
I just saw this case in the news...


... the latest Trayvon Martin-ized, weaponized stoking of racial tensions by Democrat/Leftist activists. Never mind that the guy didn't stop when police tried to pull him over, that he had a gun in the car and fired at police (firing of the gun captured on dash-cam of the police car chasing him, and shell casing recovered on the ground where it occurred, and appeared to be reaching into his waistband for a gun when fired on by police, instead of just followign police instructions and being arrested and cuffed).

Despite the evidence that this 25 year old black male had fired on police, refused to pull over and led them in a car chase, and then fled on foot when trapped after shooting at police. Far from being an innocent victim of police brutality initially portrayed in the media
In a pattern of false media narrative just like Trayvon Martin, just like Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri, sainted in a false "Hands-up, Don't shoot" narrative, later proven false.
Just like the "I can't breathe" narrative guy Eric Garner, whose health problems caused him to die during his Staten Island arrest, while selling illegal cigarettes, reported to police by neighboring black store owners.

Just like the sainted Jesus-portrayed George Floyd on painted murals nationwide, who was in truth guilty of decades of violent crimes and home invasions for drug money, who in reality was a drug addict dying of a Fentanyl overdose before police even arrived to arrest him in May 2020.
Spun into a "racist police / war on blacks" narrative that led to Black Lives Matter riots burning 600 cities nationwide in 2020. All these and many more black arrest incidents exploited and deliberately misrepresented by BLM, the liberal media, and the Democrat/Left.

No matter how thoroughly disproven the allegations against police, this George Floyd guy will forever remain a martyr in the pantheon of the Black Lives Matter / Jesse Jackson / Al Sharpton crowd and the liberal media. Stoking more black violence, based on alleged crimes that never occurred.

Likewise, 10 years prior, the Ferguson, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson, who was **EXONERATED** even by investigators of then-attorney general Eric Holder's black racist DOJ and FBI, despite that they tried like hell to find him guilty of any pretense to prop up their white-racist-cops narrative.
Even so, Darren Wilson was still not permitted to remain a police officer, at the Ferguson Police department, or anywhere else.

And so many others.
Because liberal racial-victim narrative apparently rules, over proven facts of police acting appropriately. And destroys innocent lives in the process, even of those exonerated and their families. And destroys other random white individuals nationwide, attacked by blacks as a result of those false narratives, just because blacks violently lash out at them, for alleged acts of "white supremacist racism" that never actually occurred.