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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
No widespread voter fraud has materialized.

You and other trumpers have no issues on election lies if you like them. Trump for example can keep repeating claims like a missing database in Arizona that is provably false.

All recounts have jibed with the official ones, even hand recounts.

You hate democracy and you and other trumpers will never fool me again that you value it.

What are you smoking? I've linked and sourced PLENTY of evidence. See above.
And the pending Maricopa County report is due out before the end of the month, and based on their forensic audit recount, multiple other states are planning to do similar election audits. It is an absolute fact that both the Maricopa County election board, and Dominion voter systems are jerking around and witholding evidence, that they are required by law to provide to the Arizona state senate who are conducting the audit.

There are audits done in New Hampshire, Montana and other states that have PROVEN there was tampering with the election machines in their states, and always in Joe Biden's favor.
Pennsylvania seems to be the next state to do a forensic audit of the election, with similar pushes to do the same in Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, and even in states that were not among the 6 contested states.
Lindell and his guests showed that voter fraud occurred in all 50 states on Biden's behalf, even when it was not enough to turn the state for Biden. Tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes in every state. I don't have to prove that, Lindell and the guests he had on, military experts in cyber-warfare, decades long experts in investigating corporate fraud, experts in computer security and cyber-crime, have all provided the evidence.
Along with hundreds of election volunteer witnesses, who have sworn statements to what they saw, under threat of perjury charges if they lied. And they did not. Some of them have been volunteers in every election for 20, 30 and 40 years. They know what a legitimate election looks like, and reported the fraud they saw. And instead of an actual investigation to prove or disprove what they exposed, corrupt officials just fired them. And FBI came and intimidated them, to withdraw their sworn statements. Does that sound the slightest bit like legitimate investigation or interest in the truth to you? The Democrat-Bolshevik machine is terrified of investigation, because they know the facts will not support them. If they were interested in the truth and confident an investigation would verify a legitimate election, they would allow one. That is why they are preventing an investigation every way they can.

Why were election recounts and audits perfectly fine in 2000, 2004, and 2016? Because it was audit of a Republican victory. And we said sure, fine, go ahead, because we were confident of the result. But your side in the 2020 election won't allow, and is obstructing a recount. Shredding ballots before the legally required 22 months of record keeping has expired. Stonewalling and not surrendering records, missing passwords and flash-drives, computer scans of ballots are all being with-held.
Why would your side obstruct a 2020 re-count? Only one reason: Because THEY KNOW they cheated, and THEY KNOW the evidence will expose how they rigged the votes.

There's already video evidence of election rigging at the Atlanta vote-counting center, and the Detroit voting center, where hundreds of thousands of votes were pulled out from under tables and illegally counted, the same Democrat votes were illegally scanned and counted multiple times, and huge trucks with bags of illegal votes were brought in, as soon as the Republican vote observers were tricked into leaving.
Mail-in ballot fraud.
Voting center fraud by Democrat vote counters.
Fraudulent votes in the names dead people.
Or in the names of people who no longer lived in states.
Or votes from phony names and fake addresses.
Votes cast in the names of people who don't normally vote, who then were unable to vote when they showed up on election day to vote.
And massive vote-flipping on Dominion voting machines, with "adjudication" changing Trump votes to Biden votes.
And remote access cyber-hacking to change votes.
Whether you like it or not, Mike Lindell and his guests presented evidence of all this. I regret that all this evidence could not have been presented on January 6th in a joint session of the House and Senate, and that then-Vice President Pence didn't authorize a delay of the electoral vote counting until 2 or 3 weeks of debate of this evidence could be debated on national television.

Even without that debate, that SHOULD have occurred at that pivotal time, the evidence is still getting out, and a large ratio of not just Republicans, but Independents and Democrats as well, think the election was rigged .
Those numbers are increasing, not decreasing.

The truth is, because you are a Democrat-Bolshevik partisan, M E M, you will always just repeat the lying talking points of the Democrat/Left, no matter how blatantly untrue.
YOU are the one who hates Democracy, as you support your Bolshevik party's attempts (S.B. 1 / H.R 1) to establish corrupt authoritarian one-party rule, and destroy our Constitution and its checks and balances on power.
Yours is the party of socialism, and often unapologetically outright communism, the party of hating America, the party of tearing down statues of our nation's founders, hating police, hating our military, and siding with the enemies of the United States, even parroting the enemy's talking points. The party of Antifa and Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory.

The evidence, however under-reported, is there to support what I say. Mike Lindell offers that $5 million to anyone who can disprove what he says, because he knows he has the evidence, and no one on the other side will ever be able to offer the proof to take that 5 million.
No matter what the evidence, America-hating Democrats will always allege it's never quite enough, no matter how much open and massive rigging of votes has been proven.
Even as Joe Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks burn this country to the ground.

The Chinese, the Russians, Iran, North Korea, the Mexican drug cartels, Hispanic gangs, human traffickers, the literally millions of new illegal immigrants, the Taliban, ISIS, Al Qaida, all LOVE a Biden presidency. This is their guy.

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I saw it vaguely reported that Trump's lawyers regarding the 2020 election challenge, and the second impeachment attempt has been threatened, but...

Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis recieves death threats, "You deserve to be raped..."

... this is the first I've seen the exact nature of the threats. In some ways predictable, but in others more vile than I imagined. I first saw Jenna Ellis as a panelist on Greg Gutfeld's late night Redeye program, she's very low-key and quite beautiful.

My attitude about the threats to her and other Trump lawyers is... really? You threaten lawyers just for defending someone? You try and intimidate them, and undermine the rule of law? And not just Jenna Ellis, but no doubt every person on Trump's law team. Attempts to get them disbarred, to ruin them personally and professionally.
There was one female lawyer at the beginning of the election challenge who immediately bailed from the Trump defense team. Now I more fully understand why. Unlike Jenna Ellis, she was older and had children who could also be threatened.

This is the standard-tactics slander-violence-intimidation Bolshevism of the Democrat/Left now.

The same tactics used against Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barret.
The same tactics used on Alan Dershowitz, despite his being professor emeritus at Harvard Law School.
The same tactics used against New York U.S. Representative Elise Stefanik, who actually was removed from a Harvard law school board just for defending Trump.
The same tactics used on Rudy Giuliani, actually removing his law license (temporarily) from the New York Bar.

The same intimidation used against witnesses to Nov 2020 election fraud, some of it done by FBI agents.

Likewise the intimidation of anyone who supported Trump, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Michael Flynn, K.,T. McFarland, Michael Pauto, Jorge Pappadapoulos, many others, indicted, legally threatened, maliciously prosecuted, some of them framed.
And others like Pam Bondi, Sara Huckabee Sanders, who they wanted to ruin just for supporting Trump or serving in his administration.
And likewise targeting anyone who was active in organizing or voicing support for Trump, and using IRS to target large Trump donors, as an example to intimidate others. And that goes back to targeting Tea Party and grassroots religious groups and large donors by the IRS and Lois Lerner since at least the 2012 election.

From weaponization of government agencies against Trump/Republican supporters, to the rhetoric coming out of Democrats like Schumer, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, A O-C and her "squad" rationalizing and encouraging violence against Trump/Republicans.
To the cheering on of these threats by the liberal media
To the Democrats' unofficial but never criticized nazi-brownshirt arms of Antifa and BLM, that openly attack people in the streets who just voice support for conservative ideas they disagree with.

This is what the Democrat party has become, from top to bottom. From the Washington leadership, to activists groups like BLM and Antify, to the print and broadcast media who cheer all this on, and spins propaganda in their favor. And even the Democrat-Bolsheviks within the law profession, and activist district attorneys, U.S. attorneys and judges, who shield them from prosecution, and just turn the law into another partisan Democrat weapon in its arsenal.
And as evident from multiple cases over the last 10 years, even intimidating U.S. Supreme Court justices from acting.

Anyone supporting Trump enduring these threats is a brave person, to daily endure threats this abundant, and this serious. They're not idle threats, they mean it, and they're out for blood. Deception, slander, intimidation, violence, whatever serves their Bolshevik revolution.

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Nobody should get death threats WB but I remember your “cry like a little baby” response not that long ago for those that wouldn’t bend to Trump’s attempt to stay in power. You are part of the problem aiding those that resort to such heinous behavior. Trumpers trying to run a campaign bus off the road was okay. Trump calling the attackers on Jan 6 “special people” and they were actually loving the police officers that they were viciously beating and not a drop of disgust for any of it. You and other trumpers revealed your “principles “ a while back and not fooling anyone.

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You throw Bolshevik around like you accuse others of doing with Nazi, child.

iggy #1235172 2021-08-20 5:41 AM
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Originally Posted by iggy
You throw Bolshevik around like you accuse others of doing with Nazi, child.

"Bolshevik" is a precise and accurate term I use to describe the current Democrat leadership. I've been posting here for 20 years now, and it's not a term I used to describe Democrats until a few years into the Obama administration, around 2010. There is nothing hyperbolic in the comparison, the Democrats and the Soviet Bolsheviks they admire are in both ideology and actions the same.

Almost the entire Democrat party worships the thuggish Bolshevik tactics of the likes of Che Gueverra, Saul Alinsky, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Stalin, Mao and other brutal authoritarian marxist leaders. I've quoted these Democrats at length in previous topics, repeatedly: the Clintons themselves, the Bidens themselves, and Obama appointees such as Mark Lloyd, Anita Dunn, Ron Bloom, Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett and others. They OPENLY QUOTE Mao Tse Tung favorably. They praise Boshevik tactics as "very effective, and a good model to follow".

What is Bolshevism? It's authoritarian one-party totalitarian rule, that rises to power by slandering, intimidating and violently crushing all political opposition, even within their own party. That is precisely what the Democrats are doing. And that's not a surprise, when you see how they openly adore and quote Bolshevik/Marxist leaders and propagandists.

Both Bill and Hillary Clinton travelled to and lived in the Soviet Union in their college years, openly praised marxist/Soviet ideology, and its strong-arm Bolshevik tactics. Openly sided with the Soviets against the U.S.'s Vietnam war, openly led anti-U.S. protests. And only Bill Clinton ever made any pretense of being a moderate, while Hillary Clinton pushed him to be more hard-Left every step of the way.

Likewise Bernie Sanders, who spent his Honeymoon in the Soviet Union, openly praised the Soviet system, adoringly praised the Castro Cuba government, praised the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, the Maoist government in China. The only government Sanders could find nothing positive to say about in 5 decades is the U.S. capitalist system. Bernie Sanders had a SOVIET FLAG ON THE WALL OF HIS OFFICE, for the entire 10 years he was mayor of Wilmington, VT, before he moved on to higher office as a Senator.

Barack Obama is a cultural marxist, who used to teach Saul Alinsky rules for radicals tactics to "community organizers" (i.e., trained marxist street agitators) for ACORN after he graduated college, and was regarded by others at ACORN as the unchallenged master of Alinsky tactics. Mentored in his college years by Frank Marshall Davis, a marxist and open Stalinist who spent his entire adult life under FBI surveillance. Barack Obama was a protege of William Ayers of the Weather Underground. Obama was an apostle of Derrick Bell and his Critical Race Theory writings, and (on VIDEO) once introduced Bell enthusiastically at a public lecture in Boston. He is the son of Barack Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham, both America-hating cultural marxists and anti-Colonialists. Obama's first political fundraiser was hosted in Ayers' home. And his administration was filled to the brim with marxist radicals. Michelle Obama as well is a white hating cultural marxist and racist, who, among many incendiary remarks, said "I'm as integrated as I ever want to be."

Elizabeth Warren, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Pete Buttegeig, Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, Cori Bush, to a person within the Democrat party, they are all marxist-Bolshevik to the core, and endorse the core Bolshevik tactics of intimidation and violence to achieve their political goals.

They all endorse ( H.R 1 and S.B. 1) legislation so their Bolshevik party can exercise absolute power over elections, to the exclusion of state governments, to the exclusion of even the minority party to challenge elections. They are purging our military and federal law enforcement agencies of Republican officials, labelling them "extremists" to remove them and exclude any representation by those might oppose their Bolshevik takeover. And even the "moderates" like Joe Manchin and Kirstyn Sinema might object to certain legislation, but never attack the overall rhetoric or violence of their fellow members, or even that of BLM and Antifa.

Yes, the Democrats are Bolshevik, to the core. And describing them with a term for the ideology and tactics they openly emulate and believe in is not the slightest bit hyperbolic, it is just accurate.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Pariah #1235176 2021-08-21 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump’s special people…


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Why don't you MORE HONESTLY post the multiple videos of OTHER doors to the Capitol, where the Capitol police officers themselves held the doors open, ON VIDEO, and welcomed Trump supporters in, so they could later accuse them of "insurrection" and "Storming the Capitol" , when in truth they just walked in, invited.

AGAIN, out of over 100,000 protestors, only about 600 entered the Capitol. And of those 600, only about 50 committed anything resembling violence, including smashing windows, urinating a desk, and stealing a posium, some letters and other personal items.

OUT THIS WEEK: The FBI has said that no one has been accused of insurrection. NOT ONE PERSON CHARGED WITH INSURRECTION.

And again, of that 50 violent offenders, from the FBI's own investigation, there are at least 20 "un-indicted co-conspirators" (i.,e. FBI undercover agents) including one who shared a hotel room with the head of Oath Keepers at the rally, and who gave the battle plan to Oath Keepers. Meaning if anything happened, it was undercover agents who planned it, not the Oath Keepers themselves. Entrapment, a frame, a set-up.

Add to that about 10 to 20 BLM/Antifa led by John Earle Sullivan, were dressed up as Trump supporters, and ON VIDEOTAPE openly boasted they were disguised as Trump supporters, that they were going to get Trump supporters blamed for violence, and hoped to trick some into following them into violence. It was John Earle Sullivan himself with some of his followers who DIRECTLY caused the shooting of Ashli Babbit, egging on the Trump supporters (if they were's all Sullivan's own BLM/Antifa group in Trump-supporter clothing) And he is filmed from 2 angles on the scene as it happened, and (posing as a journalist) stoking fear in the cop who shot Babbitt just before he shot her. Self-incriminatingly posted by John Earle Sullivan himself, all over Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

And when you add up the 20 "un-indicted co-conspirators" and the 15 or 20 fake Trump supporters and rioters in John Earle Sullivan's group, that means the overwhelming majority, if not ALL, of "insurrectionists" were NOT Trump supporters, but part of at least two separate conspirator groups to FRAME Trump supporters.

Likewise the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, where 3 of the 5 involved in the plot were FBI agents, and the one who proposed the plot was an FBI agent. Again: a set up, a frame, a lying narrative.
The same way the FBI set up and tried to frame Paul Manafort, George Papadapoulos, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Michael Flynn, Michael Caputo, K.T. McFarland and so forth. And when they could not be convicted, they manufactured a perjury trap so they could charge them and threaten them with something.

So again... according to Jill Sanborn, assistant director of counter-terrorism at the FBI, NO ONE is accused of "insurrection" , NOT ONE firearm was seized that day by police in or around the Capitol, or anywhere around Washington square. THERE WAS NO INSURRECTION. Period. There was some minor rioting by around 50 people, no building was burned, no stores were looted, no one was killed, and the worst thing that happened (the Ashli Babbitt shooting) was caused by John Earl Sullivan's BLM/Antifa group, and an anonymous trigger happy Capitol police officer.

AGAIN: In the initial 3 months, the FBI rounded up 290 Trump supporters, and 90% of them were only charged with "trespassing", no violent offenses.

So a month after that, to keep the lying Democrat narrative of an "insurrection" alive, they went out and arrested another 100 or so, more trespassers, no violent criminals, no armed militia, nothing. Just to keep the Democrt lying narrative alive.

Then when Bolshevik party judge Merrick Garland was appointed attorney general, he breathed new life into the false narrative and declared that "white supremacist insurrectionists" are the greatest threat to the country, and ordered ANOTHER false-narrative building expansion of the "investigation". More trespassers, no violent offenders, just enough to keep the false narrative alive.

Iggnoring the evidence that goes against that false narrative:

That's a police officer opening the gate and waving in the protestors to the Capitol.

Capitol Police allow the public into the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021


Trump Jan 6th supporters rally & protest staged? Capitol violence similar to 2019 Hong Kong students protests

...that emphasizes the similarities between the Chinese Communist Party and the U.S. Democrat/ Left in each's organized efforts to frame their political opposition.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Pariah #1235209 2021-08-26 11:19 AM
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That might have been persuasive, if you'd been able to form a literate sentence and say something lucid.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
[Linked Image from]


The Chinese Foreign Ministry gushed over President Joe Biden’s inauguration on Thursday, although its river of praise read more like a backhanded parting shot at the departing Trump administration than any deep appreciation for the new one.

As Reuters pointed out, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying made a point of including a new propaganda phrase adapted by the Chinese Communist Party from a line in Biden’s inaugural speech and repeated by Chinese state media: “I believe if both countries put in the effort, the kind angels can triumph over evil forces.”
The line is a play on Biden saying, “Through struggle, sacrifice, and setbacks, our better angels have always prevailed.” Biden was, in turn, quoting Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural address.

“In the past years, the Trump administration, especially Pompeo, has laid too many mines that need to be removed, burned too many bridges that need to be rebuilt, damaged too many roads that need to be repaired,” Hua said on Thursday, referring to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
“President Biden also mentioned in his inauguration speech that Americans have much to heal, much to restore. This is exactly what China-U.S. relations need,” she said.

Apparently, that need for healing and restoration is not urgent enough for China to drop the petty-revenge sanctions it imposed on departing Trump officials during the Biden inauguration ceremony.
Even the Biden team thought those sanctions were a bit much, denouncing them as “unproductive and cynical,” but Hua insisted they were appropriate and would remain in force.
“China’s decision to impose sanctions on these U.S. individuals is a legitimate and necessary response to their erroneous behaviors that severely violated China’s sovereignty, security and development interests on China-related issues. It fully demonstrates the Chinese government’s determination to safeguard national interests,” she said.
“I must stress that in the past few years, out of selfish political agenda and bias and hatred against China, some anti-China politicians in the United States planned, worked on and made a lot of crazy moves that severely interfered in China’s internal affairs, undermined China’s interests, hurt the Chinese people’s sentiments, and damaged China-U.S. relations. China has pointed out multiple times that these anti-China politicians will pay for their crazy acts,” she added.

Those "selfish" and " erroneous behaviors" were, y'know, eliminating annual trade deficits of over 500 billion a year to something resembling proportionate and equal mutual trade, putting pressure on China to stop its cyber-theft estimated at about 600 billion a year, targeting every U.S. large company and every federal branch of government hit by Chinese cyber-hacking,. AndChinese aggression toward its neighbors in and around the South China sea. And its attempted crushing human rights violations in Hong Kong, and increasingly telegraphing they plan to do the same to Taiwan. And imprisonment, slave labor, forced sterilization, torture and genocide of Uyghurs in Xinxiang province, estimated to be about 1 to 3 million incarcerated. And the same treatment of those in occupied Tibet.

You know. "selfish" stuff like that. Stuff Biden will roll over and play dead over, and allow the Chinese to run wild.

Still true.

Biden is more clearly a corrupt Benedict Arnold sellout to China than he was 21 months ago.
Every self-incriminating e-mail on Hunter Biden's laptop has turned out to be verified and absolutely true.
And the 51 intelligence officials who signed a letter alleging it was "Russian disinformation" have turned out to be proven liars and Democrat partisans.

The Biden family are known to have pocketed at least $31 million dollars in Chinese Communist Party cash, that has resulted in decision after decision that has weakened the U.S., and strengthened China. And overturned every Trump-era policy to protect the U.S. from Chinese military, economic, or technological aggression toward the U.S.

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You are a psychopath in desperate need of counseling and a hobby.

iggy #1236465 2022-09-20 9:30 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy
You are a psychopath in desperate need of counseling and a hobby.

My cited facts, sourced and linked, your empty and malicious insults. You have no serious point.

Just fishing to get a rise. Moron.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
My cited facts, sourced and linked propaganda, your empty and malicious insults not taking my cult shit seriously. You I have no serious point.

Just fishing to get a rise bullshit because I'm a fucking cultist. [I'm a] Moron.

We fucking know, man...


iggy #1236471 2022-09-21 8:46 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
My cited facts, sourced and linked propaganda, your empty and malicious insults not taking my cult shit seriously. You I have no serious point.

Just fishing to get a rise bullshit because I'm a fucking cultist. [I'm a] Moron.

We fucking know, man...


Asked and answered, dipshit :

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
What you describe as "right wing propaganda sites" are, in fact, mainstream conservative news. And many of them not even conservatives, but liberals who while not conservatives, are outraged by the unhinged bias and radical-Leftist Bolshevik power grab that is being attempted by the united-front liberal media, radical-leftist tech companies and social media, and the Democrat-Bolshvik party, who are trying to establish authoritarian one-party rule in the United States.
Journalists like John Solomon, Lara Logan, Sharyl Attkisson, Glenn Greenwald, Ron Kessler, Bernard Goldberg, John Stossel, those are all undeniably mainstream award-winning reporters.

And as I've pointed out....

Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election

There are extensive examples to confirm that it is in fact the liberal media that YOU exalt, that are in fact, the true propagandists.
Fox News, Newsmax, FBN, Wall Street Journal, the American Conservative, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Rasmussen, New York Post, The Federalist, Revolver News, Rebel News, Human Events, Substack,, and American Greatness, are all pretty mainstream and accessible news organizations who hire journalists to write actual news stories, not propaganda opinion blogs.

And I would hold any of them in higher regard than (as Sharyl Atkisson sourced extensively) the overtly partisan propagandists who have been caught deliberately getting stories wrong for over 10 years on event after event. From Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, the Sandy Hook shooter, the Aurora Colorado movie theatre shooter, to selective omission of Rev. Jeremiah Wright ties to Obama, selective omission of William Ayers' ties to Obama.
The Hillary Clinton Benghazi negligence (10 years later and STILL no one has reported where either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama were during the hours of that attack.)
The Hillary Clinton e-mails on a private server, that compromised top-secret documents to the Russian and Chinese spy hackers on a daily basis for four years (THAT doesn't bother you, but this contrived thing about documents at Mar A Lago does?!?)
The partisan reporting that I sourced and linked repeatedly in a topic during Occupy Wall Street fiasco protests, that was sometimes so egregious newspapers and broadcast news networks had to fire reporters.
And from 2015-present, literally DOZENS of stories about Donald Trump where the media over and over DELIBERATELY got it wrong, so intense was their Trump-hate and their zeal to destroy Trump, by any deceitful means. And yet it blew up in their faces, over and over. Failed. Exposed. Over and over.

So yeah, when you source CNN or MSNBC, or Politico, or Washington Post, or New York Times, you're essentially quoting liberal opinion blogs that agree with your unhinged partisan opinion and hatred. And if you doubt that, just look at the above examples quoted by Sharyl Attkisson.

A New York Times so hostile to reporting objective news, that a mass of N Y Times employees harassed reporter/editor Bari Weiss into quitting, just for giving Sen.Tom Cotton equal time in an editorial, in the silly idea of giving balanced coverage to both sides. The New York Times employees have the same mentality as those working for Tass or Pravda.

But yeah, whatever, here I am trying to reason with the mentally ill, so intense is your irrational leftissm and Trump-hate.

The ACTUAL "cultists" are people like you who actually believe what the liberal media fronts and hold it up as "facts", as if there were still an ethical journalism standard, despite that in story after story the mainstream liberal media have been proven wrong in their facts.
And usually DELIBERATELY reported wrong, in their zeal to smear Trump or other Republicans, and to fly cover for the Democrats.

Over and over, the right-wing pro-Trump, pro-Tea Party, pro-MAGA groups, when the true facts are finally revealed, have 2 years later been proven to be the ones who were right from the beginning, and the liberal media and Democrat-Bolsheviks are proven to have been factually incorrect from the beginning. Some high-profile media examples :

  • 1. The narrative that Covid-19 was created in a wet market, and not the Wuhan lab where it truly was. And that Anthony Fauci and the NIH actually funded that "gain of function" bat- Coronavirus research. AND, even after the outbreak in March 2020, COVERED IT UP. As FOIA-request revealed in Fauci's e-mail chains.

    2. Surgical masks don't work in preventing Covid-19, even N-95 masks have proven to be cause virtually no protection.

    3. School lockdowns to prevent Covid don't work.

    4. Economic lockdowns to prevent Covid don't work.

    5. Trump didn't collaborate with the Russians to rig the 2016 election (but Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and the FBI did collaborate with the Russians.)

    6. Hunter Biden's laptop was NOT "Russian disinformation", and the 53 Democrat-partisan intelligence officials who signed a letter saying it was Russian disinformation, were dead wrong, and deliberately fronting that false narative to help Biden win the 2020 election. And FBI, DOJ, the Democrat leadership, AND the liberal media who suppressed it, KNEW it from the start the laptop was in fact Hunter Biden's. And everything on it evidence of Hunter Biden's crimes, AND Joe Biden's crimes, selling out the U.S. to China, Russia and Ukraine.

    7. Covid-19 vaccinations were ineffective, they did not prevent individuals from getting infected, and vaccination did not prevent them from infecting others.

    8. Dominion voting machines are easily hacked, and Sen Elizabeth Warren, Sen Amy Klobuchar, and Sen Ron Wyden were fighting to block their use from 2017-2020. Until the point that Dominion voting machines (as part of a wider multiple streams of election fraud ) resulted in a victory for Biden and the Democrats, at which point they went silent on the issue. But their documented criticism of Dominion FOR YEARS in news reports still exists, to show they were criticizing Dominion voter machines, before the narrative completely flipped and became "right wing conspiracy theory". Three Democrat senators and CNN and NY Times all reported the factual danger of Dominion voting machines first, before they silenced anyone from discussing it further.

    9. The "5 people killed by Trump supporters" narrative on Jan 6 2021 at the Capitol.
    "Officer Brian Sicknick KILLED by Trump supporters." First alleged to be bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher. Then alleged to be killed with bear spray or some other chemical. Both narratives admitted to be completely false, by even the New York Times six months after the fac, who created the narrative in the first place.

    10. The "insurrection" narrative, deceitfully popularized by the media, despite there were no guns in the Capitol or anywhere in Washington Square that day (SOURCE: Jill Sanborn, head of the FBI's investigation of the January 6th riots) , no organized seizure of buildings or of other military targets. No hostages taken, another false narrative.
    And the icing on the cake, of the 60 people involved in rioting or vandalism on January 6th, "at least 20" were FBI undercover agents , i.e. "un-indicted co-conspirators". (SOURCE: the FBI's own investigative reports).
    And another 20 or so were John Earle Sullivan and his group of Antifa Salt Lake City who, in videos posted all over the internet, openly boasted they were dressing up as Trump supporters to commit violence, to trick Trump supporters into following them into violence, gloating they would get Trump supporters blamed for their own rioting and vandalism. At least 40 of the 60 were not even Trump supporters, WERE IN FACT AGENTS SENT TO FRAME THEM

These are JUST SOME OF the false narratives zealously fronted daily for at least 2 years now by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, The New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, and the rest of the Democrat/Leftist Trump-hating media, much of which they've already revealed was false reports from the start.

But you call me a "cultist".
And yet it is YOU and the rest of the Democrat/Left who are clearly lapping up a suicide cult 's disinformation Kool-Aid.

As I write this, Vladimir Putin today is threatening to use nukes if the West doesn't back off in Ukraine. Biden and the Democrats, after having pointlessly gutted tens of thousands of our military with Covid purges, making it completely unprepared for war, is escalating the rhetoric and pushing for war with both Russia and China.
National suicide. Democrat zealots eagerly drinking the Kool-Aid.

*** AND *** negotiating a renewed Iran nuclear deal that will give Iran nuclear weapons.
** AND ** letting illegal criminals, drug cartels, potential terrorists, and potential Russian, Chinese and Al Qaida military forces to just walk across the U.S. Southern border and invade.

So far this fiscal year, in addition to the 2 million illegals Biden has let walk in with no vetting, there have also been [b]another 800,000 "got-aways" that were caught on video surveillance cameras but did not have the border agents to apprehend, who just walked in completely unprocessed and completely un-identified by U.S. Border Patrol.
That is a mass of persons that exceeds in size the entire Russian military.

Nuclear war, massive terrorism, or invasion, these are the inevitable results of the Kool-Aid your cult is drinking, from a visibly lying Democrat-Bolshevik media (again, just re-watch the Sharyl Attkisson Hillsdale video, where she documents dozens of examples of a fanatical media deliberately ignoring the facts to sell a narrative. For cultists like you to gullibly believe. )

Pariah #1236474 2022-09-21 10:49 PM
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Or, you know, you just accept that as fact because it contorts to your world-view, cultist writer of screeds.

iggy #1236475 2022-09-22 10:06 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy
Or, you know, you just accept that as fact because it contorts to your world-view, cultist writer of screeds.
Originally Posted by Iggy, translated
Bla bla bla, screed (whatever that meaningless term is supposed to imply), doofus, cultist, fuck you, fuck your mother, etc. etc.

You don't even believe the shit garbage you post. Your only purpose is to troll, you've openly said repeatedly your only purpose is to harass me.
No facts, no logical arguments, and you try to ignore the extensive sourced and linked facts I've cited above.

Pariah #1236496 2022-09-25 10:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Pariah
Down to the wire, too close to call.....

....Oh wait. No it isn't. Trump is drawing tremendously huge crowds every where he goes--even places he hasn't gone (see also: Beverly Hills)--and, predictably, the polls have once again gone from YUGELY favoring Democrats to evening out with, or leaning toward, Trump.

Lets cut to the meat of the matter and eliminate all equivocation in the process: the Democrats do not have hidden voters. They all operate in plain sight on account of their self proclaimed, protected status as "polite society". By that same token, Trump's voters are still vilified and targeted--even killed (see also: Jacob Gardner's "suicide")--when identified by hostile partizans and aggressive insurgents (see also: Antifa, BLM), and thus have a vested interest in remaining hidden even as Trump draws large crowds. Where there's smoke, there's fire...and if those rally sizes constitute smoke, what does that say about the fire?

Bearing this in mind, the polls lie. Obviously. They always have, being a tool of manipulating public perception rather than a means of conducting objective analysis. That being said, they've gone almost completely from serving the purpose of overestimating the cultural strength and prevalence of Democrats, as a means to chip away at conservative morale, to masking an inevitable massive fraud so as to cease the severe hemorrhage from the near fatal wounds that Trump has dealt the cabal (see also: the euphemistic "Deep State"). It's certainly not the first time or occasion that Democrats have cheated using voter fraud. More than likely they've used numerous permutations of the basic concept over the past 40 to 50 years in every single state to gaslight the populous with spurious perceptions that they're outnumbered by an "other" philosophy that's entirely alien to them and that they're a dying race of thinkers destined for death. But I'm all but certain that the lengths they've gone to over the past 6 to 12 months constitutes the single most massive fraud to which we will ever bear witness since they are necessarily going to have to break the 3% rule in an attempt to meet their goal of getting the dementia-plagued Biden (Harris) into office.

By "3%", I'm referring to the threshold that must be observed when playing the game of stacking dummy votes before it becomes noticeable. By comparison, the scale of the primaries is such that a given political party can get away with a rate of 10% fraudulent ballots or, at the very least, "counted" votes before hitting a barrier of explicit fraud (see also: Hillary and Biden stealing primaries in CA and IA). The threshold for a general is 3%, and they must surpass it. They will, of course, launch the same narrative of "look no further" with regards to voter fraud OR they will project blame on the opposition. But this is the first time that they've had to deal with someone who has a vested interest in exposing voter fraud--as opposed to establishment Republicans who've been complicit with Democrats in hiding it.

Bearing these two factors in mind, the center-left and/or dead heat polls that we are seeing assuredly allude to something beyond margin of error. More like, significant lead for Trump that they're desperate to hide. In actuality, they know people don't believe it, but since narratives must be steeped in the tone of something "official", they must forego the acknowledgement of the natural understanding of the individual (see also: common sense) and rely upon the open secret of deceit so that they might simply emphasize their own consistency to justify results that are inconsistent with apparent reality, and thus effectively broadcasting their strategy to their true believers (see also: MEM) via the dog whistle of outrageous claims and general incredulity given credence only by their own repetition and devotion to the current state of the Overton Window. The Zeitgeist is now squarely in the hands of the individual, and not the media.

PA has already stated that the state will not be called today in the interest of insuring 'every vote is accounted for'. NC will likely be in a similar situation. Democrats managed to take advantage of the liberal plant, Justice Roberts, who has allowed them to keep votes flowing into the states three days past the election. Trump will cry fowl--as well he should. As counties that were clearly turned red gradually metamorphasize to blue over a long enough timeline, the rules of the game will be clear cut to everyone. And that spark will risk a conflagration.

People here are probably already aware of the warnings of rioting, violence, and looting today--especially if Biden loses. This fact should be self-defeating to his ilk, but neigh. On the contrary, they've gone through great lengths to construct a mentally gymnastic high ground built up the persistent narrative that Trump is an underhanded, lying istaphobe to whom which any form of violence would be justified. As such, they have fabricated a reality in which they can wear the violence and viciousness of Biden's supporters and fellow travelers on their sleeve and still sit pretty atop their pile of sophistry ridden rhetoric and ad hominem laden shit. Conversely, any violence taken up by Trump supporters, whether offensive or defensive, in the coming days will be portrayed as insurrectionist terrorism. Only the left could some how get away with being so blatantly coercive, but still make a case for righteousness. And while this is going on, Hilldog has told Biden to "not concede defeat under any circumstances".

For those who don't already know at this point: everyone--and I mean EVERYONE--is now VERY well armed and on high alert. Antifa is gonna Antifa regardless of outcome. BLM is gonna BLM regardless of outcome. Such are the intimidation orders they've been receiving from OCONUS. Furthermore, mothers have bought firearms in record numbers on account of the riots. Militias are standing by, and still as geared up as they ever were. Trump has erected a fence around the White House and called in around 250 soldiers to guard the castle.

I'm hoping I'm wrong on this one and that Trump has a trick up his sleeve to mitigate or nullify the likely friction (to put it lightly) that will ensue today and over the course of the next month or so. But there's too many factors, too many actors, and too much on the line to assume anything other than shots fired.

Knowing full well the consequences of saying something with this much finality before the big game, I say it anyway: Trump will win in a landslide both in the popular vote and the electoral college. Any other reported result will, and should, be challenged.

Back to our original programming.

....What say the rest of you? Putting aside your preferences, which are pretty much well documented, who do you think will win and by how much?

I miss Pariah.


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DUMBASS: How Wondy Won't Accept His Orange God Lost to the Demented Senator from MBNA.

iggy #1236521 2022-09-28 8:54 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy
DUMBASS: How Wondy Won't Accept His Orange God Lost to the Demented Senator from MBNA.


Originally Posted by Iggy
panic panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopyface, fuck you, fuck your mother, doofus, asshat, etc., etc. panic panic

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
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Originally Posted by Pariah
Down to the wire, too close to call.....

....Oh wait. No it isn't. Trump is drawing tremendously huge crowds every where he goes--even places he hasn't gone (see also: Beverly Hills)--and, predictably, the polls have once again gone from YUGELY favoring Democrats to evening out with, or leaning toward, Trump.

Lets cut to the meat of the matter and eliminate all equivocation in the process: the Democrats do not have hidden voters. They all operate in plain sight on account of their self proclaimed, protected status as "polite society". By that same token, Trump's voters are still vilified and targeted--even killed (see also: Jacob Gardner's "suicide")--when identified by hostile partizans and aggressive insurgents (see also: Antifa, BLM), and thus have a vested interest in remaining hidden even as Trump draws large crowds. Where there's smoke, there's fire...and if those rally sizes constitute smoke, what does that say about the fire?

Bearing this in mind, the polls lie. Obviously. They always have, being a tool of manipulating public perception rather than a means of conducting objective analysis. That being said, they've gone almost completely from serving the purpose of overestimating the cultural strength and prevalence of Democrats, as a means to chip away at conservative morale, to masking an inevitable massive fraud so as to cease the severe hemorrhage from the near fatal wounds that Trump has dealt the cabal (see also: the euphemistic "Deep State"). It's certainly not the first time or occasion that Democrats have cheated using voter fraud. More than likely they've used numerous permutations of the basic concept over the past 40 to 50 years in every single state to gaslight the populous with spurious perceptions that they're outnumbered by an "other" philosophy that's entirely alien to them and that they're a dying race of thinkers destined for death. But I'm all but certain that the lengths they've gone to over the past 6 to 12 months constitutes the single most massive fraud to which we will ever bear witness since they are necessarily going to have to break the 3% rule in an attempt to meet their goal of getting the dementia-plagued Biden (Harris) into office.

By "3%", I'm referring to the threshold that must be observed when playing the game of stacking dummy votes before it becomes noticeable. By comparison, the scale of the primaries is such that a given political party can get away with a rate of 10% fraudulent ballots or, at the very least, "counted" votes before hitting a barrier of explicit fraud (see also: Hillary and Biden stealing primaries in CA and IA). The threshold for a general is 3%, and they must surpass it. They will, of course, launch the same narrative of "look no further" with regards to voter fraud OR they will project blame on the opposition. But this is the first time that they've had to deal with someone who has a vested interest in exposing voter fraud--as opposed to establishment Republicans who've been complicit with Democrats in hiding it.

Bearing these two factors in mind, the center-left and/or dead heat polls that we are seeing assuredly allude to something beyond margin of error. More like, significant lead for Trump that they're desperate to hide. In actuality, they know people don't believe it, but since narratives must be steeped in the tone of something "official", they must forego the acknowledgement of the natural understanding of the individual (see also: common sense) and rely upon the open secret of deceit so that they might simply emphasize their own consistency to justify results that are inconsistent with apparent reality, and thus effectively broadcasting their strategy to their true believers (see also: MEM) via the dog whistle of outrageous claims and general incredulity given credence only by their own repetition and devotion to the current state of the Overton Window. The Zeitgeist is now squarely in the hands of the individual, and not the media.

PA has already stated that the state will not be called today in the interest of insuring 'every vote is accounted for'. NC will likely be in a similar situation. Democrats managed to take advantage of the liberal plant, Justice Roberts, who has allowed them to keep votes flowing into the states three days past the election. Trump will cry fowl--as well he should. As counties that were clearly turned red gradually metamorphasize to blue over a long enough timeline, the rules of the game will be clear cut to everyone. And that spark will risk a conflagration.

People here are probably already aware of the warnings of rioting, violence, and looting today--especially if Biden loses. This fact should be self-defeating to his ilk, but neigh. On the contrary, they've gone through great lengths to construct a mentally gymnastic high ground built up the persistent narrative that Trump is an underhanded, lying istaphobe to whom which any form of violence would be justified. As such, they have fabricated a reality in which they can wear the violence and viciousness of Biden's supporters and fellow travelers on their sleeve and still sit pretty atop their pile of sophistry ridden rhetoric and ad hominem laden shit. Conversely, any violence taken up by Trump supporters, whether offensive or defensive, in the coming days will be portrayed as insurrectionist terrorism. Only the left could some how get away with being so blatantly coercive, but still make a case for righteousness. And while this is going on, Hilldog has told Biden to "not concede defeat under any circumstances".

For those who don't already know at this point: everyone--and I mean EVERYONE--is now VERY well armed and on high alert. Antifa is gonna Antifa regardless of outcome. BLM is gonna BLM regardless of outcome. Such are the intimidation orders they've been receiving from OCONUS. Furthermore, mothers have bought firearms in record numbers on account of the riots. Militias are standing by, and still as geared up as they ever were. Trump has erected a fence around the White House and called in around 250 soldiers to guard the castle.

I'm hoping I'm wrong on this one and that Trump has a trick up his sleeve to mitigate or nullify the likely friction (to put it lightly) that will ensue today and over the course of the next month or so. But there's too many factors, too many actors, and too much on the line to assume anything other than shots fired.

Knowing full well the consequences of saying something with this much finality before the big game, I say it anyway: Trump will win in a landslide both in the popular vote and the electoral college. Any other reported result will, and should, be challenged.

Back to our original programming.

....What say the rest of you? Putting aside your preferences, which are pretty much well documented, who do you think will win and by how much?

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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Originally Posted by Pariah
Down to the wire, too close to call.....

....Oh wait. No it isn't. Trump is drawing tremendously huge crowds every where he goes--even places he hasn't gone (see also: Beverly Hills)--and, predictably, the polls have once again gone from YUGELY favoring Democrats to evening out with, or leaning toward, Trump.

Lets cut to the meat of the matter and eliminate all equivocation in the process: the Democrats do not have hidden voters. They all operate in plain sight on account of their self proclaimed, protected status as "polite society". By that same token, Trump's voters are still vilified and targeted--even killed (see also: Jacob Gardner's "suicide")--when identified by hostile partizans and aggressive insurgents (see also: Antifa, BLM), and thus have a vested interest in remaining hidden even as Trump draws large crowds. Where there's smoke, there's fire...and if those rally sizes constitute smoke, what does that say about the fire?

Bearing this in mind, the polls lie. Obviously. They always have, being a tool of manipulating public perception rather than a means of conducting objective analysis. That being said, they've gone almost completely from serving the purpose of overestimating the cultural strength and prevalence of Democrats, as a means to chip away at conservative morale, to masking an inevitable massive fraud so as to cease the severe hemorrhage from the near fatal wounds that Trump has dealt the cabal (see also: the euphemistic "Deep State"). It's certainly not the first time or occasion that Democrats have cheated using voter fraud. More than likely they've used numerous permutations of the basic concept over the past 40 to 50 years in every single state to gaslight the populous with spurious perceptions that they're outnumbered by an "other" philosophy that's entirely alien to them and that they're a dying race of thinkers destined for death. But I'm all but certain that the lengths they've gone to over the past 6 to 12 months constitutes the single most massive fraud to which we will ever bear witness since they are necessarily going to have to break the 3% rule in an attempt to meet their goal of getting the dementia-plagued Biden (Harris) into office.

By "3%", I'm referring to the threshold that must be observed when playing the game of stacking dummy votes before it becomes noticeable. By comparison, the scale of the primaries is such that a given political party can get away with a rate of 10% fraudulent ballots or, at the very least, "counted" votes before hitting a barrier of explicit fraud (see also: Hillary and Biden stealing primaries in CA and IA). The threshold for a general is 3%, and they must surpass it. They will, of course, launch the same narrative of "look no further" with regards to voter fraud OR they will project blame on the opposition. But this is the first time that they've had to deal with someone who has a vested interest in exposing voter fraud--as opposed to establishment Republicans who've been complicit with Democrats in hiding it.

Bearing these two factors in mind, the center-left and/or dead heat polls that we are seeing assuredly allude to something beyond margin of error. More like, significant lead for Trump that they're desperate to hide. In actuality, they know people don't believe it, but since narratives must be steeped in the tone of something "official", they must forego the acknowledgement of the natural understanding of the individual (see also: common sense) and rely upon the open secret of deceit so that they might simply emphasize their own consistency to justify results that are inconsistent with apparent reality, and thus effectively broadcasting their strategy to their true believers (see also: MEM) via the dog whistle of outrageous claims and general incredulity given credence only by their own repetition and devotion to the current state of the Overton Window. The Zeitgeist is now squarely in the hands of the individual, and not the media.

PA has already stated that the state will not be called today in the interest of insuring 'every vote is accounted for'. NC will likely be in a similar situation. Democrats managed to take advantage of the liberal plant, Justice Roberts, who has allowed them to keep votes flowing into the states three days past the election. Trump will cry fowl--as well he should. As counties that were clearly turned red gradually metamorphasize to blue over a long enough timeline, the rules of the game will be clear cut to everyone. And that spark will risk a conflagration.

People here are probably already aware of the warnings of rioting, violence, and looting today--especially if Biden loses. This fact should be self-defeating to his ilk, but neigh. On the contrary, they've gone through great lengths to construct a mentally gymnastic high ground built up the persistent narrative that Trump is an underhanded, lying istaphobe to whom which any form of violence would be justified. As such, they have fabricated a reality in which they can wear the violence and viciousness of Biden's supporters and fellow travelers on their sleeve and still sit pretty atop their pile of sophistry ridden rhetoric and ad hominem laden shit. Conversely, any violence taken up by Trump supporters, whether offensive or defensive, in the coming days will be portrayed as insurrectionist terrorism. Only the left could some how get away with being so blatantly coercive, but still make a case for righteousness. And while this is going on, Hilldog has told Biden to "not concede defeat under any circumstances".

For those who don't already know at this point: everyone--and I mean EVERYONE--is now VERY well armed and on high alert. Antifa is gonna Antifa regardless of outcome. BLM is gonna BLM regardless of outcome. Such are the intimidation orders they've been receiving from OCONUS. Furthermore, mothers have bought firearms in record numbers on account of the riots. Militias are standing by, and still as geared up as they ever were. Trump has erected a fence around the White House and called in around 250 soldiers to guard the castle.

I'm hoping I'm wrong on this one and that Trump has a trick up his sleeve to mitigate or nullify the likely friction (to put it lightly) that will ensue today and over the course of the next month or so. But there's too many factors, too many actors, and too much on the line to assume anything other than shots fired.

Knowing full well the consequences of saying something with this much finality before the big game, I say it anyway: Trump will win in a landslide both in the popular vote and the electoral college. Any other reported result will, and should, be challenged.

Back to our original programming.

....What say the rest of you? Putting aside your preferences, which are pretty much well documented, who do you think will win and by how much?

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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Fair Play!
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Fair Play!
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Interesting and sad look back at the election. Before this I thought we all shared some basic principles. Losing an election sucks but the willingness to support a candidate’s efforts to steal was an eye opener. Heroes like Pence and Cheney, that I would never vote for because they’re way to conservative stood up knowing what they would be hit with. I think of them when I look at the sad pathetic thing that the GOP is now.

Fair play!
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Interesting and sad look back at the election. Before this I thought we all shared some basic principles. Losing an election sucks but the willingness to support a candidate’s efforts to steal was an eye opener. Heroes like Pence and Cheney, that I would never vote for because they’re way to conservative stood up knowing what they would be hit with. I think of them when I look at the sad pathetic thing that the GOP is now.


2000 election, Democrats: "Bush stole the election!" (Said for many years, despite THREE re-counts in front of the global media, and even multiple privately funded recounts by the Miami Herald, Washington Post, and other major newspapers, that ALSO confirmed that W. Bush won.)
Democrats challenged both the 2000 and 2004 elections.
And then again challenged the 2016 election.

All elections that were legally disputed, if Democrats were less than civil in doing so. Democrats had a right to re-count the votes.
They DIDN'T have a right to slanderously poison the well and allege "Russia collusion" (i.e., Perkins-Coie law firm / Fusion GPS / Christopher Steele, and their "Russia Dossier" that was clearly funded by the Clinton campaign and the DNC, with the full blessing of the Obama White House administration, and rogue Democrat-zealot agents in the FBI, DOJ and CIA, in a malicious and completely untrue legal case against Trump, PROVEN untue) that crippled his presidency (as Democrats intended to) for most of its four years.

These federal officials and agents should be prosecuted and in jail. They are only NOT prosecuted because the Democrats are in power and corruptly protecting them from prosecution.
Even as they SIMULTANEOUSLY manufacture fake charges and maliciously prosecute Donald Trump and others in his administration on further false allegations, burying them in expensive legal cases in FOUR jurisdictions at the same time (Manhattan, Miami, Washington DC, and now Fulton County, GA).

And yet... no one can even ask for a re-count over the 2020 election?
Or make a case with the evidence of election fraud in the election? The multiple irregularities and outright proof of election fraud?
Republicans are not even allowed to ask, despite abundant evidence.
And in several cases, the ballots (Arizona) that are required BY LAW to be kept on file for such a re-count, were immediately shredded and destroyed. The election riggers made sure no election re-count was even possible.
But Republicans are portrayed as crazy evil insurrectionists, if they even ask for a re-count and investigation, what they are entitled to, BY LAW.

THE SAME challenges that the Democrats themselves took, in 2000, 2004, and 2016, that they maliciously pursued in every election they lost over the last 20 years.
And Republicans are shameful and crazy and insurrectionist for demanding investigation, based on far more evidence of election fraud in 2020 ?

NO ONE will ever convince me that Joe Biden legitimately won in Nov 2020. There is no logical way this Biden "victory" occurred.
Up until 3 AM on election night, Trump was winning in every battleground state. In all these contested states, Democrat election officials deceitfully sent Republican vote observers home, saying they were done for the night, and then in their absence continued counting. And lo and behold, all of a sudden the Democrats counting votes, unsupervised by observers sent home, suddenly THEN there was a spike in votes for Biden, in those 8 or so unsupervised hours. In several cases with security videocamera footage, and hundreds of sworn witnesses to the fraud taking place.

Regarding January 6th, YOU NEVER EXPLAIN: If Trump signed a presidential order and arranged for up to 20,000 national guard troops to be guarding Washington Square to prevent any violence on Jan 6 2021, how is Trump allegedly responsible for the small amount of rioting on that day in and around the Capitol building. Trump didn't want or stoke an "insurrection".
Quite the contrary, HE ARRANGED TO PREVENT rioting. Why is it not Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and DC mayor Muriel Bowser who are held responsible for the violence, WHO PREVENTED those 20,000 troops from ever being deployed, THAT TRUMP ORDERED?

Liz Cheney is no hero, she is a self-serving uni-party establishment propagandist, who propped up a narrative in her January 6th House committee, that evaded the facts I just laid out, to prop up a lying Democrat propaganda narrative.
And both Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger (Democrat puppets posing in "R" hats) were overwhelmingly ejected from office by their ACTUAL Republican constituents for the deceitful narrative they tried to create.
And because the January 6th committee's narrative is so clearly false THE DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP THEMSELVES SHREDDED THE "January 6th Committee" FILES, TO PREVENT THEIR FALSE EVIDENCE FROM BEING EXPOSED.

There it is, the proof Democrats and these fake Republicans were lying.
If you had any interest in seeing the truth.

And if then-V P Mike Pence, as president of the elector-vote joint session on January 6 2021 had done his job, he would have noted the irregularities in the 2020 election, NOT approved the elector votes, and Pence would have instead sent the electors back to their respective 50 states to investigate election fraud.
After that, Pence could have approved the elector votes at a later date, if no fraud could be proven, but at least he would have allayed the legitimate concerns of a majority of Republican legislators in the room, and the legitimate conccerns of at least 74.3 million Republican voters nationwide.
But no, Instead Pence just rubber-stamped a visibly corrupt (or at best clearly questionable) election, and handed over the country to Joe Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks, who have done more damage to the country than any president in history over the last 3 years. Without investigation before approving the elector vote, over 50% of voters will never accept this as a legitimate election.
Not just me, but millions, Republican, Democrat, and independent.
Pence could have prevented that. He didn't.

"Heroes like Pence and Cheney" are NOT heroes. They are Judases, who sold out the country, for their own political gain, trying to shove Trump down into the mud, so they could step over his political corpse and take over the Republican party. It didn't work.

And almost 3 years later, further evidence of election tampering and fraud has become more evident. The wide perception that the 2020 election was rigged HAS INCREASED, not decreased.
And even among Democrats, if not for the social media censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story in Oct-Nov 2020, about 15 percent OF DEMOCRATS say would NOT have voted or Biden in 2020, and Trump would have won.

And further evidence of Democrat election tampering was exposed by the "Twitter Files".
Democrat former FBI and CIA agents, who had moved on to high legal positions at Twitter, Facebook, Google and other social media giants, worked to corruptly censor information about Biden, falsely banning information about the Hunter Biden laptop as "Russian disinformation" to prevent Biden from losing, that THEY KNEW was not disinformation, that THEY KNEW was true and accurate information. And used their power to deprive voters of that information.

I don't know what your "basic principles" are, but they seem pretty far removed from ethics and the facts.

Your "principles" seem to be about the Democrat-Bolsheviks winning elections by any means and at all costs, and in revisionism portraying these deceptions and strong-arm tactics as "heroic".
And you seem perfectly okay with silencing Republicans, weaponizing IRS, FBI, DOJ and CIA against their opposition, imprisoning Republicans on false charges, and using violence and intimidation against Republicans.
Which again, are precisely the tactics of the Bolshevik party in Soviet Russia, the Maoists in China, and communist regimes in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. You seem totally on board with that.

Those are your "heroes", the liars who would do that. And as I've detailed in multiple other topics, the inner circle around the Clintons and the Obamas worship these communist radical governments, so it is no surprise they use the same tactics as their communist role models, when they themselves rise to positions of power. You are cheering on the people trying to turn our constitutional republic into a one-party authoritarian marxist state. And you seem utterly immune to the facts that this is occurring, as you cheer on the marxists as if they were defending democracy, instead of doing the opposite as they truly are.

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More evidence, that Google search filters try to censsor :

Plus a ton more I linked earlier in the topic, and several other 2020 election topics here.

Pariah #1237875 2023-08-20 12:11 PM
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I think baring false witness is wrong WB. Cheney and Pence are heroes to me because even though they are solid conservatives they didn’t toss their oaths out the door to help keep their corrupt leader in power despite losing an election. And they continue to do that even though the political cost was certainly going to put them on the outs with those who worship a corrupt political figure above all else. Trump was legally safe asking for recounts ( all showing Biden won btw). He even has the right to lie about it. That isn’t what he’s being indicted for though. He conspired to stay in office through other means despite losing the election. Like trying to get the DOJ to just call the election corrupt and let the republicans to take it from there. “There” being trying to get the election decided by gop controlled legislatures ignoring their certified election results and keeping their lying loser in office.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
... if then-V P Mike Pence, as president of the elector-vote joint session on January 6 2021 had done his job, he would have noted the irregularities in the 2020 election, NOT approved the elector votes, and Pence would have instead sent the electors back to their respective 50 states to investigate election fraud.
After that, Pence could have approved the elector votes at a later date, if no fraud could be proven, but at least he would have allayed the legitimate concerns of a majority of Republican legislators in the room, and the legitimate concerns of at least 74.3 million Republican voters nationwide.
But no, Instead Pence just rubber-stamped a visibly corrupt (or at best clearly questionable) election, and handed over the country to Joe Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks, who have done more damage to the country than any president in history over the last 3 years. Without investigation before approving the elector vote, over 50% of voters will never accept this as a legitimate election.
Not just me, but millions, Republican, Democrat, and independent.
Pence could have prevented that. He didn't.

"Heroes like Pence and Cheney" are NOT heroes. They are Judases, who sold out the country, for their own political gain, trying to shove Trump down into the mud, so they could step over his political corpse and take over the Republican party. It didn't work.

And almost 3 years later, further evidence of election tampering and fraud has become more evident. The wide perception that the 2020 election was rigged HAS INCREASED, not decreased.
And even among Democrats, if not for the social media censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story in Oct-Nov 2020, about 15 percent OF DEMOCRATS say they would NOT have voted for Biden in 2020, and Trump would have won.

And further evidence of Democrat election tampering was exposed by the "Twitter Files".
Democrat former FBI and CIA agents, who had moved on to high legal positions at Twitter, Facebook, Google and other social media giants, worked to corruptly censor information about Biden, falsely banning information about the Hunter Biden laptop as "Russian disinformation" to prevent Biden from losing, that THEY KNEW was not disinformation, that THEY KNEW was true and accurate information. And used their power to deprive voters of that information.

I don't know what your "basic principles" are, but they seem pretty far removed from ethics and the facts.

Your "principles" seem to be about the Democrat-Bolsheviks winning elections by any means and at all costs, and in revisionism portraying these deceptions and strong-arm tactics as "heroic".
And you seem perfectly okay with silencing Republicans, weaponizing IRS, FBI, DOJ and CIA against their Republican opposition, imprisoning Republicans on false charges, and using violence and intimidation against Republicans.
You seem totally on board with that.

Those are your "heroes", the liars who would do that.
And as I've detailed in multiple other topics, the people in the inner circles around the Clintons and the Obamas worship these communist radical governments, so it is no surprise they use the same tactics as their communist role models, when they themselves rise to positions of power. You are cheering on the people trying to turn our constitutional republic into a one-party authoritarian Marxist state. And you seem utterly immune to the facts that this is occurring, as you cheer on the Marxists as if they were defending democracy, instead of doing the opposite, as they truly are.

Trump is the opposite of a "corrupt leader", he is trying to route out the corruption that has infested the uni-party corrupt elite for decades. That is why the Democrat-Bolsheviks are fighting Trump with everything they've got to stop him. If you were not brainwashed with a twisted leftist spin of the facts, you would see that. No one has ever fought harder and more courageously, against a corrupt system trying to get him, than Trump.

You don't even question the attempts to go after Trump's attorneys, the violations against his constitutional right to counsel. Prosecuting lawyers, just for lawfully defending their client !

You don't question their going after an impeccable lawyer like Giuliani, spying on him, illegally tapping into his private ATTORNEY-CLIENT communications, disbarring him as a lawyer?
That is Soviet-level invasion of privacy, Soviet-level intimidation and abuse of power.
Okay, you don't like Trump, but he has constitutional rights to attorney-client privelege and representation. But your side shreds the Constitution. And you have no problem with that.
Let alone the 1,000 or so January 6th defendents, 90% of whom were imprisoned for being duped by undercover FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters, who moved barricades, sso they didn'te even know they had walked into a restricted area. "Criminal trespass" at most, and yet they are kept in unsanitary conditions and treated worse than Al Qaida prisoners are at Guantanamo.

Has it ever occurred to you for a second that YOUR side is evil, and has Marxist-authoritarian intent, and Trump and his supporters have done nothing wrong?
Or are you so indoctrinated that all you care about is that the Democrat-Bolsheviks win, at all cost?

Trump has played by the rules, the (Democrat-controlled) FBI and DOJ have done multiple raids on his homes and Mar A Lago, in desperate search of ANYTHING they could prosecute him on, and Trump is so guilty that they found... nothing. NOTHING.
So these multiple prosecutions are just Democrats' last attempt to damage and stop Trump's 2024 campaign. And in doing so, Democrats are proving THEY are the ones who are criminal, THEY are the ones who are corrupt, THEY are the ones who are un-Constitutional and un-American.
And like a good Bolshevik, you just mindlessly repeat their lying talking points.

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I love that the bullshit that you know is bullshit isn’t going to play in a court of law. I agree about what you’re saying about having a right to a lawyer in general but even lawyers have to follow some laws. A lawyer doesn’t get to commit crimes for their client like Giuliani has done for Trump. I read and posted a bit of an article in the Georgia indictment that involved Giuliani lying about election fraud. Trump and he then singled out a woman by name with the accusation. They then sent people to try to coerce her and threaten her with jail time. Just one of many acts that are part of that indictment.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I love that the bullshit that you know is bullshit isn’t going to play in a court of law. I agree about what you’re saying about having a right to a lawyer in general but even lawyers have to follow some laws. A lawyer doesn’t get to commit crimes for their client like Giuliani has done for Trump. I read and posted a bit of an article in the Georgia indictment that involved Giuliani lying about election fraud. Trump and he then singled out a woman by name with the accusation. They then sent people to try to coerce her and threaten her with jail time. Just one of many acts that are part of that indictment.

This multiple-cases-at-once persecution of Trump is unprecedented.
There is absolutely no getting around Trump's right to counsel, and to private attorney-client priveleged communication. That's in the Bill of Rights, iron-clad, non-negotiable. Unless you are going to abolish the Constitutional republic, and turn us into an authoritarian Marxist state. Which is what Democrats are doing.

It is infuriating that you can even accuse Giuliani of being a criminal, let alone without evidence, just made-up viciously slanderous allegations. Giuliani was among the most accomplished U.S. attorneys for decades, several other U.S. attorneys interviewed have called him the single best U.S. attorney.
Giuliani went after mafia bosses and broke up and imprisoned crime families, under constant threats of him and his family being killed.
He then went on to be Mayor of New York City, and cleaned up crime in a way no one thought was even possible.
And needless to say, the exceptional job Giuliani did after Sept 11 2001 as mayor.

To allege that Giuliani is a criminal, JUST FOR BEING TRUMP'S ATTORNEY, is obscene.
Based on nothing.
He went to Ukraine and investigated the evidence against the Bidens, often speaking to people like Shokin, and Burisma executives, who feared being murdered for what they knew and could prove. It goes without saying that if THEY were at risk of being murdered, Giuliani was at risk too, for bringing forward the evidence against the Bidens, and against the Ukranian, Russian and Chinese governments.

SPECIFICALLY quote to me where Giuliani "lied about election fraud".
SPECIFICALLY., the exact quote. That is a vicious allegation, with nothing to back it up.
Giuliani is not the attorney for an Al Qaida prisoner at Guantanamo Bay, carrying orders from his client to subordinates, to order people killed. But you would think that, to see the way Democrats and the liberal media are portraying him.

Giuliani's only crime is defending Trump and making the case with THE EVIDENCE for election fraud. And for that, Guiliani and all of Trump's lawyers are targets to be destroyed by the Democrat-Bolsheviks, abusing their power to do so.
There's even a special group of lawyers that try to criminally prosecute and disbar ANY lawyers who defend Trump.
That's not "justice", that's just pure harassment and intimidation, and vindictiveness toward people you disagree with politically, to intimdate them into silence and destroy them, just for dissenting.
i.e., Democrat-Bolshevism.

They did the same not just to Giuliani, but to ALL of Trump's lawyers.
They did the same to Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), for even defending Trump, for investigating the evidence of election fraud. They fired her from a prestigious position teaching part time at Harvard Law school, and tried to have her disbarred as a lawyer.
And they did attempted to do the same to Alan Dershowitz, but were not successful at getting him fired or disbarred. But they sure as hell tried, and that personal destruction and intimidation deters others from defending Trump and other Republicans.
Democrat-Bolshevism, pure and simple.

You are defending tyranny, not justice. This is so obviously a series of indictments that have been brewing for over 2 years, and these prosecutors could have dropped the hammer at any time on each.
But then all 4 went down... RIGHT BEFORE the Republican primaries ?!?
CLEAR abuse of federal power, CLEAR election tampering. CLEAR Democrat-Bolshevism.

Not one of these cases presents a clear crime, every one of them is "bootstrapping", playing fast and loose with the law, splicing things together that are never done in that way in a legal and ethical prosecution. It is fantasyland. Get Trump, stop him, by whatever contrived means and abuse of power. And to ram a deceitful lawsuit through, they cherry-picked fanatically Democrat judges, fanatically Democrat voting districts with fanatically Democrat potential jurors. Just like in the Flynn case, in the Roger Stone case, in the Paul Manafort case, on and on. That is the ONLY way they could make these cases, that are designed to smear Republicans and benefit Democrat politically.

I've seen several U.S. attorneys interviewed who said they would never do this in all their decades of prosecution, because any U.S. attorney case has to avoid EVEN THE APPEARANCE of bias or political motivation. That in cases where multiple districts could pursue charges against a defendant, they would communicate and let one jurisdiction prosecute the person, and hold the other jurisdiction cases in reserve, if that conviction was not successful.
What is being done to Donald Trump, four, possibly even later five, cases tried simultaneously, indicted simultaneously during an election primary no less, when the accused has limited time to prepare for EVEN ONE case... this has NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE, let alone with such obvious bias and political motive for the indictments.
Not to Al Capone.
Not to Sam Giancana.
Not to John Gotti.

NO ONE has been prosecuted like this, ever before.
And on the most frivolous contrived "novel" charges.

There is no way you can defend this barrage against Trump, Giuliani and others. Everything Guiliani said three years ago, investigating the facts for himself in Ukraine (because the FBI were Democrat-Bolsheviks hiding the evidence given to them by the Ukranians) and Giuliani was vilified for by the Democrat leadership and the media as conspiracy theory, about Viktor Shokin's statements, about wire transfers and Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) about the Hunter Biden laptop e-mail communications, about Burisma executives.... but over those 3 years it has all been confirmed as absolutely true.

But Giuliani is a criminal. Right. Only in the eyes of a Bolshevik, reading the party's official talking points.

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Rudy conceded that he lied …
Giuliani Admits His Oft-Told Tale of Georgia Election Fraud Was Not True

And why are republicans like yourself okay with Rudy and Trump telling election fraud lies?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Rudy conceded that he lied …
Giuliani Admits His Oft-Told Tale of Georgia Election Fraud Was Not True

And why are republicans like yourself okay with Rudy and Trump telling election fraud lies?

Here's a longer version of the same article, that has a bit more clarity:

Though Giuliani is not disputing that the statements were false, he does not concede that they caused any damage to Freeman or Moss. That distinction is important because plaintiffs in a defamation case must prove not only that a statement made about them was false but that it also resulted in actual damage.

Moss told the U.S. House committee investigating the Capitol riot that her life was shattered by the false accusations. She said she received hateful and racist messages, some “wishing death upon me. Telling me that I’ll be in jail with my mother. And saying things like, ‘Be glad it’s 2020 and not 1920.’”

Freeman said in her testimony: “There is nowhere I feel safe.”

Giuliani’s statement was attached to a filing arguing that he did not fail to produce evidence in the case and should not be sanctioned as Freeman and Moss had requested.

“While Giuliani does not admit to Plaintiffs’ allegations, he — for purposes of this litigation only — does not contest the factual allegations,” the filing said.

Giuliani political adviser Ted Goodman said in an email Wednesday that the filing was made “in order to move on to the portion of the case that will permit a motion to dismiss.”

Note the bolded statements.

This seems very legalistic, as if in this context, Giuliani is "not disputing the statements are false" in a legalistic way "for purposes of litigation only", "in order to move on to the portion of the case that will permit a motion to dismiss."

As a layman and not a lawyer, it sounds to me like he cannot definitively prove these two voting center women were rigging votes as Giuliani accused. (Even though there are tens of millions of us who all saw the camera footage, and it sure as hell looks like vote tampering. But maybe since Giuliani cannot PROVE that the video evidence clearly shows vote tampering, Giuliani is saying it was wrong to allege it was tampering without more evidence, which legally equates to Giuliani making a false statement, that he is withdrawing without severe penalty by the court THAT PORTION of what he alleged, not that he lied, but that he without enough proof made a false statement, and stated that to the court so the dispute about that portion could be resolved "for purposes of litigation only", and "in order to move on to the portion of the case that will permit a motion to dismiss" so Giuliani could resolve that portion that was preoccuppying the court, and move on with the part of the case he had evidence to prove.
And that the liberal media and Democrat leadership spin as "Giuliani LIED".

Despite the judge manufacturing a charge of false statements by Giuliani, for asserting in court the opinion argument that he (and Trump) firmly believe the election was rigged (as do I and as do at least 74.3 million others, as well as millions of other independents (in polls 51%) and Democrats (in polls 30%).

A plea made to circumnavigate what the (Democrat) judge refused to accept as Giuliani and Trump's first amendment opinion, the judge made Giuliani plead to making a false statement, to get past it and continue with the major thrust of Giuliani's case at trial.

I'm not a lawyer, but clearly the language shows Giuliani did this for convoluted legalistic reasons demanded by the judge, not because Giuliani is guilty of anything.

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It’s not hard to understand WB. Lying under oath is perjury for starters. So Rudy conceded that he made false statements. A lot of what you claim as evidence has been something Rudy avoids when under oath I’ve noticed. That’s been a consistent pattern with him and Trump.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It’s not hard to understand WB. Lying under oath is perjury for starters. So Rudy conceded that he made false statements. A lot of what you claim as evidence has been something Rudy avoids when under oath I’ve noticed. That’s been a consistent pattern with him and Trump.

You want evidence of lying under oath?
Look at Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and those who are covering up for them.

I just showed the EXACT language that was used in the article, and showed that Giuliani was never accused of "LYING" in court. Just that Giuliani's statements are false, or more precisely unprovable, despite that I and tens of millions of others, including 51% of independents, and 30% of Democrats, know 2020 was a rigged election. The evidence of that is not permitted by the bias of this judge. By the paramaters of what the judge permitted or excluded from the trial, Giuliani was not permitted to say what is true but not provable because of what the judge does and does not allow to be presented at trial.

Giuliani was forced to concede to these terms, in order to move away from this diversionary issue, and continue with the thrust of his case at trial. This is consistently how Republicans are handled in these "lawfare" cases: overcharged, rigged judges, rigged juries, rigged verdicts, and the judge excludes exculpatory evidence, and prosecutors don't disclose exculpatory evidence. And the rigged verdict is used as a political weapon to smear the entire Republican party, especially on Trump and his inner circle.

But Giuliani is someone who for decades has been described by others in the legal profession as one of the best, if not THE best U.S. attorney of the last 50 years.
Giuliani was an exceptional mayor, and cleaned up New York City in a way no one imagined it could be of crime and murders.
Giuliani risked his life for years prosecuting the worst organized crime families.
And it is absurd to accuse Giuliani of being a corrupt figure, this is just corrupt Democrats slandering and persecuting him, just showing how they can destroy ANYONE.
Giuliani's career is spotless.

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Instead of proving his and Trump’s accusations in court he conceded that they were false statements. That’s the same thing as lying to me and it surely doesn’t mean “can’t prove “. That is just you trying to put a pretty bow on a pile of horse shit. Rudy and Trump have been playing this game all the time with people like yourself enabling them. It’s pretty pathetic that you’re this partisan.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Instead of proving his and Trump’s accusations in court he conceded that they were false statements. That’s the same thing as lying to me and it surely doesn’t mean “can’t prove “. That is just you trying to put a pretty bow on a pile of horse shit. Rudy and Trump have been playing this game all the time with people like yourself enabling them. It’s pretty pathetic that you’re this partisan.

How many times do you want me to repeat the same arguments?
Only the Democrat leadership and the liberal media are calling Giuliani's statement about these 2 vote counting women "lies".

But clearly, the SECURITY TAPE VIDEO EVIDENCE shows these two black vote-counters rigging votes, regardless of what the judge partisanly excludes as evidence, to triy and box Giuliani in with. It was a rigged election, a majority of Republicans see it as a rigged election, 51% of independents see it as a rigged election, and even 30% of Democrats see it as a rigged election.

One judge arbitrarily re-writing the rules of evidence doesn't change that.

I see Giuliani interviewed almost daily, and I don't even see him asked about this, not even to spin it in his favor, that's how insignificant it is.

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Get help.

iggy #1237978 2023-09-08 9:10 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy

Get help.

Get the facts, that I cited and sourced for you.


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All that evidence that has done dick in court? Color me unimpressed.

iggy #1237989 2023-09-08 9:59 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy
All that evidence that has done dick in court? Color me unimpressed.

Of the cases ended, again, it's been about 50 /50 in Trump's favor.
And many cases still pending. Certainly in the polls and politically, Trump is way out ahead.


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