An obscure but very cool Giffen cover about the same time, WORLD'S FINEST 284, Oct 1982. Cover only by Giffen, but still, a really exceptional cover, that no doubt made a lot of people look at a title they hadn't looked at wiih great interest in a long time. It sure did me.
![[Linked Image from milehighcomics.com]](http://www.milehighcomics.com/istore/images/fullsize/97494828320.284.jpg)
full issue at :
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/World-s-Finest-Comics/Issue-284?id=47937Interior story by Cary Burkett, with art by George Tuska
The interior story and art the next 2 issues after that (285-286), by Burkett and Buckler/DeLaRosa, were quite nice.
But alas, didn't continue beyond that by the same team.