Originally Posted by iggy
"You know Hezobollah is very smart." -Orange Goober

Recognizing that Russia or China or Hamas or Hezbollah are cunning adversaries is not giving anything away.

You know what's giving aid and comfort to the enemy?

  • * Biden offering $100 million to Gaza in humanitarian aid (that undermines Israel, and will be corruptly stolen by Hamas leadership and diverted for military supply instead of ACTUAL humanitarian aid, as Biden officials have already acknowledged is impossible to prevent.)

    * Biden stopping enforcement of Trump's former oil sanctions on Iran, that was previously starving Iran's military capability, where Iran previously only had $4 billion in assets, and not even 3 years later, Iran now has $80 billion in assets to fund wars and terrorism groups across the mid east , and fund Iran's nuclear program.
    **AND** anotther $ 6 billion given to Iran by Biden for only 5 U.S. hostages. Which only encourages Iran to kidnap more U.S. hostages. Which by the way, just happened in Gaza, about 6 weeks after the U.S. payment to Iran for hostages.

    * Biden surrendering Afghanistan, and handing over our Bagram air force base to the Chinese, as well as handing over $4 trillion in mineral reserves in Afghanistan for solar and electric energy, that leaves us even more dependent on China for those export materials.

Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran are clever, having out-maneuvered Biden and the Democrats, receiving billions thanks to Biden, diverted to even more terrorism and war.
So yes, "Orange Goober" is right.