If William in school wants to be called Will parents have to fill out a form in Florida. There’s a lot more regulation in Florida it seems to me that seems to be about control it’s citizens.
Like giving Florida citizens the facts about Covid vaccine risks and ineffeciveness, and letting then CHOOSE FREELY, FULLY UNDERSTANDING THEIR OPTIONS, rather than being forced to take a mandatory vaccine without fully understanding its ineffectiveness and risks, as they would in New York, Michigan, California, and other Democrat soviet socialist states?
The form you talk about is unfamiliar to me, but it sounds like it has to do with parents being informed and giving consent, before things they don't agree with are forced on their children.
As opposed to under-age minors being indoctrinated and brainwashed/confused into transgender weirdness that fucks them up for life, or even transgender surgery FOR CHILDREN, with parents completely unaware what is going on.