Here’s the timeline of events on that Jan 6…
Jan 6 Insurrection: Minute by minute It took Trump over an hour to tell his “special people” to go home after someone was shot and killed.

That's like linking a DNC propaganda press release. CNN is rabidly anti-Trump and pro-Democrat.
It is a FACT that ahead of Jan 6 2021, Trump signed an order for 20,000 National Guard troops, to insure that events that day would be unquestionably secure. But Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and DC mayor Muriel Bowser undermined and prevented that deployment of National Guard security. I think because they WANTED violence, that would feed into their chosen Democrat false narrative. A narrative of "dangerous violent white supremacist Trump supporters".
Orchestrating the Jan 6th protests to follow the same trajectory as how a Democrat Virginia governor, a Democrat mayor, and a Democrat city council in Charlottesville had police stand down, so police ceased to keep the to protest sides separated, and let the two sides clash in Charlottesville in September 2017.
And that Democrat false narrative ignored that about 3,000 protesters were not white supremacists but just police and military veterans, who protested only to keep the Robert E. Lee statue, who were for "preserving heritage, not hate" (the same position as Bill and Hillary Clinton on Confederate heritage, while Clinton was president). And these 3,000 pro-statue protesters were equally opposed to the 200-300 white supremacists when they showed up to hijack the event for their own publicity agenda. The 3,000 told the 300 supremacists to leave, did not want the supremacists to march with them.
And Donald Trump later when he said "There are good people on both sides, was referring to the 3,000, and said he condemned the 300 white supremacists, saying "No not those people, they're a disgrace, there's no excuse for them." But of course, liberal media edited the clip to make it sound like Trump was
including the white supremacists in the "good people on both sides" comment. TRUMP ABSOLUTELY WAS NOT.
Greg Kelly on Newsmax frequently re-plays the full video clip of Trump, showing what Trump ACTUALLY said, vs. the Democrat false narrative of it.
It is a FACT that on January 6th, Trump in his speech on the White House lawn (from 12 noon to 1:11 PM) urged his supporters to "
PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support" for the Republican House and Senate members inside the Capitol, who were LEGALLY and CONSTITUTIONALLY challenging the electoral results, and pushign for delay of final count of the electoral votes until states could confirm each disputed state's 2020 election integrity, and debate the issue for 2 weeks of so in House/Senate joint-session hearings, presenting evidence to the nation in a way that the 80%-plus liberal media could not omit or suppress.
It is a FACT that Trump, after concluding his speech at 1:11 PM, throughout the afternoon, every 20 minutes or so, texted social media messages continuously, urging his supporters around the Capitol to "Remain peaceful!"
So when you say it took Trump "over an hour" to tell supporters to go home, THAT IS A LIE, that deceitfully bypasses all the above facts.
And also bypasses that there were "well over 100,000" Trump supporters present in Washington DC that day, that only about 600 in any way went inside the Capitol building, and of those who went inside, NOT necessarily all Trump supporters, and arguably most offenders were NOT Trump supporters at all.
Only 60 were caught on video committing any violence or vandalism.
There were "at least 20" (according to the FBI's own Jan 6th investigative reports), undercover FBI agents, DISGUISED as Trump supporters.
DHS has admitted there were 20 DHS undercover agents in the crowd that day, DISGUISED as Trump supporters.
DC Metro Police have admitted there were 10 of their officers there that day, DISGUISED as Trump supporters.
Antifa from Salt Lake City, in all their posted videos, had about 20 of their group there, DISGUISED as Trump supporters.
What are the odds that of the 60 offenders that day, the majority of crimes that day came from these rabidly anti-Trump groups hidden in the crowd, and not Trump supporters?
Both FBI director Christopher Wray, and FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism Jill Sanborn,
UNDER OATH in Senate hearings refused to answer questions of what FBI undercover agents there were doing that day, whether they incited the crowd, whether they committed acts of violence or vandalism themselves.
And these are just the undercover agents these agencies HAVE ADMITTED TO having there on Jan 6th.
Add to that, the FBI thug supervisor who manufactured the fake Governor Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping in Michigan, where 12 of the 15 involved in the plot were FBI undercover agents, including the one who created the kidnapping plan, and the one who was to provide the van for the kidnapping.
And instead of being fired or demoted, this FBI supervisor's next assignment was... supervision and security of the January 6th protests. A guy who, by the way, is a Democrat and despises Trump.
Just a little context provided, for your joke CNN link.