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I just ran across this article from the Spectator, that reminded me of then-Democrat majority leader Harry Reid's slander of Romney during the 2012 election:

Harry Reid: “I Lied About Romney, But He Didn’t Win, Did He?”

by Emily Zanotti

I blacked out for a good portion of the 2012 election cycle, because at the time, I was helping out the Romney campaign and competing with the rest of the GOP to see how quickly I could spiral into a substance abuse problem, just to make it all seem okay. But I do remember, vaguely, Harry Reid’s speech on the floor of Congress, where he claimed that Mitt Romney hadn’t paid taxes for the last decade, because an anonymous source told him so and had the records to prove it.

The anonymous source’s evidence never materialized, and most media outlets were forced to admit, even without ever seeing Mitt Romeny’s tax returns, that Reid’s claim was patently false. Romney’s tax 2010 and 2011 tax returns later proved that Romney had, indeed, paid taxes during at least those years, and based on what those returns showed of his stock holdings and dividends, it was clear he wasn’t set up for a “portfolio structured to yield zero taxes.” The Washington Post, linked, gave Reid’s claim four Pinnochios.

But all that is irrelevant, according to Harry Reid, who justified his lie to CNN’s Dana Bash by saying that “he didn’t win, did he?”

That’s low, even for Harry Reid. But I suppose it’s good to know exactly what Harry Reid was willing to do to accomplish what he wanted.

That's relatively tame deception on Reid's part, relatitve to more recent deceptions of the Democrats over the last 11 years.
But it does manifest how unprincipled, ruthless and truly evil the Democrats consistently are, just as a matter of course. And with no shame about it, even after the fact when they're caught and called on it. They openly boast about !
And 11 straight years of Democrat lying and deception since then. Why does anyone still believe or trust anything they say?

In the 1970's growing up, I just regarded the Democrats as a party with some silly ideas that didn't work, but still regarded Democrats (both their leadership, and their voters) as basically good and well-intended people who just bought into some notions about government that just don't work.

It was during the 1992 campaign that I lost trust in the liberal media, where they were clearly on the side of Bill Clinton, and deliberately misrepresenting and smothering coverage of the issues campaigned on by president George H.W. Bush. They would TELL you what G.H.W.Bush was TRYING to say, but beyond that partisan filter, they wouldn't let you uninterrupted hear what G.H.W.Bush was ACTUALLY SAYING.
Gee, what a surprise, with the liberal media completely on their side, the Clintons won in 1992.

There were soon after unprecedented deliberate deceptions and ruthlessness by the Bill Clinton administration, on a number of fronts.

The deceptions inherent in Hillary Clinton's healthcare plan, that fortunately failed.
The mysterious "suicide" of Vince Foster, and how Hillary Clinton and her staff immediately were in his office and had all Foster's files, at the exact same time Foster's body was discovered in a park.
One of the most defining for me in the Clinton era was "Travelgate". Where what was formerly a neutral office with the same people serving for decades under presidents of both parties, was suddenly awash in scandal. And it later came out, Hilllary Clinton wanted to slander and destroy the existing travel office staffers, just so she could fire them and give friends of hers cushy high-paying jobs in those positions.
It made me aware how Democrats in power care about no one, are very cynical, and don't have a second thought about destroying very modest and sincere people, just because they are perceived as being in the way. Many Senators and Congressmen, both Democrat and Republican, testified as character witnesses on behalf of the White House travel office staffers, and Frau Hillary's attempts to replace them ultimately failed, and they were exonerated and kept their jobs.
While the media largely covered for the Clintons on this and other issues, there were enough actual journalists to expose and nightly report the truth, that forced the Clintons to back off.

But now.... both in the Democrat elected ranks, and in the liberal media, it has become a ruthless united front and propaganda machine, rabidly against Republicans and for Democrats, on a self-appointed holy mission allow Democrats to do whatever they want.
I don't know if Travelgate would have been exposed in the current political environment, the unholy 4-way alliance of the Democrat party, the liberal media, Democrat loyalists in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS and other federal agencies, and the tech/social media giants, all in lockstep now.

Another Clinton scandal that showed the Democrat hand was "Filegate". Where the Clinton White House was gathering FBI surveilance files on Republican officials, surveiling and digging into Republican leaders'
private lives, their financial dealings, their sexual affairs, their alcoholism or substance abuse, so as to blackmail surveiled Republicans, to coerce them into supporting (or at least not objecting to) Democrat political moves and legislation. Truly evil.
And supposedly that was the end of it, when Filegate was exposed.
But when I look at the massive FBI / FISA surveilance during the 2016 Trump campaign on Carter Page, and through him surveillance on every member of the Trump campaign, the surveilance on Rudy Giuliani, surveilance on Miranda Devine at the New York Post while investigating and preparing the Hunter Biden laptop story, FBI using that surveilance to prepare ahead of that story's release in the New York Post (because they were surveiilng Miranda Devine and Giuliani's every phone call and communication, they knew EXACTLY when the laptop story would be released).
And in those weeks just before the 2020 election, FBI and CIA (specifically FBI director Mike Morell, and then-Biden campaign manager Anthony Blinkin) set up a a fake letter with 51 intelligence officials, that THEY KNEW at the time to be fake, alleging the Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation" and in coordination with mainstream news agencies, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, all conspired to shut down and maliciously discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story so virtually no voters in the U.S. would be able to read it or share it, or even be able to Google it.

It makes me wonder if "Filegate"-style intimidation tactics are being used on Republican House and Senate members right now, as FBI and others higher up intended to do in the Clinton era. If this is still going on, it would give explanation to how so many Democrat bills are stated to be "dead on arrival" in the House or Senate, and then lo and behold, at the last minute 5 or 8 or 12 or 18 Republicans at the last minute "cross the aisle" to vote for crazy Democrat legislation,
Such as the latest $1.7 trillion legislation in Nov-Dec 2022, that funded the Democrat-Bolshevik wet dream of 87,000 new IRS agents, plus all kinds of transgender museums and other provisions,.
But virtually ZERO for Border Patrol, ICE and securing the border. And yet 18 Republican senators at the last minute signed on to that $1.7 trillion legislation, and like so many strange expensive pieces of legislation over the last 15 years or so, it made absolutely no sense that Republicans would sign this.
A "Filegate"-like FBI /Democrat-Bolshevik intimidation and blackmail scandal would explain a lot. With all the other abuses of the FBI, DOJ, CIA, IRS, OSHA, DEA, NSA, and even the U.S. Postal Service used for surveilance to spy on Trump Republicans, absolutely nothing is impossible and beyond belief at this point.

Even Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal, using FBI and other agencies to spy on Vietnam war dissenters,, only had the idea to do so because Nixon knew that FDR, JFK, and LBJ had all used FBI and IRS against their political enemies in the past. The difference is, when Nixon asked, they said no.
But when FDR, JFK, LBJ, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama asked FBI and IRS to attack their opponents, these federal agency heads instead sat up in their chairs and said "OOOOHH! Who would you like us to surveil or audit first?"

The difference is also, when Nixon was exposed in Watergate, Republicans in 1974 crossed the aisle and voted for impeachment of Nixon. Republicans believed in doing what was right, regardless of party.
Whereas Democrats always circle the wagons, for Clinton, Obama and now Biden, and absolutely refuse to allow investigation of the evidence that would expose these corrupt Democrat presidents to impeachment.
Even as they make up fake impeachment charges against Trump, not because he is actually guilty of anything, but just drive him out of office and consolidate Democrat-Bolshevik absolute power.
So they impeached Trump on fake charges. TWICE!! Even as the same FBI and DOJ bury the evidence against Obama, Hillary Clinton, and now Biden.

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After four frigging years of dragging his feet, John Durham finally released his investigative report about the DOJ and FBI corruption in opening the Trump "Russia collusion" investigation, that FBI opened right before the 2016 presidential election.

FBI Ignored Alleged Clinton Campaign Election Meddling, Even After CIA Briefed Obama And Biden, Durham Report Says

So... they opened an investigation of Trump, despite that the evidence that would justify opening such an investigation was (and is) non-existent.
EVERY LAST ONE of the FBI and DOJ characters involved demonstrate fanatical hatred of Trump and Republicans, and ALL of them, either individually or together, worked to destroy Trump's campaign and presidency. Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Kevin Clinesmith, Bill Priestap, James Baker, Bruce and Nellie Ohr. Sally Yates. Rod Rosenstein. Andrew Weissmann, Robert Mueller. James Rybacki.
But Durham did not recommend prosecuting them. rolleyes

AND... despite that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC hired Perkins Coie law firm (who then hired Fusion GPS, who then hired Christopher Steele) to pay millions to Russian intelligence officials, to gather a smear-campaign "Russia dossier" to frame Trump, to influence and alter the outcome of the 2016 election... no investigation or indictment of anyone in the Hillary campaign, in the Obama administration who knew or even participated, or in the DNC. .

So Hillary Clinton and the DNC are the ones who engaged in "Russia collusion" as are the Democrat zealots in the FBI and DOJ, in unison with Fusion GPS , Christopher Steele and other agents. Such as Josef Mifsud and Stefan Halper, and Natalya Veselnitskaya, who were sent into the Trump campaign as assets or moles to trick Trump officials into taking bait to commit illegal acts (bait they did not take, and they actually notified the FBI of the offers, ironically informing the very agency attempting the entrap them!)

Fanatical FBI and DOJ Democrat-party zealots submitted false evidence to FISA court judges, engaged in malicious prosecution and about a dozen other federal crimes, each of these prosecutable to years in federal prison. But Durham's report recommends not prosecuting them for their crimes. For the torment and lives destroyed, of Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Carter Page, Michael Flynn, George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone, Michael Caputo, Sam Clovis, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and every member of the Trump family, many bankrupted by malicious prosecution of made up charges, some of whom served years in prison.
Just so these Democrat-loyalist Bolsheviks in the FBI and DOJ could destroy the Trump campaign, based on absolutely no evidence. Just for a ploy to let their Democrat candidate win. CRIMINAL abuse of federal power by each of these officials. Proveable. Undeniable. Prosecutable. Let them feel the same pain they have inflicted on others, and spend years in prison for their crimes.
But no.
John Durham recommends not prosecuting them.

Donald Trump endlessly indicted and prosecuted, who has committed no crime. And Durham's report says there was never evidence that warranted EVEN OPENING an investigation of him, or of officials in his campaign or administration. People who suffered immeasurably, FOR YEARS, from these fraudulent and malicious prosecutions.

And thenconversely, here are Hillary Clinton and the DNC, who ACTUALLY COMMITTED all the crimes that Trump and his associates were falsely accused of. But no investigation, no prosecution, no gigantic legal fees, no jail time, for these ACTUAL criminals.
And Durham doesn't even recommend indictment or punishment on the FBI and DOJ agents who maliciously put all this in motion. No investigation or prosecution of their crimes.

Yeah, that's fair.....

wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall

Which just emboldens the Democrat-Bolsheviks in the DNC and federal agencies to do it again. Or more likely, to do far worse the next time.

Lois Lerner and the IRS went unpunished for what they did in 2010-2012.
That led to even more bold and grandiose abuses in 2016. And in 2018.

And while Democrats won't admit the evidence right in front of them ("Twittergate", the Morell/Blinkin fake letter of 51 intelligence officials, and the orchestrated election-rigging after 3 AM on election night 2020, simultaneously done in 6 battleground states. The intimidation of Republican legislators after, who would have contested it, and intimidation of municipal, circuit and U.S. Supreme Court judges. On and on. Try and deny it, but the evidence is right there.)

And then the clear abuses and rigging in the 2022 midterms, particularly in Arizona. There are multiple Trump-supported candidates that should have won, but suspiciously lost when the late-night votes were counted in Democrat-controlled election centers. Plus tens of millions in dark money funding Democrat candidates, in some cases hundreds of millions, where Democrats were on average outspending Republican opponents by 3-to-1 at a minimum, often 8 or 10 to 1.

Emboldened by this Durham deep state investigation that protects their own with just the lightest slap, one can only imagine the Democrat abuses and crimes coming in 2024.

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[Linked Image from]

No evidence of prosecutable deep state crimes. None at all....

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[Linked Image from]

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"I secured one minor guilty plea while losing both higher profile cases that would--maybe--actually move toward proving Trump was framed. Comey secured many more guilty pleas and convictions tying large numbers of the Trump campaign to Russia. Now, I'm grumbling about my four year fishing expedition that resulted in a terribly small fish being caught." -Durham

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Originally Posted by iggy
"I secured one minor guilty plea while losing both higher profile cases that would--maybe--actually move toward proving Trump was framed. Comey secured many more guilty pleas and convictions tying large numbers of the Trump campaign to Russia. Now, I'm grumbling about my four year fishing expedition that resulted in a terribly small fish being caught." -Durham

I'd love to see where that made-up quote could even be alleged to be representative and factual.

I haven't seen anywhere that John Durham was even interviewed about his report, to speculate one way or the other.

But in the case of James Comey and his 7th floor criminal inner circle at the FBI, I wouldn't brag about over-charging people to decades in jail, to make them sign plea bargains to crimes they never committed --IN MANY CASES, WHERE THE U S SUPREME COURT LATER UNANIMOUSLY OVERTURNED THE CONVICTIONS. That is a level of criminality and abuse of power no one should defend or laugh about.
And not just malicious prosecution of Trump officials, but of innocent executives for Arthur Anderson and Enron, Martha Stewart, Scooter Libby and Ted Stevens, some of whom died in jail before their sentences were finally appealed and overturned. This is what Comey's inner circle at the FBI did for more than 20 years, way before Trump ever entered politics.

And I must have missed the day where it was reported that "many" or ANY Trump officials were tied to "Russia collusion" The truth is in the cases of Manafort, Grimes, Flynn, and Trump attorney Mark Cohen, is that FBI never was able to find *****ANY**** Russia collusion, by ANY Trump official. So Comey's FBI dug through their pasts of any random prosecutable charge, and tried them for unrelated charges (such as Taxi cab medallion licenses) .
Or in the absence of any crime, created "process crimes" such as a perjury trap, and made them take a plea bargain, rather than spend the full decades in jail they were overcharged with.

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Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) cites loathesome history of "neutral" judge nominee - May 17 2023

Judge Wolf's history of partisanly seeking the personal destruction of Clarence Thomas for more than a decade, and openly promoting slander of the reputation of the U S Supreme Court itself as an institution, "to advance the cause of the liberal progressive movement".

But Senate Democrats offer him as a superior court nominee, who will "faithfully and impartially" execute the law.
Who is more dangerous to our Constitutional republic, this judge, or the Democrat-Bolsheviks who submitted him as a nominee? That's a tough call.

Not to mention Democrat-endorsed protests outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices, "liberal progressive " Democrat protesters in clear violation of federal law, who should be arrested and jailed for intimidating justices to make them change their legal decisions. House and Senate Democrats do not condemn this, so House and Senate Democrat leaders clearly endorse this lawless intimidation. And the likes of Senator Chuck Schumer, and Democrat-Bolshevik Reps Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Onar, and Maxine Waters have openly stoked violence against all 6 conservative justices, against Trump administration officials, against Trump supporters, against Border Patrol and ICE, who they in no uncertain words in their public statements compare to KKK and Nazis. Which has resulted in many clearly attributable attacks, on justice Brett Kavenaugh, and on the others targeted by these Democrat leaders' rhetoric. Terror, arson, murder. Whatever serves the revoltion.

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Forty Years of Attacks and Slurs Against Justice Thomas

by Mark Peoletta, May 11 2022

Much of the black Democratic leadership in this country has been on a 40-year crusade to destroy Justice Clarence Thomas, calling him an "Uncle Tom" because his views are supposedly anathema to most black Americans. But in fact, they are the ones out of step with black Americans.

This was on full display when I testified last month before Congress at a hearing on the Supreme Court. At the hearing, I asserted that "the Left hates Justice Thomas because he is a black conservative who has never bowed to those who demand that he must think a certain way because of the color of his skin." I was surprised when Democrat Hakeem Jeffries, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, asked me, "What evidence do you have to support that incendiary charge?"

I responded that Democratic congressman Bennie Thompson, chairman of the House Homeland Security and January 6th committees, had called Justice Thomas an "Uncle Tom" in a 2014 interview. If given the time, I could also have pointed out Representative Thompson's assertion in the same interview that Justice Thomas "doesn't like black people, he doesn't like being black."

I noted that Rep. Thompson defended his use of the "Uncle Tom" slur because Justice Thomas supports voter ID laws and opposes affirmative action, but that polling indicates black Americans agreed with Thomas on these issues. Rep. Jeffries dismissed the statement, cutting me off to say that Rep. Thompson "is entitled to free speech." When I asked Rep. Jeffries if he wanted another example of the Left's hatred toward Justice Thomas, he chose to quit while he was behind and moved to another witness. Those other witnesses confirmed under questioning from Rep. Matt Gaetz that "Uncle Tom" is a racial slur in every use [of the term].

The examples of attacks on Justice Thomas for daring to think differently—for refusing to assent to the views liberals demand of black Americans—could fill a book. Justice Thomas was excluded completely from the National Museum of African American History and Culture when it was first opened in 2016. The NAACP, a civil rights organization, opposed Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court. In 1991, Juan Williams, a liberal journalist who is the author of a book on Justice Thurgood Marshall, wrote an op-ed titled "Open Season on Clarence Thomas," about the Left's attacks. "Here is indiscriminate, mean-spirited mudslinging supported by the so-called champions of fairness: liberal politicians, unions, civil rights groups and women's organizations," Williams wrote. "They have been mindlessly led into mob action against one man."

In 1998, Judge Leon Higginbotham, a black judge formerly on the Third Circuit, furiously tried to prevent Justice Thomas from speaking at the National Bar Association, an organization for black lawyers. Perhaps even more egregiously, an issue of Emerge magazine published an illustration of Justice Thomas shining the shoes of Justice Antonin Scalia. On the cover, it depicted him as a lawn jockey. Hodding Carter, a white Southerner who served in the Jimmy Carter White House, wrote in 1986 that, "as a Southerner, Mr. Thomas is surely familiar with those 'chicken-eating preachers' who gladly parroted the segregationists' line in exchange for a few crumbs from the white man's table. He's one of the few left in captivity." As Justice Thomas noted in his memoir, My Grandfather's Son, "Not a single civil rights leader objected to this nakedly racist language."

Even more disgusting, during Thomas's 1991 confirmation, significant voices in the black community said that the justice hated black people because he married a white woman. Russell Adams, chairman of Howard University's department of Afro-American studies, said, "His marrying a white woman is a sign of his rejection of the black community." Barbara Reynolds, a USA Today columnist, wrote Thomas has "already said no to blacks; he has already said if he can't paint himself white, he'll think white and marry a white woman."

Justice Thurgood Marshall was married to an Asian-American woman. James Earl Jones, Michael Jordan, Sidney Poitier, Richard Pryor and Quincy Jones all married white women, and no civil rights leader said anything remotely similar to this despicable smear. Incoming Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson is married to a white man, and no one would begrudge her for it—nor should they. But for the Left, it's okay to claim that Justice Thomas hates black people because he married a white woman.

The message is clear: Thomas is a traitor to his race because he thinks his own thoughts.

In truth, it's Rep. Thompson and others in black congressional leadership who are out of step with the black community. Nearly 70 percent of black Americans support voter ID requirements, and 62 percent oppose race being a factor in college admissions. On abortion, only 32 percent of black Americans think the practice should be legal under all circumstances. Only 28 percent of black Americans support Defund the Police. Last but not least, 81 percent of black parents support school choice. It seems that a lot of the rank-and-file members of the black community also think their own thoughts, rather than those assigned them by the Left's leadership.

Why would the NAACP oppose school choice, depriving so many black families of an option to provide their children a good education? Perhaps because the NAACP received funding for many years from a variety of teachers' unions, which reject market competition through school choice to protect failing teachers. Justice Thomas zeroed in on this in his memoir. During his confirmation, he was shown a letter from the AFL-CIO to the NAACP which requested that the NAACP oppose Thomas to give the AFL-CIO cover to oppose him. Thomas wrote, "What saddened me was the fact that an organization whose independence had once been a byword in the Deep South had been reduced to doing the bidding of the AFL-CIO." And adding insult to injury, labor unions have long been rife with racism toward rank-and-file black Americans.

Perhaps left-wing leaders need to peddle the false narrative that Justice Thomas is a sell-out because they [the Democrat leadership] are funded by large majority-white organizations and adopt positions that are more in line with paternalistic and patronizing white progressives. They need to smear Justice Thomas because he represents a threat to the extreme views they advocate.

It is despicable that Black leaders continue to smear Justice Thomas. He was born into poverty under state-enforced segregation in the Deep South and now serves on the Supreme Court. He is our longest-serving black Justice, and he writes more opinions a year than any Justice and stands at the pinnacle of the legal world. Liberal leadership will continue to smear him because he is a transformational jurist who will never bow to leftism. In truth, it is Justice Thomas who represents the views of average black Americans—and whose jurisprudence aims to defend the liberty and justice of all Americans, despite the Left and much of the black leadership waging war against them.

Mark Paoletta served as a lawyer in the George H.W. Bush White House Counsel's Office and worked on Justice Thomas's confirmation. He most recently served as General Counsel for the Office of Management & Budget in the Trump administration, and he worked on the confirmations for Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. He is a partner at Schaerr Jaffe LLP. He is the co-author of the forthcoming book, Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, which will be published this June.
You can follow him on Twitter at @MarkPaoletta

The politics of slander and personal destruction, a tactic the Democrat/Left has used for the last 40 years, at the very least.

Clarence Thomas has had the last laugh, though, because despite the most vicious personal attacks on him, he has remained on the court and upheld the law, to their infinite Democrat-Bolshevik frustration, for over 3 decades now, completely un-intimidated.
Likewise several other conservative justices, despite leftist vigils and threats outside their homes, and even surveiling the schools of their children for further potential attacks and intimidation.
Samuel Alito I also have great confidence in.
Brett Kavenaugh, Amy Coney-Barrett and Neil Gorsuch have yet to prove themselves.
And John Roberts is a disappointing and completely politically driven fraud, who has repeatedly given rulings that were pure capitulation, without the slightest pretense of upholding the rule of law (for example BOTH rulings that dodged the obvious illegality of Obamacare mandates and upheld them. And also the refusal to even look at election fraud in 2020, especially in light of comment he made to other justices behind closed doors.)

All these attacks on Clanrence Thomas and other justices, and on the Supreme Court institution itself, manifest the consistent vicious practices of the Democrat party as a whole, and as a matter of course, for decades. They slander, they threaten, they personally destroy, and are eager to shred the Constitution and the rule of law at every turn, anytime they think it serves them politically. Advances their Bolshevik revolution.

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Cry harder, cultist.

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In the gay community when a friend buys and pay bills like has been done for Clarence Thomas that is called having a sugar daddy. Why would it be evil exposing what has been gifted to Thomas by his friend? Simple answer, it isn’t.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
In the gay community when a friend buys and pay bills like has been done for Clarence Thomas that is called having a sugar daddy. Why would it be evil exposing what has been gifted to Thomas by his friend? Simple answer, it isn’t.

What is evil is Democrats' slandering of Clarence Thomas, or other conservatives, to imply they were doing something illegal, when in fact Clarence Thomas did nothing illegal or unlawful.

The wealthy friend whose home Clarence Thomas stayed in for a weekend was just a friend who happened to be wealthy. There are no cases or legislation that Thomas or the U S Supreme Court are reviewing that are in any way related to Thomas' wealthy friend. It's pure slander to imply without evidence of anything that there was some kind of corrupt quid pro quo or "sugar daddy" relationship involving Thomas.

As I said very clearly, this is a clear attempt by the Democrat/Left to slander Thomas any way they can, and to slander and undermine confidence in the entire U S Supreme Court as an institution, to maliciously slander as corrupt a huge part of our Constitutional government and legal system, just because THEY, THE DEMOCRATS, can't corrupt it or control it. They intimidate and threaten justices by keeping loud vigils outside their homes, 24/7.
The Dem/Left threaten justices' children.
They encourage death threats against conservative justices, and these intimidations and threats are ONLY directed at conservative justices, by the organized Democrat/Left.
The Democrat/Left want to expand and stack the Court with liberal justices, so they can assure it becomes just a rubber stamp for the Democrat-Bolshevik destruction of our Constitutional government.

So... the slandering of Clarence Thomas is just the tip of the iceberg, of a far larger infrastructure of anti-American Democrat-orchestrated evil.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Cry harder, cultist.

translated from the language the infants speak on Planet Iggy :

Originally Posted by iggy
panic panic Nya nya nya, you're a poopy-face. Fuck you, fuck your mother, asshat, doofus, cultist, etc., etc. panic panic

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So in the real world I read reporting of huge amounts of money being used in ways that benefited Thomas and his wife. We do not even know if what has been reported is even the full amount. Someone can be unethical like Thomas has been without breaking the law. It is satisfying seeing him exposed on the gifts. Oh don’t worry, his stench will continue to infest the high court if that’s scaring you but maybe it will force the Supreme Court to raise it’s bar on ethics where these types of gifts need to be reported in the future. I don’t think the nation is served well by Justices taking paid for luxury vacations or having houses paid for their moms to live in for free. You can play your rules for radicals partisan shitshow all you want WB but you’re not fooling anyone except maybe yourself.

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MEM sighting! Hello!

Really wish Wondy would just come to terms with the fact he doesn't want to drain the swamp. He just wants only his swamp monsters allowed to swim in it.

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Hi Iggy. Everything seems to be about the same. I do hope everyone is doing well outside of the political crap.

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This article by constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley, from a year ago, reminding us what all this wild speculation is REALLY all about by the Democrat/Left and their politics of personal destruction.

“[We all] Hope Clarence Thomas Dies”: UCLA Faces New Free Speech Controversy Over Social Media

UCLA is facing a new free speech controversy after its Director of Race and Equity, Jonathan Perkins, tweeted that he (like many) hoped Justice Clarence Thomas would die rather than recover from his recent illness. UCLA recently disciplined a student for controversial statements, but has stood by the right of Perkins to express such hateful viewpoints. Ironically, Perkins’ office has long posted anti-free speech positions to justify censorship and speech codes.

Perkins is a lawyer (with a J.D. from the University of Virginia) and previously worked in the General Counsel’s office of Harvard University.

When news spread of the hospitalization of Thomas, Perkins declared “No one wants to openly admit [we all] hope Clarence Thomas dies. Whatever you need to tell yourselves.” He further referred to objections to wishing death upon others as “silly” while adding a racist attack: “Uncle Thomas is a sexist token who’s committed himself to making us all share in he and his treasonous wife’s misery.”

Anna Spain Bradley, Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at UCLA, publicly stated that “this tweet does not reflect my or UCLA EDI’s views.”
It was a mild statement to be sure but I still support the right of Perkins and other faculty and students in being able to speak freely on social media. This was a personal viewpoint expressed outside of the school.

However, that was not the approach taken by UCLA in other controversies. Last year, UCLA athlete Chris Weiland was dismissed from the cross country and track & field team after video of him making racist, sexist and homophobic comments appeared on social media. The comments were overheard as Weiland spoke with his mother.

Avery Anderson, UCLA’s Director of Track and Field and Cross Country reinstated Weiland after a suspension, but then protests led to his dismissal.

UCLA’s Black Student-Athletes Alliance issued a statement that:

“UCLA knew about an incident of blatant racism, homophobia and sexism and did very minimal actions about it. … We do not feel safe with this person on campus, and we demand UCLA athletics take action immediately and remove this student from the team.”

Anderson responded to this and other objections by reversing her decision:

“It became clear that his continued involvement with the team is incompatible with the culture of mutual support and respect we’re fostering. I now realize that the decision to reinstate him was not the right decision, and that the action today is best for the well-being of our team.”

UCLA professors have also been subject to investigations and protests over their private speech or class policies that were denounced as racist. One professor is currently suing UCLA.

There are no such protests or actions taken over the hateful and racist comments of Perkins.

Notably, Perkins’ office espouses distinctly anti-free speech sentiments and calls classic defenses of free speech “myths.”


    Myth #1: Truth Always Prevails in the Marketplace of Ideas

    Myth #2: Freedom-of-Speech is Everything

    Myth #3: Only the Left (or Right) Hates Free Speech

    Myth #4: Censorship is a One-Way Street

[Many hold such views of the “myths of free speech” but this is a public university declaring that such views are myths. The official UCLA view that “free speech is [not] everything” and “censorship is [not] a One-Way Street” would not be supported by many citizens, particularly free speech advocates.

When it comes to Perkins, however, free speech will (correctly) protect him.

Further underscoring the intense hatred of the Democrat / Left for Clarence Thomas, and their zeal and eagerness to do and say anything, anything to dislodge him from power and destroy him. ALLEGE anything, without evidence, anything, to destroy him.
For 40 years.
See again the previous article I posted above.

I realize you're a true believer of the Democrat/Left, MEM, and you are eager to believe anything they allege as if it were fact. But the legal scholars, including Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz, both decidedly leftist/liberal legal scholars their entire lives, side with Clarence Thomas, that the allegations are unfounded, without evidence, and a deliberate attempt to viciously undermine both Clarence Thomas and the U S Supreme Court itself as an institution.

Which is basic Democrat / Leftist / Bolshevik /Cultural Marxism 1101: slander, undermine and destroy our Constitutional republic, so as to replace it with an authoritarian Marxist state, where the Democrat-Bolsheviks in power cannot even be challenged or questioned.

Which, once again, defines precisely how evil the Democrat party is.

Your party is weaponizing the DOJ, FBI and IRS against Donald Trump and his political followers, in a blatantly one-sided abuse of federal power, even as these same federal officials and agencies are giving a free pass and BURYING THE SOLID EVIDENCE against Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and her campaign, Barack Obama, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan, Anthony Blinken, Mike Morell, 51 intelligence officials who should lose their security clearance for signing a "Hunter Biden laptop looks like Russian disinformation" letter to rig the 2020 election, and dozens of other Democrat-Bolshevik corrupt partisan officials currently or formerly leading the DOJ, FBI, IRS, and other federal agencies.
"Vive le resistance !"
You don't even blink that the same people now PROVEN to have abused power in 2016 against Trump and his administration, orchestrated a similar operation in 2020, and rigged that election in doing so. And in the 2018 and 2022 mid-term elections?

You seem to have utter immunity to logic and facts.
And instead hold up unsubstantiated and slanderous Democrat / Left ALLEGATIONS as if they were facts. They are not.

I'll remind you that Rep. Adam Schiff assured us that there was absolute proof in closed-door testimony that was classified, that Trump was absolutely guilty of Russia collusion, and he just could not publicly disclose it. When later DNI directors Richard Grenell, and then John Ratcliffe released all those classified transcripts, those allegations against Trump turned out to be absolutely and unquestionably false. And Schiff was proven to be a vicious liar, who should already be removed from office and facing criminal charges for the boldness of his lies and misrepresentation of the actual facts. Just to undermine and destroy a governing president.

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Legal Experts: Attacks On Clarence Thomas ‘Ridiculous,’ Slam Media Reports As ‘Incomplete’


Media reports on alleged scandals surrounding Justice Clarence Thomas reveal the Left’s desire to destroy his credibility, legal experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

After the ProPublica report on Thomas’ acceptance of expense-paid trips from his friend, billionaire real estate developer Harlan Crow, which Thomas said his colleagues assured him was not reportable, multiple other reports were released accusing Thomas of wrongdoing. Lawyers told the Daily Caller News Foundation the reports are incomplete, amounting to a smear campaign aimed at swaying public perception, joining two federal judges who also criticized the reports this week. (RELATED: ‘Big Breathless Nothingburger’: Conservative Legal Scholars, Lawmakers Blast ‘Partisan’ Justice Thomas Report )

“With each new hit piece, the Left is revealing its true motive: to impugn Justice Thomas by any means necessary, no matter how ridiculous the charge,” Carrie Severino, JCN President and former clerk to Justice Thomas, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Washington Post published a story on Sunday on Justice Thomas reporting income from a “defunct real estate firm” on his financial disclosures. The “defunct” company that ceased to exist in 2006 — Ginger, Ltd., Partnership —changed its name that same year to operate as Ginger Holdings, LLC.

“The Washington Post should consider covering the Biden Administration with the vigor they put into investigating whether Justice Thomas wrote LLC or LLP,” Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton tweeted, reacting to the story.

Because critics of Thomas cannot argue his approach or decisions are legally incorrect, they “drop innuendos and incomplete information” to hope “uninformed people will assume the worst,” Thomas Jipping, senior legal fellow for Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, told the DCNF [Daily Caller News Foundation].

“Justice Thomas’ critics cannot convince the public that his approach to judging or his individual decisions are legally incorrect, so they and their media enablers drop innuendos and incomplete information, hoping…that uninformed people will assume the worst,” he continued. “Falsely smearing a judge whose decisions left-wing groups and politicians don’t like will further erode the public’s confidence in the independence and impartiality of the judiciary.”

ProPublica published a story last week on Crow’s purchase of a single-story home where the justice’ mother lived, along with two empty lots on the same street in Savannah, Georgia, which Crow told the outlet he intended to turn into a public museum telling the justice’s story.

Thomas will amend his disclosure to include Crow’s purchase of the home, which he believed was not necessary to report because he lost money on the deal, a source close to Thomas told CNN on Monday.

Though the story prompted Democratic senators to request the DOJ launch an investigation, Jipping pointed out it, along with the others, doesn’t actually prove wrongdoing.

“Justice Thomas did not report personal hospitality from longtime friends that he was not required to report,” he said. “He reported rental income but failed to fill in the new name of the property owner. He reported his small financial interest in property he co-owned for years but apparently not when the property was sold.”

“It is beneath the media and our elected representatives to collude in suggesting that matters like these, and not the merits of Justice Thomas’ judging, are important to the [American] people,” he continued.

Crow himself told the Dallas Morning news he believed it was a “political hit job.”

Two federal judges have also criticized the reporting. Fifth Circuit Judge James Ho, who previously clerked for Thomas, defended him during Tuesday remarks to a Dallas Federalist Society chapter, according to Reason.

He noted there is a “big difference between actual corruption and the appearance of corruption,” pointing to a Wall Street Journal report from 2021 alleging over 100 judges failed to recuse themselves from cases where they had a financial interest.

“It showed that judges are imperfect human beings, like everyone else,” he said, referring to the story. “But I don’t recall anyone calling for all of these judges to be impeached or punished.”

Ho said he welcomed discussion about strengthening ethics and disclosure requirements, but rejected “hypocritical double standards.”

Third Circuit Judge Thomas Hardiman also criticized ProPublica’s initial report, which alleged Thomas violated ethics rules by failing to disclose acceptance of expense-paid trips from Crow, dismissing the idea that it is a “scandal.”

“[T]here was no intimation at any time, ever, that his billionaire friend ever had any business before the Supreme Court. So, how’s he helping his friend?” he said at an April 12th event, according to the National Review. “He’s not even in a position to help his friend because his friend had exactly zero cases in the Supreme Court.”

Interesting also how the Left and news media (that's somewhat redundant, there is no difference between the two, they work in unison) constantly allege ethics violations or conflict of interest by CONSERVATIVE justices, but don't even notice the far more unethical conflicts of interest on full display by LIBERAL justices Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and Elena Kagan.

To say nothing of the Bolshevik Leftist ideologue Kitanji Brown-Jackson, who is so ideologically twisted and hardcore partisan leftist that she couldn't even define a woman in Senate confirmation hearings. Oh yeah, her Supreme Court rulings will be TOTALLY unbiased and neutral on gay, transgender, gun control and abortion issues. She is cartoonishly biased, a fully indoctrinated tool of the Left, and legal judge a distant second.

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Rep. Dan Bishop stunned, top FBI Official DIDN'T EVEN READ Durham Report - FBI Assistant director of counter-intelligence Jill M. Murphy being questioned. Not the slightest bit interested in investigating or cleaning out corruption in the FBI she manages. She swears her complete and undying loyalty to the Democrat-Bolshevik party.

Rep. Eli Crane Grills Top FBI Official, regarding shameless FBI targeting of Trump, while simultaneously burying the overwhelming evidence of Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Democrat-zealot FBI leadership (of which she clearly is one herself)


Rep. Eli Crane Grills top FBI Official , about 'Millions Of Dollars' Paid To Biden Family

She not only hasn't read the Durham report, she has no idea what "elite capture" by the Chinese is, no interest in investigating the clear money trail of wired cash from the Chinese government to Biden family members. No knowledge, no interest in knowing. WOW ! The assistant FBI director of counter-intelligence. WOW !

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Rep. Jim Jordan: "If this isn't frightening, I don't know what is.". - Information revealed by FBI and IRS whistleblowers, FBI slow-walking Biden investigations, burying cases and evidence, and even hiding evidence from House investigation committee.

An FBI that swears its complete and undying loyalty to the Democrat Bolshevik Party, and uses all its power to protect Democrats from investigation and prosecution.

While simultaneously unleashing endless malicious investigations and prosecutions of Trump and his advisors, ofJan 6th PEACEFUL demonstrators, of peaceful pro-life Christian activists, of peaceful parents objecting to "woke" indoctrination at local PTA meetings nationwide, and of any other Republicans they want to target for leading effective political opposition to Democrat authoritarianism. Your Democrat-weaponized FBI and IRS at work.

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MRC Exclusive: DHS Weaponization Against Christians, Conservatives, and GOP

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell appeared on Fox Business to unveil a new MRC Free Speech America in-depth exposé of government weaponization. The report reveals how the Biden Department of Homeland Security is using taxpayer dollars to destroy Christians, conservatives and the GOP.

Fox Business Host Maria Bartiromo asked Bozell about the report during the May 25 edition of Mornings with Maria. The report detailed how DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is comparing conservative groups with neo-Nazis and terrorists through a program meant to fight terrorism.
“Tell us what you found and the so-called Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization,” Bartiromo asked.

Bozell answered: “Look at that pyramid. This was a conference in December of 2021. In the first layer, you've got Heritage, Fox News, you've got Christian Broadcasting [Network], you've got the Republican National Committee. Already you've got more than half of America on the list.”

Bozell ripped Mayorkas for “taking government funding — meant to find terrorists — and he’s going after Fox News. He believes, Maria, that you’re a terrorist. I’m a terrorist. Anybody with the [Republican National Committee is] a terrorist. Anybody reading Breitbart.”

He later continued: “The second level [in the pyramid] torques it up — more dangerous groups: Turning Point USA, Tea Party patriots, PragerU, Breitbart, the American Conservative Union. Then the third level is pro-Nazi organizations and the top one is militant Nazi organizations. So, there you go, the pyramid, showing the progression of domestic terrorism.”

The Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization was featured in a seminar hosted by a DHS-funded grantee, the University of Dayton’s PREVENTS-OH.

Bozell went on to detail the MRC Free Speech America report. “There are 80 recipients of money so far. They’ve received $40 million in grants. We’ve done FOIAs in 31 of them. The University of Dayton -- none of them have wanted to respond. Here we go again. Recipients of public money won't tell the public what the money is for,” Bozell said.

DHS awarded $352,109 in taxpayer dollars to the University of Dayton after the private university used the pyramid in its grant application. “The University of Dayton wouldn't give it to us. We found the documents anyway,” the MRC president continued.

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Under President Biden, Homeland Security has awarded 80 grants, totaling almost $40 million in taxpayer-funding to target forms of domestic extremism.AP
The Media Research Center also obtained an internal memo that shows Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has designated the program a “high priority” of the Biden administration.

“This terrorism task force is engaged in an active effort to demonize and eliminate Christian, conservative, and Republican organizations using federal taxpayer dollars,” Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center, told Fox News, which first reported on the documents. “What we have uncovered calls for criminal prosecution. The American people need to know those who are abusing their positions in the federal government will be held accountable for their criminal behavior.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) tweeted that the MRC’s findings were “[c]ompletely disgraceful.”

“The Biden admin’s weaponization of government to target conservatives is profoundly dangerous,” he wrote.

“The Biden Administration has weaponized the government to silence and intimidate conservative voices along with Americans who disagree with the Left’s radical ideology. We now know they have active corrupt collaborators in President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas. Americans of all political stripes who value freedom and free expression should be gravely concerned,” American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp said in a statement. “This is yet another reason the House Republican Majority must begin hearings to ascertain the level of treachery from the Biden Regime.”

The National Rifle Association blasted the Biden administration for what it called an “outrageous misuse of public funds,” adding: “Protecting [the Second Amendment] isn’t terrorism, it’s patriotism.”

The Heritage Foundation noted that seminar included “no mentions of 2020’s “summer of love” where leftists caused at least $2 billion in damage across the U.S., the consequences of which the America’s poor and middle class are still facing.

“There was also no mention about the extremism of a President abusing his power to try and force a nation to take an experimental drug without consent, or the fact that a substantial portion of the country supported punishing those who wouldn’t comply,” Heritage added. “Whether it’s the FBI, DOJ, IRS, or DHS, it seems the Biden admin will weaponize any part of the federal government against its political opponents, including by conflating them with terrorists.”

The University of Dayton told Fox News the seminar “had no affiliation with and predates PREVENTS-OH,” despite it being held at the university’s Human Rights Center fall conference.

Another seminar speaker, Rutger University professor Alexander Hinton, drew an equivalence between the Trump administration and the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot’s ruthless regime that massacred nearly 2 million Cambodians in the 1970s.

I'd counter that professor in the last sentence, that it is not Republicans, Trump supporters or other right-wing groups who are advocating violently silencing their political opposition (as are Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, A O-C and pretty much ALL of the Democrat leadership, as well as their radicalized storm troopers in Antifa, Black Lives Matter and other Democrat groups) .
It is THE DEMOCRATS who more widely are radicalized and violent, and who openly advocate silencing or beating down their Republican/conservative political opposition.

And DEMOCRATS who have already committed ACTUAL VIOLENCE AGAINST THOUSANDS of Republicans, even including attacking conservative/moderate college professors, attacking Republican leaders at booksignings and speaking events at universities nationwide. It is DEMOCRATS who have even violently attacked Republican candidates and firebombed their offices over the last 5 years.
And DEMOCRATS who have even killed two Trump supporters.

It is DEMOCRATS who not only admire, emulate and quote radical marxist revolutionaries like Che Gueverra, Fidel Castro, Mao Tse Tung, Khmer Rouge, Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin, but Democrats who as a matter of course engage in violent attacks to silence their conservative opposition.
It is THEM, not Conservatives, who demonstrate their propensity and eagerness to commit genocide on the conservative half the country who don't share their beliefs. In gleeful re-enactment of Mao and Stalin and Castro, the very people they admire, quote and emulate. From Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Anita Dunne, Mark Lloyd, Van Jones, Ron Bloom, Robert Reich, and other Clinton and Obama officials, on down to their BLM and Antifa grassroots stormtroopers in cities nationwide, mobs who PARADED WITH GUILLOTINES AND EFFIGY SEVERED HEADS, invoking the radicalism and genocide of the French Revolution !

Which side, Left or Right, more imminently presents a threat of genocide that would parallel the example of Khmer Rouge, is quite clear.
And it sure as hell isn't "the radical Right".

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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I want a Supreme Court that doesn’t have Uber wealthy friends buying influence. Most of us live in a world where friends don’t buy houses for our parents to live in for free or pay the tuition for exclusive and expensive schools for kids that are our guardians. Fortunately because these gifts were exposed the court is going to have to police itself better. Outside of partisanship why would anyone?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I want a Supreme Court that doesn’t have Uber wealthy friends buying influence. Most of us live in a world where friends don’t buy houses for our parents to live in for free or pay the tuition for exclusive and expensive schools for kids that are our guardians. Fortunately because these gifts were exposed the court is going to have to police itself better. Outside of partisanship why would anyone?

Respectfully, that is selling a narrative that is absolutely untrue.

As I just cited and linked above, most of the most highly regarded legal scholars, liberal scholars, such as Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley, as well as many other judges and legal scholars named and cited, say these allegations against Clarence Thomas are total B.S.

And conversely, far more egregious and questionable examples of corruption and influence peddling by Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elena Kagen, Sonia Sotomayor, and Kitanji Brown-Jackson, again, all cited above.

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Actually I think I nailed it as opposed to you trying to paint Thomas as just selling a home. We both know it was more than that. It’s not hard to understand where Clarence Thomas was unethical. He lives in a different world where a billionaire takes him on luxury vacations, buys a home where his mom can live for free and apparently a child getting his expensive tuition covered. I think it’s better that this stuff needs to be reported as it far exceeds what people would consider normal hospitality and something a Supreme Court justice shouldn’t accept.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Actually I think I nailed it as opposed to you trying to paint Thomas as just selling a home. We both know it was more than that. It’s not hard to understand where Clarence Thomas was unethical. He lives in a different world where a billionaire takes him on luxury vacations, buys a home where his mom can live for free and apparently a child getting his expensive tuition covered. I think it’s better that this stuff needs to be reported as it far exceeds what people would consider normal hospitality and something a Supreme Court justice shouldn’t accept.

If Thomas' billionaire friend doesn't have any legal cases before the Supreme Court, what the hell difference does it make? I've stayed in the homes of wealthy friends, they're not my "sugar daddy", they're not in any quid-pro-quo arrangement with me, I and they are not in any professional compromise of ethics, they just happen to be wealthy friends, and I just happen to be a middle class guy.

Again: As sourced and linked above, the finest and best known legal minds in the country say Clarence Thomas did nothing wrong.
Whereas the Democrat-appointed judges, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Kitanji Brown-Jackson, ALL have far more visible conflicts of interest and open partisanship in their judgements, that your side selectively ignores. This is just a Democrat/Leftist slanderfest against Clarence Thomas, to try and discredit Thomas (and discredit the U.S. Supreme Court itself) by any vicious half-baked allegation they can whip up.
Just as they have been trying to do to Clarence Thomas over the entire 40 years of his career.

Thomas famously said in 1991, holding back tears over the stress and humiliation over what he'd been put under leading up to the Senate nomination hearings:
"This is a high-tech lynching, of an uppity black man who dares to think for himself."
I didn't fully understand what that meant in 1991, but I do now. As a black man, even as an exemplary judge and Supreme Court nominee, he was expected as a black man to be a Democrat, and since he did not follow Democrats' racial protocol for a black judge, Democrats sought to destroy him, personally and professionally.
But Clarence Thomas got the last laugh, he has been defending Constitutional rule of law for over 32 years on the Supreme Court bench, despite a relentless barrage of vile slanders like this one.

Brett Kavanaugh was similarly slandered and visibly shaken by the allegations against him in 2018, during his U.S. Supreme Court nomination hearings.
But he likewise is having the last laugh. Even despite a Democrat-party-endorsed assassination attempt on his life.

And Amy Coney-Barrett as well, as the Democrat-Left surveils the movements of her children to and from their school and other activities, with the obvious threat of hurting or abducting them, to intimidate and threaten Amy Coney-Barrett herself, to alter her Supreme Court rulings. That is federal offense, that if the FBI and DOJ were not Democrat-weaponized institutions, these people would be prosecuted and jailed in federal prison.
Likewise the protesters on 24-hour vigils outside THE HOMES of every conservative justice. But not the liberal ones ! Only conservative justices are harassed and threatened. These people should be in federal prison, for actions intended to intimidate and influence the decisions of a Supreme Court judge. Not one, but all 6 conservative justices. But none of the 3 liberal justices.

But of course, you ignore these Democrat-Bolshevik tactics of threats, intimidation and violence to undermine the rule of law, by those in your own party.
Whereas even the most liberal legal scholars (as sourced and linked above) say Clarence Thomas has done nothing wrong. But you still repeat the slanders, while ignoring the ACTUAL threat to the Constitution, and the ACTUAL CRIMES, of the Bolshevik radicals in your own party.

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Yeah the whole staying at a wealthy friends house wouldn’t be an issue but again more than that is going on so you can’t even acknowledge the extent of the gift giving we know Thomas received. Thomas has had decades at the court where it’s easy to understand why a wealthy billionaire would like to be buying houses and letting Thomas’s mom live in for free. Or paying expensive tuition for exclusive schools for a child Thomas had guardianship of. All that besides the paid for luxury vacations. Without giving Thomas a gift or money outright that he wouldn’t be able to accept, huge amounts of money is being used to help Thomas in other ways instead. That is unethical.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Yeah the whole staying at a wealthy friends house wouldn’t be an issue but again more than that is going on so you can’t even acknowledge the extent of the gift giving we know Thomas received. Thomas has had decades at the court where it’s easy to understand why a wealthy billionaire would like to be buying houses and letting Thomas’s mom live in for free. Or paying expensive tuition for exclusive schools for a child Thomas had guardianship of. All that besides the paid for luxury vacations. Without giving Thomas a gift or money outright that he wouldn’t be able to accept, huge amounts of money is being used to help Thomas in other ways instead. That is unethical.

But the bottom line is, the billionaaire in question has no past or present legislation in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, for Clarence Thomas to be influenced into changing his ruling on. PERIOD.

And you keep evading the fact that liberal justices on the Supreme Court ARGUABLY DO HAVE corrupt dealings that are a far more clear conflict of interest.
Such as Ruth Bader Ginsberg conducting a gay wedding, just weeks before she ruled to legalize gay marriage across all 50 states.
And Sonia Sotomayor who, before she was even confirmed to the Supreme Court, made a comment about how as a "wise latina woman" she could make a better judgement than a white male judge, and with sarcasm made it clear that she rules on her ideology rather than the law.
And Elena Kagan.
And the low-hanging friut, Kitanji Brown-Jackson, who ahain COULDN'T EVEN DEFINE A WOMAN when asked in Senate confirmation hearings. Her ideology is so far left, it is obvious she h is completely driven by ideology over legal precedent. A rubber stamp for the Left.

Here are the conflicts of interest laid out, regarding most of the above listed liberal justices:

In part :

Indeed, Stern’s attack rests on the rickety notion that Alito is trying to conceal something from the public. When he claims, “you must dig through [Ailito’s] financial disclosures,” what he really means is opening the “Fix the Court” website (or just following the press release that likely gave him the idea for the piece in the first place) and looking at the justice’s publicly available disclosure. In this case, to “dig” means — generously speaking — five minutes of time.

And since this isn’t the first instance that Alito has recused himself in a case involving Phillips, the grounds for recusal are “obvious.” That doesn’t stop Stern from framing the lack of an explanation as some kind of major ethical lapse. To do so, he juxtaposes Alito’s recusal with Elena Kagan’s recent explanation of recusal in Holland v. Florida without any relevant context.

In Holland v. Florida, Kagan might have become the first justice to offer an official explanation for a recusal in history. Good for her. Alito conducted himself in the same manner that hundreds of justices have conducted themselves in thousands of other recusal cases. Since Roberts sent his ethics statement to Congress, there have been 11 recusals in the Supreme Court without any corresponding explanation — not something Alito’s accusers deem worthy of mentioning.

Instead, Stern claims that “Kagan was never the problem” (she’s even turned down free bagels from her high school friends, she’s so virtuous.) Her explanation for recusal was simply “(prior government employment),” which, explains Stern, is “a shorter way of saying that she participated in the proceedings while serving as solicitor general.”

Kagan should have eaten those bagels and recused herself from NFIB v. Sebelius and King v. Burwell, cases revolving around a national reform law and mandate for which her office had “mounted an early and aggressive ... to the individual insurance mandate,” according to The Hill. That was more than enough for her to sit those cases out. But since the Obama administration refused to turn over all emails related to the case, we can also strongly suspect Kagan had personally lent her expertise in anticipation of legal challenges.

As usual, it’s all just Calvinball. For instance, while Alito’s recusal over a disclosed stock is a big ethical problem, Sonia Sotomayor failing to recuse herself from multiple cases involving a publisher who paid her over $3 million while she was on the court is just fine.

For the record, justices shouldn’t be compelled to automatically bow out of cases involving companies or industries they’ve dealt with unless there is a genuine and clear conflict of interest. None of these attacks have ever produced a single case in which an originalist justice has strayed from their beliefs to help a company, person, or industry, much less themselves. Then again, the ugly irony of the Democrat’s attacks is that their anger is fueled by the principled judicial philosophy of certain justices.


David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist, a nationally syndicated columnist, a Happy Warrior columnist at National Review, and author of five books—the most recent, Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent. Follow him on Twitter, @davidharsanyi.

Sourced and linked in it are abundant examples of ACTUAL conflicts of interest by Democrat-appointed justices, that somehow go completely un-noticed by you and the rest of the hyperventilating Democrat-Left.
Even as you heap slanders on Clarence Thomas for doing nothing the slightest bit unethical. I've dealt with people who, for them, buying an expensive dinner for me, or even offering to buy me a car on one occasion (which I appreciated but declined) was for them like buying a pack of gum. No quid pro quo for illicit favors, they were just generous by nature. And again, in Clarence Thomas' situation, there was absolutely no case before the Supreme Court pending that involved said billionaire's interests, or even potentially so.

Regarding the billionaire in question paying a kid's tuition that Clarence Thomas was taking care of (not Thomas' son, just a kid Thomas equally generously offered to take care of, while the kid's parents were facing difficult times) I again see as benign and generous, not some >>>EEEEVIIILLL<<< sinister quid pro quo that you jump, without evidence, to believe it is.

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I would say the bottom line is you can’t even honestly address the extent of what Thomas was given by his GOP mega donor friend on a thread you created and were specifically attacking democrats on. My bottom line is I just don’t want the super wealthy doing what Crow has done with Thomas accepting all the goodies with any of the Supreme Court justices. They make decisions that affect all of us. If they’re living in a world where people buy homes where their parents can live in for free and luxury paid for vacations on yachts are even something we the public shouldn’t know, how can they really be trusted?

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Mark Levin on his program last night did a nice summary of how evil the Democrat party has been since it was created, and particularly how rabidly Marxist and anti-American it has become over the last 15 to 20 years.

I'd draw the radical turning point at 2004, when the McCain-Feingold bill (campaign finance reform) took away Democrats' traditional financial support groups, that handed the Democrat party over to funding from George Soros and his web of leftist groups. That's when the then-head of sent out an e-mail saying: "We bought the Democrat party, We OWN it."

And since then, the Democrat party has gotten increasingly Leftist-radical every 2 years since then, to the point that they don't even try to hide their rabid hatred for the country, and eagerness to destroy it.

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Your link goes to something else after second but I think you probably summarized it well enough. In other words your basic partisan hate porn. I’ve said it before, we’re one nation and basic values like honesty and kindness are and should be non partisan ones.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Your link goes to something else after second but I think you probably summarized it well enough. In other words your basic partisan hate porn. I’ve said it before, we’re one nation and basic values like honesty and kindness are and should be non partisan ones.

Link with Levin's above full opening editorial added and updated. I fully expect Youtube to take down videos of the full program within 24 hours of when posted, and they did.
They seem to allow videos that only show a portion of a full program from Fox News. Since 2019, they don't.

In any case, Levin details the historical facts of what the Democrat party has done since it was created roughly 200 years ago, on issues such as slavery, segregation, marginalizing blacks, forming and nurturing the Ku Klux Klan, and inciting mob violence against blacks and anyone else who threatens their power.
And over the last 50 years, Democrats' open Marxism and rabid anti-Americanism. I fail to see how that level of fact can be dismissed as "partisan hate porn".

Quite the contrary, the "hate porn" is coming from the Democrat party, that for years now won't even allow conservative-Republicans to speak at booksignings or university speaking appearances without being shouted down or physically attacked. NEVER any condemnation of this violent rhetoric, intimidation or steady attacks by ANYONE in the Democrat-Bolshevik party.
Precisely because they endorse it, and see it as intimidating and silencing their conservative opposition.

As I've cited QUOTED examples of, from just about every Democrat leader, from Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakkim Jeffries, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and her anti-semitic America-hating squad, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, "Mad Maxine" Waters, Hillary Clinton, on and on.
It is YOUR party that incites violence at every turn toward any dissenting thought from Republicans, and even toward their more moderate fellow Democrats and independents.

The rhetoric of the Democrat-Bolshevik party is terrifyingly like that of revolutionaries under Lenin and Stalin, under Mao Tse Tung (whom multiple Obama officials quoted WHILE SERVING in the Obama administration), Che Gueverra and Fidel Castro, and other genocidal Marxists these Democrats openly favor and emulate. These Democrats don't merely want to politically defeat Republicans, they want to destroy them, make them unable to find employment, make them confess their crimes in Soviet or Chinese Communist-style televised show trials, commit violence against them, and ultimately, to annihilate and kill them.
Again, I've cited and shown the video of these comments, from pretty much ALL the Democrat leadership, and (thank you Project Veritas !) from their campaign staffers and volunteers, and from grassroots Democrats in the street, and from writers and executives for the New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, CNN, PBS and every other mainstream media source. They want to take away conservatives' children (said an executive PBS lawyer, as well as by dozens of Democrat/gay/trans/progressive" teachers IN THEIR OWN POSTED VIDEOS on Facebook, Youtube, Tik Tok and Snapchat. And as I just linked above, in videotaped public protests).

Conservative "partisan hate porn" ?!? NO. It is just verifiable fact that this is what Democrats from the leadership on down have said is their intent, OVER AND OVER. FOR YEARS.

AGAIN: as with Hitler's Mein Kampf, when a revolutionary tells you their intent, as these Democrats have, as their Antifa and Black Lives Matter storm troopers have done, often quoting the rhetoric of A O-C and other Democrat leaders, without punishment, without even verbal condemnation, that is a clear message from the Democrat leadership: KEEP DOING THAT VIOLENCE, IT SERVES OUR CAUSE.
And the weaponization of the FBI, DOJ, CIA and IRS, that consistently target Republicans for selective prosecution, and sabotage the cases against people like Lois Lerner, Anthony Weiner, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Peter Strzok, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Pill Priestap, James Baker, Kevin Clinesmith, Bruce and Nellie Ohr and dozens of others.

Kamala Harris and others even created a legal fund in Minneapolis in 2020 during the George Floyd riots, to bail out the most violent BLM and Antifa offenders, so they could go right out and commit more violence.
There is not one Democrat leader who has condemned any of this. So that is a FACT, not "hate porn".


And not one Democrat condemns it.

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PROSECUTOR JACK SMITH URGES COURT N...USS DISCOVERY EVIDENCE IN THE NEWS MEDIA (even as his legal team leaks discovery evidence to the public pretty much every day. As did Rep. Adam Schiff and other Democrat Bolsheviks during the Russia Collusion investigation and closed-door depositions, and during the Mueller investigation, and during BOTH fake Trump impeachment hearings. )

And the same day...


Either Putin or the Russian Ambassador should re-write out Blinkin's post as their own, and just substitute the name "Navalny" with "Trump", to emphasize the irony and Orwellian tendencies of the current Democrat-Bolshevik regime.

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Hunter Biden lawyer PRETENDED to be Republican House judiciary committee official, to call court and have case dropped from scheduled court hearing

U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika released an order this week threatening sanctions against Hunter Biden’s lawyers after accusing Latham & Watkins lawyer Jessica Bengels of having "misrepresented her identity and who she worked for in an attempt to improperly convince the Clerk's Office" to remove a key document from the ongoing criminal tax case involving President Biden’s son.

Bengels called the clerk’s office "pretending" to be associated with lawyers linked to the House Republican Ways & Means Committee, which has also been investigating Hunter Biden, the order said. Hunter Biden’s legal team said it was "an unfortunate and unintentional miscommunication between a staff member at our firm and employees of the Court."

Rep.Ricketts (R-NE) [of the Judiciary Committee] called on courts in both New York and Washington, D.C., where Hunter Biden’s lawyers are licensed to practice, to launch an ethics investigation into Bengels and lead lawyer Christopher Clark.

  • "I write to you regarding the apparent unethical conduct of members of the New York State Bar and the District of Columbia Bar. As you know, the cornerstone of the legal profession is ethics. All legal professionals, lawyers and non-lawyers alike, are expected to maintain strict standards for the protection of colleagues, clients, and the court," Ricketts wrote in a letter sent Friday.

    "I am asking both the New York Departmental Disciplinary Committee for the First Department and the District of Columbia’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel to take swift action to examine the actions of attorneys Christopher Clark and Jessica L. Bengels."

The letter came after a plea agreement between Hunter Biden and U.S. attorneys fell apart this week.

  • "While the exact details of this matter are uncertain, it appears an ethical line was crossed," Ricketts said of the misrepresentation accusations. "Regardless of whether or not it was Ms. Bengels or another staff member at Latham & Watkins who called the clerk, the circumstances surrounding the incident demand an investigation.

    "Furthermore, it was the responsibility of Biden’s lead lawyer, Christopher Clark, to ensure his team conducted themselves in a manner consistent with the Rules of Professional Conduct. It is the responsibility of courts, legislatures, and state bars to ensure that members of the profession adhere to the Rules of Professional Conduct."

    "Therefore, I ask both the New York Departmental Disciplinary Committee for the First Department and the District of Columbia’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel to open investigations into the conduct of both Christopher Clark and Jessica Bengels."

This evil lawyer called the court, PRETENDING to be a Republican House Judiciary committee official, to deceptively order the federal case be dropped from the docket. It's difficult to believe this is not a prosecutable crime.
Or that this same piece-of-shit evil cunt lawyer hasn't pulled the same trick previously, in other cases. Either on her own, or on orders from her law firm.

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Greg Kelly interview, of Jill Biden's first husband, Bill Stevenson.

Jill Biden's ex-husband: Biden sent government after me

He was remarkably nonchalant nd friendly about the breakup ("Hey we were young, it worked out for the best, I actually met my soul mate later because Jill and I split up...")
He even paid Jill Biden's tuition for years after the divorce, all the way through her PhD in education, YEARS after she left him for Joe Biden.

But then they (Joe and Jill) threatened Stevenson if he didn't give Jill what she wanted in the divorce settlement, and Biden and his mafia used his political influence to have Stevenson audited for tax fraud. And did it to Stevenson repeatedly in an ongoing vendetta, over several decades, just to punish and harass Stevenson as payback for not caving in.

Which is remarkably similar to what multiple Democrats nationwide have been doing to Trump for the last 7 years since 2016, where multiple times, they just manufacture criminal charges and audits out of thin air, either to serve a political narrative, or out of pure vindictive meanness.

Whether the Democrats in question are Senate and House members finding Trump guilty in a fake impeachment based on no evidence, for reasons purely to leverage political power.
Or Democrats in the 97% Democrat donating and Democrat-weaponized DOJ and FBI, hiding exculpattory evidence, manufacturing fake evidence for FISA warrants, and in the cases of Alaska senator Ted Stevens and Scooter Libby, rigging the evidence to deliberately send innocent men to jail, proven later beyond a doubt they were innocent, and either reversed on appeal or presidentially pardoned.
Democrats in the FBI, DOJ, IRS, NSA, and even the U.S. Postal service, working to rig and illegally backdate votes in the 2020 election, and throw away Republican mail ballots, to spy on Trump and his officials, and after Jan 6 2021, to spy on and purge any in government or the military loyal to Trump or the Republicans.

Democrats judges rigging the evidence in court, selecting trial venues where the juries are overwhelmingly Democrat partisan, and even when they are later revealed to be spitting hate regularly on social media about how much they hate Trump, and he "has to be stopped" LYING that they can be neutral and serve on a jury. And even when exposed, these partisan judges left them on the jury to give a partisan verdict that was obvious and predictable.
Or the girl on a grand jury in Fulton County, who gleefully boasted in a CNN interview about how she couldn't wait to find Trump guilty in the grand jury, and send him on to trial. Even after that, never removed, allowed to do exactly what she partisanly gloated about.

Democrats at every level, eager to abuse whatever power they have, toward Democrat-Bolshevik ends.

To deliberately find innocent men guilty.
Evil, pure and simple.

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Mark Levin: Nobody has ever done this : Democrat plans for an authoritarian lockdown society

Levin details the Democrats' clearly stated plans to destroy our representative Constitutional republic, and turn it into an oppressive one-party system, where no one is even permitted to voice dissent.

And those who do dissent, will be locked up on fake charges, bankrupted by legal fees, and imprisoned.
Exactly what they are doing to Trump and his inner circle, to peaceful pro-life activists, and to parents who oppose woke educaton in schools. All these groups labeled as "terrorists".
They are first ones targeted, we are next.

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2 Republican House members "SWATTED" by Democrat 911 callers over Christmas weekend

Two Republican House Members were swatted on Christmas Day. Someone called 911 around 2 pm and reported a shooting at Rep. Brandon Williams’ house. Fortunately, police were able to quickly discredit the call.

  • U.S. Rep. Brandon Williams was the victim of a “swatting” incident on Christmas Day, Cayuga County Sheriff Brian Schenck told The Citizen…
    However, officers quickly confirmed the incident to be false, Schenck continued. His office believes the report was made to solicit an immediate response from law enforcement, a crime known as “swatting.”

Rep. Williams thanked the police for their handling of the incident and said he sent them away with homemade cookies.

Rep. Williams has been in the news a few times lately. He has a pinned tweet from October in which he [ is ] holding an Israeli flag while a group of ceasefire protesters held a sit-in below.
[video clip]

In November a video of Rep. Williams shouting at his chief of staff Michael Gordon circulated online: “You f*** with my family, I’ll end every relationship you have!” he said.
[video clip]

A few days later Rep. Williams alleged that two top members of his staff, both of whom he had fired, threatened to retaliate by revealing that his adult daughter had an Only Fans account.
[video clip]

  • Rep. Brandon Williams (R-N.Y.) told POLITICO that his former chief of staff and former legislative director attempted to retaliate against him using his 27-year old daughter’s account on OnlyFans, a popular forum for people to charge for access to sexually explicit content.

    According to Williams, the two former staffers, Michael Gordon and Ryan Sweeney, threatened to expose his daughter after Williams fired them…

    Williams said that the clash stemmed from a pressure campaign that began after his decision to give Gordon 30 days to find new employment. The ousted aide responded by contacting a GOP campaign consultant close to the lawmaker.

    That consultant, Aaron Evans, told POLITICO he went to Williams in recent weeks to relay Gordon’s warning: Before going through with the firing, Gordon said, the lawmaker should think about the potential embarrassment his family would experience if TMZ found out about his daughter’s OnlyFans account.

    Gordon has denied the allegations but it sounds like the person he used to relay the warning has outed him. Anyway, if the allegations are true then Rep. Williams had a good reason to get in Gordon’s face.

All of that to say, there’s lots of drama surrounding Rep. Williams at the moment so any number of people might have wanted to see him get swatted. And the media isn’t helping his security situation by posting a photo of his house.

Meanwhile in Georgia, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was also swatted on Christmas Day.

In this case, probably because Greene has been a target before, police were turned around before they arrived at the house.

  • On Monday, 911 dispatch informed officers that a call came through the suicide prevention hotline from a man possibly calling from Rome, New York, claiming he’d shot his girlfriend at Greene’s Georgia address, Rome, Georgia, police information specialist Kelly Madden told CNN on the phone. The caller also had threatened to kill himself.

    Rome Police informed Greene’s security team of the phone call while officers were en route to the home, according to Madden, and were told nothing was amiss at the home. Madden said officers were turned around before arriving at the house…

    “This isn’t the first time that we have received a call of this nature,” Madden said Monday. “We do have a good relationship with her security detail, and it was determined that there was, in fact, no emergency.”

Just last month a Georgia man named Sean Patrick Cirillo was charged with calling her office and threatening to murder Greene. As you can tell from this recording of the call, he appears to hate her and her entire party.
[super-psycho video clip of threatening phone call to Marjorie Taylor Greene]

CNN reported last year that Greene had been swatted more than once:

  • For the second night in a row, police officers in Rome, Georgia, responded to a ‘swatting’ call this week at the Georgia Republican’s home just before 3 a.m. ET on Thursday, Rome Police said in a statement. Officers had previously responded to Greene’s home early Wednesday morning for a false report of a person shot.

    The call “was received on what appeared to be a suicide crisis line from an internet chat,” the statement said. Police also said it was “confirmed this was a second false report.”
    Rome Police investigators are working with the Capitol Police on the investigation and are not presently releasing additional information.

Hopefully the people behind these calls can be identified. MTG isn’t my cup of tea but no elected officials deserves to live with this kind of constant harassment and threats.

and :

The difference is, those who threaten Democrats are arrested and jailed. But even the FBI never seems to find justtificaion to arrest those who threaten Republican leaders. There was a similar call-in recorded message about Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) I posted here a year or two ago, where the guy said he had a sniper rifle and would "make your head explode from half a mile away, I can get you any time..." And yet again, FBI said there was "not enough for an arrest". WHAT?!?

TWO threats, actually:

With minimal sentences of house arrest and probaion. For threaening to kill a congressman with a gun. AND his family.
In the case of the gay New Hampshire student guy, the nut wasn't even expelled, just suspended, presumably till the end of his probation period.
Yet again, the example of two standards of justice, one for Democrats, and one for Republicans.
But anyone who worked for Trump, or wwho just peacefully protested on his behalf on January 6th, gets malicious pile-on overcharging of crimes, and is put in a dirty mold-filled cell for 3 years, without even a trial or access to a lawyer.

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Swatting is terrible but one thing doesn’t make the other thing okay. And WB what does it say that Trump jokes about Pelosi’s husband being brutally beaten by one of his supporters on the campaign trail with cheers? That’s what evil looks like

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  • by Mary Lou Masters (Daily Caller)

    The Democratic-held Senate voted on Wednesday to dismiss both articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas.

    The House voted to impeach Mayorkas on Feb. 13 over his handling of the crisis at the southern border, and presented the articles to the upper chamber on Tuesday. The Senate quickly killed the impeachment trial across party lines, with the upper chamber voting down the first article 51 to 48 and the second 51 to 49.

    Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted “present” for the first article of impeachment.
    (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Roger Marshall Goes After Mayorkas, Slams Him For Border Crisis Ahead Of Impeachment Trial)

    “We’ve set a very unfortunate precedent here,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said after the vote. “This means that the Senate can ignore, in effect, the House’s impeachment. It doesn’t make any difference whether our friends on the other side thought he should of be impeached or not, he was. And by doing what we just did, we have, in effect, ignored the directions of the House, which were to have a trial. No evidence, no procedure — this is a day that’s not a proud day in the history of the Senate.”

    The first article of impeachment charged Mayorkas with “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law,” while the second was titled “breach of public trust.”

    Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green first filed an impeachment resolution against Mayorkas on Nov. 9, which she re-upped weeks later.

    Mayorkas’ impeachment failed by a two-vote margin on Feb. 6, with [RINO] Republican Reps. Tom McClintock of California, Ken Buck of Colorado, Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin and Blake Moore of Utah opposing the resolution. The resolution eventually passed with a 214-213 vote.

An estimated 9 to 10 million illegals (so far) flooding across our border and surrendering to Border Patrol.
And a further estimated 2 million "got-aways" estimated to have entered the U.S. completely undetected, here to do god knows what.
Islamic terrorists, drug cartel members, human traffickers, Chinese military, drug traffickers, murderers, rapists, mental patients, as nations worldwide empty their prisons into the U.S.

The amount of illegals entering this country since Biden took office now exceeds the total population of all but 7 of the 50 states.
The amount of illegals is overwhelming every major U.S. city nationwide, like New York City, Chicago, El Paso, Brownsville, and Los Angeles, who no longer have the public services to provide for more entering illegals.
Cities are closing public schools and veteran centers to house the unimaginably huge illegal mobs already here, and still more flooding in.
And thousands of U.S. citizens are unnecessarily robbed, murdered, raped, and otherwise assaulted or victimized by criminal illegals, people who shouldn't even be here. To say nothing of the over 100,000 American citizens annually now dying from the Fentanyl and other narcotics now being smuggled into the U.S. at record levels.
To say nothing of the thousands of grieving parents for Lakin Rileys senselessly killed nationwide. By criminals entering completely unvetted, who shouldn't even be here.

And yet...
Not one Democrat breaks ranks and votes to stop it, to even investigate DHS secretary Mayorkas who has orchestrated this massive crisis (at the Biden White House's command).
Not one Democrat legislator breaks ranks and makes the slightest move to protect the American people, to protect the sovereignty of the nation itself, from an invading army pouring across the border at a rate of about 10,000 a day, completely unvetted.

How much do they hate this country and its people, to do that?

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  • Former Obama senior adviser David Axelrod argued that Vice President Kamala Harris voters will be clever enough to navigate voting in the wake of the devastation from Hurricane Helene, while saying that rural Trump voters will have a harder time getting to the polls.

    Axelrod made the claim during an episode of his podcast "Hacks on Tap" that aired Wednesday, predicting that liberal voters in Asheville, North Carolina – a predominantly blue area in the state – will "figure out a way to vote" more so than conservatives in the storm’s aftermath.

    Describing Asheville as a "blue dot" in the state, he continued, "Those voters in Asheville are – they’re, you know, the kind of voters that will figure out a way to vote. You know, they’re upscale, kind of liberal voters, and they’re probably going to figure out a way to vote," Axelrod said.

    He continued, stating that rural conservatives may not be as resourceful in finding ways to vote following the destruction of their homes and communities.

    "I’m not sure a bunch of these folks who’ve had their homes and lives destroyed elsewhere in western North Carolina – in the mountains there – are going to be as easy to wrangle for the Trump campaign," the political commentator hypothesized.

    "I don’t know how that’s all going to play out, but it’s an unpredictable element in North Carolina that has made it, maybe a little more interesting," he mused.

    Communities in North Carolina – which Axelrod noted is the second-most rural state in the country – were hit especially hard by the effects of Hurricane Helene. Catastrophic flooding has destroyed roads and bridges, cutting off communities from getting much-needed aid.
    More than 70 people are now confirmed dead in North Carolina, and hundreds of people remain unaccounted for, due to the lack of power and communication access.

    As of Thursday, the death toll among the six states most affected by Helene – Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee – sits at 170. Disaster-response teams fear that number will climb as they regain access to communities isolated by the storm.

    Multiple prominent X users commented on Axelrod’s political assessment. founder Clay Travis posted, "On his podcast @davidaxelrod says Democrat voters in Asheville, North Carolina are smarter, wealthier and will still show up to vote for Kamala while he thinks Trump voters won’t. This is why Kamala and Biden aren’t helping, they benefit from the disaster."

    The Federalist editor-in-chief Mollie Hemingway commented, "I fear that Axelrod's point is why Harris and Biden are letting these people drown."

    Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce slammed Axelrod over his take, asking, "Did ya know that famous Democrat operative David Axelrod figures city Democrats are smarter and more resourceful and will figure out how to vote whereas the dumb Trump deplorables up in the mountains of NC who just lost everything, won't. Was he on the verge of a Kamala cackle?"

And that's basically tapping into the same Democrat mentality since at least 2008, as exemplified by Obama chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel, of "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Whether hat crisis jus occurs and is ruthlessly exploited.
Or is a crisis that is completely of the Democrat-Bolsheviks' making, where they bankrupted FEMA by diverting its funding to migrate illegals all over the country by the millions.
And then incredibly, by audacious Orwellian messaging, find a way to blame it on Trump and Republicans ! .

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Denver-based Secret Service agent says she would not protect Donald Trump, and would rather got to jail than take a bullet to protect Trump

A Denver-based Secret Service agent who reportedly suggested that she would rather go to jail than take a bullet for President Trump has been placed on administrative leave.

The Washington Examiner reported Friday that Kerry O’Grady, the special agent in charge of the Secret Service’s Denver district, was placed on paid leave during an investigation.

O’Grady reportedly posted on Facebook in October, "As a public servant for nearly 23 years, I struggle not to violate the Hatch Act,” O’Grady wrote. “So I keep quiet and skirt the median. To do otherwise can be a criminal offense for those in my position. Despite the fact that I am expected to take a bullet for both sides. But this world has changed and I have changed. And I would take jail time over a bullet or an endorsement for what I believe to be disaster to this country and the strong and amazing women and minorities who reside here. Hatch Act be damned. I am with Her."

The Hatch Act, a 1939 law, bars certain federal employees from engaging in political activity to promote fairness and nonpartisanship within the workplace. The Secret Service is among the agencies affected by the act.

O'Grady told the Washington Examiner that she took down the posts after two or three days and that she would protect the president.

"It was an internal struggle for me but as soon as I put it up, I thought it was not the sentiment that I needed to share because I care very deeply about the mission," she said.

Your Deep State praetorian guard, agents of the Democrat-Bolshevik party, at work.

A comrade in arms with Kimberly Cheatle, Ronald Rowe, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bill Priestap, Kevin Clinesmith, Bruce and Nellie Orr, Robert Mueller, Christopher Wray, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, and an army of thousands more just like them across apparently ALL our federal agencies.

I shouldn't still be surprised when stuff like this comes out any more, but every time I am.
And am both angered and disappointed, because we want to have pride in and trust our public officials. But in the age of the Clinton, Obama and Biden administrations, and the wider fanatical Democrat-Bolshevik party leadership, the proof is presented over and over again that they cannot be trusted.

Rule of law no longer exists for these people, they see their highly paid federal jobs as just an opportunity to weaponize their power against people they despise, against persons just having political views these federal officials don't agree with.
They hide the evidence of their own crimes
(FBI's kid-gloves protective treatment of Hillary Clinton through multiple FBI investigations, for example.
Or FBI/DOJ covering up for Joe and Hunter Biden).

And then obscenely and with great audacity, they make up fake crimes and lawfare against Trump and other Republicans.
(Going way back further than Trump, to Scooter Libby, to Senator Ted Stevens, and Bill Clinton using the IRS to audit and harass his political opposition.
And further back, JFK, LBJ and FDR doing the exact same to their opponents.)

And in the examples of Senator Robert Menendez, Rod Blagoyivich, NY mayor Eric Adams, Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., reporter Sharyl Attkisson, reporter Matthew Taibbi, billionaire Elon Musk, reporter James Rosen, former NY Times reporter Alex Berenson, and thousands of highly accredited doctors who questioned the Covid-19 lockdowns and mandates, virtually all of whom were Democrats but voiced the slightest opposition to the official state narrative, find themselves targeted, surveiled, ostracized and framed by these weaponized Democrat-Bolshevik federal agencies.

And with this linked example, now federal agents who will stand aside and let a former and now-re-elected president Trump get shot at,
Plus at least two other FBI-suppressed and buried plots by Iran to assassinate Trump. (One oddly revealed by FBI only 2 days after the Nov 5th re-election of Trump.)
Plus a third potential incident at a Coachella, California Trump rally on Oct 13h

And now we have a Secret Service agent saying she wouldn't defend Trump if the president were fired upon.
Ohh, but she deleted the post!
Well... only because in the days after, she realized it was self-incriminating and could get her fired, I'm sure. She has no conscience about posting it, she remains a Trump-hating Democrat/Leftist fanatic, she only deleted it because she doesn't want to lose her job.
But when someone clearly says they won't protect the president --the person they are specifically employed to protect-- that agent is absolutely untrustworthy, and should be fired immediately.

Either now, or after January 20th.

We truly live in frightening times, when the government we are supposed to trust to protect us, is weaponized against us.

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