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Yes. Or, at least, not enough good evidence to even file a suit with merit. Your guy lost to a dude with dementia. Cope.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
Also of note, you use the word fact like you're trying to convince yourself and pivoted away from the fact that you spun cable ratings into being representative of the majority opinion of Americans. Suck. A. Fucking. Dick.

No, I cited facts.

It is a fact that Democrat election officials prevented Republican observers across at least 7 states from actually observing counting of the votes in Nov 2020.

It is a fact that they made them stand at ridiculous distances away that they couldn't possibly observe as votes were fraudulently counted.

It is a fact that in many cases, in multiple cities, they threw Republican observers out of the counting rooms so they couldn't observe the fraud occurring at all.

It is a fact that in Maricopa County, AZ, the elections officials didn't have the knowledge to count the votes themselves, and relied on Dominion Voting Systems to count the ballots for them (a group that to a man and woman despises Trump) and whose director of systems security said to a witness "Trump won't win, I made fucking sure of that."

That Dominion shared executive office space with George Soros-funded leftist groups.

It is a fact that virtually everyone in Dominion are supporters of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and more broadly the Democrat party, and many even to the Clinton Foundation, and that they scrubbed their social media accounts to hide the venom they've each posted extensively online. Proof they were all deeply invested in Biden winning, and had the technological means to make that happen.

It is (again) a fact that Trump was winning in all 7 contested states, and then the election count was stopped at 3AM, and then at 8 AM, with no Republican observers perrmitted to be present to legitimize and confirm it, Biden pulled a few million votes out of a magic hat and won in all 7 states.

It is a fact that local state elections supervisors, that state House and Senate members, that U.S. House and Senate members, that state judges, that Supreme Court judges, faced threats and intimidation if they challenged the rigged 2020 election.
It is a fact that multiple streams of election fraud have been found and reported by investigators in Maricopa County, Arizona , in Atlanta,Georgia, in Philadelphia, PA , in Detroit, Michigan, in Wisconsin. And investigators of Dominion machines have found massive vote rigging in rural Michigan , and in New Hampshire and in Montana, among other places. All of which I linked previously.

It is a fact that the state of Texas before the 2020 election declined to use Dominion voting machines, because multiple investigation consultants called to check their reliability were alarmed at how easy the Dominion machines were to hack. One of these private consultants was former army intelligence cyber-security expert Col. Phil Waldron. That these consultants tried to inform multiple federal agencies of the risk that still existed in other states using Dominion and other voting machines, including attempted warnings to the 97% Democrat-donating FBI, to DHS, and federal elections officials, but these investigators were ignored, almost as if these agencies wanted election fraud to happen.

It is a fact that 3 Senators (Amy Klobuchar, Ron Wyden, and Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren, two of them presidential candidates) and 1 House member Mark Pocan all vocally warned of the easy hackability of Dominion voting machines and risk to the nation this presented, presenting a signed statement to Congress pressing to protect election integrity by not using Dominion machines.

But y'know, then their team won by election fraud in 2020, and it was scrubbed from their three official Senate websites, and suddenly they had no interest in the threat of election fraud. Oops. Never mind.

It is a fact that even CNN warned of the threat of election fraud using Dominion machines.

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

Evidence Points to Major Vulnerabilities in Nov 2020 Election

I love how OAN does this in multiple stories. If OAN simply reported on election fraud in their own words, they would be dismissed by the other media, they would be dismissed as "paranoid" or "right wing propaganda" or "tin foil hat conspiracists".

But instead, Pearson Sharp quotes other mainstream liberal media stories from CNN, the New York Times, Politico, Washington Post and others, showing they reported the exact same facts that OAN is now accused of being "conspiracists" for airing. It's bulletproof on OAN's part, OAN indicts the liberal media with their own past liberal-media reporting. And further shows that when the liberal media could portray Donald Trump as having won the election by fraud, they were eager to report these exact same Dominion voting machine easily hackable vulnerabilities.

But when Biden won in Nov 2020, precisely because of these vulnerabilities, suddenly the mainstream networks made it off-limits to report the exact same facts. Instead selling the narrative that the election had perfect integrity. OAN makes it clear the liberal media were reporting the facts in 2017-2020 to damage the integrity of Trump's 2016 election victory , and are censoring those facts now, in their role as the Ministry of Truth for the Obama administration. Sacrificing their journalistic integrity and lying to the American people, in an effort to keep Biden in power.


Democrats Senators warned of election security before 2020 elections, flipped after


New York Times Denies Election Fraud, Ignores Own Reports Warning About Potential Dangers Of Election Fraud


Terry MCCauliffe, DEMOCRAT Virginia governor and Clinton operative, warns in 2019 of voting machines hackability

FACTS, Iggy.
Facts you'd like to pretend don't exist.

So YOU go suck a fucking dick. Asshat. Moron. Shithead.

Sore loser screed from a guy whose guys with all the evidence won't testify under oath. Cope harder.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Yes. Or, at least, not enough good evidence to even file a suit with merit. Your guy lost to a dude with dementia. Cope.

Originally Posted by Iggy
Nya nya nya, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, doofus, asshat, etc, etc.

A rigged system refused to hear the cases presented. John Roberts even prevented the U.S. Supreme Court from hearing the case, the same way he refused to rule the Obamacare legislation unconstitutional, even though it was. There are a lot of judges, Senators, House members and state members who are intimidated from doing the right thing and challenging the obviously fraudulent election.

Your guy is quite apparently a dude with dimentia, yes. And Biden is a perfect grandfatherly puppet for the Bolsheviks who actually run the White House to ram through their agenda. There are so many counties where there are more people who voted Democrat than there are actual people! One mathemetician who gave testimony showed that the 2020 election was rigged with a computer algorithm, that actual voting could never be that consistent across all counties of a state. Where the population actually in some regions declined over 4 years, so the voters in the 2020 election in those places actually exceeded the registered voters. Because they were using the previous election data to rig the algorithm, not the current population data ! Democrats rigging the election also researched who were registered and usually don't vote, and filled out fake ballots for Biden in their names. So when some of these people went in to vote on election day, they were told that they couldn't vote because the state already received a mail-in ballot in their name.

Democrats also filled in ballots for people in nursing homes and voted despite they were not lucid enough to vote.
Democrats also took the names of people who had moved out of state, and either mailed in fake ballots or had impersonators come in an vote in their name.
Democrats also had people from other states register and use fake addresses that didn't really exist. As Peter Navarro said in the Navarro Report (linked above) those votes in previous elections with fake addresses and no signature or a not-matching signature would in any previous election been thrown out. But were oddly counted in the 2020 election. And if excluded as they should have been, these alone would have overturned all 6 contested states to having Trump remain the winner.

AGAIN: till 3AM, Trump was winning on election night in all 6 states. It was only after the election vote counting was "suspended" on election night simultaneously in 7 states (WHICH HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN ANY PREVIOUS PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION) that Biden conspicuously spiked in the 6 contested states and "won" by 8 AM. It was highly suspicious to me that North Carolina, where Trump was always ahead, took about 2 weeks to finally reveal the final count. They stopped the vote count so the Democrats could count how far ahead Trump was, then manufactured the fake ballots needed to give Biden a narrow win in each state. Despite that North Carolina was always in the lead for Trump, I think they kept North Carolina's count in limbo so that if needed, they could manufacture another "miracle" victory for Biden in NC.

What presidential election can you recall where you didn't know the election count by 8 AM the next morning. I've been old enough to watch and understand elections since 1976, and usually the outcome is clear by 8 or 9 PM on election night. In the case of a really close election it might not be called till 2 or 4 in the morning, and in all 11 previous elections I've observed, the morning papers and the broadcast media have pretty much an exact count by 8 AM. This election, which wasn't the closest I've seen, literally took WEEKS for these contested states to count and disclose the final numbers. That is a clear and alarming irregularity, that manifests corruption and manipulation of the election system. Add to that the Republican vote observers prevented from seeing the votes counted, in 6 states, AT PRECISELY THE TIME THESE ELECTIONS FLIPPED OVER TO A BIDEN VICTORY.
No way.
There's absolutely no way that was legitimate.
That's precisely how an election in Venezuela (which uses Dominion voting systems, by the way) conducts an election. They stop the counting, figure out how far ahead the undesired candidate is, then they create the needed ballots to give their Bolshevik candidate of choice the win.

If you don't see the massive alignment of irregularities, combined with Biden's complete inability to campaign in 2020, to even finish a sentence, that he was incapable of drawing a crowd of 50 or 100 people at any rally, as contrasted with Trump who to every rally drew tens of thousands, often more than the stadiums Trump appeared in could accommodate, larger crowds than any previous candidate, then there really is no hope for you.
Trump had achievements that (as I just linked above) exceeded Reagan's accomplishments before the 1984 election, so he should have won in an overwhelming landslide comparable to Reagan's. If Biden had been a more inspiring candidate that could rally crowds, if he was consistently winning all night, I would believe it. Obama in 2008 was believable. But when Trump was winning all night, and Biden was losing all night, and then Biden only miraculously had a surge when all the Republican vote observers were deceived into going home... no.
It's not the slightest bit believable.
Or believable that no judges or political leaders, or very few, would challenge it over the last 20 months or so. It looks like authoritarian messaging, and intimidation of those who would legally challenge it.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

Tucker Carlson: Why are they so angry? - June 29, 2022, Wednesday

A warning of the political persecution common in Brazil, that we are increasingly seeing in the United States under Democrt-Bolshevik rule. A list of arrests of Americans over the last 18 months, many of them journalists, or Republican candidates or staffers, who committed no crime, but were politically inconvenient or embarassing to the Biden administration.

As in the case of many I cited in previous posts, the FBI arrested Republicans running for office, many of them in the lead, but the arrest and headlines created an air of scandal that made them lose, and allowed Democrat candidates to win instead. Giving victory to the Democrat party that 97% of FBI and DOJ donate their political contributions to. What an amazing coincidence.

Gee, why would state and federal judges, or even Senate and House members, or former cabinet members, be afraid to voice a legal challenge to the Biden 2020 election steal?

Maybe they could ask the dozen or so people Tucker Carlson cited, who were arrested by the Democrat Bolshevik party's KGB --oh, excuse me, I mean FBI.
The Democrat-weaponized FBI.

Maybe the judges who said everything is OK with the election, who are presumably smarter than most, to get those Ivy League degrees and join the elite in the first place, saw what was coming and didn't want to join guys like these above named FBI-arrested people, and Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Carter Page, Michael Flynn, George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone, and now Peter Navarro. Maybe they decided it was better to just go along with the fraud, and keep their high positions and homes, and not be escorted out of a public place in leg irons and have to sell their homes to pay for their legal defense.

Or risk ending up like the 1,300 or so January 6th peaceful protesters / "criminal trespassers", detained in federal prison cells indefinitely, where they can no longer work and earn income, and are having their homes that they spent a lifetime earning foreclosed, and their savings bankrupted. While BLM and Antifa molotov-cocktail throwers have FBI / DOJ cases dismissed and are set loose to run free.
Those scary trespassers are so much more dangerous!
Maybe judges and legislators got the message early on, and just let it ride rather than be destroyed too, in a cell next to Peter Navarro.
Not the most courageous choice, but easier.

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I'm not going to go all-in on two screeds. I'll just point out that all Biden had to do was play it safe and not lose because Trump chose to shoot himself wildly in the foot with everything from his covid response (which I don't think there necessarily was a "good" response) to--at the very least--optically allowing himself to be portrayable as dude that tear-gassed people for a photo-op. This, when you only barely won those blue "firewall" states in 2016 and was facing someone that could at least optically look like an alternative to those voters, was horrifically self-inflicted. It doesn't take relying on stories of voter fraud to figure out how Trump lost. Biden pulled people either from Trump or in to balance against Trump in the states where he needed to while Trump pushed people away with with some bad decisions and optics. That's it. No fraud or anything like that. He was just a guy who squeezed by in the electoral college despite losing the popular vote in his first election that made a bunch of missteps leading to him losing in his second election. He then threw a tantrum and you hate leftists with a blinding passion so you ran with it. Reality: Dubya ran a better reelection campaign and won both the popular and electoral vote the seond time around because of that. Cope harder.

Last edited by iggy; 2022-07-06 9:43 AM.
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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
AGAIN: till 3AM, Trump was winning on election night in all 6 states. It was only after the election vote counting was "suspended" on election night simultaneously in 7 states (WHICH HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN ANY PREVIOUS PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION) that Biden conspicuously spiked in the 6 contested states and "won" by 8 AM. It was highly suspicious to me that North Carolina, where Trump was always ahead, took about 2 weeks to finally reveal the final count. They stopped the vote count so the Democrats could count hoe far ahead Trump was, then manufactured the fake ballots needed to give Biden a narrow win in each state. Despite that North Carolina was always in the lead for Trump, I think they held it in reserve so that if the ballots needed for a Biden win, they kept North Carolina's count in limbo so that iff needed, they could manufacture another "miracle" victory for Biden in NC if needed.

In-person was always going to be for Trump and Mail-in was going to lean heavily Biden. Everyone knew that going into the election. You are pounding sand that so many people chose to vote mail-in during a pandemic that it allowed Biden to close the gap. Sucks for you and your guy, but that's what happened. You give it all away with your freak out about the election in NC. The rules said they had until the Friday after to be recieved so long as postmarked by Election Day. Do I think they were a little overly cautious in calling it? Sure, but I don't need a huge as conspiracy to explain why they were cautious. You, on the other hand, take the delay and construe it to fit your insane conspiracy theory without missing a beat, you cultist ape.

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Originally Posted by iggy
I'm not going to go all-in on two screeds.

"Screeds", your silly meaningless word.
In other words, my factually sourced statements.

Originally Posted by Iggy
I'll just point out that all Biden had to do was play it safe and not lose because Trump chose to shoot himself wildly in the foot with everything from his covid response (which I don't think there necessarily was a "good" response) to--at the very least--optically allowing himself to be portrayable as dude that tear-gassed people for a photo-op. This, when you only barely won those blue "firewall" states in 2016 and was facing someone that could at least optically look like an alternative to those voters, was horrifically self-inflicted. It doesn't take relying on stories of voter fraud to figure out how Trump lost. Biden pulled people either from Trump or in to balance against Trump in the states where he needed to while Trump pushed people away with with some bad decisions and optics. That's it. No fraud or anything like that. He was just a guy who squeezed by in the electoral college despite losing the popular vote in his first election that made a bunch of missteps leading to him losing in his second election. He then threw a tantrum and you hate leftists with a blinding passion so you ran with it. Reality: Dubya ran a better reelection campaign and won both the popular and electoral vote the second time around because of that. Cope harder.

That doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Trump oversaw the greatest economic boom in over 50 years. The highest growth, surpassing that of Reagan, W. Bush, or Obama. The lowest recorded black unemployment, the lowest recorded hispanic unemployment, lowest women's unemployment.
Trump re-negotiated trade deals with virtually every international trading partner in the U.S.'s favor, Trump secured the border, Trump re-built our military. Against the establishment of both parties, Trump averted a trillion-dollar war they wanted in Iran.
On the economic growth issue alone, Trump should have won in a landslide comparable to Ronald Reagan's 49-state sweep in 1984. And Trump was doing exactly that until 3 AM on election night, when 7 states suspended the vote count simultaneously, WHICH HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN A U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.

And only then, with multiple deceitful irregularities, did Biden overnight, with only Democrats present and no Republican observers, who had been tricked into leaving, did Biden "win". They counted the ballots to see how far ahead Trump was, and over a period of two weeks scribbled enough fake mail-in ballots to manufacture a narrow Biden victory. There is no logical demographic argument for how those votes make any sense. In many regions there are more Biden voters than actual registered voters. You just choose to ignore the evidence.

Biden was and is a laughingstock, who couldn't attract even 50 voters to a 2020 campaign rally anywhere in the United States. There's no way Biden got more black votes than Barack Obama. There's no explanation of how blacks in other regions of the country voted less for Biden, but then, ONLY AFTER 3 AM and there were no Republican observers, did black voters in only a few key urban areas, suddenly start voting in far higher ratios for Biden, to narrowly give Biden the election.

The unprecedented election night suspension of the vote count across 7 states ALONE manifests massive organized election fraud, an unexplained breaking of the normal procedure.

Let alone states like Pennsylvania, where the Democrat governor and Democrat secretary of state slipped by executive orders that allowed mail-in ballots way past election day, bypassing Pennsylvania's state constitutional process that mandates ANY Pennsylvania election law change requires both state Senate and state House majority votes, and a further popular vote on election change law, to be valid and legal. That alone disqualifies Pennsylvania's 2020 electoral votes as illegal.
And similar fraudulent and orchestrated Democrat fraud, across AT LEAST the 6 contested states, and likely to some degree across all 50 states.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
AGAIN: till 3AM, Trump was winning on election night in all 6 states. It was only after the election vote counting was "suspended" on election night simultaneously in 7 states (WHICH HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN ANY PREVIOUS PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION) that Biden conspicuously spiked in the 6 contested states and "won" by 8 AM. It was highly suspicious to me that North Carolina, where Trump was always ahead, took about 2 weeks to finally reveal the final count. They stopped the vote count so the Democrats could count [how] far ahead Trump was, then manufactured the fake ballots needed to give Biden a narrow win in each state. Despite that North Carolina was always in the lead for Trump, I think they held it in reserve so that if the ballots [were] needed for a Biden win, they kept North Carolina's count in limbo so they could manufacture another "miracle" victory for Biden in NC if needed.

In-person was always going to be for Trump and Mail-in was going to lean heavily Biden. Everyone knew that going into the election. You are pounding sand that so many people chose to vote mail-in during a pandemic that it allowed Biden to close the gap. Sucks for you and your guy, but that's what happened. You give it all away with your freak out about the election in NC. The rules said they had until the Friday after to be recieved so long as postmarked by Election Day. Do I think they were a little overly cautious in calling it? Sure, but I don't need a huge as conspiracy to explain why they were cautious. You, on the other hand, take the delay and construe it to fit your insane conspiracy theory without missing a beat, you cultist ape.

Mail-in votes are supposed to be counted in advance, and in every previous election, the mail-in ballots in every previous presidential election were always counted and re-counted by 8 AM the morning after the election.
The suspending of the vote count simultaneously across 7 states, combined with the sending home of all Republican vote observers, combined with only Democrats there to count votes after 3 AM, combined with Trump being ahead before then and suddenly after a spike in Biden votes and a narrow Biden victory, combined with many other irregularities never seen before, point to obvious election fraud. Highly suspicious, that all those Biden votes stacked up when there were only Democrats there to observe them. And that the advance ballots counted up til then didn't manifest the same rate of votes for Biden.

See the book RIGGED by Mollie Hemingway.
See the documentary "2000 MULES" by Dinesh D'Souza.

You are ignoring the overwhelming evidence of election fraud, to cling to some very unlikely unexplained and improbable spikes in votes for Biden in all 6 contested states.
Suspending the vote on election night in 7 states.
Dismissing the Republican observers on election night.
Democrats only are counting, when a surge in Biden votes magically occurs to give Biden the win.
Demographics of that surge in Biden votes, that make absolutely no sense in comparison with registered voters in those regions, or in comparison with data of prior elections.

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Seriously, you have a whole fucking internet at your disposal and only need google to get the fucking job done.

Learn to pronounce
a long speech or piece of writing, typically one regarded as tedious.
"her criticism appeared in the form of screeds in a local film magazine"
a leveled layer of material (e.g., cement) applied to a floor or other surface.
level (a floor or layer of concrete) with a straight edge using a back and forth motion while moving across the surface.

Also, a number of states don't allow mail-in to be counted until election or changed their laws before the election to not allow them to be counted until election day. Pivotal states like Pennsylvania, NC, and Michigan are among those. Again, there is a whole fucking internet out there to look at and find this shit out rather than expecting all your "facts" to come from right-wing propaganda outfits that want to conflate processing with counting.

He lost. Fucking deal with it, you cultist.

But, please, continue to try to make small data points into a massive conspiracy to cover for the fact you picked a loser that took losing so badly as to try to foment a coup.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Seriously, you have a whole fucking internet at your disposal and only need google to get the fucking job done.

Learn to pronounce
a long speech or piece of writing, typically one regarded as tedious.
"her criticism appeared in the form of screeds in a local film magazine"
a leveled layer of material (e.g., cement) applied to a floor or other surface.
level (a floor or layer of concrete) with a straight edge using a back and forth motion while moving across the surface.

Also, a number of states don't allow mail-in to be counted until election or changed their laws before the election to not allow them to be counted until election day. Pivotal states like Pennsylvania, NC, and Michigan are among those. Again, there is a whole fucking internet out there to look at and find this shit out rather than expecting all your "facts" to come from right-wing propaganda outfits that want to conflate processing with counting.

He lost. Fucking deal with it, you cultist.

But, please, continue to try to make small data points into a massive conspiracy to cover for the fact you picked a loser that took losing so badly as to try to foment a coup.

You still haven't explained how what I write is a "screed" and your hyperventilating insult and profanity-laden written opinion isn't. Shithead. Asshat. Fucknut. Moron. (See how easy that is? Yes, I can talk that way too, if only to give you a taste of your own profanity-laden spite. Shithead. )

You seem to be a cultist for the idea that Biden and the Democrats couldn't possibly have rigged the election, whereas I've CITED THE EVIDENCE, and just the tip of the iceberg, for how visibly it was manipulated and rigged by the Democrats. Deal with it. Cultist. Shithead. (See how easy that is?)

I already explained how the Pennsylvania governor and secretary of state undeniably broke state election law with executive orders, that should unquestionably disqualify the Pennsylvania 2020 electoral votes. And enough irregularities that GA, MI, WI, AZ and NV should also have warranted at least a delay of the electoral vote finalization on Jan 6 2021, and several weeks of joint-session debate on national television.
As I said, while technically they changed their voting laws to allow ballots without verification, and/or ballots to be received days or weeks after election day, they made those changes in ways that violated their state procedures for changing the election law.
And on top of that, they still cheated by many other ways beyond that, in multiple streams of election fraud.

"Foment a coup" is you making stuff up. Just like the Nov 3 2020 narrative is false, just like the Jan 6 2021 narrative is false. I only discussed what the true facts are. And look forward to an ACTUAL investigation, when Republicans regain the House majority, and hopefully the Senate as well. And the presidency in 2024.
The most recent "right track/wrong track" poll has Biden's presidency at 88% wrong track, the worst in the history of the question being asked.
I see a peaceful and rule-of-law dissent and pressure on Biden and the Democrats as the only way to win. No matter how much the Democrats abuse the system, falsely arrest and jail Trump supporters, no matter how much they weaponize and intimidate the public with a Democrat-weaponized FBI and IRS.

Whatever dreamland you live in, those are the true facts, and those Democrat weaponizations of government have been happening since Obama was inaugurated in Jan 2009, starting with weaponization of the IRS immediately in preparation for the 2010 and 2012 elections.
And quickly spread to Republican purges and political weaponization of FBI, DOJ, the State Department, CIA, and now even the Pentagon and the military.

That's not a "screed", that's just fact, as demonstrated by the actions and revealed messages and texts of Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, Bill Priestap, James Comey, Andrew McCabe and so many others who unquestionably abused their power to weaponize the FBI against Trump and his staff, and protect Hillary Clinton and others around her from prosecution.
The 97% Hillary Clinton donating FBI and DOJ.


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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
:: aggressive loser wanking invective::

::Eye Roll::

I say Biden won because he did and all you have are propaganda pieces and tortuous twisting of data points to fit your narrative.

Secondly, Biden's shitty polls have little to do with Trump losing to the cue card/word salad campaign of Dementia/Knee Pads.

Lastly, that's just more conspiracy bullshit, asshat.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
:: aggressive loser wanking invective::

::Eye Roll::

I say Biden won because he did and all you have are propaganda pieces and tortuous twisting of data points to fit your narrative.

Secondly, Biden's shitty polls have little to do with Trump losing to the cue card/word salad campaign of Dementia/Knee Pads.

Lastly, that's just more conspiracy bullshit, asshat.

U.S. presidential elections are pretty much won on the economy alone, and Trump oversaw the greatest economic growth in over 50 years.
IN ADDITION to all Trump's other accomplishments, both foreign and domestic, that Trump accomplished in his first 4 years. So based on the economy in particular, and all Trump's other accomplishments, Trump should have won in a re-election landslide comparable to 1972 or 1984.
And Trump was doing exactly that, until the gonzo multiple streams of Democrat election fraud began about 3 AM on election night. FACT.
Moron. Shithead.

As I said, I wasn't confident that Trump could do all he promised in 2016, but I liked that he at least voiced the stated goals to do so. I really became a Trump supporter based on what he was able to actually do in his first year, that he fulfilled his promises better than any president of our lifetimes, and perhaps of any president in U.S. history. You're the one who's living in a a dreamland of liberal mainstream propaganda, in DENIAL of those obvious facts.

If your side wins in its propaganda war of absolute lies against the American people, its Democrat-Bolshevism will fully collapse this country, and enslave us for decades, at least, to the Chinese and the Marxist-globalists.

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Joe and Hunter Biden selling out the U.S. to China and the liberal media flying cover for it - Monday, July 11 2022

I seriously hope this country can survive until Jan 2025 when Biden's term would end.

There are T-shirts that (mimmicking "Trader Joe's" employee t-shirts) say TRAITOR JOE'S, referring to the above sellout by the Biden family on every front to China, endangering us all, while enriching themselves. While the T-shirts have existed almost since Biden took office, the truth of that T-shirt phrase becomes increasingly clear, and the consequences of it are no joke.

88% of the country agrees that the country is on the wrong track and declining. If the next two elections are not rigged like the last one, the election results will reflect that.

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Cry harder, conspiracy loser. He lost. You lost. GOP wins in November will be in spite of him so long as enough are able to keep some sunlight between themselves and him. He is a damaged goods loser trying to remain relevant as DeSantis and others start to deliver elements of Trumpism without Trump. Trumpers will do great in red states where the GOP would when anyway and so it will be all autoerotic asphyxiation and self-fellation about "getting rid of RINOs."

Lastly, the fucking world was shut down in 2020 and there was a shortage of tp (among other things and self-inflicted or not). That's what people thought about in 2020. They didn't think anything about the economy in 2018, you waste of a sperm and egg. Hence, loser losing...bigly.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Cry harder, conspiracy loser. He lost. You lost. GOP wins in November will be in spite of him so long as enough are able to keep some sunlight between themselves and him. He is a damaged goods loser trying to remain relevant as DeSantis and others start to deliver elements of Trumpism without Trump. Trumpers will do great in red states where the GOP would [win] anyway and so it will be all autoerotic asphyxiation and self-fellation about "getting rid of RINOs."

Lastly, the fucking world was shut down in 2020 and there was a shortage of tp (among other things and self-inflicted or not). That's what people thought about in 2020. They didn't think anything about the economy in 2018, you waste of a sperm and egg. Hence, loser losing...bigly.

Translated from the language the infants speak on Planet Iggy:

Originally Posted by Iggy
cry panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, fascist, doofus, etc, etc. cry panic

I've explained with sources to back it up ( like the Navarro Report that for me is the best of all. )
Also, Mollie Hemingway's book RIGGED.
And D'Souza's 2000 Mules documentary.
All of which --and many more sources I already linked and cited-- expose your "no proof" narrative as false.
There is plenty of proof.

And you allege that Trump can't win in 2024. Those would be the same pollsters who said Trump couldn't win in 2016?
The same liberal pollsters who said Michael Dukakis would win by 17 points in 1988?
The polls are ALWAYS sampled in the Democrats' favor, so as to to sell us on the inevitability of a Dukakis or a John Kerry or a Hillary or a Joe Biden victory. A form of psychological warfare on Republican voters every cycle, selling us on the Democrat candidate being just too popular, and just to give in to it.

And as I've said repeatedly, but the wood on your head is too thick, Trump was again winning on election night 2020, until SEVEN ENTIRE STATES VERY SUSPICIOUSLY SUSPENDED THE VOTE COUNT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION HISTORY.
And then, with all Republican vote observers by deception sent home for the night, Biden suddenly soared ahead between 3 AM and 8 AM with a highly unlikely 96% or more of the votes in that period going to Biden, very suddenly, and ONLY in the complete absence of Republican observers who were, in multiple states, tricked into leaving. That is election fraud pure and simple. And Trump was winning in all those states until the ballot-counting shutdown.

Except it WASN'T shut down, was it? It was only shut down for Republican observers, so that Democrats IN SEVEN STATES simultaneously, could just run wild and engage in an orgy of cheating in those few hours. And then very organized fake ballots mailed in from God knows where the two week period after. Pouring in from multiple streams.
The dead somehow rising to vote Democrat.
People who had moved out of state some how came back to vote Democrat,.
People registered who normally didn't vote (who when they showed up to vote were told they couldn't because someone already mailed in a Biden ballot in their name, tens of thousands like that).
People in nursing homes who had no cognitive ability to vote, whose relatives after the fact said there's absolutely no way their relatives could have voted.
People traveling into states with fake names and fake addresses, all voting for Biden.
Multiple streams of election fraud, pure and simple.

I like Ron DeSantis, and think he is the best governor in the 50 states. The Democrat-partisan newspapers here try to destroy him at every turn. But if he becomes the presidential candidate, the national media can be relied on to portray DeSantis as "damaged goods" too, no different than Trump.
The same as they did to Romney.
The same as they did to McCain.
The same as they did to George W. Bush.
No matter who the Republican nominee is, Democrats and their lapdog media will bloody him, no question, they have for decades now, As they consistently have ANY Republican presidential candidate for decades. If he doesn't have anything wrong in his past actions or statements, the media will just make stuff up, slander him viciously, like they always do. "Binders of women". Alleged white privilege. Harry Reid alleging he had proof of Romney committing tax evasion ( then Reid confronted after the election about lying, said with a smirk "Well, we won, didn't we?").
For the Democrat Bolsheviks and their equally Democrat-Bolshevik brethren in the news media, truth and ethics don't matter, only winning does. And it doesn't matter how clean DeSantis is, they will smear him unrelentingly. Just like they did Trump. Exactly the same.

So I prefer Trump, who has survived their artillery assaults unscathed for the last 6 years. Because Trump has already proven for four years he could govern decisively as president, and can do it again. Trump has been tested, and he can be relied on to not go soft and just end up doing what is politically expedient. DeSantis might eventually prove to have even better judgement, but he hasn't been as tested, so I'd prefer him as Trump's V P or as a 2028 candidate. Tommi Lahren, conversely, has said she thinks Trump should stand aside and let DeSantis be the 2024 candidate, because DeSantis would win by a larger margin. I'm not confident that is true. Trump **IS** the movement, he is not at tarnished as vulnerable as Democrats and the Democrat-partisan media, AND DEMOCRAT-PARTISAN POLLSTERS, would like us to believe.

Amid the first Trump impeachment, Trump said "If it were anyone but me, they'd be curled up on the floor in the fetal position, sucking their thumb, asking for their mommy." That is true of many Republicans who backed down during the impeachment, who were intimidated and wouldn't stand firm. Lindsey Graham. Mitch McConnell. Ronna McDaniel. The other Republicans who buckled after January 6th, and just gave up on the electoral challenge, and outrageously, ACTUALLY BLAMED TRUMP for the January 6th riots. Despite the "at least 20 un-indicted co-conspirators" , i.e. undercover FBI agents posing as Trump supporters, who ACTUALLY stoked the riots. And the 20 or so Antifa led by John Earle Sullivan who openly boasted ON VIDEO, that they posted on multiple sites, that they were disguised as Trump supporters and were trying to frame Trump supporters. At least 40 of the 60 violent offenders, who were NOT Trump supporters.
But many House and Senate Republicans were immediately intimidated and didn't wait for the facts, and sold Trump out. But the people, overwhelmingly, sided with Trump, not the establishment Republicans, and most of these House and Senate cowards have already been primaried out, including self-promoter opportunists Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney.

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You don't see the slightest disconnect between your belief this has all been proven in commercially available to the public books, movies, magazines, and other media platforms to where there is no doubt that fraud happened insanity and your everyone in the government is scared to stand for the truth idiocy? It can't bring out one brave soul to show as much intestinal fortitude as that of a man who makes large parts of his income from telling people what they want to hear, like Dinesh? You're really that fucking gullible? This is the abusive part of the cult, you cultist. But, if that's your kink...

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Originally Posted by iggy
You don't see the slightest disconnect between your belief this has all been proven in commercially available to the public books, movies, magazines, and other media platforms to where there is no doubt that fraud happened insanity and your everyone in the government is scared to stand for the truth idiocy? It can't bring out one brave soul to show as much intestinal fortitude as that of a man who makes large parts of his income from telling people what they want to hear, like Dinesh? You're really that fucking gullible? This is the abusive part of the cult, you cultist. But, if that's your kink...

You haven't answered the first of my points:

Originally Posted by WB
That doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Trump oversaw the greatest economic boom in over 50 years. The highest growth, surpassing that of Reagan, W. Bush, or Obama. The lowest recorded black unemployment, the lowest recorded hispanic unemployment, lowest women's unemployment.
Trump re-negotiated trade deals with virtually every international trading partner in the U.S.'s favor, Trump secured the border, Trump re-built our military. Against the establishment of both parties, Trump averted a trillion-dollar war they wanted in Iran.
On the economic growth issue alone, Trump should have won in a landslide comparable to Ronald Reagan's 49-state sweep in 1984. And Trump was doing exactly that until 3 AM on election night, when 7 states suspended the vote count simultaneously, WHICH HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN A U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.

And only then, with multiple deceitful irregularities, did Biden overnight, with only Democrats present and no Republican observers, who had been tricked into leaving, did Biden "win". They counted the ballots to see how far ahead Trump was, and over a period of two weeks scribbled enough fake mail-in ballots to manufacture a narrow Biden victory. There is no logical demographic argument for how those votes make any sense. In many regions there are more Biden voters than actual registered voters. You just choose to ignore the evidence.

Biden was and is a laughingstock, who couldn't attract even 50 voters to a rally anywhere in the United States. There's no way Biden got more black votes than Barack Obama. There's no explanation of how blacks in other regions of the country voted less for Biden, but then, ONLY AFTER 3 AM and there were no Republican observers, did black voters in only a few key urban areas, suddenly start voting in far higher ratios for Biden, to narrowly give Biden the election.

The unprecedented election night suspension of the vote count across 7 states ALONE manifests massive organized election fraud, an unexplained breaking of the normal procedure.

Let alone states like Pennsylvania, where the Democrat governor and Democrat secretary of state slipped by executive orders that allowed mail-in ballots way past election day, bypassing Pennsylvania's state constitutional process that mandates ANY Pennsylvania election law change requires both state Senate and state House majority votes, and a further popular vote to be valid and legal. That alone disqualifies Pennsylvania's electoral votes. And similar fraudulent and orchestrated Democrat fraud, across AT LEAST the 6 contested states, and likely to some degree across all 50 states.

Just because the at least 80% liberal media is fronting propaganda for the narrative that Nov 2020 was a legitimate election, doesn't mean it actually was. There is evidence of the collective media getting the story wrong (DELIBERATELY) on any number of false narratives they are hell-bent on propping up:

  • *Hunter Biden/Joe Biden and their criminal (if not treasonous) deals with Ukraine, Russia, China, Khazakstan, and Rumania (and those are just the ones that we KNOW of).

    * the media's fronting the narrative that Covid-19 was not engineered in the Wuhan lab (Fauci's own FOIA'd e-mails show the leading scientists worldwide were telling Fauci in the first month that the virus looked engineered, the emails also show Fauci and Daszac plotting the false narrative, and thanking each other for their continuing efforts to falsify that record and protect each other. The Chinese "bat-lady" doctor defected to the U.S. and confirmed she was working on that and other Coviid type viruses for the Chinese government.

    * the media's lying narrative that election fraud didn't happen on 11-3-2020,

    * the media's lying narrative that January 6 2021 was an insurrection, the lying omission that the FBI (for example Ray Epps) had "at least 20 un-indicted co-conspirators" PRETENDING to be Trump supporters who were the ACTUAL orchestrators of the riots on Jan 6th, the lying media narrative that Covid vaccines were either effective in preventing Covid, or that the vaccinated could not after spread the virus, proven false, but the media continues to front these narratives for two years now, adding on to them daily.

And as I've posted multiple times, Sharyl Atkisson laid out quite well with an hour's worth of specific examples why the media is so zealously fronting these lies, how they have abandoned objective investigative news, in favor of activist journalism where they front the Democrat/Leftist narrative no matter what the facts are.
Mental baby food that you lap up like the partisan baby that you are.
Over and over, you prove you're completely mentally unhinged and immune to the facts.

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Biden-invoked Vandalism and Intimidation, and ‘Eat Sh*t Fascists’: Florida Republican Party Office Vandalized

President Biden slanders and demagogues Republican conservatives as "almost fascist" (a thin buffer, to actually call them fascists).

And a day later, this.
In addition to multiple attacks on Republican House and Senate offices nationwide over the last 6 years.
And attacks on dozens of pro-life centers in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade after 50 years.
As well as almost daily attacks on Trump supporters over the last 6 years.

Irony, calling Republicans "fascist", when it is Democrat leaders and grassroots activists who are consistently invoking violence on Republicans, stoking hatred and intimdation of Republican opposition (by Biden himself, by Kamala Harris, by Rep. "mad" Maxine Waters, Rep Ayanna Pressley, Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortes, Sen. Cory Booker, and many more Democrats, all of whom I've previously posted video of them openly invoking and inciting violence. )
And not one calmer Democrat leader calling for civility and toning down the rhetoric from their party.

And Democrats who, in the true spirit of fascism, weaponize the branches of government such as the IRS, the FBI and DOJ, CIA, NSA, OSHA and ATF, against their political opponents. The deep state Democrat-weaponized FBI raiding former president Trump's Mar A Lago resident in early August, in an attempt to (yet again) frame him for crimes he did not commit. Or (plan B) smear Trump in the court of public opinion, in an attempt to prevent Trump from running and winning in 2024.
Oh, the irony, that Democrats who actually are the true fascists, the Biden regime in particular, would accuse Trump and other Republicans off fascism, while they frame Republicans for crimes they did not commit.





That's a lot of evidence of Democrat-orchestrated fascist abuse of power, that the Democrat-Bolsheviks would like to pretend doesn't exist.

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A sudden FBI raid, three months before a mid-term election, no less.

Democrats: How stupid are you?
A cynically motivated raid so obviously politically motivated to benefit the Democrat-Bolshevik party, by the 97% Democrat-controlled FBI and DOJ, right before the mid-term election. And no doubt, to pre-emptively influence 2024 as well.

Just like the 9-month FBI "Russia collusion" counter-intelligence investigation in 2016-2017.
Just like the classified document leaks by James Comey in early 2017 to trigger media coverage and demand for a special investigator.
Just like the Mueller special investigation, where they knew almost immediately that there was absolutely no evidence of Trump/Russia collusion in the first 2 months of 2017. But stretched the investigation into mid 2019, to influence the 2018 mid-term election.
And literally within a week of the Mueller investigation ending (with no evidence), the FBI, DOJ, CIA, Rep. Adam Schiff and Obama-appointed agents in the NSC manufactured another fake narrative ( Col. Alexander Vindman, and Eric Ciaramella) with a faked amalgam "whistleblower report", alleging a corrupt phone call by Trump with the Ukranian president Zelenskyy. Another false narrative, to influence the Nov 2020 election, complete with a Democrat House impeachment.

And lo and behold, here are the same Democrat-weaponized intelligence-agency Deep State partisans, doing the exact same thing right before the 2022 election.
Nothing suspicious at all here...

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Biden's creepy Joseph Goebbels-like "Total War" speech - Sept 1 2022

The ominous red lighting, the demonization of all 74.3 million Trump voters as "semi-fascists" who are a threat to democracy.
As Biden's FBI and DOJ imprison 1,300 people, 90% of whom only are guilty of "trespassing" or less, in indefinite solitary confinement, far worse than the conditions they imprison actual Al Quaida terrorist killers.
As Biden's DOJ and FBI conduct raids on and violate the civil liberties of Trump supporters and elected Republicans like Ted Cruz. Behaving more like the Soviet KGB than the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

That's not even a complete list.

How much more evidence do you need?
On Biden's watch (or whoever is pulling his puppet-strings) we are becoming a police state to rival China, Russia, Iran or North Korea.

The weaponization of federal agencies, to crush all their political opposition.

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Because Trump bible photo and video operation in the summer of 2020 totally didn't reek of bad tough guy propaganda... rolleyes

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Originally Posted by iggy
Because Trump bible photo and video operation in the summer of 2020 totally didn't reek of bad tough guy propaganda... rolleyes

That didn't make much sense, in your apopleptic unhinged Trump-hate you apparently are too far gone to write a literate sentence.
But you appear to be talking about the BLM and Antifa mob outside the White House in May 2020 that attacked, injured over 50 police and Secret Service agents, in a seige on the White House, where ( VIDEO-TAPED ) they broke up walls and sidewalks to turn into rocks and boulders to throw at police, and even ( VIDEO-TAPED ) used blow-torches to cut through the thick iron fence around the White House. The excuse was alleged outrage about the death of George Floyd, that Trump and the White House had nothing to do with. But in truth, BLM and Antifa are Marxist revolutionaries, and this was just the opportunity and excuse to unleash their seige on the white House, and about 600 cities nationwide, killing 25 people, injuring 2,000 police, killing 2 police officers, and doing about $3 billion in property damage. It was a Bolshevik revolution, and a seige on the United States constitutional democracy.

The attack was serious enough that Secret Service advised President Trump to leave, and he was moved to a more secure location.

In your hate-filled semi-literate ranting above, you through a fog of irrational hate refer to the next day, where failing to over-run the White House, the BLM / Antifa mob went across the street and burned a historic church, about 2 centuries old. On Trump's walk over to the church, you could see ( VIDEO-TAPED ) the mob's graffiti from the day before painted on every visible part of the wall, and the broken-up walls and sidewalks for hundreds of yards in every direction. I believe Trump walked across the street and displayed the Bible in 1) respect for the defaced historic church and the religious free speech and rights that the BLM/Antifa mob threatened, and 2) to force the media, while they videotaped Trump crossing from the White House to the church, to document ON VIDEOTAPE for the national news the level of destruction these Marxist scum unleashed.

I fail to see how Trump obligating the media that day in May 2020 to document and broadcast the truth is somehow, in your unhinged mind ,evidence of any wrongdoing on President Trump's part.
But here I am talking to a dishonest Leftist junior college professor with an unhinged irrational hatred for Trump, who has ranted in hundred of posts your support for Occupy Wall Street, that is one in spirit with BLM and Antifa.

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[Linked Image from]

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A trip back in time in this Youtube clip, to days after the 2018 midterm election, a clip posted by CNN, from the mouth of the CNN serpent itself :

Trump clashes with Jim Acosta in heated exchange (and with the rest of the openly hostile Democrat-Bolshevik media)

First off, they treat Trump as president in a demeaning way they would never treat Bill Clinton or Barack Obama or Joe Biden.

Second, one of the reporters (the one after Jim Acosta) accuses President Trump of "pitting Americans against one another" for simply upholding the rule of law, and opposing massive waves of illegal immigrants in the thousands in caravans entering the country illegally and unvetted. And further, overtly calls Trump a racist. (JIM ACOSTA: "Mr. President, are you a white nationalist, are your a racist?" )
Trump clarifies that we need immigrants because of economic growth, because of factories and jobs returning to the United States because of Trump's economic policy, that we need immigrants, but that it's important they enter legally, so that they are vetted and not criminals, or terrorists, that they are screened for diseases, so they are not a threat or health risk to millions of Americans. So that we know who is entering our country. Because without those protections, our nation and its people would be in danger.

Now here we are in 2022, under the Democrat-Bolshevik administration of Joe Biden and his puppetmasters, where President Trump's protections (which is to say: upholding 200 years of immigration law), have been abandoned under Biden's regime, has undermined border security and vetting of illegal immigrants. And further abandoned law enforcement domestically, with mass release of violent inmates, and "no-cash-bail" policy that allows immediate release of even the most violent offenders.

Every one of our major cities is seeing a 30 to 80 percent rise in crime and violence. Everything Trump said in 2018 as president, that he was vilified for by White House press corps reporters in this clip for as "divisive" or "racist" for saying, turns out to be the proven right policy.
And what Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks have unleashed since Jan 2021 is chaos, crime, violence, and instability, combined with hyperinflation, dependence on foreign energy suppliers, potential economic collapse, and foreign wars where Biden and others openly talk about nuclear war with Russia, a war they are soliciting. And despite calls daily from Moscow, the Biden administration is not even returning their calls. All these things are a DIRECT result of Biden policy.

Everything Trump did as president was right, caused the greatest economic expansion in over 50 years, brought factories and jobs back to the United States, strengthened our military, raised incomes and job prospects for Americans in every demographic group, created the first rise of wages in real dollars in 50 years, re-negotiated economic trade agreements in favor of the U.S. with every major trading partner nation globally, and made the United States oil-ndependent and a net exporter of oil for the first time in over 70 years.
Biden and his Democrat-Bolsheviks have destroyed all that in less than 18 months, and are doing absolutely nothing to reverse course, before it leads the country to even greater disaster.

And CNN and the rest of the at least 80% liberal media have proven themselves to be the enemy of the people Trump said they were, in deliberately suppressing and lying about the true facts to the American public, in their partisan zeal to keep the Democrats in power with their controlled media narrative.
Trump (in the aabove clip with Jim Acosta) is quoted by the second reporter as saying "Americans need to fear Democrats, Democrats [their policy] will unleash a wave of violent crime that will endanger families everywhere."
That was portrayed by the reporter in this clip as divisive, and as "pitting Americans against each other". No, it was simply true and accurate.
Two years into a Biden presidency, we now see that predicted wave of violence, caused directly by Democrat policy, unleashed EVERY NIGHT on the national news, in every major city.

On every point, Trump has been proven right, and the Democrats and their propagandists in the media have been proven wrong.
The Democrat-Bolshevik party leadership, working together with George Orwell's liberal media, is what allowed them to pull off their 2020 coup, and seize power.
To the destruction and detriment of the nation.

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Tucker Carlson, Dec 13 2022, Tuesday

I posted this in another topic for a segment that began at 31:00 into the video.
But at 35:00 into the video, there is a segment on the rigged Brazil elections, that after 44 days of PEACEFUL protests, the Brazil authorities certified the electoral votes, in the same equivalent of what happened on Jan 6 2021 in the United States.
And as soon as that was done, there was a warrant immediately issued for the leader of the PEACEFUL protests nationwide in Brazil, to shut down dissenting thought and any call for an investigation and audit of the election. And only at that point, with his arrest, was there rioting and arson.

A perfect mirror of what happened in the United States.
The authoritarian reign of terror has now begun in Brazil as well.

And the weaponization of the DOJ and other federal agencies (again, see the segment beginning at 31:00 into the video, among others) continues in the United States. With the intimidation and imprisonment and overcharging to pressure plea bargains from PEACEFUL Jan 6 2021 Capitol protesters, pressure to admit to crimes they never committed.
Among many other federal agency over-reaches.
Further arresting peaceful abortion activists nationwide.
Arresting parents who object to school policy at PTA meetings.
And basically labelling the entire Republican party dangerous "insurrectionists" or "white supremacists", if they dare to challenge the Nov 2020 presidential election. Not to mention challenge of the suspicious Nov 2022 mid-term elections.

And the mainstream media, the trusted "fourth branch of government" who is supposed to hold them accountable, just looks the other way at best, or more often eagerly participates in the Deep State's propaganda narrative and information warfare on the American people. And there is much evidence already that both mainstream media and social media corporate giants, reporters, mid-level employees and executives, themselves Democrat zealots, eagerly coordinate with federal agencies, and seek approval before allowing anything that would negatively portray federal officials or Democrat candidates.
But then... we've known that since at least "Journo-list" where journalists in an online forum openly plotted how they could help destroy the McCain/Palin ticket, and create a slander operation to damage Bernie Sanders and leave a clear path for Obama to win the nomination. And how many other revealed e-mails between Democrat campaigns and media reporters, where they gave Obama or Hillary campaigns the chance to pre-approve, edit, or kill a story before they published it, if the campaign thought it was too damaging.
All that is happening now, with Democrat zealots in the FBI, DNI, CIA and DHS working with Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google and others, is just a logical extension of that pattern, growing bolder every election, each time they do so without consequences.

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Or, and just hear me out, easily led individuals fed existential nightmare fuel painting the other side as nothing but paedos, satanists, and genocide participants tend to become disturbed threats to the nation when they lose because they believe the threat to themselves, their family, and the nation is existential and their cause is holy.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Or, and just hear me out, easily led individuals fed existential nightmare fuel painting the other side as nothing but paedos, satanists, and genocide participants tend to become disturbed threats to the nation when they lose because they believe the threat to themselves, their family, and the nation is existential and their cause is holy.

Y'know, any 5th grade english teacher would be carving up your sentences with a red pen, your tortured syntax and limited command of the language is so horrible.

This sentence tells me nothing really, except maybe vaguely projecting your pathological hatred for anyone who disagrees with you politically.
Were you high on drugs when you wrote this? I kind of get that vibe.
You should be doubly embarassed if you were sober when it was written.

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Let me put it in moron so you'll understand...

Some people take political rhetoric that demonizes the other side literally rather than as charged political rhetoric. See, for example, yourself in the mirror.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Let me put it in moron so you'll understand...

Some people take political rhetoric that demonizes the other side literally rather than as charged political rhetoric. See, for example, yourself in the mirror.

Which is an evasive and indirect way of saying you are stereotyping the conservatives you disagree with, and portraying them as the genocidal Bolsheviks your side have PROVEN to be, whereas the people who agree with me (paleo-conservatives, make-america-great-again Reagan Conservatives, MAGA Trump conservatives continuing in that tradition) >>>DON'T<<< manifest any of those genocidal tendencies, but are in truth THE VICTIMS of the leftist pieces of shit you agree with....
...while your side ironically portrays Trump supporters as the violent threat to the nation, EVEN AS TRUMP SUPPORTERS ARE THE ONES ATTACKED by unhinged Democrat leftists like yourself.

Hold that mirror to your own face. Dipshit.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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You still think I'm a liberal and vote Democratic. I'd say it is endearing, but it is just pathetic and displaying an inability to pay attention at this point.

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Originally Posted by iggy
You still think I'm a liberal and vote Democratic. I'd say it is endearing, but it is just pathetic and displaying an inability to pay attention at this point.

The evidence of your posts is that you pathologically hate Republicans and are very comfortable with Democrats winning in every one of the last 4 presidential elections. You at least front to be a junior college professor in North Carolina, which further statistically makes you about 90% likely to identify as "liberal" or "very liberal". You cite only the most liberal-indoctrinated and fanatical primary news sources for liberals (despite how often they have been proven wrong, in addition to being rabidly Democrat/Left), such as CNN and Politico, New York Times and Washington Post. And again: You express a pathological hatred for any news sources outside of that.

I've got my own reservations with Fox News, as they've veered left in recent years, and in particular have developed a bias in their top ranks against Donald Trump. But as I've linked from Yelp (quoting Pew Research from the 2008 election , comparing the level of balance of all the networks) since 2004, Fox News is still more "center" and balanced than any of the very liberal-tilting news sources you unwarrantedly trust. For whatever faults, FOX News is quantifiably, more than any other mainstream channel, exactly even in their coverage of both parties. And yet... you foam at the mouth with rabid hatred and contempt for Fox News. That speaks of your liberal bias, on all counts cited.

You PRETEND to be a fan of Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul. But then you have complete contempt for the Tea Party movement and the Trump movement, both clear outgrowths of the issues championed by Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul. So your hatred of the Tea Party and Trump reeks of dishonesty, that in about 12 years here you've never even made an effort to explain.
Johnathan Swan on Fox Report on the Friday after Trump won in Nov 2016, picking his winner for the week, selected Pat Buchanan, saying : "Donald Trump won on the issues that Pat Buchanan has been championing for 25 years. And a Trump presidency is the next best thing to a Pat Buchanan presidency."
I was ecstatic listening to this. And while I was hesitantly supportive of Trump and voted for him in 2016, unsure if he could actually do what he promised, Trump succeeded as president far beyond my wildest dreams of what I thought anyone as president was capable of doing. Fulfilling and far surpassing all of his campaign promises.

For you to feign support for Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul, and then express such contempt for both the Tea Party and for Trump, rings rather untrue.
Trump's presidency clearly was the fulfillment of the stated goals of both pat Buchanan and Ron Paul. And for you to attack the Tea party and Trump makes clear your loyalties are not with conservatism, libertarianism, Ron Paul or Pat Buchanan. But with some hidden and deceitful agenda.

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I don't stand with people who go on about the debt when out of power, but then finance a temporary tax cut by blowing a hole in revenue while Increasing spending. ::Stares at Trump tax cuts:: We need revenue increases and cuts. We are lying in a convenient left/right dichotomy otherwise. Rs really like to pivot back to social crap when on power and forget about debt and deficits. Dems, for their many faults when it comes to staunchly being reactionary and standing for or against something just to be opposite conservatives, don't lie to me about their need to spend.

I ditched Paul and Buchanan because I saw a lot of crazy that was allowed to fester in those crowds. They also were very ideologically driven in support of things I'm not into (a lot of social issues mean nothing to me). I've chosen a non-ideological approach to things, particularly since becoming a father to two children.

That said, I support people on issues when they seem correct. I don't regularly see eye to eye with Rand, but his end no knock warrants bill was spot on. I supported it. Same as I supported eight can't wait rather than sign on to the ludicrousness of "defund the police." I was totally fine with Trump's SCotUS appointments and thought Kavanaugh got treated horribly. I think Trump could've easily won in 2020 had he not stumbled on COVID and not Dukakis in the tank-ed with the church photo op. I was and am a Never Trumper, but I laughed at the people who had nervous breakdowns over him in 2016 or thought Avenatti was going to bring Trump down. I didn't like everything he did (I'm an outspoken open borders guy), but I didn't feel my life generally get better or worse for me under Trump than under Obama so I was pretty meh about his presidency. It was when he started sowing doubt in the lead up to 2020 that my opposition to him started to harden. Refusing to accept the results was when I started to think he was going to do something beyond stupid. I watched his 1/6 tantrum just to see what stupid thing he'd do. The rest of that day solidified my contempt for that asshole.

I have a Dem gov I voted for twice and Republican state rep and senator I reliably vote for because they got nowhere butting heads, but put my state on firm financial footing through compromise. Including cuts and revenue increases while increasing spending when possible in key areas (education, infrastructure, etc.). I don't care what letter is after their name if some federal folks gave me that without having to also buy into either side's chosen flavor of unrelated crazy. I think most Americans would too.

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Originally Posted by iggy
I don't stand with people who go on about the debt when out of power, but then finance a temporary tax cut by blowing a hole in revenue while Increasing spending. ::Stares at Trump tax cuts:: We need revenue increases and cuts. We are lying in a convenient left/right dichotomy otherwise. Rs really like to pivot back to social crap when on power and forget about debt and deficits. Dems, for their many faults when it comes to staunchly being reactionary and standing for or against something just to be opposite conservatives, don't lie to me about their need to spend.

I ditched Paul and Buchanan because I saw a lot of crazy that was allowed to fester in those crowds. They also were very ideologically driven in support of things I'm not into (a lot of social issues mean nothing to me). I've chosen a non-ideological approach to things, particularly since becoming a father to two children.

That said, I support people on issues when they seem correct. I don't regularly see eye to eye with Rand, but his end no knock warrants bill was spot on. I supported it. Same as I supported eight can't wait rather than sign on to the ludicrousness of "defund the police." I was totally fine with Trump's SCotUS appointments and thought Kavanaugh got treated horribly. I think Trump could've easily won in 2020 had he not stumbled on COVID and not Dukakis in the tank-ed with the church photo op. I was and am a Never Trumper, but I laughed at the people who had nervous breakdowns over him in 2016 or thought Avenatti was going to bring Trump down. I didn't like everything he did (I'm an outspoken open borders guy), but I didn't feel my life generally get better or worse for me under Trump than under Obama so I was pretty meh about his presidency. It was when he started sowing doubt in the lead up to 2020 that my opposition to him started to harden. Refusing to accept the results was when I started to think he was going to do something beyond stupid. I watched his 1/6 tantrum just to see what stupid thing he'd do. The rest of that day solidified my contempt for that asshole.

I have a Dem gov I voted for twice and Republican state rep and senator I reliably vote for because they got nowhere butting heads, but put my state on firm financial footing through compromise. Including cuts and revenue increases while increasing spending when possible in key areas (education, infrastructure, etc.). I don't care what letter is after their name if some federal folks gave me that without having to also buy into either side's chosen flavor of unrelated crazy. I think most Americans would too.

So on a twisted sense of principle, you side with the cultural marxist Democrats who are WORSE, because the Republicans aren't perfect?
That again rings dishonest. The problem is that many Republicans are for reigning in deficits, but are undermined and betrayed by a few Republicans in key positions (Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Ronna McDaniel, and the aforementioned 18 Republican senators just a few days ago voted with Democrats in supporting passage of the "Omnibus bill". And past sellouts like Paul Ryan and John Boehner, who are still a thorn in the side of Republican voters.)

Did you just say you are FOR open borders? Dear God, WHY ?!?

I don't see how Trump managing creation of several Covid-19 vacines in record time, bringing factories and jobs back to the U.S., renegotiating trade agreementss with every nation we trade with, overseeing the best economy in over 50 years, rebuilding our military, ending the ISIS threat in Iraq/Syria, and NOT opening up a new war in Iran or North Korea, in any way diminished Trump for the 2020 election.
It was only a propaganda media that undermined and misrepresented Trump to be a failed president he was not. And even so, up till 3 AM on election night 2020, Trump was winning across the board, after which multiple forms of election rigging in the middle of the night unjustly handed the election to Biden and the Democrats. There is so much abundant evidence of irregularities, an ocean of mail-in ballots from god-knows-where, more votes than there were actual voters in some regions, and in many categories, votes that were always rejected in previous elections, were mysteriously counted in 2020. Multiple streams of election fraud, more than enough to turn the election.
I still don't see the logic explained of you identifying as a "never-Trumper".

Challenging the election results was I think Trump's right. That's what the votes are held 22 months for.
And there were DEFINITE election irregularities, in multiple forms, that more than warranted investigation. There should have been a two-week election debate that would have begun on Jan 6 2021 in the joint session of Congress.
But weaponized undercover FBI agents and Antifa in Jan 6th riots intimidated the Republicans into not pushing for a joint session debate about election fraud, due to a false-flag "insurrection" spectacle, that confused and intimidated many Republicans (Sen Lindsey Graham, Sen Kelly Loughler) from doing what they has been scheduled to do.

How many times do I have to say it? There were over 100,000 PEACEFUL demonstrators on Jan 6th. FBI agents and possibly Antifa took away the barricades and directed PEACEFUL Trump protesters into the Capitol, and of 600 who went in the Capitol building, only 60 were involved in vandalism and clashing with police. And by FBI's own investigative reports, at least 20 of those 60 were FBI undercover agents disguised as Trump supporters ( "un-indicted co-conspirators" in their own reports) and another 20 or so were John Earle Sullivan and his Antifa Salt Lake City group. Totalling at least 40 of the 60.
It wasn't a "tantrum" by Trump supporters, there were a handful of Trump supporter rioters, but overwhelmingly it was a false-flag con job, to confuse, intimidate and shut down any challenge to the 2020 election result.

And as I said in another topic, Biden's reign of terror, the occupation of Washington DC by 20,000 National Guard troops, the banning of Trump from all social media platforms, and the further purge from social media of Trump supporters and Republicans, the fabricated arrest of Jan 6th Trump supporters as a "domestic terrorism" threat right after (See the Newsmax 60-minute documentary "Shame of a Nation") . And further purge of Trump supporters, conservatives, and any other dissenters, in Biden and the Democrats' "Burning of the Reichstag" moment, orchestrated after Jan 6th by FBI and DOJ, with mass arrests.
Only 600 went inside in any way, but somehow 1,300 were arrested, and jailed indefinitely. STILL in jail. How is that even legally done?
And from there the further purge of Trump supporters from military officer leadership, from federal agencies, and from even federal contractors. The Covid vaccine was used as a litmus test of who would stay or go. And a rose by any other name was a Stalinist purge, of millions from government jobs. To be replaced with loyal Democrat zealots.

How do you not see this?

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I don't side with them nor do I necessarily say they are "marxist Democrats." May some of their ideas be driven by a marxist reading of history that I disagree with? Sure. I don't think that qualifies them as the type of marxists you imagine them to be though.

Trump said he'd be paying the debt off like it was water. He had the House and the Senate. Debt and deficits went up. By your standard, why should I believe him after all the times he got it wrong about this?

None of that has or can be proven in court and please remember she can't even prove her hacking allegation before you throw another link to Sharyl at me. It is hilarious how you'll gloss right over the failures of "your side" to dance over the failures of the other.

I don't see this because that's not what is happening. The same way that I didn't see 2016 as the fascist takeover of America by Donald Trump. It is extremism that is bringing us closre to the brink from both sides. I don't consider myself much of a centrist, but I do think that people being unwilling to play the siren songs of the bases is a necessary position to take else the gyre widen too far for the center to hold.

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Originally Posted by iggy
I don't side with them nor do I necessarily say they are "marxist Democrats." May some of their ideas be driven by a marxist reading of history that I disagree with? Sure. I don't think that qualifies them as the type of marxists you imagine them to be though.

I say they are Marxist, because they ARE Marxist.
They openly idolize Marxists.
Many Democrats openly identify as Cultural Marxists, or as "Democratic Socialists" (emphasis on Socialist), The Clintons and the Obamas and their inner circles are unapologetic Cultural Marxists, both groups in these two administrations enthusiastic supporters of Saul Alinsky Rules For Radicals tactics, which Obama even taught in the early 1990's to classrooms of ACORN street agitators.
Hillary Rodent Clinton even wrote her masters thesis on Saul Alinsky. Michelle Obama's thesis is hidden under lock and key, and no doubt equally marxist radical. Right after Obama left office in Jan 2017, photos of Barack Obama palling around with Louis Farrakhan and his antisemitic black nationalist inner circle surfaced, hidden for the 8 years of his presidency by a subservient Bolshevik media.
Who are the "extremists", the radicals, the Marxists?
Not the Republicans.
It is the Democrats, pretty much the entire Democrat leadership. By their own self-incriminating speeches, writings, interviews, and photos, that I've linked and quoted over and over here. Former Representative Allen West said in 2008, if Obama were in any position but president, his radical associations would exclude him from ever getting national security clearance.
the same among Biden appointees.
People who despise and want to destroy this country, are running this country. Terrifying.

Originally Posted by Iggy
Trump said he'd be paying the debt off like it was water. He had the House and the Senate. Debt and deficits went up. By your standard, why should I believe him after all the times he got it wrong about this?

That's a total B.S. statement that fails to acknowledge the facts. My one disappointment with Trump is that, despite his keeping virtually all his other promises, and even exceeding his delivery on those promises, the one area he didn't deliver was reducing the debt.
But that's not the fault of Trump or the Republican party. In the most recent example of the $1.7 trillion Omnibus passed over Christmas 2022, it is the fault of despite 50 Republican Senators at the time, 18 (RINO Republicans) crossed the aisle and voted with the Democrats, when they could have stopped it. And those kind of sell-outs against the Republican voters have been happening since Obama was president. RINO majorities sold out the party under Trump. Even under W. Bush before him.

In a specific example with Trump, we've been over this before. Trump urgently wanted $700 billion to re-build our military that was underfunded and severely weakened under Obama's 8 years. But the Democrat majority wouldn't budge, and extorted an additional 900 billion in social spending before Pelosi and Schumer would allow funding of our military. That is not Trump's fault, that is the Democrats pushing for that spending.
And again, I suspect many Republican Senate and House members are under the same FBI, CIA, NSA surveillance as the Trump administration was, to blackmail them to either vote with the Democrats or to not oppose them. That is a logical extension of what has been revealed of the last 6 years of abuse by FBI and other agencies.

And follows the Democrat criminal authoritarian precedent of the "Filegate" scandal under the Bill Clinton administration, where even a less fanatical Democrat administration was ruthlessly attempting to do that kind of surveillance and blackmail, and was caught doing it.

And as I've cited before, the IRS and the FBI have been weaponized by Democrat administrations back to FDR, JFK, LBJ, Carter (causing the Church Committee), and the aforementioned fanatical ruthlessness of the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama administrations.
And no doubt, an emboldened Bolshevik Joe Biden administration, as we are seeing every day with 1,300 January 6th protesters unjustly imprisoned without due process or trial for 2 years now, and DOJ/FBI used to intimidate parents at PTA meetings nationwide who resist Bolshevik indoctrination in public schools, and to intimidate and arrest peaceful pro-life activists who are treated like terrorists under heavily-armed FBI raids of their homes.
Passively aided by RINO establishment Republicans like McConnell, Boehner, Paul Ryan and others, who are unconcerned beyond lip service with the will of conservatives who elected them, and enrich themselves with cushy jobs for themselves and their family members by trading favors with the corporate lobbyists who support them. Same as John Kerry and his step-son, same as Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Jim Biden and the rest of the clan. The corrupt establishment class, both Democrat and Republican.

Originally Posted by Iggy
None of that has or can be proven in court and please remember she can't even prove her hacking allegation before you throw another link to Sharyl at me. It is hilarious how you'll gloss right over the failures of "your side" to dance over the failures of the other.

Sharyl Attkisson's evidence proves otherwise. She doesn't make stuff up, she quotes leaders even in the most respected news media, and in the journalism schools that train them, and shows their undeniable, fanatical and open bias against Trump and Republicans, chapter and verse, from their own statements and their own published articles and broadcast propaganda that fronts to be news. FACT.

None of Democrat corruption "can be proven" because your side obstructs and buries investigation !
Intimidates witnesses.
Owns at least 80% of the media and suppresses even what can be proven to be true !
Owns and hijacks FBI and DOJ, 97% of whose agents donated to the Hillary Clinton campaign. These people will do everything in their power to destroy the evidence and rig the investigation (if an actual full investigtion is ever permitted) to keep their ideological team-members out of jail.

Originally Posted by Iggy
I don't see this because that's not what is happening. The same way that I didn't see 2016 as the fascist takeover of America by Donald Trump. It is extremism that is bringing us closre to the brink from both sides. I don't consider myself much of a centrist, but I do think that people being unwilling to play the siren songs of the bases is a necessary position to take else the gyre widen too far for the center to hold.

You didn't see it under Trump, because he was restoring free speech and Constitutional freedom of speech, not using federal agencies to arrest, intimidate or suppress his political opposition.
As opposed to under Obama's presidency, and now Biden's, where they were OPENLY suppressing the news media, spying on reporters (including Sharyl Attkisson as she documents, and more recently Miranda Devine at the New York Post during the 2020 campaign, to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story, evidenced by Elon Musk's recent "Twitter Files" releases of documents ) Obama's arresting reporters, where even a 45-year-long New York Times reporter, who previously covered Watergate, called the Obama government the "most control freak administration I've ever dealt with", for its spying on reporters, and firing officials caught speaking with the media as administration sources. That's Chinese Communist Party level authoritarianism and suppression.

You constantly talk about "extremism from both sides", but that is just another lying narrative to hide that the extremism is only on ONE side, THE DEMOCRAT SIDE, who are weaponizing government agencies against their political opposition and all dissent, even on the Democrat side. It is only the DEMOCRATS who identify as Cultural marxists and are using the media, coprorate power and lobbyists, federal intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies to try to absolutely crush the opposing party, intimidate and crush all dissent, even falsely imprison dissenters without due process and without trial.
The closest Republicans come is RINOs, who just passively sit on their hands and enrich themselves from lobbyists, to let it happen. But all the federal weaponization and authoritarian push for a one-party controlled system is on the Democrat-Bolshevik side.

If you don't see it, that is because you are willfully ignorant of the facts in front of you. As David Horowitz said in THE SHADOW PARTY, the globalist left trades favors with some Republicans such as the late John McCain. But their chosen instrument to destroy the United States is the Democrat Party.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
And again, I suspect many Republican Senate and House members are under the same FBI, CIA, NSA surveillance as the Trump administration was, to blackmail them to either vote with the Democrats or to not oppose them. That is a logical extension of what has been revealed over the last 6 years, of abuses by FBI and other agencies.

And follows the Democrat criminal authoritarian precedent of the "Filegate" scandal under the Bill Clinton administration, where even a less fanatical Democrat administration was ruthlessly attempting to do that kind of surveillance and blackmail, and was caught doing it.

And as I've cited before, the IRS and the FBI have been weaponized by Democrat administrations back to FDR, JFK, LBJ, Carter (causing the Church Committee), and the aforementioned fanatical ruthlessness of the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama administrations.
And no doubt, an emboldened Bolshevik Joe Biden administration, as we are seeing every day with 1,300 January 6th protesters unjustly imprisoned without due process or trial for 2 years now, and DOJ/FBI used to intimidate parents at PTA meetings nationwide who resist Bolshevik indoctrination in public schools, and to intimidate and arrest peaceful pro-life activists who are treated like terrorists under heavily-armed FBI raids of their homes.

Passively aided by RINO establishment Republicans like McConnell, Boehner, Paul Ryan and others, who are unconcerned beyond lip service with the will of conservatives who elected them, and enrich themselves with cushy jobs for themselves and their family members by trading favors with the corporate lobbyists who support them. Same as John Kerry and his step-son, same as Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Jim Biden and the rest of the clan. The corrupt establishment class, both Democrat and Republican.

Originally Posted by Iggy
None of that has or can be proven in court and please remember she can't even prove her hacking allegation before you throw another link to Sharyl at me. It is hilarious how you'll gloss right over the failures of "your side" to dance over the failures of the other.

Sharyl Attkisson's abundant evidence proves otherwise. She doesn't make stuff up, she quotes leaders even in the most respected news media, and in the journalism schools that train them, and shows their undeniable, fanatical and open bias against Trump and Republicans, chapter and verse, from their own statements and their own published articles and broadcast propaganda that fronts to be news. FACT.

None of Democrat corruption "can be proven" because your side obstructs and buries investigation !
Intimidates witnesses.
Owns at least 80% of the media and suppresses even what can be proven to be true !
Owns and hijacks FBI and DOJ, 97% of whose agents donated to the Hillary Clinton campaign. These people will do everything in their power to destroy the evidence and rig the investigation (if an actual full investigtion is ever permitted) to keep their ideological team-members out of jail.

Originally Posted by Iggy
I don't see this because that's not what is happening. The same way that I didn't see 2016 as the fascist takeover of America by Donald Trump. It is extremism that is bringing us closre to the brink from both sides. I don't consider myself much of a centrist, but I do think that people being unwilling to play the siren songs of the bases is a necessary position to take else the gyre widen too far for the center to hold.

You didn't see it under Trump, because he was restoring free speech and Constitutional freedom of speech, not using federal agencies to arrest, intimidate or suppress his political opposition.
As opposed to under Obama's presidency, and now Biden's, where they were OPENLY suppressing the news media, spying on reporters (including Sharyl Attkisson as she documents, and more recently Miranda Devine at the New York Post during the 2020 campaign, to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story, evidenced by Elon Musk's recent "Twitter Files" releases of documents )
Obama's arresting reporters, where even a 45-year-long New York Times reporter, who previously covered Watergate, called the Obama government the "most control freak administration I've ever dealt with", for its spying on reporters, and firing officials caught speaking with the media as administration sources. That's Chinese Communist Party level authoritarianism and suppression.

You constantly talk about "extremism from both sides", but that is just another lying narrative to hide that the extremism is only on ONE side, THE DEMOCRAT SIDE, who are weaponizing government agencies against their political opposition and all dissent, even on the Democrat side. It is only the DEMOCRATS who identify as Cultural marxists and are using the media, corporate power and lobbyists, federal intelligence agencies, and federal law enforcement agencies, to try to absolutely crush the opposing Republican party, intimidate and crush all dissent, even falsely imprison dissenters without due process and without trial.
The closest Republicans come is RINOs, who just passively sit on their hands and enrich themselves from lobbyists, to let it happen. But all the federal weaponization and authoritarian push for a one-party-controlled system is on the Democrat-Bolshevik side.

If you don't see it, that is because you are willfully ignorant of the facts in front of you. As David Horowitz said in THE SHADOW PARTY, the globalist left trades favors with some Republicans such as the late John McCain. But their chosen instrument to destroy the United States is the Democrat Party.

And just today...


Justice Department faces Senate investigation over alleged spying on congressional staffers

GOP Senators demand DOJ answer for alleged spying on House and Senate staffers during 'Russia Collusion' probe

Your 97% Democrat weaponized DOJ /FBI at work.
Appearing to confirm my suspicion of surveillance on House and Senate Republicans, to blackmail and intimidate Republican leaders into voting with or not opposing Democrat-Bolshevik legislation.

They attempted it in the Bill Clinton years, and clearly, an even more fanatical Democrat party, and its agents in DOJ, FBI and other federal intelligence agencies, are still doing it.

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Anything involving Jim Jordan making an accusation has that McCarthy era stench. He’s earned that reputation over and over.

Fair play!
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Jim is a solid American that'd never lie nor turn a blind eye to sexual abuse... wink

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Anything involving Jim Jordan making an accusation has that McCarthy era stench. He’s earned that reputation over and over.

KEVIN McCarthy era stench.

I saw it reported that after McCarthy was ousted as speaker, in front of the cameras he genially said that each prospective new speaker nominees was a good choice, and behind the scenes badmouthed each one, to undermine them. INCLUDING Jim Jordan.
Jordan is an ethical guy, but a vigorous fighter for what he believes in, that has made him enemies both in and outside the Republicn party.

And predictably, the Democrats have had he long knives out for Jordan for a long time.

But even with new speaker Johnson, the characteristically vicious Democrats immediately have tried to slander and discredit even him, right from the jump the moment he became speaker, Someone who is fairly new to the House, doesn't have a record of clashes, or bad blood with anyone. But they are trying to smear him anyway, with whatever straws they can grasp at.

Likewise Jim Jordan, and Sen. Ron Johnson, and Sen. Ted Cruz, all targeted for smears, precisely because they are effective conservatives. And no other reason.

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