Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Your hyper partisan accusations would be the bs though. I’ve watched republicans for years implement tax cuts for the wealthy while defunding the IRS. The CBO unsurprisingly finds that the cut house republicans are now demanding will actually add to the deficit. Hobbling the system that brings in the revenue for our country will do that.

Yeah, "hyper-partisan", right....

I guess that whole thing with Lois Lerner and the IRS in 2010-2012 targeting, auditing and harassing Tea Party and religious conservative grassroots groups like Franklin Graham, or the IRS auditing and harassing Frank Vandersloot (a $1 million donor to Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign, vindictively targeted by the Democrat-weaponized IRS, so Vandersloot had to pay $80,000 in legal fees just to prove he wasn't guilty of anything, very much like the lawfare unleashed on Trump right now).
I guess all that didn't actually happen. rolleyes

Or weaponizing of the FBI, DOJ, State Department, NSA, CIA, NSC and other agencies to attack and frame Trump, Flynn, Manafort and others in his staff, almost from the moment he announced his 2015 candidacy.

How immune to reality are you?
There they are, the facts, right in front of you. If you had the objectivity to look at them. But you would rather be lied to, and parrot DNC lies.
Such is your zeal for the Democrat-Bolshevik party. The fanatics in your party are burning this country to the ground. They openly boast about destroying the Republican party and establishing a one-party authoritarian state, and we've been witnessing for 5 years how eager they are to abuse federal power to illegally destroy their opposition. What your Bolshevik party is doing is exactly what has been done in authoritarian Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, and China. And yet you cheer it on.