeover by FBI, DHS and CIA appointments such as James Baker at Twitter, made even more clear by the multitude Steve Hilton cites in this editorial.

Intelligence agencies have taken authoritarian control, by placing veteran intelligence officials in the highest positions of these all-powerful tech corporations.

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The latest 6th installment of Elon Musk's "Twitter Files" release of Twitter internal documents, released last night:

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All 6 installments (so far), linked at Wikipedia, which of course has nothing good to say about Elon Musk, or the benefit of what has been exposed.

The Twitter Files are a set of internal Twitter, Inc. documents shared by owner Elon Musk with freelance journalist Matt Taibbi, opinion writer Bari Weiss, and author Michael Shellenberger in December 2022. Taibbi and Weiss coordinated the release of the documents with Twitter management, releasing the details of the files as a part of a series of Twitter threads.[1][2][3]

In his opening tweets, Taibbi sought to demonstrate that Twitter's employee base was and is overwhelmingly left-leaning politically. He argued the Twitter organization grew too large to control its own processes and that its content moderation developed a left-leaning bias.

The first installment, presented by Taibbi on December 2, 2022, showed elements of the deliberation process Twitter took regarding content moderation related to a New York Post article on the Hunter Biden laptop controversy in October 2020, as well as some other content.[4] Taibbi tweeted that the FBI gave Twitter a "general" warning about foreign hacks and leaks but that the Twitter files showed "no evidence ... of any government involvement in the laptop story". According to Politico, in his sworn declaration, Twitter executive Yoel Roth stated that he had regular meetings with DHS, DNI, and FBI. Taibbi also did not say any Democrats had asked Twitter to suppress the story.[5][4][6]

The second thread, presented by Weiss on December 8, addressed what Musk and others have described as the "shadow banning" of some users, a practice referred to as "visibility filtering" by previous Twitter management.[7] Twitter had announced in 2018 a new policy of limiting the reach of accounts exhibiting patterns of "troll-like behaviors", which resembled Musk's newly announced "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of reach" policies intended to limit the spread of "negativity".[8][9]

The third installment, released by Taibbi on December 9, highlighted the events within Twitter leading to Trump's suspension.

The fourth installment, released on December 10 by Shellenberger, covered how Twitter employees reacted to the January 6 United States Capitol attack and the conflict within Twitter on how to moderate tweets and users who were supporting the attack.

The fifth installment, released on December 12 by Weiss, covered how Twitter employees influenced the decision to ban Trump from the platform.

The releases have prompted debate over the nature of blacklisting;[10] calls for the full release of all documents for the sake of transparency; calls to improve content moderation processes; criticism over various shortcomings in the releases including over exaggerating the contents' significance; being partial; conclusions reached in the reporting with counterclaims against; failure to sufficiently redact private information; and igniting hatred and potential harm against those involved in content moderation.

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The new 7th release of Twitter documents, today :

FBI pressured Twitter, sent trove of docs hours before Post broke Hunter laptop story

The FBI sprang into action within hours of the New York Post reaching out to Hunter Biden for comment about his scandalous laptop in October 2020, falsely warning Twitter and Facebook executives that the computer’s discovery was part of a Russian “hack and leak” operation.

That’s a key finding in the latest installment of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” revealed Monday by independent journalist Michael Shellenberger, who reports that then-Twitter Head of Site Integrity Yoel Roth was prepped on censoring The Post’s exposé weeks earlier at a “tabletop exercise” on hacked materials that was organized and attended by media elites.

The trove of new records also show more evidence that former top FBI lawyer James Baker had an outsize role in quashing The Post’s reporting in his role as Twitter’s deputy general counsel.

The internal messages show that on the night of Oct. 13, 2020, FBI San Francisco Special Agent Elvis Chan sent 10 documents to Roth and at least one other person via a special one-way communications channel, according to Shellenberger. Chan asked Roth and his colleagues to confirm they had received the documents.

[documents, social media posts displayed]

Approximately two-and-a-half hours earlier, Hunter Biden attorney George Mesires had called and emailed Delaware computer repair shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac after learning from The Post that the first article based on files recovered from the abandoned laptop would be published the next day.

“I am a lawyer for Hunter Biden and I appreciate you reviewing your records on this matter,” Mesires wrote to Mac Isaac.

At 5 a.m. on Oct. 14, The Post published the first of many scoops exposing questionable overseas business dealings conducted by Hunter Biden — details of which were hidden in plain sight on the hard drive of his laptop.

Mac Isaac had tipped off the FBI about criminal evidence on the laptop, and the feds confiscated the computer back in December 2019. Nine months later, having heard nothing from investigators, Mac Issac gave a copy of the laptop to Trump lawyer Rudy Guiliani.

Giuliani, in turn, supplied The Post with the trove of damning content.

But The Post’s story was suppressed by Facebook and Twitter, which temporarily banned the outlet in the wake of its publication. It was also ignored or discredited by mainstream outlets, many of whom quietly substantiated the report months later.

It is not clear what was in the documents Chan emailed to Roth, but the timing is uncanny and, as Shellenberger reported, Chan’s action was in keeping with a larger effort by the FBI to squelch speech on the platform in the name of guarding against “foreign interference in elections.”

In July 2020, three months before The Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story, Chan emailed Roth suggested that beginning 30 days before Election Day, Twitter executives would be granted temporary security clearances to discuss purported threats with FBI officials.

“You get to pick who they would be,” Chan wrote.

Roth later said in a sworn declaration that the feds had primed him to dismiss reports of the soon-to-be first son’s laptop as a “Russian ‘hack and leak’ operation,” but Chan later admitted under oath that the warnings were overblown, Shellenberger reported.

[ plenty more at link ]

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Twitter Files are a total yawner unless you let your predilection for conspiracy theories run wild with the insinuation of nefariousness with which Taibbi, Weiss, and company layer these releases. I mean, JfC, we created an entire radio station during WWII to thwart Nazi propaganda and ramped it up to eleven during the Cold War to push our view of things through the Iron Curtain. Now, I'm supposed to be shook by the fact they created some fake Twitter accounts targeting Islamic states with which we don't get along? Okay...

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Quite the contrary, it manifests an enormous influence of FBI, DHS and other federal law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies over Twitter, for purposes of controlling and altering the outcome of the November 2020, and elections possibly prior and after. Specifically the Hunter Biden laptop story, but also suspending and/or shadow-banning thousands of other conservative Twitter accounts, to suppress information before the election. That has already been demonstrated to have shifted 15 to 20 percent of votes, at the very least.

It manifests a level of conspiracy and abuse of federal power that is the largest in U.S. history, against which Watergate is small by comparison.

And what Elon Musk has revealed in the actions of these federal agencies at Twitter is just the tip of the iceberg, that clearly expands to Facebook, Google, Youtube, Instragram, Apple, and many other tech and social media corporate giants. It is federal agencies violating Constitutional law to suppress the media, to silence information and suppress free speech, and to replace that truth with their own Deep State narrative to benefit themselves at the peoples' expense.

It is the Democrat/Left establishing an Orwellian state controlled media, to consolidate their power, through their zealots in the FBI, DHS and other agencies. It is a Democrat-Bolshevik coup, to establish Democrat one-party rule over the United States, where they can never lose another election, and then fully implement Bolshevik power, at which the real purge will begin. And the Democrat-Bolsheviks have already demonstrated their fanaticism along those lines for several years, purging Republicans and Trump supporters from government agencies, purging the military, control of the IRS, FBI, DOJ, State Department, Pentagon generals, and many other agencies.
The Democrat weaponization and hijacking of these federal branches began under Barack Obama's presidency, and they stopped even being subtle about it the moment Trump conceded the 2020 election and the Biden administration seized power, beginning with "Camp Pelosi" turning Washington DC into an armed camp of 20,000 National Guard and barbed wire fences all around the Capital. And the purges I mentioned began immediately after that.

If you remember "Filegate" in the Clinton years, along that same path the Democrats have already tread, I further believe that many Republican Senate and House members, and many judges and other political leaders nationwide, are being surveiled in the same way Trump and his administration members were, and being blackmailed into silence or even voting for things like the current $1.7 trillion in wasteful spending.
As an example of that, the FBI was surveiling Rudy Giuliani regarding his investigation into the Hunter Biden laptop, and through that surveillance listened in on his phone conversations with reporter Miranda Devine at the New York Post. So the FBI had plenty of time to prepare for the exposure, even the exact day the story would be released, and days before warned all social media to be on the lookout for "Russian disinformation" related to the Hunter Biden laptop, so that when released, that information would not be believed, and would be suppressed by the gatekeepers at Twitter, Google, Apple, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and so forth, so that would not even be seen, let alone believed.

There were and are 80 FBI agents specifically assigned to "disinformation", federally funded in the hundreds of millions, to suppress and bury any information that does not benefit the the Democrat party politically.

And you have evil zealots like James Baker who have left FBI , DHS, CSIS, NSA, CIA and other aagencies, to take key executive positions at Twitter. And Facebook, and Google, and Youtube and all the rest, where at these tech companies, they still actually still exert federal control for the agencies they left. Message control for the Democrat Bolsheviks. And you see no problem with that.

I've seen it as obvious for about 20 years now that these same federal agencies have a similar coordination and control of the mainstream liberal media. With similar incestuous relationships, and in many proven examples, if not always, giving the Obama, Hillary Clinton and Biden campaigns advance word of compromising stories they release, and even giving these campaigns the option to remove portions of the stories before they are released, or the option to spike them completely, in their service to the Democrat-Bolshevik cause. I think it entirely possible that mainstream media sources, and tech/social media ALL conference-call daily or weekly with federal agencies and Democrat politicians, to regularly coordinate unified messaging.

But of couse, being an unhinged leftist douche-bag, you have no problem with this.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Quite the contrary, it manifests an enormous influence of FBI, DHS and other federal law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies over Twitter, for purposes of controlling and altering the outcome of the November 2020, and elections possibly prior and after. Specifically the Hunter Biden laptop story, but also suspending and/or shadow-banning thousands of other conservative Twitter accounts, to suppress information before the election. That has already been demonstrated to have shifted 15 to 20 percent of votes, at the very least.

Millions of people were swayed to vote one way or another because they couldn't see a tweet from Dan Bongino? Okay...

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Originally Posted by iggy
Twitter Files are a total yawner unless you let your predilection for conspiracy theories run wild with the insinuation of nefariousness with which Taibbi, Weiss, and company layer these releases. I mean, JfC, we created an entire radio station during WWII to thwart Nazi propaganda and ramped it up to eleven during the Cold War to push our view of things through the Iron Curtain. Now, I'm supposed to be shook by the fact they created some fake Twitter accounts targeting Islamic states with which we don't get along? Okay...

Not being in Europe or other overseas territories, I've never actually listened to VOA.
But in multiple documentaries I've seen, whether in Warsaw Pact nations, Russia itself, Cuba or other communist nations, VOA made an effort to not just be propaganda, and instead to report the news as accurately as possible, even when the news was not favorable to the U.S., so their message would be reliable and believable.

And people from all these nations I've seen interviewed said that VOA was a lifeline for them because of that.
A broadcast they trusted to be the truth, and not just a counter-narrative.

For you to say the things you do, Iggy, how much do you hate your own country?

Some recommended reading :

[Linked Image from]

You seem so eager to believe the absolute worst about your country, without even facts, just vicious baseless assumptions. This book, among many by D'Souza, provides a good amount of facts, of how demonstrably exceptional and virtuous our country truly is, compared to many others. Deconstructing the leftist myths you seem so eager to believe.

And also... :

[Linked Image from]

Michael J. Flynn wrote this in 2002, in the wake of 9-11, at which time many on the Left were saying the U.S. deserved the attack, and even muslim university students openly discussing how Al Qaida could have better implemented a more effective and devastating attack. On issues of environmentalism, global warming, Japanese internment, women and minority rights, U.S. military power internationally, and other issues, Flynn present the arguments of the Left, and demonstrates how they are untrue, and what the true facts are.

In the book (published in 2002) Flynn defines a clear separation between
(1) the greater mass of Democrat liberals, and
(2) the smaller core of communist/socialist America-hating leftists.
But since the book was written, the center mainstream of the Democrat party has veered further and further Left, to the point that there is no longer a separation. The current Democrat leadership fully embraces socialism (if not outright communism), suppression of any free speech they don't like, violence toward Trump supporters or any other dissenters they don't like, such as Tulsi Gabbard, Kirsten Sinema, Joe Manchin, and several liberal college professors they've beaten up.
Not to mention violently shutting down any conservative speaker at just about any college in the U.S. They hate police, they hate our military. They think the U.S. (thanks to leftist professors teaching historically inaccurate "1619 Project" propaganda ) is an unfair racist country, built on a racist past, that does not even deserve to exist,.
And so they eagerly embrace destruction of our Constitutional republic, and replacing it with a "more fair" socialist/ Marxist state. And their political policy for decades, particularly the last 2 years, is calculated to weaken and destroy the United States, to bring about that revolutionary socialist / Marxist / Bolshevik / Globalist change.

[Linked Image from]

Also instructive in how this hijacking of the U.S. began is the book THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz and Richard Poe. It began with the McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform bill, that took away the traditional big-money backers of the Democrat party after 2004, and allowed Soros' mass web of activist groups to seize power over the Democrat party, pushing them more crazy left every 2 years since then. The then-head of Soros-funded group e-mailed after 2004 to comrades saying "We bought the Democratic party. We own it."

"Campaign finance reform" was a ruse, for Soros to financially take over the Democrat party.
And John McCain is (or was) a Republican who received financial support and traded favors with George Soros.

But here I am trying to discuss facts and reason with a guy who has identified himself as a North Carolina junior college professor, who has a pathological hatred of Christians and has openly boasted about discriminating against his students. Who has unreservedly endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement. And among many other apoplectic profanity-laden rants about how much he hates Republicans, who you never seem to feel offer a better solution, no matter how anti-American and outright Bolshevik the Democrats consistently are.
I won't hold my breath expecting you to suddenly have an enlightened epiphany of how conservatives offer a path to saving the country from "Democrat socialism" at this point.

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I didn't say VOA never did any good. Their Tiananmen Square coverage, for example, was top-notch. But, it doesn't strain credulity to say that the VOA exists to promote American views to the world and is--in that sense--a propaganda outlet. You are an amazingly shallow thinker.

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Originally Posted by iggy
I didn't say VOA never did any good. Their Tiananmen Square coverage, for example, was top-notch. But, it doesn't strain credulity to say that the VOA exists to promote American views to the world and is--in that sense--a propaganda outlet. You are an amazingly shallow thinker.

No, you didn't say it. You just implied it. Like the vicious liar you are.

As Ann Coulter said 20 years ago in a TIME magazine interview, a liberal is a person whose natural instinct is to support the OPPOSITE of whatever is best for their country. And your first instinct is to slander the United States, and assume the worst motives and actions of our country's government at every turn. Despite that we were fighting a muderously genocidal and truly evil communist global expansionist government for 50 years.
During and after the Cold War.

Soviet Russia, Communist China, Castro's Cuba, Kim Jong Un's Korea, Islamist Iran, Hugo Chaves and Maderos' Venezuela, are all one and the same in their genocidal tendencies, and completely deceitful in pursuing any ruthless means to achieve their goals and remain in power.
But your first impulse is to attack the United States for the slightest mis-step, not these brutal regimes.

Got it.

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Says the guy that thinks every politician, bureaucrat, and member of the judiciary is a part or crony of the deep state if they don't conform to his political positions. Something tells me the irony of that is completely lost on you though...

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Originally Posted by iggy
Says the guy that thinks every politician, bureaucrat, and member of the judiciary is a part or crony of the deep state if they don't conform to his political positions. Something tells me the irony of that is completely lost on you though...

Uh, hey moron: What Musk revealed is that, by their own e-mail message exchanges, the liberal media, the leftist executives in tech/social media corporations, the FBI, DHS, CIA, NSA and other federal agencies >>ARE<< all cronies working together in a deep state conspiracy.
That is exactly what their own self-incriminating private messages prove.

As I said, there are people of integrity who are trying to clean up the corruption in the two-party system, and are not just trying to enrich themselves. Who have, in fact, LOST money, and not even concerned about the loss, in their patriotic determination to do the right thing.

Not that I'd expect a lying sack of excrement like you to understand that.

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That's your warped and tortured reading of those messages. Cope harder.

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Originally Posted by iggy
That's your warped and tortured reading of those messages. Cope harder.

Originally Posted by Iggy
panic Nyah nyah nyah, You're a poopy-face. Fuck you, fuck your mother, asshat, doofus, etc., etc. panic

That pretty much sums it up. The same old B.S.
Lather, rinse, repeat.

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::clutches pearls::

Keep oinking!

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Originally Posted by iggy
::clutches pearls::

Keep oinking!

Originally Posted by Iggy
panic Nyah nyah nyah, You're a poopy-face. Fuck you, fuck your mother, asshat, doofus, etc., etc. panic

God, it must suck to be you.

Or even worse, to live with you.

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My life is great. Reports of the down on his luck bully are grossly exaggerated. smile

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Originally Posted by iggy
My life is great. Reports of the down on his luck bully are grossly exaggerated. smile

I find that hard to believe, if you have such a great life, you wouldn't waste your time trolling on boards you've repeatedly said are dead and a waste of time.
As opposed to me, who posts on these boards because I actually like them, and make an effort to post actual content and sourced factual information. Not to just come here to vindictively harass someone whose political views you don't like, as you do.

And again, I've linked recently to previous topics you posted extensively in like this from 11 or 12 years ago, where you were equally abusive to everyone you debate with, gave the same bitter treatment to G-man, Pariah, and anyone else who posted conservative/Republican views. It is not because what I say is "extreme" or far-Right or otherwise irrational or wrong, that you treat me this way. It's because your'e a vicious intolerant liar, who feels a need to harass, shout down and silence anyone who disagrees with you politically.
Not just me, but ANY conservative.

Even as you front to be "libertarian" or a true conservative, or a centrist, or a Ron Paul supporter, or Pat Buchanan supporter.
No... you're just a fucking liar. You attack conservatives at every turn for the last 12 years posting here. And the only conservative Republicans you seem to like are the ones who attack other Republicans.
You supported Occupy Wall Street, a clearly far-Left Soros-funded pseudo-grassroots movement created by the globalist/left to attack and destabilize the United States.
Now you come out that you support open borders for some irrational unexplained reason. I don't even need to go into that as if it were rational, or as if there were two sides to debate merits of that. It's just pure crazy, period. Open borders is a magnet drawing in people who are parasites, criminals, drug traffickers, human traffickers, and Fentanyl by the ton to kill well over 100,000 Americans a year, far more than any previous war.
And you ARE FOR IT !
No further debate necessary, you are completely insane.

We can be generous with immigration, and Trump was as president, raising our vetted legal green-card immigrants from 1.2 million to 1.5 million a year. But we have to control who comes into our country, we have to vet them, we have to know who they are, we have to limit new immigrants to what our national economy and social services can absorb. We have to screen them and not admit criminals or terrorists or murderers or drunk drivers.
Common sense, that you apparently lack.

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[Linked Image from]

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Kayleigh McEnany, on Utnumbered discussing Mark Zuckerberg's admitted abuse of Facebook, in coordination wih FBI during he Nov 2020 elecion

I might actually believe Zuckerberg''s fronted contriteness, if he wasn't, y'know, continuing to delete accounts and posts and shadow-ban MILLIONS of conservatives trying to expressing free speech on his Facebook/Meta platform.
He will continue to do he same thing in the Nov 2024 election.
He ALREADY IS doing he same thing, every day, right now, on his Facebook/Meta platform. whatever he fronts to say otherwise.

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