What stands out as Biden's worst moment?
Falling THREE TIMES IN A ROW climbing the stairs for Air Force One?
Pooping his pants in Rome so he couldn't visit the Pope, presumably keeping the Pope waiting while Biden's staff cleaned him up and got him new pants?
On stage at a rally, where he couldn't tell his own wife from his sister?
Or every time he sniffed the hair of under-12 girls and made them uncomfortable, with weird sexual remarks?
Not knowing where to go when he leaves a stage, asking for someone to tell him what to do next, the alleged commander-in-chief visibly unable to make an unprogrammed decision for himself?
When Biden was directed away on the White House lawn by the Easter Bunny, to keep him from answering questions from the crowd?
There are so many such embarrassing moments.
Oh yes, our strong and brilliant commander in chief, whose sharp alertness and vigor strikes fear into the hearts of enemy nations and leaders !
Yeah... hardly.
The handle-with-care tennis shoes are just the latest manifestation of Biden's fragility and incompetence.