Originally Posted by iggy
My life is great. Reports of the down on his luck bully are grossly exaggerated. smile

I find that hard to believe, if you have such a great life, you wouldn't waste your time trolling on boards you've repeatedly said are dead and a waste of time.
As opposed to me, who posts on these boards because I actually like them, and make an effort to post actual content and sourced factual information. Not to just come here to vindictively harass someone whose political views you don't like, as you do.

And again, I've linked recently to previous topics you posted extensively in like this from 11 or 12 years ago, where you were equally abusive to everyone you debate with, gave the same bitter treatment to G-man, Pariah, and anyone else who posted conservative/Republican views. It is not because what I say is "extreme" or far-Right or otherwise irrational or wrong, that you treat me this way. It's because your'e a vicious intolerant liar, who feels a need to harass, shout down and silence anyone who disagrees with you politically.
Not just me, but ANY conservative.

Even as you front to be "libertarian" or a true conservative, or a centrist, or a Ron Paul supporter, or Pat Buchanan supporter.
No... you're just a fucking liar. You attack conservatives at every turn for the last 12 years posting here. And the only conservative Republicans you seem to like are the ones who attack other Republicans.
You supported Occupy Wall Street, a clearly far-Left Soros-funded pseudo-grassroots movement created by the globalist/left to attack and destabilize the United States.
Now you come out that you support open borders for some irrational unexplained reason. I don't even need to go into that as if it were rational, or as if there were two sides to debate merits of that. It's just pure crazy, period. Open borders is a magnet drawing in people who are parasites, criminals, drug traffickers, human traffickers, and Fentanyl by the ton to kill well over 100,000 Americans a year, far more than any previous war.
And you ARE FOR IT !
No further debate necessary, you are completely insane.

We can be generous with immigration, and Trump was as president, raising our vetted legal green-card immigrants from 1.2 million to 1.5 million a year. But we have to control who comes into our country, we have to vet them, we have to know who they are, we have to limit new immigrants to what our national economy and social services can absorb. We have to screen them and not admit criminals or terrorists or murderers or drunk drivers.
Common sense, that you apparently lack.