Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Aid to Israel is supposedly something republicans want. When a party uses things as a bargaining chip then they really don’t want it all that bad. And Russia isn’t going to stop with Ukraine either. The price of letting Ukraine fall will be much larger.

Again, assuming that is even accurate, it is pure hypocrisy, for you to endorse Democrats using such bargaining chips FOR YEARS in legislation bills.
And now all of a sudden you have a hissy fit that Republicans fight back and use the same tactics?
Pure hypocrisy.

I think Republicans even want further aid to Ukraine, it's just Republicans want better oversight, to insure the aid sent to Ukraine is actually used for what it was sent for, instead of just being pocketed by Ukranian bureaucrats. Biden wants to combine congressional spending bills for Israel and Ukraine, so this corruption in Ukraine can continue, without audit or oversight. And I would lay money that Biden and his cabal are personally profiting from that Ukraine corruption.
Amid SO MUCH OTHER Biden corruption.