https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_StripIsrael removed its settlements in Gaza in 2005.
The Palestinians in Gaza elected radical Hamas as its leadership in 2006.
And have been firing rockets and digging attack tunnels into Israel ever since.
So where is the Israeli occupation and enslavement/occupation of Gaza?
Gaza has been free and autonomous of Israeli control for 18 years, and selected Hamas as their leadership 17 years ago (at which point Hamas ceased any more elections).
And statistically, for all Hamas' corruption and oppression, despite murder of dissenting Palestinians, despite billions in humanitarian funding for fresh sanitary water for pipes and Hamas pulling these pipes out of the ground to instead turn into missiles and artillery shells instead of fresh water, Gazans still support Hamas' leadership.
Likewise the West Bank.
Likewise Southern Lebanon.
As soon as Israel pulled out of each of these territories almost 20 years ago, rather than enjoy their own autonomous governments, and use billions in international aid to build economies for their own people, they instead have used those just ceded lands to fire thousands of missiles into Israel every year, and use those billions in international aid to build elaborate expensive concrete-reinforced tunnels, and for funding heavily armed terrorist raids into Israel.
So who are the aggressors, and who are the ones making concessions for peace?
Israel has every justification at this point to turn Gaza into a smoking crater. Despite concession of all these territories, Israel has been repaid and forced to endure continuous raids and missile attacks for roughly 20 years.
Even Egypt and Jordan on their borders won't take ANY Palestinians as refugees into their countries. Because they know what radicalized fanatics the Gazans and other Palestinians are. They are a de-stabilizing terror threat to any country they would immigrate to,
even a muslim country.
And even their fellow muslim radicals in Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Qatar, UAE, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran,
know it.