
"Francis X. Bushmaster" = Gerry Conway.

This is a pseudonym Conway used in issues of HOUSE OF MYSTERY and HOUSE OF SECRETS, circa 1970-1972.
Possibly because he was exclusively contracted at Marvel, so did work at DC under another name.

I wondered how Conway selected this pseudonym. Perhaps boasting about his prowess at scoring with women?
Or projecting a prowess at the time he wished he had?
I'm envisioning Sherman in the American Pie movie, who billed himself as "The Shermanator".
Although Conway on these issues intermittently wrote under his own name, as well as under the Bushmaster alias.

HOUSE OF MYSTERY (in issues between 188-200 or so. As Conway in 188 and 196, as Bushmaster in 193 and 200)

HOUSE OF SECRETS (as Conway in 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, and 89. As Bushmaster in 94.)