Originally Posted by iggy
So...despite the fact that the GOP actually seemed to carry the popular vote this past election cycle, Trump's new defense for blowing it with his choices in 2022 is to blame overturning Roe v Wade and pro-life "extremists" not turning out to vote. Even Newsmax not giving a flip about carrying his new year's message must've have stung to start going after his own base.

Regarding Roe v. Wade, one man (or woman's) "extremism" (God, do Democrats love and over-use that word, and you are no exception!) is another's pushback against over-reach and restoration of Constitutional balance, returning power to the individual states on the abortion issue, not some crazy outright ban of abortion nationwide, as the TRUE "extremists" on the Democrat/Left portray it for pure propaganda purposes, to stoke rubes like you to support them.

And again with the false narrative of blaming Trump for the "Red Wave" that became a Red Trickle in Nov 2022.

Again: CLEARLY the blame for that is squarely on Mitch McConnell who de-funded Trump-supporting ACTUAL conservatives, and pouring 9 million into supporting RINO Sen. Lisa Murkowski in Alaska, so she could carpet-bomb her Republican ACTUAL conservative primary opponent[/b] so that even with 9 million in funds, Murkowski narrowly won re-election. A Rino who wotes with and is a de facto Democrat, allies with Democrats, endorses Democrats, votes with Democrats. As do you, Iggy.
Trump campaigned aggressively for Republicans nationwide for the last year, he is responsible for many of them winning, despite these ACTUAL conservative candidates being slandered and defunded by McConnell, McCarthy and the Republican establishment, many still won, and many others came close to winning, despite Democrat campaings and sslander-fests out-spending them 2, 3, 5, 10 or 12 to 1. Senator Ron Johnson in Wisconsin is one I'm very glad to see remain in office, absolutely no thanks to and in spite of Mitch McConnell and chair Ronna (Romney) McDaniel.

That "must've have stung" for you jerks on the liberal academic-Bolshevik Left.